use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class WebBundleContext method getHandlerChainContainers.
public HandlerChainContainer[] getHandlerChainContainers(boolean serviceSideHandlerChain, Class declaringClass) {
if (serviceSideHandlerChain) {
List<WebServiceEndpoint> result = new ArrayList<>();
for (WebServiceEndpoint endpoint : getDescriptor().getWebServices().getEndpoints()) {
if (endpoint.getWebComponentImpl().getWebComponentImplementation().equals(declaringClass.getName())) {
return (result.toArray(new HandlerChainContainer[result.size()]));
} else {
List<ServiceReferenceDescriptor> result = new ArrayList<>();
return (result.toArray(new HandlerChainContainer[result.size()]));
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class ClientPipeCloser method removeListenerWrapper.
public void removeListenerWrapper(AuthConfigRegistrationWrapper wrapper) {
ServiceReferenceDescriptor entryToRemove = null;
for (Entry<ServiceReferenceDescriptor, AuthConfigRegistrationWrapper> entry : svcRefListenerMap.entrySet()) {
ServiceReferenceDescriptor svc = entry.getKey();
AuthConfigRegistrationWrapper wrp = entry.getValue();
if (wrp == wrapper) {
entryToRemove = svc;
if (entryToRemove != null) {
use of com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ServiceReferenceDescriptor in project Payara by payara.
the class HandlerChainHandler method processHandlerChainAnnotation.
public HandlerProcessingResult processHandlerChainAnnotation(AnnotationInfo annInfo, AnnotatedElementHandler annCtx, AnnotatedElement annElem, Class declaringClass, boolean serviceSideChain) throws AnnotationProcessorException {
HandlerChain hChain = null;
boolean clientSideHandlerChain = false;
if (serviceSideChain) {
// Ignore @WebService annotation on an interface; process only those in an actual service impl class
if (declaringClass.isInterface()) {
return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);
// The @HandlerChain can be in the impl class (typically in the java-wsdl case) or
// can be in the SEI also. Check if there is handler chain in the impl class.
// If so, the @HandlerChain in impl class gets precedence
hChain = annElem.getAnnotation(HandlerChain.class);
if (hChain == null) {
WebService webService = (WebService) declaringClass.getAnnotation(WebService.class);
if (webService != null) {
if (webService.endpointInterface() != null && webService.endpointInterface().length() > 0) {
Class endpointIntf;
try {
endpointIntf = declaringClass.getClassLoader().loadClass(webService.endpointInterface());
} catch (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException cfne) {
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.classnotfound", "class {0} referenced from annotation symbol cannot be loaded", new Object[] { webService.endpointInterface() }), annInfo);
if (endpointIntf.getAnnotation(HandlerChain.class) != null) {
hChain = (HandlerChain) endpointIntf.getAnnotation(HandlerChain.class);
} else {
// this is a client side handler chain
hChain = annElem.getAnnotation(HandlerChain.class);
clientSideHandlerChain = true;
// At this point the hChain should be the annotation to use.
if (hChain == null) {
return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);
// At this point the hChain should be the annotation to use.
String handlerFile = hChain.file();
HandlerChainContainer[] containers = null;
if (annCtx instanceof HandlerContext) {
containers = ((HandlerContext) annCtx).getHandlerChainContainers(serviceSideChain, declaringClass);
if (!clientSideHandlerChain && (containers == null || containers.length == 0)) {
for (Annotation ann : annElem.getAnnotations()) {
if (ann.annotationType().getPackage().getName().startsWith("javax.ejb")) {
// let EJB handlers handle this processing
return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.UNPROCESSED);
// could not find my web service...
