use of com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.
the class ServiceGenerator method writeAbsWSDLLocation.
Generates the code to create URL for absolute WSDL location
for e.g.:
static {
URL url = null;
WebServiceException e = null;
try {
url = new URL("http://ExampleService.wsdl");
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
e = new WebServiceException(ex);
private void writeAbsWSDLLocation(JDefinedClass cls, JFieldVar urlField, JFieldVar exField) {
JBlock staticBlock = cls.init();
JVar urlVar = staticBlock.decl(cm.ref(URL.class), "url", JExpr._null());
JVar exVar = staticBlock.decl(cm.ref(WebServiceException.class), "e", JExpr._null());
JTryBlock tryBlock = staticBlock._try();
tryBlock.body().assign(urlVar, JExpr._new(cm.ref(URL.class)).arg(wsdlLocation));
JCatchBlock catchBlock = tryBlock._catch(cm.ref(MalformedURLException.class));
catchBlock.body().assign(exVar, JExpr._new(cm.ref(WebServiceException.class)).arg(JExpr.ref("ex")));
staticBlock.assign(urlField, urlVar);
staticBlock.assign(exField, exVar);
use of com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock in project mercury by yellow013.
the class FastDeserializerGenerator method generateDeserializer.
public FastDeserializer<T> generateDeserializer() {
String className = getClassName(writer, reader, useGenericTypes ? "Generic" : "Specific");
JPackage classPackage = codeModel._package(generatedPackageName);
try {
generatedClass = classPackage._class(className);
JVar readerSchemaVar = generatedClass.field(JMod.PRIVATE | JMod.FINAL, Schema.class, "readerSchema");
constructor = generatedClass.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC);
JVar constructorParam = constructor.param(Schema.class, "readerSchema");
constructor.body().assign(JExpr.refthis(, constructorParam);
Schema aliasedWriterSchema = writer;
* {@link Schema.applyAliases} is not working correctly in avro-1.4 since there
* is a bug in this function: {@literal Schema#getFieldAlias}.
if (!Utils.isAvro14()) {
aliasedWriterSchema = Schema.applyAliases(writer, reader);
Symbol resolvingGrammar = new ResolvingGrammarGenerator().generate(aliasedWriterSchema, reader);
FieldAction fieldAction = FieldAction.fromValues(aliasedWriterSchema.getType(), true, resolvingGrammar);
if (useGenericTypes) {
registerSchema(reader, readerSchemaVar);
JClass readerSchemaClass = schemaAssistant.classFromSchema(reader);
* Writer schema could be using a different namespace from the reader schema, so
* we should always use the reader schema class for generic type.
JMethod deserializeMethod = generatedClass.method(JMod.PUBLIC, readerSchemaClass, "deserialize");
JBlock topLevelDeserializeBlock = new JBlock();
final Supplier<JExpression> reuseSupplier = () ->;
switch(aliasedWriterSchema.getType()) {
case RECORD:
processRecord(readerSchemaVar, aliasedWriterSchema.getName(), aliasedWriterSchema, reader, topLevelDeserializeBlock, fieldAction, JBlock::_return, reuseSupplier);
case ARRAY:
processArray(readerSchemaVar, "array", aliasedWriterSchema, reader, topLevelDeserializeBlock, fieldAction, JBlock::_return, reuseSupplier);
case MAP:
processMap(readerSchemaVar, "map", aliasedWriterSchema, reader, topLevelDeserializeBlock, fieldAction, JBlock::_return, reuseSupplier);
throw new FastDeserializerGeneratorException("Incorrect top-level writer schema: " + aliasedWriterSchema.getType());
if (schemaAssistant.getExceptionsFromStringable().isEmpty()) {
assignBlockToBody(deserializeMethod, topLevelDeserializeBlock);
} else {
JTryBlock tryBlock = deserializeMethod.body()._try();
assignBlockToBody(tryBlock, topLevelDeserializeBlock);
for (Class<? extends Exception> classException : schemaAssistant.getExceptionsFromStringable()) {
JCatchBlock catchBlock = tryBlock._catch(codeModel.ref(classException));
JVar exceptionVar = catchBlock.param("e");
deserializeMethod.param(readerSchemaClass, VAR_NAME_FOR_REUSE);
deserializeMethod.param(Decoder.class, DECODER);
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Class<FastDeserializer<T>> clazz = (Class<FastDeserializer<T>>) compileClass(className, schemaAssistant.getUsedFullyQualifiedClassNameSet());
return clazz.getConstructor(Schema.class).newInstance(reader);
} catch (JClassAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new FastDeserializerGeneratorException("Class: " + className + " already exists");
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new FastDeserializerGeneratorException(e);
use of com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock in project drill by apache.
