use of com.solinia.solinia.Interfaces.ISoliniaItem in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class CommandNPCGive method onCommand.
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player))
return false;
Player player = (Player) sender;
try {
ISoliniaPlayer solplayer = SoliniaPlayerAdapter.Adapt(player);
if (args.length < 1) {
player.sendMessage("Invalid syntax missing <itemid>");
return true;
if (solplayer.getInteraction() == null) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "* You are not currently interacting with an NPC");
return true;
Entity entity = Bukkit.getEntity(solplayer.getInteraction());
if (entity == null) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "* The npc you are trying to interact with appears to no longer be available");
return true;
if (!(entity instanceof LivingEntity)) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "* The npc you are trying to interact with appears to no longer be living");
return true;
ISoliniaLivingEntity solentity = SoliniaLivingEntityAdapter.Adapt((LivingEntity) entity);
if (solentity.getNpcid() < 1) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "* You are not currently interacting with an NPC");
return true;
ISoliniaNPC solnpc = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getNPC(solentity.getNpcid());
int itemid = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
if (itemid < 1) {
player.sendMessage("ItemID must be greater than 0");
return true;
ISoliniaItem item = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(itemid);
if (Utils.getPlayerTotalCountOfItemId(player, itemid) < 1) {
player.sendMessage("Sorry but you do not have the quantity you are trying to give");
return true;
// Check if the npc actually wants to receive this item
boolean npcWantsItem = false;
for (ISoliniaNPCEventHandler eventHandler : solnpc.getEventHandlers()) {
if (!eventHandler.getInteractiontype().equals(InteractionType.ITEM))
System.out.println("Comparing item id: " + item.getId() + " to triggerdata " + eventHandler.getTriggerdata());
if (Integer.parseInt(eventHandler.getTriggerdata()) != item.getId())
if (eventHandler.getChatresponse() != null && !eventHandler.getChatresponse().equals("")) {
System.out.println("Checking if player meets requirements to hand in item");
if (!eventHandler.playerMeetsRequirements(player)) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "[Hint] You do not meet the requirements to hand this quest item in. Either you are missing a quest step or have already completed this step");
System.out.println("NPC wants the item");
npcWantsItem = true;
String response = eventHandler.getChatresponse();
solentity.say(solnpc.replaceChatWordsWithHints(response), player);
eventHandler.awardPlayer((Player) player);
Utils.removeItemsFromInventory(player, itemid, 1);
if (npcWantsItem == false) {
player.sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "* This being does not want this item at this time");
return true;
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return true;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Interfaces.ISoliniaItem in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class CommandRebuildSpellItems method onCommand.
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if (!(sender instanceof Player) && !(sender instanceof CommandSender)) {
sender.sendMessage("This is a Player/Console only command");
return false;
if (sender instanceof Player) {
Player player = (Player) sender;
if (!player.isOp()) {
player.sendMessage("This is an operator only command");
return true;
int updated = 0;
sender.sendMessage("Rebuilding Item Lists, this may take some time");
try {
for (ISoliniaSpell spell : StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getSpells()) {
int worth = 10;
int minLevel = 1;
int lowestLevel = 1000;
for (SoliniaSpellClass spellClass : spell.getAllowedClasses()) {
if (spellClass.getMinlevel() < lowestLevel)
lowestLevel = spellClass.getMinlevel();
if (lowestLevel > minLevel && lowestLevel < 100)
minLevel = lowestLevel;
worth = worth * minLevel;
// Spell exists
if (StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getSpellItem(spell.getId()).size() > 0) {
for (ISoliniaItem item : StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getSpellItem(spell.getId())) {
item.setDisplayname("Spell: " + spell.getName());
item.setAllowedClassNames(new ArrayList<String>());
item.setLore("This appears to be some sort of magical spell that could be learned");
} else {
// Doesnt exist, create it
ISoliniaItem item = SoliniaItemFactory.CreateItem(new ItemStack(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK), sender.isOp());
item.setDisplayname("Spell: " + spell.getName());
item.setAllowedClassNames(new ArrayList<String>());
item.setLore("This appears to be some sort of magical spell that could be learned");
} catch (Exception e) {
sender.sendMessage("Updated " + updated + " items");
return true;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Interfaces.ISoliniaItem in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class SoliniaSpell method isValidEffectForEntity.
