Search in sources :

Example 6 with IDFFMetaException

use of com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class LibertyManager method getAllSPList.

     * Returns a list of all trusted Service Providers under the realm.
     * @param realm The realm under which the entity resides.
     * @return an iterator to a list of strings, each containing the
     *  entity ID of a Service Provider.
public static Iterator getAllSPList(String realm) {
    // returns list of sps... for default org.
    // since all the providers have their description under default org..
    // hence returning the List of all the active sps.
    Set spList = new HashSet();
    try {
        if (metaManager != null) {
            // TODO: check if the sp is active if we decide to support it
    } catch (IDFFMetaException ame) {
        debug.error("LibertyManager: getAllSPList: Error while getting " + " Active ProviderIds  ", ame);
    return spList.iterator();
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 7 with IDFFMetaException

use of com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class LibertyManager method getAllIDPList.

     * Returns a list of all trusted Identity Providers under the realm.
     * @param realm The realm under which the entity resides.
     * @return an iterator to a list of strings, each containing the
     *         entity ID of Identity Providers.
public static Iterator getAllIDPList(String realm) {
    // returns list of idps... for default org.
    // since all the providers have their description under default org..
    // hence returning the List of all the active idps.
    Set idpList = new HashSet();
    try {
        if (metaManager != null) {
            // TODO: check if the idp is active if we decide to support it
    } catch (IDFFMetaException ame) {
        debug.error("LibertyManager: getAllIDPList: Error while getting " + " Active ProviderIds  ", ame);
    return idpList.iterator();
Also used : HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 8 with IDFFMetaException

use of com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class FSDefaultSPAdapter method postSSOFederationSuccess.

     * Invokes this method after the successful Single Sign-On or Federation.
     * @param hostedEntityID provider ID for the hosted SP
     * @param request servlet request
     * @param response servlet response
     * @param ssoToken user's SSO token
     * @param authnRequest the original authentication request sent from SP 
     * @param authnResponse response from IDP if Browser POST or LECP profile
     *        is used for the request, value will be null if Browser Artifact
     *        profile is used. 
     * @param samlResponse response from IDP if Browser Artifact profile is used
     *        for the request, value will be null if Browser POST or LECP 
     *        profile is used.
     * @exception FederationException if user want to fail the process.
     * @return true if browser redirection happened, false otherwise.
public boolean postSSOFederationSuccess(String hostedEntityID, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object ssoToken, FSAuthnRequest authnRequest, FSAuthnResponse authnResponse, FSResponse samlResponse) throws FederationException {
    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postFedSuccess, " + "process " + hostedEntityID);
    // find out if this is a federation request
    boolean isFederation = false;
    if (authnRequest == null) {
        FSUtils.debug.error("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postFedSuccess null");
    } else {
        String nameIDPolicy = authnRequest.getNameIDPolicy();
        if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
            FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSuccess " + nameIDPolicy);
        if (nameIDPolicy.equals(IFSConstants.NAME_ID_POLICY_FEDERATED)) {
            isFederation = true;
    SSOToken adminToken = (SSOToken) AccessController.doPrivileged(AdminTokenAction.getInstance());
    if (isFederation && adminToken != null) {
        try {
            // get name Identifier
            String nameId = null;
            List assertions = null;
            String idpEntityId = null;
            if (authnResponse != null) {
                // POST profile
                assertions = authnResponse.getAssertion();
                idpEntityId = authnResponse.getProviderId();
            } else {
                // Artifact profile
                assertions = samlResponse.getAssertion();
            FSAssertion assertion = (FSAssertion) assertions.iterator().next();
            if (idpEntityId == null) {
                idpEntityId = assertion.getIssuer();
            if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                FSUtils.debug.message("FSAdapter.postSuccess: idp=" + idpEntityId);
            Iterator stmtIter = assertion.getStatement().iterator();
            while (stmtIter.hasNext()) {
                Statement statement = (Statement);
                int stmtType = statement.getStatementType();
                if (stmtType == Statement.AUTHENTICATION_STATEMENT) {
                    FSAuthenticationStatement authStatement = (FSAuthenticationStatement) statement;
                    FSSubject subject = (FSSubject) authStatement.getSubject();
                    NameIdentifier ni = subject.getIDPProvidedNameIdentifier();
                    if (ni == null) {
                        ni = subject.getNameIdentifier();
                    if (ni != null) {
                        nameId = ni.getName();
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSAdapter.postSuccess: " + "found name id =" + nameId);
            if (nameId == null) {
                FSUtils.debug.warning("FSAdapter.postSuc : null nameID");
                return false;
            Map map = new HashMap();
            Set set = new HashSet();
            set.add("|" + hostedEntityID + "|" + nameId + "|");
            map.put("iplanet-am-user-federation-info-key", set);
            AMIdentityRepository idRepo = new AMIdentityRepository(adminToken, ((SSOToken) ssoToken).getProperty(ISAuthConstants.ORGANIZATION));
            IdSearchControl searchControl = new IdSearchControl();
            searchControl.setSearchModifiers(IdSearchOpModifier.AND, map);
            IdSearchResults searchResults = idRepo.searchIdentities(IdType.USER, "*", searchControl);
