use of com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CachedCommandModel in project Payara by payara.
the class AdminCacheUtilsTest method testGetProvider4CommandModel.
public void testGetProvider4CommandModel() throws Exception {
DataProvider provider;
byte[] data;
assertNotNull(provider = acu.getProvider(CommandModel.class));
CachedCommandModel beatles1 = CachedCommandModelTest.createBeateles();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
provider.writeToStream(beatles1, baos);
assertNotNull(data = baos.toByteArray());
System.out.println("BTW: " + new String(data, "UTF-8"));
CachedCommandModel beatles2 = (CachedCommandModel) provider.toInstance(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), CachedCommandModel.class);
assertEquals(beatles1.getETag(), CachedCommandModel.computeETag(beatles2));
use of com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CachedCommandModel in project Payara by payara.
the class RemoteAdminCommand method doHttpCommand.
* Set up an HTTP connection, call cmd.prepareConnection so the consumer of
* the connection can further configure it, then open the connection (following
* redirects if needed), then call cmd.useConnection so the consumer of the
* connection can use it.
* <P>
* This method will try to execute the command repeatedly, for example,
* retrying with updated credentials (typically from the interactive user), etc., until the
* command succeeds or there are no more ways to retry that might succeed.
* @param uriString the URI to connect to
* @param httpMethod the HTTP method to use for the connection
* @param cmd the HttpCommand object
* @throws CommandException if anything goes wrong
private void doHttpCommand(String uriString, String httpMethod, HttpCommand cmd, boolean isForMetadata) throws CommandException {
HttpURLConnection urlConnection;
* There are various reasons we might retry the command - an authentication
* challenges from the DAS, shifting from an insecure connection to
* a secure one, etc. So just keep trying as long as it makes sense.
* Any exception handling code inside the loop that changes something
* about the connection or the request and wants to retry must set
* shoudTryCommandAgain to true.
boolean shouldTryCommandAgain;
* If the DAS challenges us for credentials and we've already sent
* the caller-provided ones, we might ask the user for a new set
* and use them. But we want to ask only once.
boolean askedUserForCredentials = false;
* On a subsequent retry we might need to use secure, even if the
* caller did not request it.
boolean shouldUseSecure = secure;
* Send the caller-provided credentials (typically from command line
* options or the password file) on the first attempt only if we know
* the connection will
* be secure.
boolean usedCallerProvidedCredentials = secure;
* Note: HttpConnectorAddress will set up SSL/TLS client cert
* handling if the current configuration calls for it.
HttpConnectorAddress url = getHttpConnectorAddress(host, port, shouldUseSecure);
do {
* Any code that wants to trigger a retry will say so explicitly.
shouldTryCommandAgain = false;
try {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URI: {0}", uriString);
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URL: {0}", url.toString());
logger.log(Level.FINER, "URL: {0}", url.toURL(uriString).toString());
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Password options: {0}", passwordOptions);
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Using auth info: User: {0}, Password: {1}", new Object[] { user, (password != null && password.length > 0) ? "<non-null>" : "<null>" });
final AuthenticationInfo authInfo = authenticationInfo();
if (authInfo != null) {
urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(uriString);
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", responseFormatType);
if (passwordOptions != null) {
urlConnection.setRequestProperty("X-passwords", passwordOptions.toString());
if (authToken != null) {
* If this request is for metadata then we expect to reuse
* the auth token.
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(SecureAdmin.Util.ADMIN_ONE_TIME_AUTH_TOKEN_HEADER_NAME, (isForMetadata ? AuthTokenManager.markTokenForReuse(authToken) : authToken));
if (commandModel != null && isCommandModelFromCache() && commandModel instanceof CachedCommandModel) {
urlConnection.setRequestProperty(COMMAND_MODEL_MATCH_HEADER, ((CachedCommandModel) commandModel).getETag());
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "CommandModel ETag: {0}", ((CachedCommandModel) commandModel).getETag());
if (connectTimeout >= 0)
* We must handle redirection from http to https explicitly
* because, even if the HttpURLConnection's followRedirect is
* set to true, the Java SE implementation does not do so if the
* procotols are different.
