use of in project Payara by payara.
the class LoginContextDriver method setSecurityContext.
* This method sets the security context on the current Thread Local
* Storage
* @param String username is the user who authenticated
* @param Subject is the subject representation of the user
* @param Credentials the credentials that the server associated with it
private static void setSecurityContext(String userName, Subject subject, String realm) {
SecurityContext securityContext = new SecurityContext(userName, subject, realm);
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class CertificateRealm method authenticate.
* Returns name of JAAS context used by this realm. Overrides default
* Realm behavior of this method. The certificate realm does not
* require (or support) a LoginModule. This method should never get
* called unless there is a configuration error, so this overloading
* is provided to log an error message. See class documentation.
* @return null
/*public String getJAASContext()
return null;
* Complete authentication of certificate user.
* <P>As noted, the certificate realm does not do the actual
* authentication (signature and cert chain validation) for
* the user certificate, this is done earlier in NSS. This method
* simply sets up the security context for the user in order to
* properly complete the authentication processing.
* <P>If any groups have been assigned to cert-authenticated users
* through the assign-groups property these groups are added to
* the security context for the current user.
* @param subject The Subject object for the authentication request.
* @param x500name The X500Name object from the user certificate.
* public void authenticate(Subject subject, X500Name x500name)
* {
* // It is important to use x500name.getName() in order to be
* // consistent with web containers view of the name - see bug
* // 4646134 for reasons why this matters.
* String name = x500name.getName();
* if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
* _logger.finest(
* "Certificate realm setting up security context for: "+ name);
* }
* if (defaultGroups != null) {
* Set principalSet = subject.getPrincipals();
* Enumeration e = defaultGroups.elements();
* while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
* principalSet.add(new Group((String) e.nextElement()));
* }
* }
* SecurityContext securityContext =
* new SecurityContext(name, subject);
* SecurityContext.setCurrent(securityContext);
* }
* Complete authentication of certificate user.
* <P>As noted, the certificate realm does not do the actual
* authentication (signature and cert chain validation) for
* the user certificate, this is done earlier in NSS. This method
* simply sets up the security context for the user in order to
* properly complete the authentication processing.
* <P>If any groups have been assigned to cert-authenticated users
* through the assign-groups property these groups are added to
* the security context for the current user.
* @param subject The Subject object for the authentication request.
* @param x500name The X500Name object from the user certificate.
public void authenticate(Subject subject, X500Name x500name) {
// It is important to use x500name.getName() in order to be
// consistent with web containers view of the name - see bug
// 4646134 for reasons why this matters.
String name = x500name.getName();
if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
_logger.finest("Certificate realm setting up security context for: " + name);
if (defaultGroups != null) {
Set<Principal> principalSet = subject.getPrincipals();
Enumeration<String> e = defaultGroups.elements();
while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
principalSet.add(new Group(e.nextElement()));
if (!subject.getPrincipals().isEmpty()) {
DistinguishedPrincipalCredential dpc = new DistinguishedPrincipalCredential(x500name);
SecurityContext securityContext = new SecurityContext(name, subject);
/*AppServSecurityContext secContext = Util.getDefaultHabitat().getByContract(AppServSecurityContext.class);
AppServSecurityContext securityContext = secContext.newInstance(name, subject);
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class BaseContainerCallbackHandler method reuseWebPrincipal.
* This method will distinguish the initiator principal (of the SecurityContext obtained from the
* WebPrincipal) as the caller principal, and copy all the other principals into the subject....
* It is assumed that the input WebPrincipal is coming from a SAM, and that it was created either by
* the SAM (as described below) or by calls to the JaspicToJaasBridge made by an Authenticator.
* A WebPrincipal constructed by the RealmAdapter will include a DPC; other constructions may not;
* this method interprets the absence of a DPC as evidence that the resulting WebPrincipal was not
* constructed by the RealmAdapter as described below. Note that presence of a DPC does not
* necessarily mean that the resulting WebPrincipal was constructed by the RealmAdapter... since
* some authenticators also add the credential).
* A. handling of CPCB by CBH:
* 1. handling of CPC by CBH modifies subject a. constructs principalImpl if called by name b. uses
* JaspicToJaasBridge to add group principals for name c. puts principal in principal set, and DPC
* in public credentials
* B. construction of WebPrincipal by RealmAdapter (occurs after SAM uses CBH to set other than an
* unauthenticated result in the subject:
* a. SecurityContext construction done with subject (returned by SAM). Construction sets
* initiator/caller principal within SC from DPC set by CBH in public credentials of subject
* b WebPrincipal is constructed with initiator principal and SecurityContext
* @param fs receiving Subject
* @param wp WebPrincipal
* @return true when Security Context has been obtained from webPrincipal, and CB is finished.
