use of com.spotify.helios.common.protocol.JobDeployResponse in project helios by spotify.
the class CliDeploymentTest method testUndeployingNonexistantJobJson.
public void testUndeployingNonexistantJobJson() throws Exception {
// Wait for master to come up
Polling.await(LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS, new Callable<String>() {
public String call() throws Exception {
final String output = cli("masters");
return output.contains(masterName()) ? output : null;
// Verify that undeploying a nonexistent job from a host fails
final String output = cli("undeploy", "--json", BOGUS_JOB.toString(), testHost());
final JobDeployResponse jobDeployResponse =, JobDeployResponse.class);
assertEquals(JobDeployResponse.Status.JOB_NOT_FOUND, jobDeployResponse.getStatus());
use of com.spotify.helios.common.protocol.JobDeployResponse in project helios by spotify.
the class JobDeployCommand method runWithJobId.
protected int runWithJobId(final Namespace options, final HeliosClient client, final PrintStream out, final boolean json, final JobId jobId, final BufferedReader stdin) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
final List<String> hosts = options.getList(hostsArg.getDest());
final Deployment job = Deployment.of(jobId, options.getBoolean(noStartArg.getDest()) ? STOP : START);
if (!json) {
out.printf("Deploying %s on %s%n", job, hosts);
int code = 0;
final HostResolver resolver = HostResolver.create(client);
final List<String> resolvedHosts = Lists.newArrayList();
for (final String candidateHost : hosts) {
final String host = resolver.resolveName(candidateHost);
if (!json) {
out.printf("%s: ", host);
final String token = options.getString(tokenArg.getDest());
final JobDeployResponse result = client.deploy(job, host, token).get();
if (result.getStatus() == JobDeployResponse.Status.OK) {
if (!json) {
} else {
} else {
if (!json) {
out.printf("failed: %s%n", result);
} else {
code = 1;
if (code == 0 && options.getBoolean(watchArg.getDest())) {
JobWatchCommand.watchJobsOnHosts(out, true, resolvedHosts, ImmutableList.of(jobId), options.getInt(intervalArg.getDest()), client);
return code;
use of com.spotify.helios.common.protocol.JobDeployResponse in project helios by spotify.
the class TemporaryJob method deploy.
void deploy() {
final TemporaryJobReports.Step createJob = reportWriter.step("create job").tag("jobId", job.getId());
try {
// Create job"Creating job {}", job.getId().toShortString());
final CreateJobResponse createResponse = get(client.createJob(job));
if (createResponse.getStatus() != CreateJobResponse.Status.OK) {
fail(format("Failed to create job %s - %s", job.getId(), createResponse.toString()));
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
fail(format("Failed to create job %s %s - %s", job.getId(), job.toString(), e));
} finally {
final TemporaryJobReports.Step deployJob = reportWriter.step("deploy job").tag("jobId", job.getId());
try {
// Deploy job
final Deployment deployment = Deployment.of(job.getId(), Goal.START);
for (final String host : hosts) {
// HELIOS_HOST_ADDRESS is the IP address we should use to reach the host, instead of
// the hostname. This is used when running a helios cluster inside a VM, and the containers
// can be reached by IP address only, since DNS won't be able to resolve the host name of
// the helios agent running in the VM.
final HostStatus hostStatus = client.hostStatus(host).get();
final String hostAddress = hostStatus.getEnvironment().get("HELIOS_HOST_ADDRESS");
if (hostAddress != null) {
hostToIp.put(host, hostAddress);
}"Deploying {} to {}", getJobDescription(job), host);
final JobDeployResponse deployResponse = get(client.deploy(deployment, host));
if (deployResponse.getStatus() != JobDeployResponse.Status.OK) {
fail(format("Failed to deploy job %s %s - %s", job.getId(), job.toString(), deployResponse));
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) {
fail(format("Failed to deploy job %s %s - %s", job.getId(), job.toString(), e));
} finally {
try {
// Wait for job to come up
for (final String host : hosts) {
} catch (TimeoutException e) {
fail(format("Failed while probing job %s %s - %s", job.getId(), job.toString(), e));
use of com.spotify.helios.common.protocol.JobDeployResponse in project helios by spotify.
the class ZooKeeperRestoreTest method verifyAgentPushesTaskStateAfterRestore.
public void verifyAgentPushesTaskStateAfterRestore() throws Exception {
// Start agent once to have it register
final AgentMain agent1 = startDefaultAgent(testHost());
awaitHostStatus(client, testHost(), UP, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Deploy job
final Deployment deployment = Deployment.of(fooJob.getId(), START);
final JobDeployResponse deployed = client.deploy(deployment, testHost()).get();
assertEquals(JobDeployResponse.Status.OK, deployed.getStatus());
// Back up zk
// Start agent
awaitHostStatus(client, testHost(), UP, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Wait for agent to indicate that job is running
awaitJobState(client, testHost(), fooJob.getId(), RUNNING, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Restore zk, erasing task state
// Wait for agent to again indicate that job is running
awaitJobState(client, testHost(), fooJob.getId(), RUNNING, LONG_WAIT_SECONDS, SECONDS);
// Remove task status
zkc.curatorWithSuperAuth().delete().forPath(Paths.statusHostJob(testHost(), fooJob.getId()));
use of com.spotify.helios.common.protocol.JobDeployResponse in project helios by spotify.
the class WildcardJobCommand method run.
int run(final Namespace options, final HeliosClient client, final PrintStream out, final boolean json, final BufferedReader stdin) throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException {
final String jobIdString = options.getString(jobArg.getDest());
final Map<JobId, Job> jobs =;
if (jobs.size() == 0) {
if (!json) {
out.printf("Unknown job: %s%n", jobIdString);
} else {
final JobDeployResponse jobDeployResponse = new JobDeployResponse(JobDeployResponse.Status.JOB_NOT_FOUND, null, null);
return 1;
} else if (jobs.size() > 1) {
if (!json) {
out.printf("Ambiguous job reference: %s%n", jobIdString);
} else {
final JobDeployResponse jobDeployResponse = new JobDeployResponse(JobDeployResponse.Status.AMBIGUOUS_JOB_REFERENCE, null, null);
return 1;
final JobId jobId = Iterables.getOnlyElement(jobs.keySet());
return runWithJobId(options, client, out, json, jobId, stdin);