use of com.sun.codemodel.JExpression in project drill by axbaretto.
the class DrillSimpleFuncHolder method generateEvalBody.
protected HoldingContainer generateEvalBody(ClassGenerator<?> g, HoldingContainer[] inputVariables, String body, JVar[] workspaceJVars, FieldReference ref) {
g.getEvalBlock().directStatement(String.format("//---- start of eval portion of %s function. ----//", getRegisteredNames()[0]));
JBlock sub = new JBlock(true, true);
JBlock topSub = sub;
HoldingContainer out = null;
MajorType returnValueType = getReturnType();
// add outside null handling if it is defined.
if (getNullHandling() == NullHandling.NULL_IF_NULL) {
JExpression e = null;
for (HoldingContainer v : inputVariables) {
if (v.isOptional()) {
JExpression isNullExpr;
if (v.isReader()) {
isNullExpr = JOp.cond(v.getHolder().invoke("isSet"), JExpr.lit(1), JExpr.lit(0));
} else {
isNullExpr = v.getIsSet();
if (e == null) {
e = isNullExpr;
} else {
e = e.mul(isNullExpr);
if (e != null) {
// if at least one expression must be checked, set up the conditional.
returnValueType = getReturnType().toBuilder().setMode(DataMode.OPTIONAL).build();
out = g.declare(returnValueType);
e = e.eq(JExpr.lit(0));
JConditional jc = sub._if(e);
jc._then().assign(out.getIsSet(), JExpr.lit(0));
sub = jc._else();
if (out == null) {
out = g.declare(returnValueType);
// add the subblock after the out declaration.
JVar internalOutput = sub.decl(JMod.FINAL, g.getHolderType(returnValueType), getReturnValue().getName(), JExpr._new(g.getHolderType(returnValueType)));
addProtectedBlock(g, sub, body, inputVariables, workspaceJVars, false);
if (sub != topSub) {
// Assign null if NULL_IF_NULL mode
sub.assign(internalOutput.ref("isSet"), JExpr.lit(1));
sub.assign(out.getHolder(), internalOutput);
if (sub != topSub) {
// Assign null if NULL_IF_NULL mode
sub.assign(internalOutput.ref("isSet"), JExpr.lit(1));
g.getEvalBlock().directStatement(String.format("//---- end of eval portion of %s function. ----//", getRegisteredNames()[0]));
return out;
use of com.sun.codemodel.JExpression in project drill by axbaretto.
the class DrillAggFuncHolder method addProtectedBlock.
protected void addProtectedBlock(ClassGenerator<?> g, JBlock sub, String body, HoldingContainer[] inputVariables, JVar[] workspaceJVars, boolean decConstantInputOnly) {
if (!g.getMappingSet().isHashAggMapping()) {
super.addProtectedBlock(g, sub, body, inputVariables, workspaceJVars, decConstantInputOnly);
} else {
JExpression indexVariable = g.getMappingSet().getWorkspaceIndex();
addProtectedBlockHA(g, sub, body, inputVariables, workspaceJVars, indexVariable);
use of com.sun.codemodel.JExpression in project drill by axbaretto.
the class HashJoinBatch method setupHashJoinProbe.
public HashJoinProbe setupHashJoinProbe() throws ClassTransformationException, IOException {
final CodeGenerator<HashJoinProbe> cg = CodeGenerator.get(HashJoinProbe.TEMPLATE_DEFINITION, context.getOptions());
final ClassGenerator<HashJoinProbe> g = cg.getRoot();
// Generate the code to project build side records
int fieldId = 0;
final JExpression buildIndex ="buildIndex");
final JExpression outIndex ="outIndex");
if (rightSchema != null) {
for (final MaterializedField field : rightSchema) {
final MajorType inputType = field.getType();
final MajorType outputType;
// not nullable so we must exclude them from the check below (see DRILL-2197).
if ((joinType == JoinRelType.LEFT || joinType == JoinRelType.FULL) && inputType.getMode() == DataMode.REQUIRED && inputType.getMinorType() != TypeProtos.MinorType.MAP) {
outputType = Types.overrideMode(inputType, DataMode.OPTIONAL);
} else {
outputType = inputType;
// make sure to project field with children for children to show up in the schema
final MaterializedField projected = field.withType(outputType);
// Add the vector to our output container
final JVar inVV = g.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("buildBatch", new TypedFieldId(field.getType(), true, fieldId));
final JVar outVV = g.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("outgoing", new TypedFieldId(outputType, false, fieldId));
g.getEvalBlock().add(outVV.invoke("copyFromSafe").arg( Character.MAX_VALUE))).arg(outIndex).arg(inVV.component(buildIndex.shrz(JExpr.lit(16)))));
// Generate the code to project probe side records
int outputFieldId = fieldId;
fieldId = 0;
final JExpression probeIndex ="probeIndex");
if (leftUpstream == IterOutcome.OK || leftUpstream == IterOutcome.OK_NEW_SCHEMA) {
for (final VectorWrapper<?> vv : left) {
final MajorType inputType = vv.getField().getType();
final MajorType outputType;
// not nullable so we must exclude them from the check below (see DRILL-2771, DRILL-2197).
if ((joinType == JoinRelType.RIGHT || joinType == JoinRelType.FULL) && inputType.getMode() == DataMode.REQUIRED && inputType.getMinorType() != TypeProtos.MinorType.MAP) {
outputType = Types.overrideMode(inputType, DataMode.OPTIONAL);
} else {
outputType = inputType;
final ValueVector v = container.addOrGet(MaterializedField.create(vv.getField().getName(), outputType));
if (v instanceof AbstractContainerVector) {
final JVar inVV = g.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("probeBatch", new TypedFieldId(inputType, false, fieldId));
final JVar outVV = g.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("outgoing", new TypedFieldId(outputType, false, outputFieldId));
final HashJoinProbe hj = context.getImplementationClass(cg);
return hj;
use of com.sun.codemodel.JExpression in project drill by axbaretto.
the class NestedLoopJoinBatch method setupWorker.