public static boolean isValidEffectForEntity(LivingEntity target, LivingEntity source, ISoliniaSpell soliniaSpell) throws CoreStateInitException {
if (source == null) {
System.out.println("Source was null for isValidEffectForEntity: " + soliniaSpell.getName() + " on target: " + target.getCustomName());
return false;
if (target == null) {
System.out.println("Target was null for isValidEffectForEntity: " + soliniaSpell.getName() + " from source: " + source.getCustomName());
return false;
// Always allow self only spells if the target and source is the self
if (source.getUniqueId().equals(target.getUniqueId()) && Utils.getSpellTargetType(soliniaSpell.getTargettype()).equals(SpellTargetType.Self)) {
// just be sure to check the item its giving if its an item spell
for (SpellEffect effect : soliniaSpell.getBaseSpellEffects()) {
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.SummonHorse)) {
if (source instanceof Player) {
if (source.getUniqueId().equals(target.getUniqueId())) {
if (StateManager.getInstance().getPlayerManager().getPlayerLastChangeChar(source.getUniqueId()) != null) {
source.sendMessage("You can only summon a mount once per server session. Please wait for the next 4 hourly restart");
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.SummonItem)) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem for source: " + source.getCustomName());
int itemId = effect.getBase();
try {
ISoliniaItem item = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(itemId);
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem for source: " + source.getCustomName());
if (item == null) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said item was null");
return false;
if (!item.isTemporary()) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said item was not temporary");
return false;
if (!(target instanceof LivingEntity)) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said target was not a living entity");
return false;
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return false;
// System.out.println("Detected a self only spell (" + soliniaSpell.getName() + "), returning as valid, always");
return true;
if (!source.getUniqueId().equals(target.getUniqueId()))
if (!source.hasLineOfSight(target))
return false;
// Try not to kill potentially friendly player tameables with hostile spells
if (target instanceof Tameable && target instanceof Creature && !soliniaSpell.isBeneficial()) {
Tameable t = (Tameable) target;
Creature cr = (Creature) target;
if (t.getOwner() != null) {
if (cr.getTarget() == null)
return false;
if (!cr.getTarget().getUniqueId().equals(source.getUniqueId()))
return false;
for (SpellEffect effect : soliniaSpell.getBaseSpellEffects()) {
// and the spell is a detrimental
if (source instanceof Player && target instanceof Player && soliniaSpell.isDetrimental()) {
ISoliniaPlayer solsourceplayer = SoliniaPlayerAdapter.Adapt((Player) source);
if (solsourceplayer.getGroup() != null) {
if (solsourceplayer.getGroup().getMembers().contains(target.getUniqueId())) {
return false;
// Return false if the target is in the same faction as the npc and not self
if (!(source instanceof Player) && !(target instanceof Player) && soliniaSpell.isDetrimental() && !source.getUniqueId().equals(target.getUniqueId())) {
if (source instanceof LivingEntity && target instanceof LivingEntity) {
ISoliniaLivingEntity solsourceEntity = SoliniaLivingEntityAdapter.Adapt(source);
ISoliniaLivingEntity soltargetEntity = SoliniaLivingEntityAdapter.Adapt(target);
if (solsourceEntity.isNPC() && soltargetEntity.isNPC()) {
ISoliniaNPC sourceNpc = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getNPC(solsourceEntity.getNpcid());
ISoliniaNPC targetNpc = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getNPC(solsourceEntity.getNpcid());
if (sourceNpc.getFactionid() > 0 && targetNpc.getFactionid() > 0) {
if (sourceNpc.getFactionid() == targetNpc.getFactionid())
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Revive)) {
if (!(target instanceof Player)) {
return false;
if (!(source instanceof Player))
return false;
Player sourcePlayer = (Player) source;
if (!sourcePlayer.getInventory().getItemInOffHand().getType().equals(Material.NAME_TAG)) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You are not holding a Signaculum in your offhand (MC): " + sourcePlayer.getInventory().getItemInOffHand().getType().name());
return false;
ItemStack item = sourcePlayer.getInventory().getItemInOffHand();
if (item.getEnchantmentLevel(Enchantment.DURABILITY) != 1) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You are not holding a Signaculum in your offhand (EC)");
return false;
if (!item.getItemMeta().getDisplayName().equals("Signaculum")) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You are not holding a Signaculum in your offhand (NC)");
return false;
if (item.getItemMeta().getLore().size() < 5) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You are not holding a Signaculum in your offhand (LC)");
return false;
String sigdataholder = item.getItemMeta().getLore().get(3);
String[] sigdata = sigdataholder.split("\\|");
if (sigdata.length != 2) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You are not holding a Signaculum in your offhand (SD)");
return false;
String str_experience = sigdata[0];
String str_stimetsamp = sigdata[1];
int experience = Integer.parseInt(str_experience);
Timestamp timestamp = Timestamp.valueOf(str_stimetsamp);
LocalDateTime datetime =;
Timestamp currenttimestamp = Timestamp.valueOf(datetime);
long maxminutes = 60 * 7;
if ((currenttimestamp.getTime() - timestamp.getTime()) >= maxminutes * 60 * 1000) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("This Signaculum has lost its binding to the soul");
return false;
String playeruuidb64 = item.getItemMeta().getLore().get(4);
String uuid = Utils.uuidFromBase64(playeruuidb64);
