use of com.skelril.skree.service.MarketService in project Skree by Skelril.
the class MarketLookupCommand method execute.
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
Optional<MarketService> optService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(MarketService.class);
if (!optService.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.DARK_RED, "The market service is not currently running."));
return CommandResult.empty();
MarketService service = optService.get();
Optional<String> optAlias = args.getOne("alias");
Optional<BigDecimal> optPrice = Optional.empty();
Optional<Integer> optStock = Optional.empty();
double percentageSale = 1;
if (optAlias.isPresent()) {
optAlias = service.getAlias(optAlias.get());
if (optAlias.isPresent()) {
optPrice = service.getPrice(optAlias.get());
optStock = service.getStock(optAlias.get());
} else {
Optional<ItemStack> held = src instanceof Player ? ((Player) src).getItemInHand(HandTypes.MAIN_HAND) : Optional.empty();
if (held.isPresent()) {
optPrice = service.getPrice(held.get());
optAlias = service.getAlias(held.get());
optStock = service.getStock(held.get());
net.minecraft.item.ItemStack stack = tf(held.get());
if (stack.isItemStackDamageable()) {
percentageSale = 1 - ((double) stack.getItemDamage() / (double) stack.getMaxDamage());
if (!optPrice.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, "No valid alias specified, and you're not holding a tracked item."));
return CommandResult.empty();
BigDecimal price = optPrice.get();
Integer stockCount = optStock.orElse(0);
BigDecimal sellPrice = price.multiply(service.getSellFactor(price));
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#,###.##");
String buyPrice = df.format(price);
String stock = df.format(stockCount);
String sellUsedPrice = df.format(sellPrice.multiply(new BigDecimal(percentageSale)));
String sellNewPrice = df.format(sellPrice);
String alias = optAlias.get();
Text itemDisplay = Text.of(TextColors.BLUE, TextActions.showItem(service.getItem(alias).get().createSnapshot()), alias.toUpperCase());
Text.Builder itemSteps = Text.builder();
for (int i : new int[] { 1, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256 }) {
if (i != 1) {
itemSteps.append(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, ", "));
BigDecimal intervalPrice = price.multiply(new BigDecimal(i));
itemSteps.append(Text.of(TextColors.BLUE, TextActions.runCommand("/market buy -a " + i + " " + alias), TextActions.showText(Text.of("Buy ", i, " for ", df.format(intervalPrice))), i));
List<Text> information = new ArrayList<>(6);
Collections.addAll(information, Text.of(TextColors.GOLD, "Price information for: ", itemDisplay), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "There are currently ", TextColors.GRAY, stock, TextColors.YELLOW, " in stock."), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "When you buy it you pay:"), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, " - ", TextColors.WHITE, buyPrice, TextColors.YELLOW, " each."), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "When you sell it you get:"), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, " - ", TextColors.WHITE, sellUsedPrice, TextColors.YELLOW, " each."), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Quick buy: ",;
if (src.hasPermission("")) {
String basePrice = df.format(service.getBasePrice(alias).get());
Collections.addAll(information, Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Base Price:"), Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, " - ", TextColors.WHITE, basePrice, TextColors.YELLOW, " each."));
if (percentageSale != 1) {
information.add(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, " - ", TextColors.WHITE, sellNewPrice, TextColors.YELLOW, " each when new."));
return CommandResult.success();
use of com.skelril.skree.service.MarketService in project Skree by Skelril.
the class MarketSetPriceCommand method execute.
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
Optional<MarketService> optService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(MarketService.class);
if (!optService.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.DARK_RED, "The market service is not currently running."));
return CommandResult.empty();
MarketService service = optService.get();
BigDecimal price;
try {
price = new BigDecimal(args.<String>getOne("price").get());
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, "Invalid price specified"));
return CommandResult.empty();
Optional<String> optAlias = args.getOne("alias");
Optional<ItemStack> held = src instanceof Player ? ((Player) src).getItemInHand(HandTypes.MAIN_HAND) : Optional.empty();
if (optAlias.isPresent()) {
String alias = optAlias.get();
if (service.setBasePrice(alias, price)) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, alias + "'s price has been set to " + format(price)));
return CommandResult.success();
} else if (held.isPresent()) {
if (service.setBasePrice(held.get(), price)) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Your held item's price has been set to " + format(price)));
return CommandResult.success();
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, "No valid alias specified, and you're not holding a tracked item."));
return CommandResult.empty();
use of com.skelril.skree.service.MarketService in project Skree by Skelril.
the class MarketSetPrimaryAliasCommand method execute.
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
Optional<MarketService> optService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(MarketService.class);
if (!optService.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.DARK_RED, "The market service is not currently running."));
return CommandResult.empty();
MarketService service = optService.get();
String alias = args.<String>getOne("alias").get();
if (service.setPrimaryAlias(alias)) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, alias + " set as a primary alias."));
} else {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, alias + " is not a valid alias."));
return CommandResult.success();
use of com.skelril.skree.service.MarketService in project Skree by Skelril.
the class MarketUntrackItemComand method execute.
public CommandResult execute(CommandSource src, CommandContext args) throws CommandException {
if (!(src instanceof Player)) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of("You must be a player to use this command!"));
return CommandResult.empty();
Optional<MarketService> optService = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(MarketService.class);
if (!optService.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.DARK_RED, "The market service is not currently running."));
return CommandResult.empty();
MarketService service = optService.get();
Optional<ItemStack> held = ((Player) src).getItemInHand(HandTypes.MAIN_HAND);
if (!held.isPresent()) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, "You are not holding an item."));
return CommandResult.empty();
ItemStack item = held.get();
if (service.remItem(item)) {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.YELLOW, "Your held item is no longer being tracked."));
} else {
src.sendMessage(Text.of(TextColors.RED, "Your held item is not tracked."));
return CommandResult.empty();
return CommandResult.success();