the class HiveFuncHolder method generateEval.
private HoldingContainer generateEval(ClassGenerator<?> g, HoldingContainer[] inputVariables, JVar[] workspaceJVars) {
HoldingContainer out = g.declare(returnType);
JCodeModel m = g.getModel();
JBlock sub = new JBlock(true, true);
// initialize DeferredObject's. For an optional type, assign the value holder only if it is not null
for (int i = 0; i < argTypes.length; i++) {
if (inputVariables[i].isOptional()) {
sub.assign(workspaceJVars[3].component(JExpr.lit(i)), workspaceJVars[2].component(JExpr.lit(i)));
JBlock conditionalBlock = new JBlock(false, false);
JConditional jc = conditionalBlock._if(inputVariables[i].getIsSet().ne(JExpr.lit(0)));
jc._then().assign(JExpr.ref(workspaceJVars[3].component(JExpr.lit(i)), "valueHolder"), inputVariables[i].getHolder());
jc._else().assign(JExpr.ref(workspaceJVars[3].component(JExpr.lit(i)), "valueHolder"), JExpr._null());
} else {
sub.assign(workspaceJVars[3].component(JExpr.lit(i)), workspaceJVars[2].component(JExpr.lit(i)));
sub.assign(JExpr.ref(workspaceJVars[3].component(JExpr.lit(i)), "valueHolder"), inputVariables[i].getHolder());
// declare generic object for storing return value from GenericUDF.evaluate
JVar retVal = sub.decl(m._ref(Object.class), "ret");
// create try..catch block to call the GenericUDF instance with given input
JTryBlock udfEvalTry = sub._try();
udfEvalTry.body().assign(retVal, workspaceJVars[1].invoke("evaluate").arg(workspaceJVars[3]));
JCatchBlock udfEvalCatch = udfEvalTry._catch(m.directClass(Exception.class.getCanonicalName()));
JVar exVar = udfEvalCatch.param("ex");
udfEvalCatch.body()._throw(JExpr._new(m.directClass(RuntimeException.class.getCanonicalName())).arg(JExpr.lit(String.format("GenericUDF.evaluate method failed"))).arg(exVar));
// get the ValueHolder from retVal and return ObjectInspector
sub.add(ObjectInspectorHelper.getDrillObject(m, returnOI, workspaceJVars[0], workspaceJVars[4], retVal));
sub.assign(out.getHolder(), workspaceJVars[4]);
// now add it to the doEval block in Generated class
JBlock setup = g.getBlock(ClassGenerator.BlockType.EVAL);
setup.directStatement(String.format("/** start %s for function %s **/ ",, genericUdfClazz.getName() + (!isGenericUDF ? "(" + udfName + ")" : "")));
setup.directStatement(String.format("/** end %s for function %s **/ ",, genericUdfClazz.getName() + (!isGenericUDF ? "(" + udfName + ")" : "")));
return out;
use of com.sun.codemodel.JCatchBlock in project drill by apache.
the class ClassGenerator method addCtor.
* The code generator creates a method called __DRILL_INIT__ which takes the
* place of the constructor when the code goes though the byte code merge.
* For Plain-old Java, we call the method from a constructor created for
* that purpose. (Generated code, fortunately, never includes a constructor,
* so we can create one.) Since the init block throws an exception (which
* should never occur), the generated constructor converts the checked
* exception into an unchecked one so as to not require changes to the
* various places that create instances of the generated classes.
* Example:<code><pre>
* public StreamingAggregatorGen1() {
* try {
* __DRILL_INIT__();
* } catch (SchemaChangeException e) {
* throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e);
* }
* }</pre></code>
* Note: in Java 8 we'd use the <tt>Parameter</tt> class defined in Java's
* introspection package. But, Drill prefers Java 7 which only provides
* parameter types.
private void addCtor(Class<?>[] parameters) {
JMethod ctor = clazz.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC);
JBlock body = ctor.body();
// If there are parameters, need to pass them to the super class.
if (parameters.length > 0) {
JInvocation superCall = JExpr.invoke("super");
for (int i = 1; i < parameters.length; i++) {
Class<?> p = parameters[i];
superCall.arg(ctor.param(model._ref(p), "arg" + i));
JTryBlock tryBlock = body._try();
JCatchBlock catchBlock = tryBlock._catch(model.ref(SchemaChangeException.class));