use of com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationType in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ApplicationTypesResource method readInstance.
* Reads the details of a single instance of an {@link ApplicationType} - the instance
* referred to by the passed-in resourceId.
* The user's {@link SecurityContext} must indicate they are a user with administrator-level access.
* @param context {@inheritDoc}
* @param resourceId {@inheritDoc}
* @param request {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> readInstance(Context context, String resourceId, ReadRequest request) {
final Subject mySubject = getContextSubject(context);
if (mySubject == null) {
debug.error("ApplicationsTypesResource :: READ : Unknown Subject");
return new InternalServerErrorException().asPromise();
final String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromSubject(mySubject);
final ApplicationType applType = typeManager.getApplicationType(mySubject, resourceId);
final ApplicationTypeWrapper wrap = new ApplicationTypeWrapper(applType);
if (applType == null) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("ApplicationTypesResource :: READ by " + principalName + ": Requested application type short name not found: " + resourceId);
return new NotFoundException().asPromise();
try {
final ResourceResponse resource = newResourceResponse(resourceId, String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()), JsonValue.json(wrap.toJsonValue()));
return newResultPromise(resource);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (debug.errorEnabled()) {
debug.error("ApplicationTypesResource :: READ by " + principalName + ": Could not jsonify class associated with defined Type: " + resourceId, e);
return new InternalServerErrorException().asPromise();
use of com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationType in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ApplicationTypesResource method queryCollection.
* Reads the details of all {@link ApplicationType}s in the system.
* The user's {@link SecurityContext} must indicate they are a user with administrator-level access.
* @param context {@inheritDoc}
* @param request {@inheritDoc}
* @param handler {@inheritDoc}
public Promise<QueryResponse, ResourceException> queryCollection(Context context, QueryRequest request, QueryResourceHandler handler) {
final Subject mySubject = getContextSubject(context);
if (mySubject == null) {
debug.error("ApplicationsTypesResource :: QUERY : Unknown Subject");
return new InternalServerErrorException().asPromise();
final String principalName = PrincipalRestUtils.getPrincipalNameFromSubject(mySubject);
final Set<String> appTypeNames = typeManager.getApplicationTypeNames(mySubject);
List<ApplicationTypeWrapper> appTypes = new LinkedList<>();
for (String appTypeName : appTypeNames) {
final ApplicationType type = typeManager.getApplicationType(mySubject, appTypeName);
final ApplicationTypeWrapper wrap = new ApplicationTypeWrapper(type);
if (type != null) {
} else {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("ApplicationTypesResource :: QUERY by " + principalName + ": ApplicationType was not found: " + appTypeName);
final List<ResourceResponse> applicationsList = getResourceResponses(appTypes);
return QueryResponsePresentation.perform(handler, request, applicationsList);
use of com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationType in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class UpgradeEntitlementSubConfigsStep method addMissingActions.
* Adds the missing actions to their corresponding application type's.
* @throws UpgradeException If there was an error while updating the application type.
private void addMissingActions() throws UpgradeException {
for (final Map.Entry<String, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : missingActions.entrySet()) {
final String name = entry.getKey();
final Map<String, Boolean> actions = entry.getValue();
try {
UpgradeProgress.reportStart(AUDIT_MODIFIED_TYPE_START, name);
if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
DEBUG.message("Modifying application type " + name + " ; adding actions: " + actions);
final ApplicationType type = getType(name);
} catch (EntitlementException ee) {
throw new UpgradeException(ee);
use of com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationType in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class UpgradeEntitlementSubConfigsStep method captureMissingActions.
* Compares the provided subconfig element's action list against what is currently present in the existing
* application type definition and captures the missing entries.
* @param name The name of the subconfig's element we're interested in
* @param subConfig The new application type's XML representation.
private void captureMissingActions(final String name, final Node subConfig) {
ApplicationType applicationType = getType(name);
if (applicationType != null) {
Map<String, Boolean> existingActions = applicationType.getActions();
Map<String, Boolean> newActions = getActions(parseAttributeValuePairTags(subConfig));
if (!existingActions.equals(newActions)) {
missingActions.put(name, newActions);
use of com.sun.identity.entitlement.ApplicationType in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ApplicationTypesResourceTest method shouldReadInstanceCorrectly.
public void shouldReadInstanceCorrectly() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, ExecutionException, InterruptedException {
SSOTokenContext mockSubjectContext = mock(SSOTokenContext.class);
RealmContext realmContext = new RealmContext(mockSubjectContext);
Context mockServerContext = ClientContext.newInternalClientContext(realmContext);
Subject subject = new Subject();
ReadRequest request = mock(ReadRequest.class);
ApplicationType mockApplicationType = new ApplicationType("test", null, null, null, null);
given(mockApplicationTypeManager.getApplicationType(subject, "test")).willReturn(mockApplicationType);
Promise<ResourceResponse, ResourceException> result = testResource.readInstance(mockServerContext, "test", request);