use of com.solinia.solinia.Exceptions.CoreStateInitException in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class ConfigurationManager method getSpellsByClassId.
public List<ISoliniaSpell> getSpellsByClassId(int classId) {
List<ISoliniaSpell> returnSpells = new ArrayList<ISoliniaSpell>();
ISoliniaClass classObj;
try {
classObj = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getClassObj(classId);
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return returnSpells;
for (ISoliniaSpell spell : getSpells()) {
boolean addSpell = false;
for (SoliniaSpellClass spellclass : spell.getAllowedClasses()) {
if (spellclass.getClassname().toUpperCase().equals(classObj.getName().toUpperCase())) {
addSpell = true;
if (addSpell == true)
return returnSpells;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Exceptions.CoreStateInitException in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class ConfigurationManager method getSpellsByClassIdAndMaxLevel.
public List<ISoliniaSpell> getSpellsByClassIdAndMaxLevel(int classId, int level) {
List<ISoliniaSpell> returnSpells = new ArrayList<ISoliniaSpell>();
ISoliniaClass classObj;
try {
classObj = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getClassObj(classId);
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return returnSpells;
for (ISoliniaSpell spell : getSpells()) {
boolean addSpell = false;
for (SoliniaSpellClass spellclass : spell.getAllowedClasses()) {
if (spellclass.getMinlevel() > level)
if (spellclass.getClassname().toUpperCase().equals(classObj.getName().toUpperCase())) {
addSpell = true;
if (addSpell == true)
return returnSpells;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Exceptions.CoreStateInitException in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class Solinia3CorePlayerListener method onPlayerRespawn.
public void onPlayerRespawn(PlayerRespawnEvent event) {
try {
ISoliniaPlayer solplayer = SoliniaPlayerAdapter.Adapt(event.getPlayer());
if (solplayer != null) {
if (solplayer.getBindPoint() != null && !solplayer.getBindPoint().equals("")) {
String[] loc = solplayer.getBindPoint().split(",");
Location location = new Location(Bukkit.getWorld(loc[0]), Double.parseDouble(loc[1]), Double.parseDouble(loc[2]), Double.parseDouble(loc[3]));
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
use of com.solinia.solinia.Exceptions.CoreStateInitException in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class SoliniaLivingEntity method getMaxStat.
public int getMaxStat(String skillname) {
int baseMaxStat = 255;
ISoliniaAAAbility aa = null;
try {
aa = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getFirstAAAbilityBySysname("PLANARPOWER");
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
int rank = 0;
if (aa != null) {
rank = Utils.getRankOfAAAbility(getBukkitLivingEntity(), aa);
if (rank == 0) {
return baseMaxStat;
} else {
return baseMaxStat + (rank * 5);
use of com.solinia.solinia.Exceptions.CoreStateInitException in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class SoliniaLootTable method sendLootTableSettingsToSender.
public void sendLootTableSettingsToSender(CommandSender sender) {
try {
for (ISoliniaLootTableEntry le : getEntries()) {
ISoliniaLootDrop ld = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getLootDrop(le.getLootdropid());
sender.sendMessage("- " + ChatColor.GOLD + ld.getName().toUpperCase() + ChatColor.RESET + "[" + ld.getId() + "]:");
for (ISoliniaLootDropEntry lde : ld.getEntries()) {
ISoliniaItem i = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(lde.getItemid());
sender.sendMessage(" - " + ChatColor.GOLD + i.getDisplayname() + ChatColor.RESET + "[" + i.getId() + "] - " + lde.getChance() + "% chance Count: " + lde.getCount() + " Always: " + lde.isAlways());
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {