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Example 11 with Result

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class PortComponentLinkValidCheck method check.

 * @param descriptor the WebServices  descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(ServiceReferenceDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    boolean pass = true;
    Collection ports = descriptor.getPortsInfo();
    for (Iterator it = ports.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        ServiceRefPortInfo ref = (ServiceRefPortInfo);
        // check if this test is applicable first
        if (!ref.hasPortComponentLinkName()) {
            // result.notapplicable, since port-comp-link does not exist in port-comp-ref
            result.addNaDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
            result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notapp", "Not applicable since port-comp-link does not exist in port-comp-ref [{0}].", new Object[] { ref.getName() }));
        } else if (ref.getPortComponentLink() != null) {
            pass = true;
        } else if (!isLinkValid(ref)) {
            // ref.getName(), ref.getPortComponentLinkName()
            result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
            result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Invalid port-component-link [{0}] in WebService client [{1}].", new Object[] { ref.getPortComponentLinkName(), compName.toString() }));
            pass = false;
    if (pass) {
        // result.pass
        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "All port-component-link(s) in this service reference are valid."));
    return result;
Also used : Iterator(java.util.Iterator) Collection(java.util.Collection) Result(

Example 12 with Result

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class CMPFieldExistence method check.

 * Any CMP entity bean should have at least one cmp field defined in the DDs
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
        String persistentType = ((EjbEntityDescriptor) descriptor).getPersistenceType();
        if (EjbEntityDescriptor.CONTAINER_PERSISTENCE.equals(persistentType)) {
            EjbCMPEntityDescriptor cmpDesc = (EjbCMPEntityDescriptor) descriptor;
            PersistenceDescriptor persDesc = cmpDesc.getPersistenceDescriptor();
            if (persDesc.getCMPFields().size() == 0) {
                result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + "failed", "For CMP entity bean [ {0} ], no cmp field are defined", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
            } else {
                result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "For CMP entity bean [ {0} ], some cmp fields are defined", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
            return result;
    // everything else is NA
    result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "The EJB [ {0} ] is not an CMP entity bean", new Object[] { descriptor.getName() }));
    return result;
Also used : PersistenceDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.PersistenceDescriptor) EjbEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor) EjbCMPEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbCMPEntityDescriptor) Result(

Example 13 with Result

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class EjbNameIsValidJavaIdentifier method check.

 * For an entity-bean the ejb-name must be a valid Java identifier.
 * See ejb specification 2.1 section 10.3.13
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    String ejbName = descriptor.getName();
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
        if (((EjbEntityDescriptor) descriptor).getPersistenceType().equals(EjbEntityDescriptor.CONTAINER_PERSISTENCE)) {
            boolean isJavaIdentifier = true;
            boolean startChar = Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(ejbName.charAt(0));
            if (startChar) {
                for (int i = 1; i < ejbName.length(); i++) if (!Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(ejbName.charAt(i))) {
                    isJavaIdentifier = false;
            } else {
                isJavaIdentifier = false;
            // valid JavaIdentifier
            if (isJavaIdentifier) {
                result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "ejb-name [ {0} ] within bean [ {1} ] is a valid java identifier", new Object[] { ejbName, descriptor.getName() }));
                return result;
            } else {
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "ejb-name [ {0} ] within bean [ {1} ] is not a valid java identifier", new Object[] { ejbName, descriptor.getName() }));
                return result;
    result.addNaDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
    result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "[ {0} ] expected {1} bean, with Container Managed Persistence.", new Object[] { getClass(), "Entity" }));
    return result;
Also used : EjbEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor) ComponentNameConstructor( Result(

Example 14 with Result

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class EntityBeanExtendsSerializableClass method check.