            Set amIdSet = searchResults.getSearchResults();
            if (amIdSet.size() > 1) {
                String univId = ((SSOToken) ssoToken).getProperty(Constants.UNIVERSAL_IDENTIFIER);
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("FSAdapter.postSuccess: found " + amIdSet.size() + " federation with same ID as " + univId);
                String metaAlias = null;
                try {
                    IDFFMetaManager metaManager = new IDFFMetaManager(ssoToken);
                    if (metaManager != null) {
                        SPDescriptorConfigElement spConfig = metaManager.getSPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostedEntityID);
                        if (spConfig != null) {
                            metaAlias = spConfig.getMetaAlias();
                } catch (IDFFMetaException ie) {
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSAdapter.postSuccess: " + "couldn't find meta alias:", ie);
                FSAccountManager accManager = FSAccountManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
                FSAccountFedInfoKey fedInfoKey = new FSAccountFedInfoKey(hostedEntityID, nameId);
                // previous federation exists with different users
                Iterator it = amIdSet.iterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
                    AMIdentity amId = (AMIdentity);
                    // compare with the SSO token
                    String tmpUnivId = IdUtils.getUniversalId(amId);
                    if (univId.equalsIgnoreCase(tmpUnivId)) {
                    // remove federation information for this user
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSAdapter.postSucces, " + "remove fed info for user " + tmpUnivId);
                    accManager.removeAccountFedInfo(tmpUnivId, fedInfoKey, idpEntityId);
        } catch (FSAccountMgmtException f) {
            FSUtils.debug.warning("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSOSuccess", f);
        } catch (IdRepoException i) {
            FSUtils.debug.warning("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSOSuccess", i);
        } catch (SSOException e) {
            FSUtils.debug.warning("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSOSuccess", e);
    return false;
Also used : SSOToken(com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken) Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) FSSubject(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSSubject) NameIdentifier(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.NameIdentifier) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) IdSearchResults(com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchResults) SPDescriptorConfigElement(com.sun.identity.federation.jaxb.entityconfig.SPDescriptorConfigElement) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) FSAccountFedInfoKey(com.sun.identity.federation.accountmgmt.FSAccountFedInfoKey) FSAccountManager(com.sun.identity.federation.accountmgmt.FSAccountManager) FSAssertion(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAssertion) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) IdSearchControl(com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchControl) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) FSAuthenticationStatement(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAuthenticationStatement) Statement(com.sun.identity.saml.assertion.Statement) FSAuthenticationStatement(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSAuthenticationStatement) IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) IdRepoException(com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException) IDFFMetaManager(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaManager) AMIdentity(com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity) AMIdentityRepository(com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentityRepository) FSAccountMgmtException(com.sun.identity.federation.accountmgmt.FSAccountMgmtException) Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 9 with IDFFMetaException

use of com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class FSProcessLogoutServlet method doGetPost.