String redirection = checkConnect(urlConnection);
if (redirection != null) {
* Log at FINER; at FINE it would appear routinely when used from
* asadmin.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Following redirection to " + redirection);
url = followRedirection(url, redirection);
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
* Record that, during the retry of this request, we should
* use https.
shouldUseSecure = url.isSecure();
* Record that, if this is a metadata request, the real
* request should use https also.
secure = true;
* No redirection, so we have established the connection.
* Now delegate again to the command processing to use the
* now-created connection.
logger.finer("doHttpCommand succeeds");
} catch (AuthenticationException authEx) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "DAS has challenged for credentials");
* The DAS has challenged us to provide valid credentials.
* We might have sent the request without credentials previously
* (because the connection was not secure, typically). In that case,
* retry using the caller provided credentials (if there are any).
if (!usedCallerProvidedCredentials) {
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Have not tried caller-supplied credentials yet; will do that next");
usedCallerProvidedCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
* We already tried the caller-provided credentials. Try to
* update the credentials if we haven't already done so.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Already used caller-supplied credentials");
if (askedUserForCredentials) {
* We already updated the credentials once, and the updated
* ones did not work. No recourse.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Already tried with updated credentials; cannot authenticate");
throw authEx;
* Try to update the creds.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Have not yet tried to update credentials, so will try to update them");
if (!updateAuthentication()) {
* No updated credentials are avaiable, so we
* have no more options.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Could not update credentials; cannot authenticate");
throw authEx;
* We have another set of credentials we can try.
logger.log(Level.FINER, "Was able to update the credentials so will retry with the updated ones");
askedUserForCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
} catch (ConnectException ce) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: connect exception " + ce);
// this really means nobody was listening on the remote server
// note: ConnectException extends IOException and tells us more!
String msg = strings.get("ConnectException", host, port + "");
throw new CommandException(msg, ce);
} catch (UnknownHostException he) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: host exception " + he);
// bad host name
String msg = strings.get("UnknownHostException", host);
throw new CommandException(msg, he);
} catch (SocketException se) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: socket exception " + se);
try {
boolean serverAppearsSecure = NetUtils.isSecurePort(host, port);
if (serverAppearsSecure && !shouldUseSecure) {
if (retryUsingSecureConnection(host, port)) {
// retry using secure connection
shouldUseSecure = true;
usedCallerProvidedCredentials = true;
shouldTryCommandAgain = true;
throw new CommandException(se);
} catch (IOException io) {
// XXX - logger.printExceptionStackTrace(io);
throw new CommandException(io);
} catch (SSLException se) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: SSL exception " + se);
try {
boolean serverAppearsSecure = NetUtils.isSecurePort(host, port);
if (!serverAppearsSecure && secure) {
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, AdminLoggerInfo.mServerIsNotSecure, new Object[] { host, port });
throw new CommandException(se);
} catch (IOException io) {
// XXX - logger.printExceptionStackTrace(io);
throw new CommandException(io);
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: read timeout " + e);
throw new CommandException(strings.get("ReadTimeout", (float) readTimeout / 1000), e);
} catch (IOException e) {
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: IO exception " + e);
throw new CommandException(strings.get("IOError", e.getMessage()), e);
} catch (CommandException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// logger.log(Level.FINER, "doHttpCommand: exception", e);
logger.finer("doHttpCommand: exception " + e);
ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
e.printStackTrace(new PrintStream(buf));
throw new CommandException(e);
} while (shouldTryCommandAgain);
// no longer needed
outboundPayload = null;
use of com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CachedCommandModel in project Payara by payara.
the class RemoteRestAdminCommand method getCommandModelFromCache.