Player targetplayer = Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(uuid));
if (targetplayer == null || !targetplayer.isOnline()) {
sourcePlayer.sendMessage("You cannot resurrect that player as they are offline");
return false;
// Validate spelleffecttype rules
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.CurrentHP) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.CurrentHPOnce)) {
// Ignore this rule if the spell is self
if (!Utils.getSpellTargetType(soliniaSpell.getTargettype()).equals(SpellTargetType.Self)) {
// If the effect is negative standard nuke and on self, cancel out
if (effect.getBase() < 0 && target.equals(source))
return false;
// cancel
if (source instanceof Player) {
if (!(target instanceof Player)) {
ISoliniaLivingEntity soltargetentity = SoliniaLivingEntityAdapter.Adapt(target);
if (!soltargetentity.isPet()) {
if (effect.getBase() > 0)
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Illusion) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.IllusionaryTarget) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.IllusionCopy) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.IllusionOther) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.IllusionPersistence)) {
// if target has spell effect of above already then we cant apply another
for (SoliniaActiveSpell activeSpell : StateManager.getInstance().getEntityManager().getActiveEntitySpells(target).getActiveSpells()) {
if (activeSpell.getSpell().getSpellEffectTypes().contains(SpellEffectType.Illusion))
return false;
if (activeSpell.getSpell().getSpellEffectTypes().contains(SpellEffectType.IllusionaryTarget))
return false;
if (activeSpell.getSpell().getSpellEffectTypes().contains(SpellEffectType.IllusionCopy))
return false;
if (activeSpell.getSpell().getSpellEffectTypes().contains(SpellEffectType.IllusionOther))
return false;
if (activeSpell.getSpell().getSpellEffectTypes().contains(SpellEffectType.IllusionPersistence))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.SummonItem)) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem for source: " + source.getCustomName());
int itemId = effect.getBase();
try {
ISoliniaItem item = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(itemId);
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem for source: " + source.getCustomName());
if (item == null) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said item was null");
return false;
if (!item.isTemporary()) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said item was not temporary");
return false;
if (!(target instanceof LivingEntity)) {
System.out.println("Validating SummonItem said target was not a living entity");
return false;
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistAll) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistCold) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistFire) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistMagic) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistPoison) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistDisease) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.ResistCorruption)) {
// If the effect is negative standard resist debuffer and on self, cancel out
if (effect.getBase() < 0 && target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Mez)) {
// If the effect is a mez, cancel out
if (target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Stun)) {
// If the effect is a stun, cancel out
if (target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Root)) {
// If the effect is a root, cancel out
if (target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Blind)) {
// If the effect is a blindness, cancel out
if (target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.DamageShield) && !(target instanceof Player) && !SoliniaLivingEntityAdapter.Adapt(target).isPet()) {
// If the effect is a mez, cancel out
if (target.equals(source))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.NecPet) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.SummonPet) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Teleport) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Teleport2) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Translocate) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.TranslocatetoAnchor)) {
// If the effect is teleport and the target is not a player then fail
if (!(target instanceof Player))
return false;
if (!(source instanceof Player))
return false;
// If the effect is a teleport and the target is not in a group or self then fail
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Teleport) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Teleport2) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.Translocate) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.TranslocatetoAnchor)) {
// if target is not the player casting
if (!target.getUniqueId().equals(source.getUniqueId())) {
ISoliniaPlayer solplayertarget = SoliniaPlayerAdapter.Adapt((Player) target);
if (solplayertarget == null)
return false;
if (solplayertarget.getGroup() == null)
return false;
if (!(solplayertarget.getGroup().getMembers().contains(source.getUniqueId())))
return false;
if (effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.SummonPet) || effect.getSpellEffectType().equals(SpellEffectType.NecPet)) {
try {
ISoliniaNPC npc = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getPetNPCByName(soliniaSpell.getTeleportZone());
if (npc == null) {
return false;
if (npc.isPet() == false) {
System.out.print("NPC " + soliniaSpell.getTeleportZone() + " is not defined as a pet");
return false;
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
return false;
return true;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Interfaces.ISoliniaItem in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class MythicMobsNPCEntityProvider method createNpcFile.