     * Handles single logout request.
     * @param request an <code>HttpServletRequest</code> object that contains
     *  the request the client has made of the servlet.
     * @param response an <code>HttpServletResponse</code> object that contains
     *  the response the servlet sends to the client.
     * @exception ServletException if an input or output error is detected when
     *                             the servlet handles the request
     * @exception IOException if the request could not be handled
private void doGetPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    FSUtils.debug.message("FSProcessLogoutServlet doGetPost...");
    // Alias processing
    String providerAlias = request.getParameter(IFSConstants.META_ALIAS);
    if (providerAlias == null || providerAlias.length() == 0) {
        providerAlias = FSServiceUtils.getMetaAlias(request);
    if (providerAlias == null || providerAlias.length() < 1) {
        FSUtils.debug.error("Unable to retrieve alias, Hosted Provider. " + "Cannot process request");
        response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString("aliasNotFound"));
    if (metaManager == null) {
        FSUtils.debug.error("Cannot retrieve hosted descriptor. " + "Cannot process request");
        response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.FAILED_HOSTED_DESCRIPTOR));
    String realm = IDFFMetaUtils.getRealmByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
    ProviderDescriptorType hostedProviderDesc = null;
    BaseConfigType hostedConfig = null;
    String hostedRole = null;
    String hostedEntityId = null;
    try {
        hostedRole = metaManager.getProviderRoleByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
        hostedEntityId = metaManager.getEntityIDByMetaAlias(providerAlias);
        if (hostedRole != null) {
            if (hostedRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.IDP)) {
                hostedProviderDesc = metaManager.getIDPDescriptor(realm, hostedEntityId);
                hostedConfig = metaManager.getIDPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostedEntityId);
            } else if (hostedRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
                hostedProviderDesc = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, hostedEntityId);
                hostedConfig = metaManager.getSPDescriptorConfig(realm, hostedEntityId);
        if (hostedProviderDesc == null) {
            throw new IDFFMetaException((String) null);
    } catch (IDFFMetaException eam) {
        FSUtils.debug.error("Unable to find Hosted Provider. " + "not process request", eam);
        response.sendError(response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, FSUtils.bundle.getString(IFSConstants.FAILED_HOSTED_DESCRIPTOR));
    String logoutDoneURL = FSServiceUtils.getLogoutDonePageURL(request, hostedConfig, providerAlias);
    String commonErrorPage = FSServiceUtils.getErrorPageURL(request, hostedConfig, providerAlias);
    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("logoutDoneURL : " + logoutDoneURL + "\ncommonErrorPage : " + commonErrorPage);
    String sourceCheck = (String) request.getAttribute("logoutSource");
    if (sourceCheck == null) {
        sourceCheck = request.getParameter("logoutSource");
    Object ssoToken = getValidToken(request);
    String userID = null;
    if (ssoToken == null) {
        if (sourceCheck != null) {
            if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("local")) {
                // status=noSession
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("FSProcessLogoutServlet, " + "control where Source is local");
                FSServiceUtils.returnLocallyAfterOperation(response, logoutDoneURL, false, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_SUCCESS, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_NO_SESSION);
            } else if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("remote")) {
                // logout return
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("Control where Source is remote - not from app" + "link but from other provider");
                FSServiceUtils.returnLocallyAfterOperation(response, logoutDoneURL, true, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_SUCCESS, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_FAILURE);
            } else if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("logoutGet")) {
                // logout Get profile
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("Control where Source is Http Get action - " + "not from app link ");
                FSServiceUtils.returnLocallyAfterOperation(response, logoutDoneURL, true, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_SUCCESS, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_FAILURE);
    } else {
        try {
            userID = SessionManager.getProvider().getPrincipalName(ssoToken);
        } catch (SessionException ssoExp) {
            if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                FSUtils.debug.message("Couldn't get user object:", ssoExp);
        if (sourceCheck != null) {
            if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("local")) {
                // initiate logout
                FSUtils.debug.message("Control where Source is local -  from applink");
                doLogoutInitiation(request, response, hostedProviderDesc, hostedConfig, realm, hostedEntityId, hostedRole, providerAlias, ssoToken, logoutDoneURL, sourceCheck);
            } else if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("remote")) {
                // logout return
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("Control where Source is remote - not from app" + "link but from other provider. Token valid");
                doLogoutInitiation(request, response, hostedProviderDesc, hostedConfig, realm, hostedEntityId, hostedRole, providerAlias, ssoToken, logoutDoneURL, sourceCheck);
            } else if (sourceCheck.equalsIgnoreCase("logoutGet")) {
                // logout Get profile
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("Control where Source is Http Get action - not from" + " applink. Initiation will take care in " + "preLogouthandler ");
                doLogoutInitiation(request, response, hostedProviderDesc, hostedConfig, realm, hostedEntityId, hostedRole, providerAlias, ssoToken, logoutDoneURL, sourceCheck);
    // received logout request from remote provider
    FSLogoutNotification logoutObj = null;
    try {
        logoutObj = FSLogoutNotification.parseURLEncodedRequest(request);
    } catch (FSMsgException e) {
        // FSMsgException would mean that the request does not have the
        // FSLogoutNotification message, so show error page
        FSUtils.debug.message("Bad Logout request. calling showErrorPage");
        FSServiceUtils.showErrorPage(response, commonErrorPage, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_REQUEST_IMPROPER, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_FAILED);
    if (logoutObj == null) {
        FSUtils.debug.message("Bad Logout request. calling showErrorPage");
        FSServiceUtils.showErrorPage(response, commonErrorPage, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_REQUEST_IMPROPER, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_FAILED);
    } else {
        doRequestProcessing(request, response, hostedProviderDesc, hostedConfig, hostedRole, realm, hostedEntityId, providerAlias, logoutObj, commonErrorPage, userID, ssoToken);
Also used : BaseConfigType(com.sun.identity.federation.jaxb.entityconfig.BaseConfigType) FSMsgException(com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.FSMsgException) IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) ProviderDescriptorType( SessionException(com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException) FSLogoutNotification(com.sun.identity.federation.message.FSLogoutNotification)