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.componentnotfound", "component referenced from annotation symbol cannot be found"), annInfo);
try {
URL handlerFileURL = null;
try {
handlerFileURL = new URL(handlerFile);
} catch ( e) {
// swallowing purposely
InputStream handlerFileStream;
if (handlerFileURL == null) {
handlerFileStream = getHandlerFileStream(annInfo, null, handlerFile);
if (handlerFileStream == null) {
String relativePath = declaringClass.getPackage().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/");
handlerFileStream = getHandlerFileStream(annInfo, relativePath, handlerFile);
if (handlerFileStream == null) {
// So check in the generated SEI's package
if (annElem instanceof Class) {
String relativePath = ((Class) annElem).getPackage().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/");
handlerFileStream = getHandlerFileStream(annInfo, relativePath, handlerFile);
} else {
handlerFileStream = handlerFileURL.openConnection().getInputStream();
if (handlerFileStream == null) {
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.handlerfilenotfound", "handler file {0} not found", new Object[] { handlerFile }), annInfo);
Document document;
try {
DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
factory.setFeature("", true);
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
document = builder.parse(handlerFileStream);
} catch (SAXParseException spe) {
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(localStrings.getLocalString("enterprise.deployment.annotation.handlers.parserexception", "{0} XML Parsing error : line {1} ; Error = {2}", new Object[] { handlerFile, spe.getLineNumber(), spe.getMessage() }));
} finally {
if (handlerFileStream != null) {
for (HandlerChainContainer container : containers) {
boolean fromDD = true;
if (!container.hasHandlerChain()) {
fromDD = false;
processHandlerFile(document, container);
// we now need to create the right context to push on the stack
// and manually invoke the handlers annotation processing since
// we know they are Jax-ws handlers.
List<WebServiceHandlerChain> chains = container.getHandlerChain();
ArrayList<Class> handlerClasses = new ArrayList<Class>();
ClassLoader clo = annInfo.getProcessingContext().getProcessingInput().getClassLoader();
for (WebServiceHandlerChain chain : chains) {
for (WebServiceHandler handler : chain.getHandlers()) {
String className = handler.getHandlerClass();
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
if (fromDD) {
conLogger.log(Level.WARNING, LogUtils.DDHANDLER_NOT_FOUND, className);
} else {
conLogger.log(Level.WARNING, LogUtils.HANDLER_FILE_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND, new Object[] { className, handlerFile });
// we have the list of handler classes, we can now
// push the context and call back annotation processing.
Descriptor jndiContainer = null;
if (serviceSideChain) {
WebServiceEndpoint endpoint = (WebServiceEndpoint) container;
if (DOLUtils.warType().equals(endpoint.getBundleDescriptor().getModuleType())) {
jndiContainer = endpoint.getBundleDescriptor();
} else {
jndiContainer = Descriptor.class.cast(endpoint.getEjbComponentImpl());
} else {
ServiceReferenceDescriptor ref = (ServiceReferenceDescriptor) container;
if (DOLUtils.ejbType().equals(ref.getBundleDescriptor().getModuleType())) {
EjbBundleDescriptor ejbBundle = (EjbBundleDescriptor) ref.getBundleDescriptor();
Iterator<? extends EjbDescriptor> ejbsIter = ejbBundle.getEjbs().iterator();
while (ejbsIter.hasNext()) {
EjbDescriptor ejb =;
try {
if (ejb.getServiceReferenceByName(ref.getName()) != null) {
// found the ejb; break out of the loop
jndiContainer = Descriptor.class.cast(ejb);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException illex) {
// this ejb does not have a service-ref by this name;
// swallow this exception and go to next
} else {
jndiContainer = ref.getBundleDescriptor();
ResourceContainerContextImpl newContext = new ResourceContainerContextImpl(jndiContainer);
ProcessingContext ctx = annInfo.getProcessingContext();
// process the classes
annInfo.getProcessingContext().getProcessor().process(annInfo.getProcessingContext(), handlerClasses.toArray(new Class[handlerClasses.size()]));
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new AnnotationProcessorException(t.getMessage(), annInfo);
return HandlerProcessingResultImpl.getDefaultResult(getAnnotationType(), ResultType.PROCESSED);