use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueDaoSQL method updatePointValueSync.
* Only the PointValueCache should call this method during runtime. Do not use.
public PointValueTime updatePointValueSync(int dataPointId, PointValueTime pvt, SetPointSource source) {
long id = updatePointValueImpl(dataPointId, pvt, source, false);
PointValueTime savedPointValue;
int retries = 5;
while (true) {
try {
savedPointValue = getPointValue(id);
} catch (ConcurrencyFailureException e) {
if (retries <= 0)
throw e;
return savedPointValue;
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueDaoMetrics method getLatestPointValues.
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see com.serotonin.m2m2.db.dao.PointValueDao#getLatestPointValues(int, int)
public List<PointValueTime> getLatestPointValues(int pointId, int limit) {
LogStopWatch LogStopWatch = new LogStopWatch();
List<PointValueTime> values = dao.getLatestPointValues(pointId, limit);
LogStopWatch.stop("getLatestPointValues(pointId,limit) (" + pointId + ", " + limit + "){" + values.size() + "}", this.metricsThreshold);
return values;
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class SetPointHandlerRT method eventInactive.
public void eventInactive(EventInstance evt) {
if (vo.getInactiveAction() == SetPointEventHandlerVO.SET_ACTION_NONE)
// Validate that the target point is available.
DataPointRT targetPoint = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(vo.getTargetPointId());
if (targetPoint == null) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("event.setPoint.targetPointMissing"), evt.getEventType());
if (!targetPoint.getPointLocator().isSettable()) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("event.setPoint.targetNotSettable"), evt.getEventType());
int targetDataType = targetPoint.getVO().getPointLocator().getDataTypeId();
DataValue value;
if (vo.getInactiveAction() == SetPointEventHandlerVO.SET_ACTION_POINT_VALUE) {
// Get the source data point.
DataPointRT sourcePoint = Common.runtimeManager.getDataPoint(vo.getInactivePointId());
if (sourcePoint == null) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("event.setPoint.inactivePointMissing"), evt.getEventType());
PointValueTime valueTime = sourcePoint.getPointValue();
if (valueTime == null) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("event.setPoint.inactivePointValue"), evt.getEventType());
if (DataTypes.getDataType(valueTime.getValue()) != targetDataType) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("event.setPoint.inactivePointDataType"), evt.getEventType());
value = valueTime.getValue();
} else if (vo.getInactiveAction() == SetPointEventHandlerVO.SET_ACTION_STATIC_VALUE)
value = DataValue.stringToValue(vo.getInactiveValueToSet(), targetDataType);
else if (vo.getInactiveAction() == SetPointEventHandlerVO.SET_ACTION_SCRIPT_VALUE) {
if (inactiveScript == null) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("eventHandlers.invalidInactiveScript"), evt.getEventType());
Map<String, IDataPointValueSource> context = new HashMap<String, IDataPointValueSource>();
context.put("target", targetPoint);
try {
PointValueTime pvt = CompiledScriptExecutor.execute(inactiveScript, context, new HashMap<String, Object>(), evt.getRtnTimestamp(), targetPoint.getDataTypeId(), evt.getRtnTimestamp(), vo.getScriptPermissions(), NULL_WRITER, new ScriptLog(NULL_WRITER, LogLevel.FATAL), setCallback, importExclusions, false);
value = pvt.getValue();
} catch (ScriptPermissionsException e) {
raiseFailureEvent(e.getTranslatableMessage(), evt.getEventType());
} catch (ScriptException e) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("eventHandlers.invalidInactiveScriptError", e.getCause().getMessage()), evt.getEventType());
} catch (ResultTypeException e) {
raiseFailureEvent(new TranslatableMessage("eventHandlers.invalidInactiveScriptError", e.getMessage()), evt.getEventType());
} else
throw new ShouldNeverHappenException("Unknown active action: " + vo.getInactiveAction());
Common.backgroundProcessing.addWorkItem(new SetPointWorkItem(vo.getTargetPointId(), new PointValueTime(value, evt.getRtnTimestamp()), this));
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class DataPointRT method savePointValue.
private void savePointValue(PointValueTime newValue, SetPointSource source, boolean async, boolean saveToDatabase) {
// Null values are not very nice, and since they don't have a specific meaning they are hereby ignored.
if (newValue == null)
// Check the data type of the value against that of the locator, just for fun.
int valueDataType = DataTypes.getDataType(newValue.getValue());
if (valueDataType != DataTypes.UNKNOWN && valueDataType != vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId())
// to know how it happened, and the stack trace here provides the best information.
throw new ShouldNeverHappenException("Data type mismatch between new value and point locator: newValue=" + DataTypes.getDataType(newValue.getValue()) + ", locator=" + vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId());
// Check if this value qualifies for discardation.
if (vo.isDiscardExtremeValues() && DataTypes.getDataType(newValue.getValue()) == DataTypes.NUMERIC) {
double newd = newValue.getDoubleValue();
// Discard if NaN
if (Double.isNaN(newd))
if (newd < vo.getDiscardLowLimit() || newd > vo.getDiscardHighLimit())
// Discard the value
if (newValue.getTime() > Common.timer.currentTimeMillis() + SystemSettingsDao.getFutureDateLimit()) {
// Too far future dated. Toss it. But log a message first.
