use of com.spotify.helios.common.descriptors.JobId in project helios by spotify.
the class DeploymentGroupTest method testRemoveDeploymentGroupActive.
public void testRemoveDeploymentGroupActive() throws Exception {
final String host = testHost();
startDefaultAgent(host, "--labels", TEST_LABEL);
// Wait for agent to come up
final HeliosClient client = defaultClient();
awaitHostStatus(client, testHost(), UP, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Use an invalid image to make sure the DG doesn't succeed (this ensure the DG will be active
// for 5+ minutes, which is plenty of time).
final JobId jobId = createJob(testJobName, testJobVersion, "invalid_image", IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("create-deployment-group", "--json", TEST_GROUP, TEST_LABEL);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", "--migrate", testJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
final RemoveDeploymentGroupResponse response = defaultClient().removeDeploymentGroup(TEST_GROUP).get();
assertEquals(RemoveDeploymentGroupResponse.Status.REMOVED, response.getStatus());
use of com.spotify.helios.common.descriptors.JobId in project helios by spotify.
the class DeploymentGroupTest method testRollingUpdateMigrateNothingToUndeploy.
public void testRollingUpdateMigrateNothingToUndeploy() throws Exception {
final String host = testHost();
startDefaultAgent(host, "--labels", TEST_LABEL);
// Wait for agent to come up
final HeliosClient client = defaultClient();
awaitHostStatus(client, testHost(), UP, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Manually deploy a job on the host
final String manualJobVersion = "foo-" + testJobVersion;
final JobId manualJobId = createJob(testJobName, manualJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
deployJob(manualJobId, host);
awaitTaskState(manualJobId, host, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
// create a deployment group and trigger a migration rolling-update -- with a different
// job that the one deployed manually! The manually deployed job should remain running on the
// host.
final JobId jobId = createJob(testJobName, testJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("create-deployment-group", "--json", TEST_GROUP, TEST_LABEL);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", "--migrate", testJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
// rolling-update should succeed & job should be running
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(defaultClient(), TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
awaitTaskState(jobId, host, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
final String jobDeploymentGroup = Polling.await(LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS, new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
final Deployment deployment = defaultClient().hostStatus(host).get().getJobs().get(jobId);
if (deployment != null && !isNullOrEmpty(deployment.getDeploymentGroupName())) {
return deployment.getDeploymentGroupName();
} else {
return null;
assertEquals(TEST_GROUP, jobDeploymentGroup);
// Ensure that the manually deployed job is still there & running
final Deployment manualDeployment = defaultClient().hostStatus(host).get().getJobs().get(manualJobId);
assertEquals(Goal.START, manualDeployment.getGoal());
use of com.spotify.helios.common.descriptors.JobId in project helios by spotify.
the class DeploymentGroupTest method testRollingUpdateCoordination.
public void testRollingUpdateCoordination() throws Exception {
// stop the default master
// start a bunch of masters and agents
final Map<String, MasterMain> masters = startDefaultMasters(3);
final Map<String, AgentMain> agents = Maps.newLinkedHashMap();
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
final String name = TEST_HOST + i;
agents.put(name, startDefaultAgent(name, "--labels", TEST_LABEL));
// create a deployment group and start rolling out
cli("create-deployment-group", "--json", TEST_GROUP, TEST_LABEL);
final JobId jobId = createJob(testJobName, testJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", "--par", String.valueOf(agents.size()), testJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
// wait until the task is running on the final agent
awaitTaskState(jobId, getLast(agents.keySet()), TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
// ensure that all masters were involved
final Set<String> deployingMasters = Sets.newHashSet();
final Map<String, HostStatus> hostStatuses = defaultClient().hostStatuses(Lists.newArrayList(agents.keySet())).get();
for (final HostStatus status : hostStatuses.values()) {
for (final Deployment deployment : status.getJobs().values()) {
assertEquals(masters.size(), deployingMasters.size());
use of com.spotify.helios.common.descriptors.JobId in project helios by spotify.
the class DeploymentGroupTest method testRemovingAgentTagUndeploysJob.