 * The interfaces/classes that the entity bean implements must be
 * serializable directly or indirectly.
 * Ejb 2.1 says that "The bean class that uses the timer service must
 * implement the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface."
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
        try {
            Class c = Class.forName(descriptor.getEjbClassName(), false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader());
            boolean validBean = true;
            Class superClass = c.getSuperclass();
            if (validBean == true) {
                // walk up the class tree
                if (!(superClass.getName()).equals("java.lang.Object")) {
                    if (!isValidSerializableType(superClass) && !isTimedObject(superClass)) {
                        validBean = false;
                        result.addWarningDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                        result.addWarningDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed1", "[ {0} ] extends class [ {1} ] which is not serializable. ", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName(), superClass.getName() }));
                        return result;
                    } else {
                        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed1", "Bean [ {0} ] extends class [ {1} ] which is serializable. ", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName(), superClass.getName() }));
                        do {
                            Class[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces();
                            for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
                                logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug1", new Object[] { interfaces[i].getName() });
                                if (!isValidSerializableType(interfaces[i]) && !isTimedObject(interfaces[i])) {
                                    validBean = false;
                                    result.addWarningDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                                    result.addWarningDetails(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "[ {0} ] implements interface [ {1} ] which is not serializable. ", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName(), interfaces[i].getName() }));
                        } while ((((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null) && (validBean != false)));
                if (validBean == true) {
                    result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                    result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "Bean [ {0} ] implements interfaces which are all serializable. ", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName() }));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
            result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failedException", "Error: [ {0} ] class not found.", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName() }));
        return result;
    } else {
        result.addNaDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "[ {0} ] expected {1} bean, but called with {2} bean.", new Object[] { getClass(), "Entity", "Session" }));
        return result;
Also used : EjbEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor) ComponentNameConstructor( Result(

Example 15 with Result

use of in project Payara by payara.

the class EntityBeanInterface method check.

 * Implements the EntityBeaan Interface test.
 * All entity Beans must implement, directly or indirectly, the EntityBean
 * interface.
 * @param descriptor the Enterprise Java Bean deployment descriptor
 * @return <code>Result</code> the results for this assertion
public Result check(EjbDescriptor descriptor) {
    Result result = getInitializedResult();
    ComponentNameConstructor compName = getVerifierContext().getComponentNameConstructor();
    if (descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
        try {
            Class c = Class.forName(descriptor.getEjbClassName(), false, getVerifierContext().getClassLoader());
            boolean validBean = false;
            // walk up the class tree
            do {
                Class[] interfaces = c.getInterfaces();
                for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) {
                    logger.log(Level.FINE, getClass().getName() + ".debug1", new Object[] { interfaces[i].getName() });
                    if (interfaces[i].getName().equals("javax.ejb.EntityBean") && descriptor instanceof EjbEntityDescriptor) {
                        validBean = true;
                        result.addGoodDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                        result.passed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".passed", "[ {0} ] properly implements the EntityBean interface.", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName() }));
            } while ((((c = c.getSuperclass()) != null) && (!validBean)));
            if (!validBean) {
                result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
                result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failed", "Error: [ {0} ] does not properly implement the EntityBean interface.  All entity beans must implement the EntityBean interface.  [ {1} ] is not a valid bean.", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName(), descriptor.getEjbClassName() }));
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            result.addErrorDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
            result.failed(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".failedException", "Error: [ {0} ] class not found.", new Object[] { descriptor.getEjbClassName() }));
        return result;
    } else {
        result.addNaDetails(smh.getLocalString("tests.componentNameConstructor", "For [ {0} ]", new Object[] { compName.toString() }));
        result.notApplicable(smh.getLocalString(getClass().getName() + ".notApplicable", "[ {0} ] expected {1} bean, but called with {2} bean.", new Object[] { getClass(), "Entity", "Session" }));
        return result;
Also used : EjbEntityDescriptor(org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor) ComponentNameConstructor( Result(


Result ( ComponentNameConstructor ( EjbEntityDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbEntityDescriptor)88 VerifierTestContext ( Method (java.lang.reflect.Method)66 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)50 EjbSessionDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbSessionDescriptor)28 Set (java.util.Set)26 EjbCMPEntityDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbCMPEntityDescriptor)17 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)15 EjbSessionDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbSessionDescriptor)14 EjbDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbDescriptor)14 Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)13 EnvironmentProperty (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EnvironmentProperty)10 MethodDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.MethodDescriptor)9 EjbBundleDescriptorImpl (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.EjbBundleDescriptorImpl)9 FieldDescriptor (org.glassfish.ejb.deployment.descriptor.FieldDescriptor)9 TagLibDescriptor ( ConnectionDefDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ConnectionDefDescriptor)6 EjbReferenceDescriptor (com.sun.enterprise.deployment.EjbReferenceDescriptor)6