LOG.warn("Future dated value detected: pointId=" + vo.getId() + ", value=" + newValue.getValue().toString() + ", type=" + vo.getPointLocator().getDataTypeId() + ", ts=" + newValue.getTime(), new Exception());
boolean backdated = pointValue != null && newValue.getTime() < pointValue.getTime();
// Determine whether the new value qualifies for logging.
boolean logValue;
// ... or even saving in the cache.
boolean saveValue = true;
switch(vo.getLoggingType()) {
case DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_CHANGE_INTERVAL:
case DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_CHANGE:
if (pointValue == null)
logValue = true;
else if (backdated)
// Backdated. Ignore it
logValue = false;
else {
if (newValue.getValue() instanceof NumericValue) {
// Get the new double
double newd = newValue.getDoubleValue();
// See if the new value is outside of the tolerance.
double diff = toleranceOrigin - newd;
if (diff < 0)
diff = -diff;
if (diff > vo.getTolerance()) {
toleranceOrigin = newd;
logValue = true;
} else
logValue = false;
} else if (newValue.getValue() instanceof ImageValue) {
logValue = !((ImageValue) newValue.getValue()).equalDigests(((ImageValue) pointValue.getValue()).getDigest());
} else
logValue = !Objects.equals(newValue.getValue(), pointValue.getValue());
saveValue = logValue;
case DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ALL:
logValue = true;
case DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_TS_CHANGE:
if (pointValue == null)
logValue = true;
else if (backdated)
// Backdated. Ignore it
logValue = false;
logValue = newValue.getTime() != pointValue.getTime();
saveValue = logValue;
case DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.INTERVAL:
if (!backdated)
logValue = false;
if (!saveToDatabase)
logValue = false;
if (saveValue) {
valueCache.savePointValue(newValue, source, logValue, async);
if (vo.getLoggingType() == DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_CHANGE_INTERVAL)
rescheduleChangeInterval(Common.getMillis(vo.getIntervalLoggingPeriodType(), vo.getIntervalLoggingPeriod()));
// fetch the annotation
if (source != null) {
newValue = new AnnotatedPointValueTime(newValue.getValue(), newValue.getTime(), source.getSetPointSourceMessage());
// Ignore historical values.
if (pointValue == null || newValue.getTime() >= pointValue.getTime()) {
PointValueTime oldValue = pointValue;
pointValue = newValue;
fireEvents(oldValue, newValue, null, source != null, false, logValue, true, false);
} else
fireEvents(null, newValue, null, false, true, logValue, false, false);
use of com.serotonin.m2m2.rt.dataImage.PointValueTime in project ma-core-public by infiniteautomation.
the class DataPointRT method initializeIntervalLogging.
// / Interval logging
public void initializeIntervalLogging(long nextPollTime, boolean quantize) {
if (vo.getLoggingType() != DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.INTERVAL && vo.getLoggingType() != DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_CHANGE_INTERVAL)
synchronized (intervalLoggingLock) {
long loggingPeriodMillis = Common.getMillis(vo.getIntervalLoggingPeriodType(), vo.getIntervalLoggingPeriod());
long delay = loggingPeriodMillis;
if (quantize) {
// Quantize the start.
// Compute delay only if we are offset from the next poll time
long nextPollOffset = (nextPollTime % loggingPeriodMillis);
if (nextPollOffset != 0)
delay = loggingPeriodMillis - nextPollOffset;
LOG.debug("First interval log should be at: " + (nextPollTime + delay));
if (vo.getLoggingType() == DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.INTERVAL) {
intervalValue = pointValue;
if (vo.getIntervalLoggingType() == DataPointVO.IntervalLoggingTypes.AVERAGE) {
intervalStartTime = timer == null ? Common.timer.currentTimeMillis() : timer.currentTimeMillis();
if (averagingValues.size() > 0) {
Double nullValue = null;
AnalogStatistics stats = new AnalogStatistics(intervalStartTime - loggingPeriodMillis, intervalStartTime, nullValue, averagingValues);
PointValueTime newValue = new PointValueTime(stats.getAverage(), intervalStartTime);
valueCache.logPointValueAsync(newValue, null);
// Fire logged Events
fireEvents(null, newValue, null, false, false, true, false, false);
// Are we using a custom timer?
if (this.timer == null)
intervalLoggingTask = new TimeoutTask(new FixedRateTrigger(delay, loggingPeriodMillis), createIntervalLoggingTimeoutClient());
intervalLoggingTask = new TimeoutTask(new FixedRateTrigger(delay, loggingPeriodMillis), createIntervalLoggingTimeoutClient(), this.timer);
} else if (vo.getLoggingType() == DataPointVO.LoggingTypes.ON_CHANGE_INTERVAL) {