public void testRemovingAgentTagUndeploysJob() throws Exception {
final HeliosClient client = defaultClient();
final String oldHost = testHost();
final String deregisterHost = testHost() + "2";
final String unchangedHost = testHost() + "3";
final String newHost = testHost() + "4";
final String anotherNewHost = testHost() + "5";
@SuppressWarnings("VariableDeclarationUsageDistance") AgentMain oldAgent = startDefaultAgent(oldHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
awaitUpWithLabels(oldHost, "foo", "bar");
final AgentMain deregisterAgent = startDefaultAgent(deregisterHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
awaitUpWithLabels(deregisterHost, "foo", "bar");
startDefaultAgent(unchangedHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
awaitUpWithLabels(unchangedHost, "foo", "bar");
cli("create-deployment-group", "--json", TEST_GROUP, "foo=bar");
final JobId jobId = createJob(testJobName, testJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", testJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
awaitTaskState(jobId, oldHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
awaitTaskState(jobId, deregisterHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
awaitTaskState(jobId, unchangedHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
// Rollout should be complete and on its second iteration at this point.
// Start another agent and wait for it to have the job deployed to it.
startDefaultAgent(newHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
awaitUpWithLabels(newHost, "foo", "bar");
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.ROLLING_OUT);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
awaitTaskState(jobId, newHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
// Restart the old agent with labels that still match the deployment group
// The job should not be undeployed.
oldAgent = startDefaultAgent(oldHost, "--labels", "foo=bar", "another=label");
awaitUpWithLabels(oldHost, "foo", "bar", "another", "label");
awaitTaskState(jobId, oldHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
// Restart the old agent with labels that do not match the deployment group.
oldAgent = startDefaultAgent(oldHost, "--labels", "foo=notbar");
awaitUpWithLabels(oldHost, "foo", "notbar");
// ...which should trigger a rolling update
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.ROLLING_OUT);
// Start yet another agent in order to trigger another rolling update.
startDefaultAgent(anotherNewHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
// Wait for the rolling update(s) to finish.
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.ROLLING_OUT);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
// ...which should remove the job.
awaitUndeployed(oldHost, jobId);
// Restart the old agent with labels that match the deployment group (again)
// The job should be deployed.
startDefaultAgent(oldHost, "--labels", "foo=bar");
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.ROLLING_OUT);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
awaitTaskState(jobId, oldHost, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
// Deregister an agent
final HostDeregisterResponse deregisterResponse = client.deregisterHost(deregisterHost).get();
assertEquals(HostDeregisterResponse.Status.OK, deregisterResponse.getStatus());
// Make sure we 'undeploy' from the now non-existent agent.
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.ROLLING_OUT);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(client, TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
use of com.spotify.helios.common.descriptors.JobId in project helios by spotify.
the class DeploymentGroupTest method testRollingUpdateWithOverlapAndParallelism.
public void testRollingUpdateWithOverlapAndParallelism() throws Exception {
// create and start agents
final List<String> hosts = ImmutableList.of("dc1-" + testHost() + "", "dc1-" + testHost() + "", "dc2-" + testHost() + "", "dc2-" + testHost() + "", "dc3-" + testHost() + "");
for (final String host : hosts) {
startDefaultAgent(host, "--labels", TEST_LABEL);
// create a deployment group
cli("create-deployment-group", "--json", TEST_GROUP, TEST_LABEL);
// create and roll out a first job
final JobId jobId = createJob(testJobName, testJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", "-p", "2", "--overlap", testJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
for (final String host : hosts) {
awaitTaskState(jobId, host, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(defaultClient(), TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);
// create and roll out a second job
final String secondJobVersion = testJobVersion + "2";
final String secondJobNameAndVersion = testJobNameAndVersion + "2";
final JobId secondJobId = createJob(testJobName, secondJobVersion, BUSYBOX, IDLE_COMMAND);
cli("rolling-update", "--async", "-p", "2", "--overlap", secondJobNameAndVersion, TEST_GROUP);
for (final String host : hosts) {
awaitTaskState(secondJobId, host, TaskStatus.State.RUNNING);
awaitDeploymentGroupStatus(defaultClient(), TEST_GROUP, DeploymentGroupStatus.State.DONE);