public String createNpcFile(ISoliniaNPC npc) {
String mob = "";
String uniquename = "NPCID_" + npc.getId();
if (npc.getMctype() == null)
return "";
mob = uniquename + ":\r\n";
mob = mob + " Type: " + npc.getMctype() + "\r\n";
if (npc.isUpsidedown() == true) {
mob = mob + " Display: Dinnerbone\r\n";
} else {
mob = mob + " Display: " + npc.getName() + "\r\n";
double hp = Utils.getStatMaxHP(npc.getClassObj(), npc.getLevel(), 75);
double damage = Utils.getMaxDamage(npc.getLevel(), 75);
if (npc.isHeroic()) {
hp += (Utils.getHeroicHPMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
damage += (Utils.getHeroicDamageMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
if (npc.isBoss()) {
hp += (Utils.getBossHPMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
damage += (Utils.getBossDamageMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
if (npc.isRaidheroic()) {
hp += (Utils.getRaidHeroicHPMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
damage += (Utils.getRaidHeroicDamageMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
if (npc.isRaidboss()) {
hp += (Utils.getRaidBossHPMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
damage += (Utils.getRaidBossDamageMultiplier() * npc.getLevel());
float movementSpeed = 0.3f;
if (npc.isHeroic()) {
movementSpeed = Utils.getHeroicRunSpeed();
if (npc.isBoss()) {
movementSpeed = Utils.getBossRunSpeed();
if (npc.isRaidheroic()) {
movementSpeed = Utils.getRaidHeroicRunSpeed();
if (npc.isRaidboss()) {
movementSpeed = Utils.getRaidBossRunSpeed();
mob = mob + " Health: " + hp + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " Damage: " + damage + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " MaxCombatDistance: 25\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventOtherDrops: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventRandomEquipment: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " Options:\r\n";
mob = mob + " MovementSpeed: " + movementSpeed + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " KnockbackResistance: 0.75\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventMobKillDrops: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventOtherDrops: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " Silent: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " ShowHealth: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventRenaming: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " PreventRandomEquipment: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " AlwaysShowName: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " Modules:\r\n";
mob = mob + " ThreatTable: false\r\n";
if (npc.isPet()) {
mob = mob + " Faction: FACTIONID_-1\r\n";
} else {
mob = mob + " Faction: FACTIONID_" + npc.getFactionid() + "\r\n";
// Act as normal mob if without faction
if (npc.getFactionid() > 0 || npc.isPet()) {
mob = mob + " AIGoalSelectors:\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 0 clear\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 1 skeletonbowattack\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 2 meleeattack\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 3 lookatplayers\r\n";
if (npc.isRoamer()) {
mob = mob + " - 4 randomstroll\r\n";
mob = mob + " AITargetSelectors:\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 0 clear\r\n";
mob = mob + " - 1 attacker\r\n";
// NPC attack players
if (!npc.isPet()) {
try {
ISoliniaFaction npcfaction = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getFaction(npc.getFactionid());
if (npcfaction.getBase() == -1500) {
mob = mob + " - 2 players\r\n";
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
// skip
// NPC attack NPCs
if (npc.isGuard() || npc.isPet()) {
// Always attack mobs with factionid 0
mob = mob + " - 3 SpecificFaction FACTIONID_0\r\n";
// Attack all mobs with -1500 faction
try {
int curnum = 4;
for (ISoliniaFaction faction : StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getFactions()) {
if (faction.getBase() == -1500 && faction.getId() != npc.getFactionid()) {
mob = mob + " - " + curnum + " SpecificFaction FACTIONID_" + faction.getId() + "\r\n";
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
// skip
// then go ahead and use it! Better than that crap we have right?
