use of com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSAssertionManagerImpl method getErrorStatus.
public String getErrorStatus(String metaAlias, String artifact) throws FSRemoteException {
try {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSAssertionManagerImpl.getErrStatus(" + metaAlias + ", " + artifact);
AssertionArtifact aa = new FSAssertionArtifact(artifact);
Status s = FSAssertionManager.getInstance(metaAlias).getErrorStatus(aa);
if (null != s)
return s.toString(true, true);
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("getErrStatus: FSMsgException:" + e.getMessage());
throw new FSRemoteException(e.getMessage());
} catch (FSException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("getErrStatus: FSException:" + e.getMessage());
throw new FSRemoteException(e.getMessage());
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("getErrStatus: returning null");
return null;
use of com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSRegistrationReturnServlet method doGetPost.
* Handles the request.
* @param request <code>HttpServletRequest</code> object that contains the
* request the client has made of the servlet.
* @param response <code>HttpServletResponse</code> object that contains
* the response the servlet sends to the client.
* @exception ServletException if an input or output error is detected when
* the servlet handles the request
* @exception IOException if the request could not be handled
private void doGetPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSRegistrationReturnServlet doGetPost...");
String providerAlias = "";
providerAlias = FSServiceUtils.getMetaAlias(request);
if (providerAlias == null || providerAlias.length() < 1) {
FSUtils.debug.error("Unable to retrieve alias, Hosted" + " Provider. Cannot process request");
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString("aliasNotFound"));
if (metaManager == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("Cannot retrieve hosted descriptor. " + "Cannot process request");
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.FAILED_HOSTED_DESCRIPTOR));
String realm = IDFFMetaUtils.getRealmByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
ProviderDescriptorType hostedProviderDesc = null;
BaseConfigType hostedConfig = null;
String hostedEntityId = null;
String hostedProviderRole = null;
try {
hostedProviderRole = metaManager.getProviderRoleByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
hostedEntityId = metaManager.getEntityIDByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
if (hostedProviderRole != null && hostedProviderRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.IDP)) {
hostedProviderDesc = metaManager.getIDPDescriptor(realm, hostedEntityId);
hostedConfig = metaManager.getIDPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostedEntityId);
} else if (hostedProviderRole != null && hostedProviderRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
hostedProviderDesc = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, hostedEntityId);
hostedConfig = metaManager.getSPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostedEntityId);
if (hostedProviderDesc == null) {
throw new IDFFMetaException((String) null);
} catch (IDFFMetaException eam) {
FSUtils.debug.error("Unable to find Hosted Provider. not process request");
response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.FAILED_HOSTED_DESCRIPTOR));
this.request = request;
setRegistrationURL(hostedConfig, providerAlias);
// Here we will need to
// 1. verify response signature
// 2. verify response status
// 3. retrieve registration request Id from Map
// 4. if status success then do locally else not do locally and
// 5. show status page or LRURL if found in MAP
// (eg intersiteTransfer)
FSNameRegistrationResponse regisResponse = null;
try {
regisResponse = FSNameRegistrationResponse.parseURLEncodedRequest(request);
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
} catch (SAMLException e) {
String remoteEntityId = regisResponse.getProviderId();
ProviderDescriptorType remoteDesc = null;
boolean isIDP = false;
try {
if (hostedProviderRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
remoteDesc = metaManager.getIDPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
isIDP = true;
} else {
remoteDesc = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
} catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationReturnServlet:", e);
if (remoteDesc == null) {
boolean bVerify = true;
try {
if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
bVerify = verifyResponseSignature(request, remoteDesc, remoteEntityId, isIDP);
} catch (SAMLException e) {
bVerify = false;
} catch (FSException e) {
bVerify = false;
if (bVerify) {
FSNameRegistrationHandler handlerObj = new FSNameRegistrationHandler();
handlerObj.processRegistrationResponse(request, response, regisResponse);
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationReturnServlet " + "Signature on registration request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed name registration");
String[] data = { FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_INVALID_SIGNATURE) };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data);
use of com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSRegistrationRequestServlet method doRequestProcessing.
* Called when a registration request is received from
* a remote provider. Initiates registration request processing.