* returns false when more CB processing is required.
private boolean reuseWebPrincipal(final Subject fs, final WebPrincipal wp) {
SecurityContext sc = wp.getSecurityContext();
final Subject wps = sc != null ? sc.getSubject() : null;
final Principal callerPrincipal = sc != null ? sc.getCallerPrincipal() : null;
final Principal defaultPrincipal = SecurityContext.getDefaultCallerPrincipal();
return ((Boolean) AppservAccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction() {
* this method uses 4 (numbered) criteria to determine if the argument WebPrincipal can be reused
public Boolean run() {
* 1. WebPrincipal must contain a SecurityContext and SC must have a non-null, non-default
* callerPrincipal and a Subject
if (callerPrincipal == null || callerPrincipal.equals(defaultPrincipal) || wps == null) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
boolean hasObject = false;
Set<DistinguishedPrincipalCredential> distinguishedCreds = wps.getPublicCredentials(DistinguishedPrincipalCredential.class);
if (distinguishedCreds.size() == 1) {
for (DistinguishedPrincipalCredential cred : distinguishedCreds) {
if (cred.getPrincipal().equals(callerPrincipal)) {
hasObject = true;
* 2. Subject within SecurityContext must contain a single DPC that identifies the Caller Principal
if (!hasObject) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
hasObject = wps.getPrincipals().contains(callerPrincipal);
* 3. Subject within SecurityContext must contain the caller principal
if (!hasObject) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
* 4. The webPrincipal must have a non null name that equals the name of the callerPrincipal.
if (wp.getName() == null || !wp.getName().equals(callerPrincipal.getName())) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
* remove any existing DistinguishedPrincipalCredentials from receiving Subject
Iterator iter = fs.getPublicCredentials().iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object obj =;
if (obj instanceof DistinguishedPrincipalCredential) {
for (Principal p : wps.getPrincipals()) {
* Copy public credentials from Subject within SecurityContext to receiving Subject
for (Object publicCred : wps.getPublicCredentials()) {
* Copy private credentials from Subject within SecurityContext to receiving Subject
for (Object privateCred : wps.getPrivateCredentials()) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class BaseContainerCallbackHandler method processCallerPrincipal.
private void processCallerPrincipal(CallerPrincipalCallback callerPrincipalCallback) {
Subject subject = callerPrincipalCallback.getSubject();
Principal principal = callerPrincipalCallback.getPrincipal();
// the same custom principal within it
if (principal != null && !(principal instanceof WebPrincipal)) {
Principal additional = SecurityContext.getCurrent().getAdditionalPrincipal();
if ((additional != null) && (additional instanceof WebPrincipal) && ((WebPrincipal) additional).getCustomPrincipal() == principal) {
principal = additional;
if (principal instanceof WebPrincipal) {
WebPrincipal webPrincipal = (WebPrincipal) principal;
* Check if the WebPrincipal satisfies the criteria for reuse. If it does, the CBH will have already
* copied its contents into the Subject, and established the caller principal.
if (reuseWebPrincipal(subject, webPrincipal)) {
* Otherwise the webPrincipal must be distinguished as the callerPrincipal, but the contents of its
* internal SecurityContext will not be copied. For the special case where the WebPrincipal
* represents the defaultCallerPrincipal, the argument principal is set to null to cause the handler
* to assign its representation of the unauthenticated caller in the Subject.
Principal defaultCallerPrincipal = SecurityContext.getDefaultCallerPrincipal();
SecurityContext securityContext = webPrincipal.getSecurityContext();
Principal callerPrincipal = securityContext != null ? securityContext.getCallerPrincipal() : null;
if (webPrincipal.getName() == null || webPrincipal.equals(defaultCallerPrincipal) || callerPrincipal == null || callerPrincipal.equals(defaultCallerPrincipal)) {
principal = null;
String realmName = null;
if (handlerContext != null) {
realmName = handlerContext.getRealmName();
boolean isCertRealm = CertificateRealm.AUTH_TYPE.equals(realmName);
if (principal == null) {
if (callerPrincipalCallback.getName() != null) {
if (isCertRealm) {
principal = new X500Principal(callerPrincipalCallback.getName());
} else {
principal = new PrincipalImpl(callerPrincipalCallback.getName());
} else {
// JASPIC/196 unauthenticated caller principal
principal = getDefaultCallerPrincipal();
if (isCertRealm) {
if (principal instanceof X500Principal) {
JaspicToJaasBridge.jaasX500Login(subject, (X500Principal) principal);
} else {
if (!principal.equals(getDefaultCallerPrincipal())) {
JaspicToJaasBridge.addRealmGroupsToSubject(subject, principal.getName(), realmName);
final Principal finalPrincipal = principal;
DistinguishedPrincipalCredential distinguishedPrincipalCredential = new DistinguishedPrincipalCredential(principal);
privileged(() -> {
Iterator<Object> publicCredentials = subject.getPublicCredentials().iterator();
while (publicCredentials.hasNext()) {
if ( instanceof DistinguishedPrincipalCredential) {
use of in project Payara by payara.
the class JaccWebAuthorizationManager method getSecurityContext.
* This is an private method for transforming principal into a SecurityContext
* @param principal expected to be a WebPrincipal
* @return SecurityContext
private SecurityContext getSecurityContext(Principal principal) {
SecurityContext securityContext = null;
if (principal != null) {
if (principal instanceof WebPrincipal) {
WebPrincipal webPrincipal = (WebPrincipal) principal;
securityContext = webPrincipal.getSecurityContext();
} else {
securityContext = SecurityContext.getCurrent();
if (securityContext == null) {
securityContext = SecurityContext.getDefaultSecurityContext();
return securityContext;