private CommandModel getCommandModelFromCache() {
String cachedModel = AdminCacheUtils.getCache().get(createCommandCacheKey(), String.class);
if (cachedModel == null) {
return null;
cachedModel = cachedModel.trim();
int ind = cachedModel.indexOf('\n');
if (ind < 0) {
return null;
String eTag = cachedModel.substring(0, ind);
if (!eTag.startsWith("ETag:")) {
return null;
eTag = eTag.substring(5).trim();
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Cached command model ETag is {0}", eTag);
String content = cachedModel.substring(ind + 1).trim();
CachedCommandModel result = parseMetadata(content, eTag);
return result;
use of com.sun.enterprise.admin.util.CachedCommandModel in project Payara by payara.
the class RemoteAdminCommand method parseMetadata.
* Parse the XML metadata for the command on the input stream.
* @param in the input stream
* @return the set of ValidOptions
private CommandModel parseMetadata(InputStream in, StringBuilder errors) {
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
// XXX - assume "debug" == "FINER"
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
FileUtils.copy(in, baos, 0);
} catch (IOException ex) {
in = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray());
String response = baos.toString();
logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
logger.finer("------- RAW METADATA RESPONSE ---------");
CachedCommandModel cm = new CachedCommandModel(name);
boolean sawFile = false;
try {
DocumentBuilder d = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
Document doc = d.parse(in);
NodeList cmd = doc.getElementsByTagName("command");
Node cmdnode = cmd.item(0);
if (cmdnode == null) {
Node report = doc.getElementsByTagName("action-report").item(0);
String cause = getAttr(report.getAttributes(), "failure-cause");
if (ok(cause))
else {
// message-part
Node mp = report.getFirstChild();
if (mp != null)
cause = getAttr(mp.getAttributes(), "message");
if (ok(cause))
// wrong with command implementation
return null;
NamedNodeMap cmdattrs = cmdnode.getAttributes();
usage = getAttr(cmdattrs, "usage");
String dashOk = getAttr(cmdattrs, "unknown-options-are-operands");
if (dashOk != null)
cm.dashOk = Boolean.parseBoolean(dashOk);
NodeList opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("option");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
String sn = getAttr(attributes, "short");
String def = getAttr(attributes, "default");
String obs = getAttr(attributes, "obsolete");
String alias = getAttr(attributes, "alias");
ParamModelData opt = new ParamModelData(getAttr(attributes, "name"), typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type")), Boolean.parseBoolean(getAttr(attributes, "optional")), def, ok(sn) ? sn : null, ok(obs) ? Boolean.parseBoolean(obs) : false, alias);
if (getAttr(attributes, "type").equals("PASSWORD")) {
opt.param._password = true;
opt.prompt = getAttr(attributes, "prompt");
opt.promptAgain = getAttr(attributes, "promptAgain");
if (opt.getType() == File.class)
sawFile = true;
// should be only one operand item
opts = doc.getElementsByTagName("operand");
for (int i = 0; i < opts.getLength(); i++) {
Node n = opts.item(i);
NamedNodeMap attributes = n.getAttributes();
Class<?> type = typeOf(getAttr(attributes, "type"));
if (type == File.class) {
sawFile = true;
int min = Integer.parseInt(getAttr(attributes, "min"));
String max = getAttr(attributes, "max");
boolean multiple = false;
if (max.equals("unlimited")) {
multiple = true;
// XXX - should convert to array of whatever
if (type == File.class) {
type = File[].class;
} else {
type = List.class;
ParamModelData pm = new ParamModelData(getAttr(attributes, "name"), type, min == 0, null);
pm.param._primary = true;
pm.param._multiple = multiple;
* If one of the options or operands is a FILE,
* make sure there's also a --upload option available.
* XXX - should only add it if it's not present
* XXX - should just define upload parameter on remote command
if (sawFile) {
cm.add(new ParamModelData("upload", Boolean.class, true, null));
addedUploadOption = true;
} catch (ParserConfigurationException pex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
} catch (SAXException sex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
} catch (IOException ioex) {
// ignore for now
return null;
return cm;