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Example 66 with AuthLoginException

use of com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class AuthenticatorOATH method init.

     * Initializes the authentication module. This function gets the modules
     * settings, and the username from the previous authentication module in
     * the chain.
     * @param subject For whom this module is initializing.
     * @param sharedState Previously chained module data.
     * @param options Configuration for this module.
public void init(Subject subject, Map sharedState, Map options) {
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
    //get username from previous authentication
    try {
        userName = (String) sharedState.get(getUserKey());
        //gets skippable name from the realm's service and stores it
        id = getIdentity();
        realmOathService = new AuthenticatorOathService(id.getRealm());
        this.authLevel = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, AUTHLEVEL);
        try {
            this.passLen = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, PASSWORD_LENGTH, 0, debug);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            passLen = 0;
        try {
            this.minSecretKeyLength = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, MIN_SECRET_KEY_LENGTH, 0, debug);
        } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
            //Default value has been deleted, set to 0
            minSecretKeyLength = 0;
        this.windowSize = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, WINDOW_SIZE, 0, debug);
        this.truncationOffset = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, TRUNCATION_OFFSET, -1, debug);
        this.isOptional = !getLoginState("authenticatorOATH").is2faMandatory();
        this.totpTimeStep = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, TOTP_TIME_STEP, 1, debug);
        this.totpStepsInWindow = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, TOTP_STEPS_IN_WINDOW, 1, debug);
        this.checksum = CollectionHelper.getBooleanMapAttr(options, CHECKSUM, false);
        this.totpMaxClockDrift = CollectionHelper.getIntMapAttr(options, MAXIMUM_CLOCK_DRIFT, 0, debug);
        this.issuerName = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, ISSUER_NAME);
        final String algorithm = CollectionHelper.getMapAttr(options, ALGORITHM);
        if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("HOTP")) {
            this.algorithm = HOTP;
        } else if (algorithm.equalsIgnoreCase("TOTP")) {
            this.algorithm = TOTP;
        } else {
            this.algorithm = ERROR;
        //set authentication level
        if (authLevel != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
                    debug.error("OATH :: init() : Unable to set auth level " + authLevel, e);
    } catch (SMSException | SSOException | AuthLoginException e) {
        if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
            debug.error("OATH :: init() : Unable to configure basic module properties " + authLevel, e);
Also used : AuthenticatorOathService( SMSException( AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) IdRepoException(com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException) SMSException( DecoderException(org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException) IOException( AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) InvalidPasswordException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.InvalidPasswordException) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)

Example 67 with AuthLoginException

use of com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class AuthenticatorOATH method checkForSessionAndGetUsernameAndUUID.

private void checkForSessionAndGetUsernameAndUUID() throws SSOException, AuthLoginException {
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
        // session upgrade case. Need to find the user ID from the old
        SSOTokenManager mgr = SSOTokenManager.getInstance();
        InternalSession isess = getLoginState("OATH").getOldSession();
        if (isess == null) {
            throw new AuthLoginException("amAuth", "noInternalSession", null);
        SSOToken token = mgr.createSSOToken(isess.getID().toString());
        userId = token.getPrincipal().getName();
        userName = token.getProperty("UserToken");
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            debug.message("OATH.process() : Username from SSOToken : " + userName);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
            throw new AuthLoginException("amAuth", "noUserName", null);
Also used : SSOTokenManager(com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager) SSOToken(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken) InternalSession(com.iplanet.dpro.session.service.InternalSession) AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException)

Example 68 with AuthLoginException

use of com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class JaspiAuthModuleWrapperTest method shouldProcessCallbacksAndThrowInvalidStateException.

public void shouldProcessCallbacksAndThrowInvalidStateException() throws LoginException {
    Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[0];
    int state = 0;
    boolean exceptionCaught = false;
    AuthLoginException exception = null;
    try {
        jaspiAuthModuleWrapper.process(callbacks, state);
    } catch (AuthLoginException e) {
        exceptionCaught = true;
        exception = e;
    assertEquals(exception.getErrorCode(), "incorrectState");
Also used : Callback( AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 69 with AuthLoginException

use of com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class JaspiAuthModuleWrapperTest method shouldProcessCallbacksWhenValidateRequestReturnsSendFailure.

