use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueRestController method putPointValue.
* Update a point value in the system
* @param pvt
* @param xid
* @param builder
* @return
* @throws RestValidationFailedException
@ApiOperation(value = "Update an existing data point's value", notes = "Data point must exist and be enabled")
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.PUT, value = "/{xid}", produces = { "application/json" }, consumes = { "application/json" })
public ResponseEntity<PointValueTimeModel> putPointValue(HttpServletRequest request, @RequestBody(required = true) PointValueTimeModel model, @PathVariable String xid, @ApiParam(value = "Return converted value using displayed unit", required = false, defaultValue = "false", allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean unitConversion, UriComponentsBuilder builder) throws RestValidationFailedException {
RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel> result = new RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel>(HttpStatus.OK);
User user = this.checkUser(request, result);
if (result.isOk()) {
RestProcessResult<PointValueTimeModel> setResult = setPointValue(user, xid, model, unitConversion, builder);
if (setResult.getHighestStatus().value() == HttpStatus.CREATED.value())
return setResult.createResponseEntity(model);
return setResult.createResponseEntity();
} else {
return result.createResponseEntity();
use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueRestController method getPointValues.
@ApiOperation(value = "Query Time Range", notes = "From time inclusive, To time exclusive", response = PointValueTimeModel.class, responseContainer = "List")
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/{xid}", produces = { "application/json", "text/csv" })
public ResponseEntity<QueryArrayStream<PointValueTimeModel>> getPointValues(HttpServletRequest request, @ApiParam(value = "Point xid", required = true, allowMultiple = false) @PathVariable String xid, @ApiParam(value = "Return rendered value as String", required = false, defaultValue = "false", allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean useRendered, @ApiParam(value = "Return converted value using displayed unit", required = false, defaultValue = "false", allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean unitConversion, @ApiParam(value = "From time", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) // Not working yet@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "${rest.customDateInputFormat}") Date from,
@DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) DateTime from, @ApiParam(value = "To time", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) // Not working yet@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "${rest.customDateInputFormat}") Date to,
@DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) DateTime to, @ApiParam(value = "Rollup type", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "rollup", required = false) RollupEnum rollup, @ApiParam(value = "Time Period Type", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timePeriodType", required = false) TimePeriodType timePeriodType, @ApiParam(value = "Time Periods", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timePeriods", required = false) Integer timePeriods, @ApiParam(value = "Time zone", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timezone", required = false) String timezone, @ApiParam(value = "Limit", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false) Integer limit, @ApiParam(value = "Date Time format pattern for timestamps as strings, if not included epoch milli number is used", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "dateTimeFormat", required = false) String dateTimeFormat) {
RestProcessResult<QueryArrayStream<PointValueTimeModel>> result = new RestProcessResult<QueryArrayStream<PointValueTimeModel>>(HttpStatus.OK);
User user = this.checkUser(request, result);
if (result.isOk()) {
if (dateTimeFormat != null) {
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
RestValidationResult vr = new RestValidationResult();
vr.addError("validate.invalid", "dateTimeFormat");
throw new ValidationFailedRestException(vr);
if (timezone != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
RestValidationResult vr = new RestValidationResult();
vr.addError("validate.invalidValue", "timezone");
throw new ValidationFailedRestException(vr);
DataPointVO vo = DataPointDao.instance.getByXid(xid);
if (vo == null) {
return result.createResponseEntity();
try {
if (Permissions.hasDataPointReadPermission(user, vo)) {
long current = Common.timer.currentTimeMillis();
if (from == null)
from = new DateTime(current);
if (to == null)
to = new DateTime(current);
// better not to for RESTfulness
if (timezone != null) {
DateTimeZone zone = DateTimeZone.forID(timezone);
from = from.withZone(zone);
to = to.withZone(zone);
// Are we using rollup
if ((rollup != null) && (rollup != RollupEnum.NONE)) {
if (rollup == RollupEnum.FFT) {
// Special Rollup for FFT's with no time rollup action
// TODO Need a way to return frequency or period values
PointValueFftCalculator calc = new PointValueFftCalculator(vo, from.getMillis(), to.getMillis(), true);
return result.createResponseEntity(calc);
} else {
TimePeriod timePeriod = null;
if ((timePeriodType != null) && (timePeriods != null)) {
timePeriod = new TimePeriod(timePeriods, timePeriodType);
PointValueRollupCalculator calc = new PointValueRollupCalculator(vo, useRendered, unitConversion, rollup, timePeriod, from, to, limit, dateTimeFormat, timezone);
return result.createResponseEntity(calc);
} else {
PointValueTimeDatabaseStream pvtDatabaseStream = new PointValueTimeDatabaseStream(vo, useRendered, unitConversion, from.getMillis(), to.getMillis(), this.dao, limit, dateTimeFormat, timezone);
return result.createResponseEntity(pvtDatabaseStream);
} else {
return result.createResponseEntity();
} catch (PermissionException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
return result.createResponseEntity();
} else {
return result.createResponseEntity();
use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class ScriptUtilRestController method testScript.