if (npc.getLoottableid() > 0) {
try {
ISoliniaLootTable lootTable = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getLootTable(npc.getLoottableid());
if (lootTable != null) {
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialChestArmour = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialLegsArmour = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialFeetArmour = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialWeapons = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialBows = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
List<ISoliniaItem> potentialShields = new ArrayList<ISoliniaItem>();
for (ISoliniaLootTableEntry loottableentry : lootTable.getEntries()) {
ISoliniaLootDrop lootdrop = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getLootDrop(loottableentry.getLootdropid());
for (ISoliniaLootDropEntry lootdropentry : lootdrop.getEntries()) {
ISoliniaItem item = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(lootdropentry.getItemid());
if (ConfigurationManager.ArmourMaterials.contains(item.getBasename().toUpperCase())) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().size() == 0) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("CHESTPLATE"))
if (item.getBasename().contains("LEGGINGS"))
if (item.getBasename().contains("BOOTS"))
if (npc.getClassObj() != null) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().contains(npc.getClassObj().getName())) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("CHESTPLATE"))
if (item.getBasename().contains("LEGGINGS"))
if (item.getBasename().contains("BOOTS"))
if (ConfigurationManager.WeaponMaterials.contains(item.getBasename().toUpperCase())) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().size() == 0) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("SHIELD"))
else if (item.getBasename().contains("BOW"))
if (npc.getClassObj() != null) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().contains(npc.getClassObj().getName())) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("SHIELD"))
if (ConfigurationManager.HandMaterials.contains(item.getBasename().toUpperCase())) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().size() == 0) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("SHIELD"))
else if (item.getBasename().contains("BOW"))
if (npc.getClassObj() != null) {
if (item.getAllowedClassNames().contains(npc.getClassObj().getName())) {
if (item.getBasename().contains("SHIELD"))
mob = mob + " Equipment:\r\n";
if (potentialShields.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialShields, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better shield in lootdrop (" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as shield");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialWeapons.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getId() + ":5\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getOffhanditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getOffhanditem() + ":5\r\n";
if (npc.isCustomhead() == true) {
if (npc.getCustomheaddata() != null) {
mob = mob + " - CUSTOMHEADNPCID_" + npc.getId() + ":4\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getHeaditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHeaditem() + ":4\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getHeaditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHeaditem() + ":4\r\n";
if (potentialChestArmour.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialChestArmour, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better chest in lootdrop (" + potentialChestArmour.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as chest");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialChestArmour.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialChestArmour.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialChestArmour.get(0).getId() + ":3\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getChestitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getChestitem() + ":3\r\n";
if (potentialLegsArmour.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialLegsArmour, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better legs in lootdrop (" + potentialLegsArmour.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as weapon");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialLegsArmour.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialLegsArmour.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialLegsArmour.get(0).getId() + ":2\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getLegsitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getLegsitem() + ":2\r\n";
if (potentialFeetArmour.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialFeetArmour, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better feet in lootdrop (" + potentialFeetArmour.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as feet");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialFeetArmour.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialFeetArmour.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialFeetArmour.get(0).getId() + ":1\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getFeetitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getFeetitem() + ":1\r\n";