* @param request <code>HTTPServletRequest</code> object received via a
* HTTP Redirect
* @param response <code>HTTPServletResponse</code> object to send the
* response back to user agent
* @param hostedProviderDesc the provider for whom request is received
* @param hostedConfig hosted provider's extended meta
* @param hostedProviderRole hosted provider's role
* @param realm the realm under which the provider resides
* @param hostedEntityId hosted provider's entity ID
* @param providerAlias hosted provider's meta alias
* @param regisRequest the federation registration request
private void doRequestProcessing(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ProviderDescriptorType hostedProviderDesc, BaseConfigType hostedConfig, String hostedProviderRole, String realm, String hostedEntityId, String providerAlias, FSNameRegistrationRequest regisRequest) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Entered FSRegistrationRequestServlet::doRequestProcessing");
String remoteEntityId = regisRequest.getProviderId();
String retURL = null;
ProviderDescriptorType remoteDesc = null;
boolean isIDP = false;
try {
if (hostedProviderRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
remoteDesc = metaManager.getIDPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
isIDP = true;
} else {
remoteDesc = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
retURL = remoteDesc.getRegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL();
} catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationRequestServlet.doRequest " + "Processing: Can not retrieve remote provider data." + remoteEntityId);
String[] data = { remoteEntityId, realm };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_PROVIDER, data);
FSServiceUtils.returnToSource(response, retURL, COMMON_ERROR_PAGE, IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILED, IFSConstants.METADATA_ERROR);
boolean bVerify = true;
if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
try {
if (remoteDesc != null) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Calling verifyRegistrationSignature");
bVerify = verifyRegistrationSignature(request, remoteDesc, remoteEntityId, isIDP);
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("Cannot retrieve provider descriptor.");
String[] data = { remoteEntityId, realm };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_PROVIDER, data);
FSServiceUtils.returnToSource(response, retURL, COMMON_ERROR_PAGE, IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILED, IFSConstants.METADATA_ERROR);
} catch (FSException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationRequestServlet::processRegistrationRequest " + "Signature on registration request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed federation registration");
String[] data = { FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_INVALID_SIGNATURE) };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data);
FSServiceUtils.returnToSource(response, retURL, COMMON_ERROR_PAGE, IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILED, IFSConstants.METADATA_ERROR);
} catch (SAMLException e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationRequestServlet::processRegistrationRequest" + "Signature on registration request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed federation registration");
String[] data = { FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_INVALID_SIGNATURE) };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data);
FSServiceUtils.returnToSource(response, retURL, COMMON_ERROR_PAGE, IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILED, IFSConstants.METADATA_ERROR);
if (bVerify) {
// Check if trusted provider
if (metaManager.isTrustedProvider(realm, hostedEntityId, remoteEntityId)) {
FSNameRegistrationHandler regisHandler = new FSNameRegistrationHandler();
if (regisHandler != null) {
regisHandler.processRegistrationRequest(request, response, regisRequest);
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("Unable to get registration " + "handler. User account Not valid");
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("Remote provider not in trusted list");
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSRegistrationRequestServlet::doRequestProcesing " + "Signature on registration request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed name registration");
String[] data = { FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_INVALID_SIGNATURE) };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data);
FSServiceUtils.returnToSource(response, retURL, COMMON_ERROR_PAGE, IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILED, IFSConstants.METADATA_ERROR);
use of com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class IDFFNameIdentifierMapper method getNameIdentifier.
* Returns mapped <code>NameIdentifier</code> for specified user.
* This is used by Discovery Service to generate correct
* <code>NameIdentifier</code> when creating credentials for remote
* service provider. A <code>NameIdentifier</code> in encrypted format
* will be returned if the mapped <code>NameIdentifier</code> is
* different from the original <code>NameIdentifier</code>, this
* is to prevent the <code>NameIdentifier</code> to be revealed
* to a proxy service provider.
* @param spProviderID Provider ID of the service provider to which
* the <code>NameIdentifier</code> needs to be mapped.
* @param idpProviderID Provider ID of the identifier provider.
* @param nameId The <code>NameIdentifier</code> needs to be mapped.
* @param userID The user whose mapped <code>NameIdentifier</code> will
* be returned. The value is the universal identifier of the user.