public void shouldProcessCallbacksWhenValidateRequestReturnsSendFailure() throws LoginException {
    Callback[] callbacks = new Callback[0];
    int state = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START;
    given(serverAuthModule.validateRequest(Matchers.<MessageInfo>anyObject(), Matchers.<Subject>anyObject(), (Subject) isNull())).willReturn(AuthStatus.SEND_FAILURE);
    boolean exceptionCaught = false;
    AuthLoginException exception = null;
    try {
        jaspiAuthModuleWrapper.process(callbacks, state);
    } catch (AuthLoginException e) {
        exceptionCaught = true;
        exception = e;
    verify(serverAuthModule).validateRequest(Matchers.<MessageInfo>anyObject(), Matchers.<Subject>anyObject(), (Subject) isNull());
    assertEquals(exception.getErrorCode(), "authFailed");
Also used : Callback( AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 70 with AuthLoginException

use of com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SecurID method process.

public int process(Callback[] callbacks, int state) throws AuthLoginException {
    String nextToken;
    int rtnval = -1;
    String tmp_passcode = null;
         *  state starts at 1, numbering corresponds to order of screens.
         *  return -1 if done, next screen# if another screen
    wtOrgName = getRequestOrg();
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("SecurID:process: Org = " + wtOrgName + "\n\tstate = " + state);
         * see if this org not initialized.
         * the path to sdconf.rec was gotten in init();
         * verify that it exists once.  after that, can
         * get the AuthSessionFactory.getInstance every time,
         * as it will return the same one, given the same path.
    if (!configDone.containsKey(STR_SECURID_CONFIG_PATH)) {
        // verify path to sdconf.rec
        configDone.put(STR_SECURID_CONFIG_PATH, "true");
         *  not particularly pretty getting the
         *  AuthSessionFactory instance every time, but the
         *  SecurID api states that it returns the same instance
         *  for the given path.  plus this way saves having to
         *  keep track of stuff...
    if (api == null) {
        debug.message("SecurID.process:getting Session instance");
        try {
            api = AuthSessionFactory.getInstance(STR_SECURID_CONFIG_PATH);
        } catch (AuthAgentException e) {
            debug.error("SecurID.process:" + "Unable to get SecurID API.");
            throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInitLex", null, e);
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("SecurID:process:after configDone: Org = " + wtOrgName + "\n\tstate = " + state + "\n\tconfig_path = " + STR_SECURID_CONFIG_PATH + "\n\tuserTokenId = " + userTokenId + "\n\tusername = " + username);
    String newPin = "";
    int authStatus = AuthSession.ACCESS_DENIED;
    PinData pinData = null;
    switch(state) {
        case // initial state (1)
                if (callbacks != null && callbacks.length == 0) {
                    username = (String) sharedState.get(getUserKey());
                    tmp_passcode = (String) sharedState.get(getPwdKey());
                    if (username == null || tmp_passcode == null) {
                        return 1;
                    getCredentialsFromSharedState = true;
                } else {
                    username = ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName();
                    // null userid is a no-no
                    if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDUserIdNull", null);
                    tmp_passcode = charToString(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[1]).getPassword(), callbacks[1]);
                    // null passcode is also a no-no
                    if (tmp_passcode == null || tmp_passcode.length() == 0) {
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDPasscodeNull", null);
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process(): username: " + username);
                storeUsernamePasswd(username, tmp_passcode);
                //  got the userid and passcode
                try {
                    session = api.createUserSession();
                } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:createUserSession() error:" + aaex.getMessage());
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInitializeLex", new Object[] { aaex.getMessage() });
                try {
                    authStatus = session.lock(username);
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:session.lock returns = " + authStatus);
                    authStatus = session.check(username, tmp_passcode);
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:session.check returns = " + authStatus);
                    switch(authStatus) {
                        case AuthSession.ACCESS_OK:
                            userTokenId = username;
                            rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
                        case // new PIN mode
                                pinData = session.getPinData();
                                int pinState = pinData.getUserSelectable();
                                String msg = getNewPinMsg(pinData);
                                //  if user can't choose their own pin
                                if (pinState == PinData.CANNOT_CHOOSE_PIN) {
                                    newPin = pinData.getSystemPin().trim();
                                    // submit new PIN
                                    if (newPin.length() != 0) {
                                        authStatus =;
                                        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                                            debug.message("SecurID.process:CCP:pin rtns = " + authStatus);
                                        if (authStatus != AuthSession.PIN_ACCEPTED) {
                                         * weird that we'd get an error
                                         * submitting the PIN provided by
                                         * the system...
                                         * could do error handling here,
                                         * or having the user submit a
                                         * null pin will make things terminate
                                         * subsequently...
                                            debug.error("SecurID.process:CCP:sys pin " + "not accepted!");
                                            if (session != null) {
                                                try {
                                                } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                                    debug.error("SecurID.process:NPRCCP:" + "close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                                                session = null;
                                            throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
                                    } else {
                                     * weird that we'd get a null PIN
                                     * from the system...
                                        debug.message("SecurID.process:CCP:newPin 0-length");
                                        newPin = "";
                                        if (session != null) {
                                            try {
                                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                                debug.error("SecurID.process:LSNP:" + "close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                                            session = null;
                                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
                                 * then tell user the new PIN, and to do
                                 * next token
