use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class ActiveOutboundResourceAdapter method addAdminObject.
* Creates an admin object.
* @param appName Name of application, in case of embedded rar.
* @param connectorName Module name of the resource adapter.
* @param jndiName JNDI name to be registered.
* @param adminObjectType Interface name of the admin object.
* @param props <code>Properties</code> object containing name/value
* pairs of properties.
public void addAdminObject(String appName, String connectorName, ResourceInfo resourceInfo, String adminObjectType, String adminObjectClassName, Properties props) throws ConnectorRuntimeException {
if (props == null) {
// empty properties
props = new Properties();
ConnectorRegistry registry = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance();
ConnectorDescriptor desc = registry.getDescriptor(connectorName);
AdminObject aoDesc = null;
// or the combination of the both names.
if (adminObjectClassName == null || adminObjectClassName.trim().equals("")) {
// get AO through interface name
List<AdminObject> adminObjects = desc.getAdminObjectsByType(adminObjectType);
if (adminObjects.size() > 1) {
String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor_type", adminObjectType);
throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg);
} else {
aoDesc = adminObjects.get(0);
} else if (adminObjectType == null || adminObjectType.trim().equals("")) {
// get AO through class name
List<AdminObject> adminObjects = desc.getAdminObjectsByClass(adminObjectClassName);
if (adminObjects.size() > 1) {
String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor_class", adminObjectClassName);
throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg);
} else {
aoDesc = adminObjects.get(0);
} else {
// get AO through interface name and class name
aoDesc = desc.getAdminObject(adminObjectType, adminObjectClassName);
if (aoDesc == null) {
String msg = localStrings.getString("aor.could_not_determine_aor", adminObjectType, adminObjectClassName);
throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(msg);
AdministeredObjectResource aor = new AdministeredObjectResource(resourceInfo);
Object[] envProps = aoDesc.getConfigProperties().toArray();
// Override them if same config properties are provided by the user
for (int i = 0; i < envProps.length; i++) {
ConnectorConfigProperty envProp = (ConnectorConfigProperty) envProps[i];
String name = envProp.getName();
String userValue = (String) props.remove(name);
if (userValue != null)
aor.addConfigProperty(new ConnectorConfigProperty(name, userValue, userValue, envProp.getType()));
// Add non-default config properties provided by the user to aor
Iterator iter = props.keySet().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String name = (String);
String userValue = props.getProperty(name);
if (userValue != null)
aor.addConfigProperty(new ConnectorConfigProperty(name, userValue, userValue));
// bind to JNDI namespace
try {
Reference ref = aor.createAdminObjectReference();
connectorRuntime_.getResourceNamingService().publishObject(resourceInfo, ref, true);
} catch (NamingException ex) {
String i18nMsg = localStrings.getString("aira.cannot_bind_admin_obj");
throw new ConnectorRuntimeException(i18nMsg, ex);
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class AuthenticationMechanismHandler method processAnnotation.
public HandlerProcessingResult processAnnotation(AnnotationInfo element) throws AnnotationProcessorException {
AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler = element.getProcessingContext().getHandler();
AuthenticationMechanism authMechanism = (AuthenticationMechanism) element.getAnnotation();
if (aeHandler instanceof RarBundleContext) {
boolean isConnectionDefinition = hasConnectorAnnotation(element);
if (isConnectionDefinition) {
RarBundleContext rarContext = (RarBundleContext) aeHandler;
ConnectorDescriptor desc = rarContext.getDescriptor();
if (!desc.getOutBoundDefined()) {
OutboundResourceAdapter ora = new OutboundResourceAdapter();
OutboundResourceAdapter ora = desc.getOutboundResourceAdapter();
String[] description = authMechanism.description();
int authMechanismValue = getAuthMechVal(authMechanism.authMechanism());
AuthenticationMechanism.CredentialInterface ci = authMechanism.credentialInterface();
String credentialInterface = ora.getCredentialInterfaceName(ci);
// XXX: Siva: For now use the first description
String firstDesc = "";
if (description.length > 0) {
firstDesc = description[0];
AuthMechanism auth = new AuthMechanism(firstDesc, authMechanismValue, credentialInterface);
} else {
getFailureResult(element, "Not a @Connector annotation : @AuthenticationMechanism must " + "be specified along with @Connector annotation", true);
} else {
getFailureResult(element, "Not a rar bundle context", true);
return getDefaultProcessedResult();
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class ConnectionDefinitionHandler method handleAnnotation.
