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Example 11 with Categorical

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class BruteForceFunctionTheoryTestingSupport method getSmallCategoricalTestingType.

public static Categorical getSmallCategoricalTestingType() {
    if (_someType == null) {
        ArrayList<Expression> knownConstants = mapIntoArrayList(list("a", "b", "c"), s -> makeSymbol(s));
        _someType = new Categorical("SmallSomeType", 3, knownConstants);
    return _someType;
Also used : Expression( Categorical(

Example 12 with Categorical

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class GrinderUtil method getCategoricalTypes.

	 * @param mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName
	 * @param mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString
	 * @param isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate
	 * @param registry
	 * @return
public static Collection<Type> getCategoricalTypes(Map<String, String> mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName, Map<String, String> mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString, Predicate<Expression> isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate, Registry registry) {
    Collection<Type> categoricalTypes = new LinkedList<Type>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> typeNameAndSizeString : mapFromCategoricalTypeNameToSizeString.entrySet()) {
        String typeExpressionString = typeNameAndSizeString.getKey();
        String sizeString = typeNameAndSizeString.getValue();
        // check if already present and, if not, make it
        Categorical type = (Categorical) registry.getType(typeExpressionString);
        if (type == null) {
            if (typeExpressionString.equals("Boolean")) {
                type = BOOLEAN_TYPE;
            } else {
                ArrayList<Expression> knownConstants = getKnownUniquelyNamedConstantsOf(typeExpressionString, mapFromSymbolNameToTypeName, isUniquelyNamedConstantPredicate, registry);
                type = new Categorical(typeExpressionString, parseInt(sizeString), knownConstants);
    return categoricalTypes;
Also used : IntegerExpressoType( TupleType( Type( RealExpressoType( FunctionType( Expression( LambdaExpression( Categorical( Map(java.util.Map) LinkedList(java.util.LinkedList)

Example 13 with Categorical

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class CompoundTheoryWithoutDifferenceArithmeticTest method testCompleteSatisfiabilitySpecialCases.

public void testCompleteSatisfiabilitySpecialCases() {
    // This test is to make sure that some more tricky cases are indeed tested,
    // even though hopefully the large amount of generated random problems include them.
    // These are copied from the equality theory test,
    // so it is really just to check whether things hold up
    // if equality theory is embedded in a compound theory.
    String conjunction;
    Expression expected;
    Categorical someType = AbstractTheoryTestingSupport.getDefaultTestingType();
    // need W besides the other defaults -- somehow not doing this in equality theory alone does not cause a problem, probably because the type for W is never needed when we have only equality theory
    Map<String, Type> variableNamesAndTypesForTesting = map("X", someType, "Y", someType, "Z", someType, "W", someType);
    conjunction = "X != a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
    expected = FALSE;
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, variableNamesAndTypesForTesting);
    conjunction = "X = Y and X != a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
    expected = FALSE;
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, variableNamesAndTypesForTesting);
    conjunction = "X = a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
    expected = parse("(W = d) and (Z = c) and (X = a)");
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, variableNamesAndTypesForTesting);
Also used : Type( Expression( Categorical( AbstractTheoryTest( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with Categorical

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class AbstractTheoryTestingSupport method getDefaultTestingType.

	 * Returns the type used for the default testing variables.
	 * @return
public static Categorical getDefaultTestingType() {
    if (_someType == null) {
        ArrayList<Expression> knownConstants = mapIntoArrayList(list("a", "b", "c", "d"), s -> makeSymbol(s));
        _someType = new Categorical("SomeType", 5, knownConstants);
    return _someType;
Also used : Expression( Categorical(

Example 15 with Categorical

use of in project aic-expresso by aic-sri-international.

the class AbstractEqualityConstraintTest method testCompleteSatisfiabilitySpecialCases.

public void testCompleteSatisfiabilitySpecialCases() {
    // This test is to make sure that some more tricky cases are indeed tested,
    // even though hopefully the large amount of generated random problems include them or their variants.
    String conjunction;
    Expression expected;
    TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport = makeTheoryTestingSupport();
    Map<String, Type> variableNamesAndTypes = new HashMap<>(theoryTestingSupport.getVariableNamesAndTypesForTesting());
    variableNamesAndTypes.put("W", variableNamesAndTypes.get("X"));
    if (theoryTestingSupport.getTheory().singleVariableConstraintIsCompleteWithRespectToItsVariable()) {
        conjunction = "X != a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
        expected = null;
        runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport);
        conjunction = "X = Y and X != a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
        expected = null;
        runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport);
    TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport2 = makeTheoryTestingSupport();
    Categorical type = new Categorical("Type", 1, arrayList(parse("a")));
    theoryTestingSupport2.setVariableNamesAndTypesForTesting(map("X", type, "Y", type, "Z", type, "W", type));
    conjunction = "X != Y";
    expected = null;
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport2);
    TheoryTestingSupport theoryTestingSupport3 = makeTheoryTestingSupport();
    type = new Categorical("Type", 2, arrayList(parse("a"), parse("b")));
    theoryTestingSupport3.setVariableNamesAndTypesForTesting(map("X", type, "Y", type, "Z", type, "W", type));
    conjunction = "X != Y and X != a";
    expected = parse("Y != b and X != a and X != Y");
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport3);
    conjunction = "X != a and X != b and X != c and X != sometype5 and X != Y";
    expected = parse("Y != d and X != a and X != b and X != c and X != sometype5 and X != Y and X != Y");
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport);
    conjunction = "X = a and X != b and X != sometype5 and X != Z and X != W and Z = c and W = d";
    expected = parse("(W = d) and (Z = c) and (X = a) and (X != Z) and (X != W)");
    runCompleteSatisfiabilityTest(conjunction, expected, theoryTestingSupport);
Also used : Type( Expression( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) TheoryTestingSupport( Categorical( Test(org.junit.Test) AbstractTheoryIncludingEqualityTest(


Categorical ( Test (org.junit.Test)19 Type ( Expression ( IntegerInterval ( FunctionType ( Expressions.makeSymbol ( RealInterval ( TupleType ( Symbol ( IntegerExpressoType ( RealExpressoType ( Registry ( Context ( AssignmentsIterator ( DefaultRegistry ( TrueContext ( Beta ( LambdaExpression ( Expressions.parse (