                                    setDynamicText(true, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN, bundle.getString("SecurIDWaitPin") + bundle.getString("SecurIDNewSysPin") + newPin);
                                    rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN;
                                } else if (pinState == PinData.USER_SELECTABLE) {
                                    // see if user wants user-gen or sys-gen
                                    setDynamicText(false, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SYS_GEN_PIN, bundle.getString("SecurIDSysGenPin"));
                                    rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SYS_GEN_PIN;
                                } else if (pinState == PinData.MUST_CHOOSE_PIN) {
                                    // user must provide new PIN
                                    setDynamicText(true, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_CHALLENGE, msg);
                                    rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_CHALLENGE;
                                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                                        debug.message("SecurID.process:prompt = " + msg);
                                } else {
                                    // huh?
                                    debug.error("SecurID.process:NEW_PIN_REQUIRED:" + "unknown pinState = " + pinState);
                                    if (session != null) {
                                        try {
                                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NPRQ:" + "close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                                        session = null;
                                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
                        case // next token mode
                            rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN;
                        case AuthSession.ACCESS_DENIED:
                            debug.message("SecurID.process:state == default");
                            if (getCredentialsFromSharedState && !isUseFirstPassEnabled()) {
                                getCredentialsFromSharedState = false;
                                rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START;
                            if (session != null) {
                                try {
                                } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                    debug.error("SecurID.process:LSAD:" + "close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                                session = null;
                            throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
                } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:LS:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:session lock/check:" + aaex.getMessage());
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInitializeLex", new Object[] { aaex.getMessage() });
        case // new PIN mode (2)
                // submit new PIN
                String newPIN = charToString(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[0]).getPassword(), callbacks[0]);
                 *  if no PIN provided, submit "" as the new PIN, and
                 *  let the ACE/Server handle it (by returning an error)
                if (newPIN == null) {
                    // might not pass the ASCII test below
                    newPIN = "";
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process:state2: token length = " + newPIN.length());
                try {
                    if (!newPIN.equals(new String(newPIN.getBytes("ASCII"), "ASCII"))) {
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:LC:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDNewPINNotASCII", null);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ueex) {
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:LC2:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInputEncodingException", null);
                try {
                    authStatus =;
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message(" returns " + authStatus);
                    if (authStatus == AuthSession.PIN_ACCEPTED) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:new pin ACCEPTED");
                        rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN;
                        setDynamicText(true, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN, bundle.getString("SecurIDWaitPin"));
                        userTokenId = username;
                    } else if (authStatus == AuthSession.PIN_REJECTED) {
                        debug.message("SecurID:process:New PIN specified is invalid.");
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:LC3:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDAuthInvNewPin", null);
                    } else {
                        // hmmm...
                        debug.error("SecurID.process:unsure this pin response value.");
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:LC4:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                    // probably have to terminate the session
                    debug.error(" exception: " + aaex.getMessage());
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:LC5:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDAuthInvNewPin", null);
        case // next token mode (3)
                // can do PIN+passcode or just passcode
                // got the next token; submit it
                nextToken = charToString(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[0]).getPassword(), callbacks[0]);
                // must have something
                if (nextToken == null) {
                    // might not pass the ASCII test below
                    nextToken = "";
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:token length = " + nextToken.length());
                try {
                    if (!nextToken.equals(new String(nextToken.getBytes("ASCII"), "ASCII"))) {
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:NT:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        debug.error("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:" + "nextToken not ascii");
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDNextTokenNotASCII", null);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ueex) {
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NT2:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:" + "nextToken input encoding");
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInputEncodingException", null);
                try {
                    authStatus =;
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:" + "next returns " + authStatus);
                } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:next() exception:" + aaex.getMessage());
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NT3:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInvNextToken", null);
                if (authStatus == AuthSession.ACCESS_OK) {
                    // succeed
                    userTokenId = username;
                    rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
                } else {
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NT4:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LOGIN_NEXT_TOKEN:" + "nextToken failure");
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInvNextToken", null);
        case // sys genned PIN answer(4)
                // server asked if sys-genned PIN wanted, user said...
                String answer = ((NameCallback) callbacks[0]).getName();
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process:received answer(state 4) = " + answer);
                // must have something
                boolean sysgenpin = false;
