use of com.salesforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class PartnerSamples method resetPasswordSample.
private void resetPasswordSample() {
if (!loggedIn) {
if (!login()) {
try {
QueryResult qr = binding.query("select UserName, LastName, FirstName, Id from User");
if (qr.getSize() > 0) {
SObject[] users = qr.getRecords();
if (users != null) {
System.out.println("\nUser List: ");
for (int i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
int printInd = i + 1;
SObject user = users[i];
System.out.println(printInd + ". " + user.get_any()[0].getValue() + " - " + user.get_any()[2].getValue() + " " + user.get_any()[1].getValue());
String idToReset = getUserInput("\nEnter user to reset: ");
if (idToReset != null) {
int userIndex = new Integer(idToReset).intValue() - 1;
String verify = getUserInput("Please verify that you want to reset the password for \n" + users[userIndex].get_any()[2] + " " + users[userIndex].get_any()[1] + "\nby entering OK.");
if (verify.equals("OK")) {
ResetPasswordResult resetPasswordResult = binding.resetPassword(users[userIndex].getId());
if (resetPasswordResult != null) {
System.out.println("\nThe password for user " + users[userIndex].get_any()[2].getValue() + " " + users[userIndex].get_any()[1].getValue() + " has been reset to " + resetPasswordResult.getPassword());
getUserInput("\nHit enter to continue...");
} catch (ApiFault af) {
System.out.println("\nFailed to succesfully reset password, error message was: \n" + af.getExceptionMessage());
getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
} catch (RemoteException ex) {
System.out.println("\nFailed to succesfully reset password, error message was: \n" + ex.getMessage());
getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
getUserInput("No password was reset....\nHit return to continue...");
use of com.salesforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class PartnerSamples method queryAllSample.
private void queryAllSample() {
// call the login function to do so
if (!loggedIn) {
if (!login()) {
// For this sample we will create an account and then delete it
// to demonstrate the power of queryAll
String accountName = getUserInput("\nEnter a name for a test account:");
if (accountName == null || accountName.length() == 0) {
// Now for Query All. Query all allows you to return items that have been moved to the recycle
// bin, like the account we just deleted.
QueryResult qr = null;
try {
qr = binding.queryAll("select id, Name from Account where name = '" + accountName + "' and IsDeleted = true");
if (qr.getSize() != 0) {
SObject account = qr.getRecords()[0];
System.out.println("Retrieved the deleted account: " + getFieldValue(account.get_any(), "Name"));
} else {
System.out.println("Hmm...\nDid not find the account, that's strange.");
System.out.println("\nQuery succesfully executed.");
getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
} catch (ApiFault af) {
System.out.println("\nFailed to execute query succesfully, error message was: \n" + af.getExceptionMessage());
getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("\nFailed to execute query succesfully, error message was: \n" + ex.getMessage());
getUserInput("\nHit return to continue...");
use of com.salesforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class SforceManagementImpl method upsert.
* upsert, one record, one time.
public UpsertResult[] upsert(String tablename, String upsertkey, OMElement[] updatefields, String[] fieldsToNull) throws Exception {
// create the account object to hold our changes
SObject item = new SObject();
// set a new value for the name property
// set a null field for the name property
upsertKeyColumn = upsertkey;
// call the update passing an array of object
if (upsertItems.size() >= commitLevel) {
SObject[] upds = upsertItems.toArray(new SObject[upsertItems.size()]);
String[] changedItemKeys = new String[upds.length];
for (int ix = 0; ix < upds.length; ++ix) {
changedItemKeys[ix] = "No value for " + upsertKeyColumn + " ";
OMElement[] oms = upds[ix].getExtraElement();
for (OMElement om : oms) {
if (upsertKeyColumn != null && om != null && upsertKeyColumn.equals(om.getLocalName())) {
changedItemKeys[ix] = om.getText();
Upsert upsert = new Upsert();
UpsertResult[] upsertResults = sforceConn.upsert(upsert).getResult();
upds = null;
if (upsertResults != null && upsertResults.length != 0) {
int batch_idx = -1;
for (UpsertResult result : upsertResults) {
StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder("");
if (result.getSuccess()) {
// TODO: send back the ID
} else {
errors = addLog(result.getErrors(), batch_idx < changedItemKeys.length ? changedItemKeys[batch_idx] : "Batch index out of bounds");
if (exceptionForErrors && errors.toString().length() > 0) {
if (logWriter != null) {
throw new Exception(errors.toString());
return upsertResults;
return null;
use of com.salesforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class SforceManagementImpl method retrieve.
public SObject[] retrieve(ID[] ids, String objectType, String fieldsList) throws Exception {
Retrieve retrieve = new Retrieve();
SObject[] results = sforceConn.retrieve(retrieve).getResult();
// }
return results;
use of com.salesforce.soap.partner.sobject.SObject in project tdi-studio-se by Talend.
the class SforceManagementImpl method insert.
* create, one time one record.
public SaveResult[] insert(String tablename, OMElement[] nameValues) throws Exception {
if (tablename == null || tablename.trim().length() == 0) {
return null;
if (nameValues == null || nameValues.length == 0) {
return null;
SObject item = new SObject();
// item.setId("00T9000000VLEqBDAX");
if (insertItems.size() >= commitLevel) {
SObject[] accs = insertItems.toArray(new SObject[insertItems.size()]);
String[] changedItemKeys = new String[accs.length];
Create create = new Create();
SaveResult[] sr = sforceConn.create(create).getResult();
accs = null;
if (sr != null && sr.length != 0) {
int batch_idx = -1;
for (SaveResult result : sr) {
StringBuilder errors = new StringBuilder("");
if (result.getSuccess()) {
// TODO: send back the ID
} else {
errors = addLog(result.getErrors(), batch_idx < changedItemKeys.length ? "" + (batch_idx + 1) : "Batch index out of bounds");
if (exceptionForErrors && errors.toString().length() > 0) {
if (logWriter != null) {
throw new Exception(errors.toString());
return sr;
return null;