@ApiOperation(value = "Test a script")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized user access", response = ResponseEntity.class), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Error processing request", response = ResponseEntity.class) })
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = { "/test" }, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" })
public ResponseEntity<ScriptRestResult> testScript(@AuthenticationPrincipal User user, @RequestBody ScriptRestModel scriptModel) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Testing script for: " + user.getName());
Map<String, IDataPointValueSource> context = convertContextModel(scriptModel.getContext(), true);
try {
CompiledScript script = CompiledScriptExecutor.compile(scriptModel.getScript());
final StringWriter scriptOut = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter scriptWriter = new PrintWriter(scriptOut);
int logLevel = ScriptLog.LogLevel.FATAL;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scriptModel.getLogLevel())) {
int levelId = ScriptLog.LOG_LEVEL_CODES.getId(scriptModel.getLogLevel());
if (levelId == -1)
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, new TranslatableMessage("rest.script.error.unknownLogLevel", scriptModel.getLogLevel()));
logLevel = levelId;
ScriptLog scriptLog = new ScriptLog(scriptWriter, logLevel);
final ScriptPermissions permissions = scriptModel.getPermissions().toPermissions();
final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/YYY HH:mm:ss");
ScriptPointValueSetter loggingSetter = new ScriptPointValueSetter(permissions) {
public void set(IDataPointValueSource point, Object value, long timestamp, String annotation) {
DataPointRT dprt = (DataPointRT) point;
if (!dprt.getVO().getPointLocator().isSettable()) {
scriptOut.append("Point " + dprt.getVO().getExtendedName() + " not settable.");
if (!Permissions.hasPermission(dprt.getVO().getSetPermission(), permissions.getDataPointSetPermissions())) {
scriptOut.write(new TranslatableMessage("pointLinks.setTest.permissionDenied", dprt.getVO().getXid()).translate(Common.getTranslations()));
scriptOut.append("Setting point " + dprt.getVO().getName() + " to " + value + " @" + sdf.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "\r\n");
protected void setImpl(IDataPointValueSource point, Object value, long timestamp, String annotation) {
// not really setting
try {
PointValueTime pvt = CompiledScriptExecutor.execute(script, context, new HashMap<String, Object>(), Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), DataTypes.ALPHANUMERIC, Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), permissions, scriptWriter, scriptLog, loggingSetter, null, true);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Script output: " + scriptOut.toString());
return new ResponseEntity<>(new ScriptRestResult(scriptOut.toString(), new PointValueTimeModel(pvt)), HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (ResultTypeException e) {
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
} catch (ScriptException e) {
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class ScriptUtilRestController method runScript.