* Method generates the runtime code needed for NLJ. Other than the setup method to set the input and output value
* vector references we implement three more methods
* 1. doEval() -> Evaluates if record from left side matches record from the right side
* 2. emitLeft() -> Project record from the left side
* 3. emitRight() -> Project record from the right side (which is a hyper container)
* @return the runtime generated class that implements the NestedLoopJoin interface
private NestedLoopJoin setupWorker() throws IOException, ClassTransformationException, SchemaChangeException {
final CodeGenerator<NestedLoopJoin> nLJCodeGenerator = CodeGenerator.get(NestedLoopJoin.TEMPLATE_DEFINITION, context.getOptions());
// Uncomment out this line to debug the generated code.
// nLJCodeGenerator.saveCodeForDebugging(true);
final ClassGenerator<NestedLoopJoin> nLJClassGenerator = nLJCodeGenerator.getRoot();
// generate doEval
final ErrorCollector collector = new ErrorCollectorImpl();
Logical expression may contain fields from left and right batches. During code generation (materialization)
we need to indicate from which input field should be taken.
Non-equality joins can belong to one of below categories. For example:
1. Join on non-equality join predicates:
select * from t1 inner join t2 on (t1.c1 between t2.c1 AND t2.c2) AND (...)
2. Join with an OR predicate:
select * from t1 inner join t2 on on t1.c1 = t2.c1 OR t1.c2 = t2.c2
Map<VectorAccessible, BatchReference> batches = ImmutableMap.<VectorAccessible, BatchReference>builder().put(left, new BatchReference("leftBatch", "leftIndex")).put(rightContainer, new BatchReference("rightContainer", "rightBatchIndex", "rightRecordIndexWithinBatch")).build();
LogicalExpression materialize = ExpressionTreeMaterializer.materialize(popConfig.getCondition(), batches, collector, context.getFunctionRegistry(), false, false);
if (collector.hasErrors()) {
throw new SchemaChangeException(String.format("Failure while trying to materialize join condition. Errors:\n %s.", collector.toErrorString()));
nLJClassGenerator.addExpr(new ReturnValueExpression(materialize), ClassGenerator.BlkCreateMode.FALSE);
// generate emitLeft
JExpression outIndex ="outIndex");
JExpression leftIndex ="leftIndex");
int fieldId = 0;
int outputFieldId = 0;
if (leftSchema != null) {
// Set the input and output value vector references corresponding to the left batch
for (MaterializedField field : leftSchema) {
final TypeProtos.MajorType fieldType = field.getType();
// Add the vector to the output container
JVar inVV = nLJClassGenerator.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("leftBatch", new TypedFieldId(fieldType, false, fieldId));
JVar outVV = nLJClassGenerator.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("outgoing", new TypedFieldId(fieldType, false, outputFieldId));
// generate emitRight
fieldId = 0;
JExpression batchIndex ="batchIndex");
JExpression recordIndexWithinBatch ="recordIndexWithinBatch");
if (rightSchema != null) {
// Set the input and output value vector references corresponding to the right batch
for (MaterializedField field : rightSchema) {
final TypeProtos.MajorType inputType = field.getType();
TypeProtos.MajorType outputType;
// if join type is LEFT, make sure right batch output fields data mode is optional
if (popConfig.getJoinType() == JoinRelType.LEFT && inputType.getMode() == TypeProtos.DataMode.REQUIRED) {
outputType = Types.overrideMode(inputType, TypeProtos.DataMode.OPTIONAL);
} else {
outputType = inputType;
MaterializedField newField = MaterializedField.create(field.getName(), outputType);
JVar inVV = nLJClassGenerator.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("rightContainer", new TypedFieldId(inputType, true, fieldId));
JVar outVV = nLJClassGenerator.declareVectorValueSetupAndMember("outgoing", new TypedFieldId(outputType, false, outputFieldId));
return context.getImplementationClass(nLJCodeGenerator);
use of com.sun.codemodel.JExpression in project raml-module-builder by folio-org.
the class ClientGenerator method addParameter.
private void addParameter(JBlock methodBody, JVar queryParams, String valueName, Boolean encode, Boolean simple, boolean isList) {
JBlock b = methodBody;
if (!simple) {
JConditional _if = methodBody._if(JExpr.ref(valueName).ne(JExpr._null()));
b = _if._then();
b.invoke(queryParams, "append").arg(JExpr.lit(valueName + "="));
if (encode) {
JExpression expr = jCodeModel.ref("encode").arg(JExpr.ref(valueName)).arg("UTF-8");
b.invoke(queryParams, "append").arg(expr);
} else {
if (isList) {
b.directStatement("if(" + valueName + ".getClass().isArray())" + "{queryParams.append(String.join(\"&" + valueName + "=\"," + valueName + "));}");
} else {
b.invoke(queryParams, "append").arg(JExpr.ref(valueName));
b.invoke(queryParams, "append").arg(JExpr.lit("&"));