private void handleAnnotation(AnnotatedElementHandler aeHandler, ConnectionDefinition connDefn, AnnotationInfo element) {
RarBundleContext rarContext = (RarBundleContext) aeHandler;
ConnectorDescriptor desc = rarContext.getDescriptor();
Class c = (Class) element.getAnnotatedElement();
String targetClassName = c.getName();
if (ManagedConnectionFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) {
if (!desc.getOutBoundDefined()) {
OutboundResourceAdapter ora = new OutboundResourceAdapter();
OutboundResourceAdapter ora = desc.getOutboundResourceAdapter();
if (!ora.hasConnectionDefDescriptor(connDefn.connectionFactory().getName())) {
ConnectionDefDescriptor cdd = new ConnectionDefDescriptor();
// else {
// ignore the duplicates
// duplicates can be via :
// (i) connection-definition defined in DD
// (ii) as part of this particular annotation processing,
// already this connection-definition is defined
// TODO V3 how to handle (ii)
// }
} else {
getFailureResult(element, "Cant handle ConnectionDefinition annotation as the annotated class does not" + "implement ManagedConnectionFactory", true);
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class ConnectorNode method setElementValue.
* receives notification of the value for a particular tag
* @param element the xml element
* @param value it's associated value
public void setElementValue(XMLElement element, String value) {
if (descriptor == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Trying to set values on a null descriptor");
if (ConnectorTagNames.SPEC_VERSION.equals(element.getQName())) {
specVersion = value;
// the version element value is the resourve adapter version
// and it's only available from dtd based xml
} else if (ConnectorTagNames.VERSION.equals(element.getQName())) {
} else if (TagNames.MODULE_NAME.equals(element.getQName())) {
ConnectorDescriptor bundleDesc = getDescriptor();
} else {
super.setElementValue(element, value);
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectorDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class RANode method writeDescriptor.
* write the descriptor class to a DOM tree and return it
* @param parent node for the DOM tree
* @param the descriptor to write
* @return the DOM tree top node
public Node writeDescriptor(Node connectorNode, Descriptor descriptor) {
if (!(descriptor instanceof ConnectorDescriptor)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(getClass() + " cannot handle descriptors of type " + descriptor.getClass());
ConnectorDescriptor conDesc = (ConnectorDescriptor) descriptor;
Node raNode = appendChild(connectorNode, ConnectorTagNames.RESOURCE_ADAPTER);
appendTextChild(raNode, ConnectorTagNames.RESOURCE_ADAPTER_CLASS, conDesc.getResourceAdapterClass());
// config-property
ConfigPropertyNode config = new ConfigPropertyNode();
raNode = config.writeDescriptor(raNode, conDesc);
if (conDesc.getOutBoundDefined() == true) {
// outbound RA info
OutBoundRANode obNode = new OutBoundRANode();
raNode = obNode.writeDescriptor(raNode, conDesc);
if (conDesc.getInBoundDefined() == true) {
// inbound RA info
InBoundRANode inNode = new InBoundRANode();
raNode = inNode.writeDescriptor(raNode, conDesc);
// adminobject
AdminObjectNode admin = new AdminObjectNode();
raNode = admin.writeDescriptor(raNode, conDesc);
// }
// security-permission*
SecurityPermissionNode secPerm = new SecurityPermissionNode();
raNode = secPerm.writeDescriptor(raNode, conDesc);
return connectorNode;