Example 10 with IDFFMetaException

use of com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class FSProcessLogoutServlet method doRequestProcessing.

     * Initiates logout request processing. It is called when a logout request
     * is received from a remote provider.
     * @param request <code>HTTPServletRequest</code> object received via a
     *  HTTP Redirect
     * @param response <code>HTTPServletResponse</code> object to be sent back
     *  to user agent
     * @param hostedDescriptor the provider for whom request is received
     * @param hostedConfig hosted provider's extended meta config
     * @param hostedRole hosted provider's role
     * @param realm the realm in which the entity resides
     * @param hostedEntityId hosted provider's entity id
     * @param metaAlias hosted provider's meta alias
     * @param reqLogout the single logout request
     * @param commonErrorPage where to go if an error occurred
     * @param userID user id
     * @param ssoToken user session object
private void doRequestProcessing(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, ProviderDescriptorType hostedDescriptor, BaseConfigType hostedConfig, String hostedRole, String realm, String hostedEntityId, String metaAlias, FSLogoutNotification reqLogout, String commonErrorPage, String userID, Object ssoToken) {
    FSUtils.debug.message("Entered FSProcessLogoutServlet::doRequestProcessing");
    int minorVersion = reqLogout.getMinorVersion();
    String remoteEntityId = reqLogout.getProviderId();
    ProviderDescriptorType remoteDesc = null;
    boolean isIDP = false;
    try {
        if (hostedRole != null) {
            if (hostedRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.IDP)) {
                remoteDesc = metaManager.getSPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
            } else if (hostedRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
                remoteDesc = metaManager.getIDPDescriptor(realm, remoteEntityId);
                isIDP = true;
        if (remoteDesc == null) {
            throw new IDFFMetaException((String) null);
    } catch (IDFFMetaException e) {
        FSUtils.debug.error("Remote provider metadata not found.");
        String[] data = { remoteEntityId, realm };
        LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_PROVIDER, data, ssoToken);
        FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
    boolean bVerify = true;
    if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
        try {
            FSUtils.debug.message("Calling verifyLogoutSignature");
            bVerify = verifyLogoutSignature(request, remoteDesc, remoteEntityId, isIDP);
        } catch (FSException e) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSProcessLogoutServlet::doRequestProcessing " + "Signature on Logout request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed federation Logout");
            String[] data = { userID };
            LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data, ssoToken);
            FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, IFSConstants.SAML_REQUESTER, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
        } catch (SAMLException e) {
            FSUtils.debug.error("FSProcessLogoutServlet::doRequestProcessing(SAML) " + "Signature on Logout request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed federation Logout");
            String[] data = { userID };
            LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data, ssoToken);
            FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, IFSConstants.SAML_REQUESTER, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
    String errorStatus = IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER;
    if (bVerify) {
        // Check if trusted provider
        if (metaManager.isTrustedProvider(realm, hostedEntityId, remoteEntityId)) {
            //Object ssoToken = getValidToken(request);
            if (ssoToken != null) {
                // session is valid, start single logout
                // Invoke Messaging APIs to get providerid from request
                FSServiceManager instSManager = FSServiceManager.getInstance();
                if (instSManager != null) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("FSServiceManager Instance not null");
                    // Call SP Adapter preSingleLogoutProcess
                    // for IDP/HTTP case
                    callPreSingleLogoutProcess(request, response, hostedRole, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID, reqLogout);
                    FSPreLogoutHandler handlerObj = instSManager.getPreLogoutHandler();
                    if (handlerObj != null) {
                        handlerObj.processHttpSingleLogoutRequest(request, response, ssoToken);
                } else {
                    if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        FSUtils.debug.message("FSServiceManager Instance null. Cannot" + " continue logout");
                    String[] data = { userID };
                    LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.LOGOUT_FAILED, data, ssoToken);
                    FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
            } else {
                // ssoToken is null
                if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    FSUtils.debug.message("Invalid session in request processing. " + "Nothing to logout");
                //Verify request,getUserDNcall destroyPrincipalSession
                userID = FSLogoutUtil.getUserFromRequest(reqLogout, realm, hostedEntityId, hostedRole, hostedConfig, metaAlias);
                if (userID != null) {
                    FSLogoutUtil.destroyPrincipalSession(userID, metaAlias, reqLogout.getSessionIndex(), request, response);
                    // Here we need to send back to source
                    // provider's return URL
                    FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
        } else {
            FSUtils.debug.error("Remote provider not in trusted list");
    } else {
        FSUtils.debug.error("FSProcessLogoutServlet::doRequestProcesing " + "Signature on Logout request is invalid" + "Cannot proceed federation Logout");
        String[] data = { userID };
        LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.INVALID_SIGNATURE, data, ssoToken);
        errorStatus = IFSConstants.SAML_REQUESTER;
    FSLogoutUtil.returnToSource(response, remoteDesc, errorStatus, commonErrorPage, minorVersion, hostedConfig, hostedEntityId, userID);
Also used : FSServiceManager( IDFFMetaException(com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException) ProviderDescriptorType( FSException(com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException) SAMLException(com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException)


IDFFMetaException (com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaException)89 IDFFMetaManager (com.sun.identity.federation.meta.IDFFMetaManager)55 BaseConfigType (com.sun.identity.federation.jaxb.entityconfig.BaseConfigType)30 AMConsoleException (com.sun.identity.console.base.model.AMConsoleException)27 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)25 Map (java.util.Map)25 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)24 List (java.util.List)24 ProviderDescriptorType ( Set (java.util.Set)21 SAMLException (com.sun.identity.saml.common.SAMLException)17 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)17 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)14 FSException (com.sun.identity.federation.common.FSException)13 FSMsgException (com.sun.identity.federation.message.common.FSMsgException)12 CLIException (com.sun.identity.cli.CLIException)10 SessionException (com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException)9 IOException ( IDPDescriptorConfigElement (com.sun.identity.federation.jaxb.entityconfig.IDPDescriptorConfigElement)8 SPDescriptorConfigElement (com.sun.identity.federation.jaxb.entityconfig.SPDescriptorConfigElement)8