                if (answer == null || answer.length() == 0) {
                    // make it system generated
                    sysgenpin = true;
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:made answer(state 4) = " + sysgenpin);
                } else if (answer.startsWith("y") || answer.startsWith("Y")) {
                    sysgenpin = true;
                if (sysgenpin) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process:LOGIN_SYS_GEN_PIN:" + "about to getSystemPin");
                    try {
                        pinData = session.getPinData();
                        newPin = pinData.getSystemPin();
                        authStatus =;
                        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                            debug.message("SecurID.process:LSGP:" + "newPin:pin() response = " + authStatus);
                        setDynamicText(true, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN, bundle.getString("SecurIDWaitPin") + bundle.getString("SecurIDNewSysPin") + newPin);
                        userTokenId = username;
                        rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN;
                    } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                        // probably have to terminate the session
                        debug.error("SecurID.process:LSGP:getSystemPin/pin error = " + aaex.getMessage());
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:SGP:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        if (getCredentialsFromSharedState && !isUseFirstPassEnabled()) {
                            getCredentialsFromSharedState = false;
                            rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_START;
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDAuthInvNewPin", null);
                } else {
                    // user-generated PIN
                    try {
                        String msg = getNewPinMsg(session.getPinData());
                        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                            debug.message("SecurID.process:LOGIN_SYS_GEN_PIN:" + "about to get user-genned PIN, prompt = \n\t" + msg);
                        setDynamicText(true, ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_CHALLENGE, msg);
                        rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_CHALLENGE;
                    } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                        // probably have to terminate the session
                        debug.error("SecurID.process:" + "session.getPinData exception: " + aaex.getMessage());
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:UGP:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDAuthInvNewPin", null);
        case // 5
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("LOGIN_NEW_PIN_NEXT_TOKEN:username = " + username);
                if (username == null || username.length() == 0) {
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDPrevUserid", null);
                //  only one callback... the new pin + token
                nextToken = charToString(((PasswordCallback) callbacks[0]).getPassword(), callbacks[0]);
                 * if nothing provided, 
                 * send a null string, and let the ACE/Server handle it.
                if (nextToken == null) {
                    // might not pass ASCII test below
                    nextToken = "";
                try {
                    if (!nextToken.equals(new String(nextToken.getBytes("ASCII"), "ASCII"))) {
                        if (session != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                                debug.error("SecurID.process:NPT:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                            session = null;
                        throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDNextTokenNotASCII", null);
                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ueex) {
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NPT2:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDInputEncodingException", null);
                debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:doing session.check");
                authStatus = AuthSession.ACCESS_DENIED;
                try {
                    authStatus = session.lock(username);
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:lock returns " + authStatus);
                    authStatus = session.check(username, nextToken);
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:next returns " + authStatus);
                } catch (AuthAgentException aaex) {
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:LNPNT:next() gets exception:" + aaex.getMessage());
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NPT3:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:ACCESS_OK = " + AuthSession.ACCESS_OK + ", authStatus = " + authStatus);
                if (authStatus == AuthSession.ACCESS_OK) {
                    // succeed
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:next() =" + " LOGIN_SUCCEED, username = " + username);
                    userTokenId = username;
                    rtnval = ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED;
                } else {
                    // login failed
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message("SecurID.process:LNPNT:next() " + "gets NOT Succeed = " + authStatus);
                    if (session != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                            debug.error("SecurID.process:NPT4:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                        session = null;
                    throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDLoginFailed", new Object[] { username });
            if (session != null) {
                try {
                } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                    debug.error("SecurID.process:DEF:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
                session = null;
            throw new AuthLoginException(bundleName, "SecurIDAuth", null);
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("process; after process:" + "\n\tstate = " + state + "\n\tuserTokenId = " + userTokenId + "\n\tusername = " + username + "\n\trtnval = " + rtnval);
    if (rtnval == ISAuthConstants.LOGIN_SUCCEED) {
        if (session != null) {
            try {
            } catch (AuthAgentException aax) {
                debug.error("SecurID.process:LOGIN_SUCCEED:close err = " + aax.getMessage());
            session = null;
    return (rtnval);
Also used : PinData(com.rsa.authagent.authapi.PinData) AuthAgentException(com.rsa.authagent.authapi.AuthAgentException) AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException)


AuthLoginException (com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException)118 SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)39 Callback ( IdRepoException (com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException)27 InvalidPasswordException (com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.InvalidPasswordException)25 NameCallback ( PasswordCallback ( IOException ( Set (java.util.Set)18 HttpServletRequest (javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)15 SSOToken (com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken)14 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)14 AuthContext (com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext)13 Map (java.util.Map)12 UnsupportedCallbackException ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)12 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)9 LoginException ( SSOTokenManager (com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager)7 AuthException (com.sun.identity.authentication.service.AuthException)7