@ApiOperation(value = "Run a script")
@ApiResponses({ @ApiResponse(code = 401, message = "Unauthorized user access", response = ResponseEntity.class), @ApiResponse(code = 500, message = "Error processing request", response = ResponseEntity.class) })
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = { "/run" }, consumes = { "application/json" }, produces = { "application/json" })
public ResponseEntity<ScriptRestResult> runScript(@AuthenticationPrincipal User user, @RequestBody ScriptRestModel scriptModel) {
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Running script for: " + user.getName());
Map<String, IDataPointValueSource> context = convertContextModel(scriptModel.getContext(), false);
try {
CompiledScript script = CompiledScriptExecutor.compile(scriptModel.getScript());
final StringWriter scriptOut = new StringWriter();
final PrintWriter scriptWriter = new PrintWriter(scriptOut);
int logLevel = ScriptLog.LogLevel.FATAL;
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(scriptModel.getLogLevel())) {
int levelId = ScriptLog.LOG_LEVEL_CODES.getId(scriptModel.getLogLevel());
if (levelId == -1)
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, new TranslatableMessage("rest.script.error.unknownLogLevel", scriptModel.getLogLevel()));
logLevel = levelId;
ScriptLog scriptLog = new ScriptLog(scriptWriter, logLevel);
ScriptPermissions permissions = scriptModel.getPermissions().toPermissions();
try {
PointValueTime pvt = CompiledScriptExecutor.execute(script, context, new HashMap<String, Object>(), Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), DataTypes.ALPHANUMERIC, Common.timer.currentTimeMillis(), permissions, scriptWriter, scriptLog, new SetCallback(permissions, user), null, false);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled())
LOG.debug("Script output: " + scriptOut.toString());
return new ResponseEntity<>(new ScriptRestResult(scriptOut.toString(), new PointValueTimeModel(pvt)), HttpStatus.OK);
} catch (ResultTypeException | ScriptPermissionsException e) {
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
} catch (ScriptException e) {
throw new GenericRestException(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
use of in project ma-modules-public by infiniteautomation.
the class PointValueRestController method getRollupPointValuesAsSingleArray.
@ApiOperation(value = "Rollup values for multiple data points, return in time ascending order", notes = "From time inclusive, To time exclusive. Return in single array.", response = PointValueTimeModel.class, responseContainer = "Array")
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "/single-array/time-period/{xids}/{rollup}")
public ResponseEntity<PointValueTimeStream<PointValueTimeModel, ZonedDateTimeRangeQueryInfo>> getRollupPointValuesAsSingleArray(HttpServletRequest request, @ApiParam(value = "Point xids", required = true, allowMultiple = true) @PathVariable String[] xids, @ApiParam(value = "Rollup type", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @PathVariable(value = "rollup") RollupEnum rollup, @ApiParam(value = "From time", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "from", required = false) @DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) ZonedDateTime from, @ApiParam(value = "To time", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "to", required = false) @DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) ZonedDateTime to, @ApiParam(value = "Time Period Type", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timePeriodType", required = false) TimePeriodType timePeriodType, @ApiParam(value = "Time Periods", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timePeriods", required = false) Integer timePeriods, @ApiParam(value = "Time zone", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "timezone", required = false) String timezone, @ApiParam(value = "Limit", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false) Integer limit, @ApiParam(value = "Date Time format pattern for timestamps as strings, if not included epoch milli number is used", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "dateTimeFormat", required = false) String dateTimeFormat, @ApiParam(value = "Truncate the from time and expand to time based on the time period settings", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(value = "truncate", required = false, defaultValue = "false") boolean truncate, @ApiParam(value = "Fields to be included in the returned data, default is TIMESTAMP,VALUE", required = false, allowMultiple = false) @RequestParam(required = false) PointValueField[] fields, @AuthenticationPrincipal User user) {
TimePeriod timePeriod = null;
if ((timePeriodType != null) && (timePeriods != null)) {
timePeriod = new TimePeriod(timePeriods, timePeriodType);
ZonedDateTimeRangeQueryInfo info = new ZonedDateTimeRangeQueryInfo(from, to, dateTimeFormat, timezone, rollup, timePeriod, limit, true, true, true, PointValueTimeCacheControl.NONE, null, null, truncate, fields);
return generateStream(user, info, xids);