* @return the mapped <code>NameIdentifier</code> for specified user,
* return null if unable to map the <code>NameIdentifier</code>,
* return original name identifier if no need to mapp the
* <code>NameIdentifier</code>.
public NameIdentifier getNameIdentifier(String spProviderID, String idpProviderID, NameIdentifier nameId, String userID) {
try {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper, enter " + "spProviderID=" + spProviderID + ", idpProviderID=" + idpProviderID + ", userID=" + userID);
if (nameId != null) {
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper, enter " + "name identifier=" + nameId.toString());
if ((spProviderID == null) || (idpProviderID == null) || (userID == null)) {
return null;
if (spProviderID.equals(idpProviderID)) {
// same entity, this is for the case of discovery service as IDP
return nameId;
if (nameId != null) {
String nameQualifier = nameId.getNameQualifier();
if ((nameQualifier != null) && nameQualifier.equals(spProviderID)) {
// current name id is intended for the spProviderID
return nameId;
IDFFMetaManager metaManager = FSUtils.getIDFFMetaManager();
String metaAlias = metaManager.getIDPDescriptorConfig("/", idpProviderID).getMetaAlias();
FSAccountManager fsaccountmgr = FSAccountManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
FSAccountFedInfo accountinfo = fsaccountmgr.readAccountFedInfo(userID, spProviderID);
if (accountinfo != null) {
NameIdentifier ni = accountinfo.getLocalNameIdentifier();
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper : new Ni");
ProviderManager pm = ProviderUtil.getProviderManager();
if (pm != null) {
Key encKey = pm.getEncryptionKey(spProviderID);
if (encKey != null) {
// passed down through a proxy WSC
return EncryptedNameIdentifier.getEncryptedNameIdentifier(ni, spProviderID, encKey, pm.getEncryptionKeyAlgorithm(spProviderID), pm.getEncryptionKeyStrength(spProviderID));
} else {
return ni;
} else {
return ni;
} else {
return nameId;
} catch (FSAccountMgmtException e) {
// the federation info might not be there, just ignore
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper, account error", e);
} catch (FSException e) {
// the federation info might not be there, just ignore
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper, encrypt error", e);
} catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
// the provider might not be a IDFF provider, just ignore
FSUtils.debug.message("IDFFNameIdentifierMapper, meta error", e);
return null;
use of com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class LibertyManagerClient method getDiscoveryServiceCredential.
* Returns the discovery service credential.
* @param token Single Sign On Token.
* @param hostProviderID Hosted <code>ProviderID</code>.
* @return <code>SecurityAssertion</code> Discovery Service Bootstrap
* Credential.
* @exception FSException if any failure.
public SecurityAssertion getDiscoveryServiceCredential(Object token, String hostProviderID) throws FSException {
try {
String tokenID = SessionManager.getProvider().getSessionID(token);
String cacheKey = tokenID + DISCO_CRED;
SecurityAssertion cred = (SecurityAssertion) bootStrapCache.get(cacheKey);
if (cred != null) {
return cred;
String[] objs = { tokenID, hostProviderID };
String credential = (String) client.send("getDiscoveryServiceCredential", objs, null, null);
if ((credential == null) || (credential.length() == 0)) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("LibertyManagerClient.getDiscovery" + "ServiceCredential: Credential is null or empty");
return null;
Document doc = XMLUtils.toDOMDocument(credential, FSUtils.debug);
cred = new SecurityAssertion(doc.getDocumentElement());
bootStrapCache.put(cacheKey, cred);
return cred;
} catch (SessionException se) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("LibertyManagerClient.getDiscovery" + "ServiceCredential: InvalidSessionToken", se);
throw new FSException(FSUtils.bundle.getString("invalidSSOToken"));
} catch (DiscoveryException de) {
FSUtils.debug.error("LibertyManagerClient.getDiscovery" + "ServiceCredential: InvalidAssertion", de);
throw new FSException(FSUtils.bundle.getString("invalidCredential"));
} catch (Exception ex) {
FSUtils.debug.error("LibertyManagerClient.getDiscovery" + "ResourceOffering: SOAPClient Exception", ex);
throw new FSException(FSUtils.bundle.getString("soapException"));