if (npc.getClassObj() != null && npc.getClassObj().getName().toUpperCase().equals("RANGER") && potentialBows.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialBows, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better weapon (bow) in lootdrop (" + potentialBows.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as weapon");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialBows.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialBows.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialBows.get(0).getId() + ":0\r\n";
} else {
if (potentialWeapons.size() > 0) {
Collections.sort(potentialWeapons, new Comparator<ISoliniaItem>() {
public int compare(ISoliniaItem o1, ISoliniaItem o2) {
if (o1.getMinLevel() == o2.getMinLevel())
return 0;
return o1.getMinLevel() > o2.getMinLevel() ? -1 : 1;
System.out.println("Found better weapon in lootdrop (" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getDisplayname() + "), using as weapon");
writeCustomItem("plugins/MythicMobs/Items/CUSTOMITEMID" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getId() + ".yml", potentialWeapons.get(0));
mob = mob + " - " + "CUSTOMITEMID_" + potentialWeapons.get(0).getId() + ":0\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getHanditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHanditem() + ":0\r\n";
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {
// skip
} else {
if (npc.getHeaditem() != null || npc.getChestitem() != null || npc.getLegsitem() != null || npc.getFeetitem() != null || npc.getHanditem() != null || npc.getOffhanditem() != null) {
mob = mob + " Equipment:\r\n";
if (npc.getOffhanditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getOffhanditem() + ":5\r\n";
if (npc.isCustomhead() == true) {
if (npc.getCustomheaddata() != null) {
mob = mob + " - CUSTOMHEADNPCID_" + npc.getId() + ":4\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getHeaditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHeaditem() + ":4\r\n";
} else {
if (npc.getHeaditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHeaditem() + ":4\r\n";
if (npc.getChestitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getChestitem() + ":3\r\n";
if (npc.getLegsitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getLegsitem() + ":2\r\n";
if (npc.getFeetitem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getFeetitem() + ":1\r\n";
if (npc.getHanditem() != null)
mob = mob + " - " + npc.getHanditem() + ":0\r\n";
if (npc.isUsedisguise() == true) {
mob = mob + " Disguise:\r\n";
if (npc.getDisguisetype().toLowerCase().contains("player-")) {
mob = mob + " Type: player\r\n";
} else {
mob = mob + " Type: " + npc.getDisguisetype() + "\r\n";
if (npc.isBurning() == true) {
mob = mob + " Burning: true\r\n";
if (npc.getDisguisetype().toLowerCase().contains("player-")) {
String[] disguisedata = npc.getDisguisetype().split("-");
mob = mob + " Player: " + npc.getName() + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " Skin: '" + disguisedata[1] + "'\r\n";
if (npc.isBoss() == true || npc.isRaidboss()) {
mob = mob + " BossBar:\r\n";
mob = mob + " Enabled: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " Title: " + npc.getName() + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " Range: 200\r\n";
mob = mob + " CreateFog: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " DarkenSky: true\r\n";
mob = mob + " PlayMusic: true\r\n";
if (npc.getDisguisetype() != null)
if (npc.getDisguisetype().toLowerCase().contains("player-")) {
String[] disguisedata = npc.getDisguisetype().split("-");
mob = mob + " Player: " + npc.getName() + "\r\n";
mob = mob + " Skin: '" + disguisedata[1] + "'\r\n";
mob = mob + " Skills:\r\n";
if (npc.isInvisible() == true) {
mob = mob + " - potion{t=INVISIBILITY;d=2147483647;l=1} @self ~onSpawn\r\n";
return mob;
use of com.solinia.solinia.Interfaces.ISoliniaItem in project solinia3-core by mixxit.
the class Solinia3CorePlayerListener method onPlayerSwapHandItems.
public void onPlayerSwapHandItems(PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent event) {
if (event.isCancelled())
try {
ItemStack itemstack = event.getOffHandItem();
if (itemstack == null)
if (Utils.IsSoliniaItem(itemstack) && !itemstack.getType().equals(Material.ENCHANTED_BOOK)) {
ISoliniaPlayer solplayer = SoliniaPlayerAdapter.Adapt((Player) event.getPlayer());
ISoliniaItem soliniaitem = StateManager.getInstance().getConfigurationManager().getItem(itemstack);
if (soliniaitem.getAllowedClassNames().size() == 0)
if (solplayer.getClassObj() == null) {
event.getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Your class cannot wear this armour");
if (!soliniaitem.getAllowedClassNames().contains(solplayer.getClassObj().getName().toUpperCase())) {
event.getPlayer().getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Your class cannot wear this armour");
if (soliniaitem.getMinLevel() > solplayer.getLevel()) {
event.getPlayer().getPlayer().sendMessage(ChatColor.GRAY + "Your are not sufficient level wear this armour");
} catch (CoreStateInitException e) {