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Example 16 with IdCacheBlock

use of com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IdCachedServicesImpl method dirtyCache.

     * This method will be called by <code>AMIdRepoListener</code>. This
     * method will update the cache by removing all the entires which are
     * affected as a result of an event notification caused because of
     * changes/deletions/renaming of entries with and without aci's.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: The event could have been caused either by changes to an aci entry
     * or a costemplate or a cosdefinition or changes to a normal entry
     * @param dn
     *            name of entity being modified
     * @param eventType
     *            type of modification
     * @param cosType
     *            true if it is cos related. false otherwise
     * @param aciChange
     *            true if it is aci related. false otherwise
     * @param attrNames
     *            Set of attribute Names which should be removed from the
     *            CacheEntry in the case of COS change
public void dirtyCache(String dn, int eventType, boolean cosType, boolean aciChange, Set attrNames) {
    IdCacheBlock cb;
    String originalDN = dn;
    dn = DNUtils.normalizeDN(dn);
    String cachedID = getCacheId(dn);
    switch(eventType) {
        case AMEvent.OBJECT_ADDED:
            cb = getFromCache(dn);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Mark an invalid entry as valid now
            if (cosType) {
                // A cos type event remove all affected attributes
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case AMEvent.OBJECT_REMOVED:
            cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.remove(cachedID);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Clear anyway & help the GC process
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case AMEvent.OBJECT_RENAMED:
            // Better to remove the renamed entry, or else it will be just
            // hanging in the cache, until LRU kicks in.
            cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.remove(cachedID);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Clear anyway & help the GC process
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case AMEvent.OBJECT_CHANGED:
            cb = getFromCache(dn);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Just clear the entry. Don't remove.
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
            } else if (aciChange) {
                // Clear all affected entries
    if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
        DEBUG.message("IdCachedServicesImpl.dirtyCache(): Cache " + "dirtied because of Event Notification. Parameters - " + "eventType: " + eventType + ", cosType: " + cosType + ", aciChange: " + aciChange + ", fullDN: " + originalDN + "; rfcDN =" + dn + "; cachedID=" + cachedID);
Also used : IdCacheBlock(com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)

Example 17 with IdCacheBlock

use of com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IdRemoteCachedServicesImpl method dirtyCache.

     * This method will be called by <code>AMIdRepoListener</code>. This
     * method will update the cache by removing all the entires which are
     * affected as a result of an event notification caused because of
     * changes/deletions/renaming of entries with and without aci's.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: The event could have been caused either by changes to an aci entry
     * or a costemplate or a cosdefinition or changes to a normal entry
     * @param dn
     *            name of entity being modified
     * @param eventType
     *            type of modification
     * @param cosType
     *            true if it is cos related. false otherwise
     * @param aciChange
     *            true if it is aci related. false otherwise
     * @param attrNames
     *            Set of attribute Names which should be removed from the
     *            CacheEntry in the case of COS change
public void dirtyCache(String dn, int eventType, boolean cosType, boolean aciChange, Set attrNames) {
    IdCacheBlock cb;
    String originalDN = dn;
    dn = DNUtils.normalizeDN(dn);
    String cachedID = getCacheId(dn);
    switch(eventType) {
        case IdRepoListener.OBJECT_ADDED:
            cb = getFromCache(dn);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Mark an invalid entry as valid now
            if (cosType) {
                // A cos type event remove all affected attributes
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case IdRepoListener.OBJECT_REMOVED:
            cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.remove(cachedID);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Clear anyway & help the GC process
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case IdRepoListener.OBJECT_RENAMED:
            // Better to remove the renamed entry, or else it will be just
            // hanging in the cache, until LRU kicks in.
            cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.remove(cachedID);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Clear anyway & help the GC process
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
        case IdRepoListener.OBJECT_CHANGED:
            cb = getFromCache(dn);
            if (cb != null) {
                // Just clear the entry. Don't remove.
            if (cosType) {
                removeCachedAttributes(cachedID, attrNames);
            } else if (aciChange) {
                // Clear all affected entries
    if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
        DEBUG.message("IdRemoteCachedServicesImpl.dirtyCache(): Cache " + "dirtied because of Event Notification. Parameters - " + "eventType: " + eventType + ", cosType: " + cosType + ", aciChange: " + aciChange + ", fullDN: " + originalDN + "; rfcDN =" + dn + "; cachedID=" + cachedID);
Also used : IdCacheBlock(com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)

Example 18 with IdCacheBlock

use of com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IdRemoteCachedServicesImpl method dirtyCache.

private void dirtyCache(String dn) {
    String key = DNUtils.normalizeDN(dn);
    IdCacheBlock cb = getFromCache(key);
    if (cb != null) {
Also used : IdCacheBlock(com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)

Example 19 with IdCacheBlock

use of com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IdCachedServicesImpl method getAttributes.

public Map getAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, String amOrgName, String amsdkDN) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
    if (MonitoringUtil.isRunning() && ((monIdRepo = Agent.getIdrepoSvcMBean()) != null)) {
        long li = (long) getSize();
    // Get the identity dn
    AMIdentity id = new AMIdentity(token, name, type, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
    String dn = id.getUniversalId().toLowerCase();
    // Get the principal dn
    AMIdentity tokenId = IdUtils.getIdentity(token);
    String principalDN = IdUtils.getUniversalId(tokenId);
    // Get the cache entry
    IdCacheBlock cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.get(dn);
    AMHashMap attributes;
    if ((cb != null) && cb.hasCompleteSet(principalDN)) {
        if (MonitoringUtil.isRunning() && ((monIdRepo = Agent.getIdrepoSvcMBean()) != null)) {
            long li = (long) getSize();
        if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
            DEBUG.message("IdCachedServicesImpl." + "getAttributes(): DN: " + dn + " found all attributes in Cache.");
        attributes = (AMHashMap) cb.getAttributes(principalDN, false);
    } else {
        // Get all the attributes from data store
        if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
            DEBUG.message("IdCachedServicesImpl." + "getAttributes(): " + dn + " complete attribute" + " set NOT found in cache. Getting from DS.");
        attributes = (AMHashMap) super.getAttributes(token, type, name, amOrgName, amsdkDN);
        if (cb == null) {
            cb = new IdCacheBlock(dn, true);
            idRepoCache.put(dn, cb);
        cb.putAttributes(principalDN, attributes, null, true, false);
        if (DEBUG.messageEnabled()) {
            DEBUG.message("IdCachedServicesImpl.getAttributes(): " + "attributes NOT found in cache. Fetched from DS.");
    return attributes;
Also used : AMHashMap( AMIdentity(com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity) IdCacheBlock(com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)

Example 20 with IdCacheBlock

use of com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IdRemoteCachedServicesImpl method removeAttributes.

// @Override
public void removeAttributes(SSOToken token, IdType type, String name, Set attrNames, String orgName, String amsdkDN) throws IdRepoException, SSOException {
    // Call parent to remove the attributes
    super.removeAttributes(token, type, name, attrNames, orgName, amsdkDN);
    // Update the cache
    AMIdentity id = new AMIdentity(token, name, type, orgName, amsdkDN);
    String dn = id.getUniversalId().toLowerCase();
    IdCacheBlock cb = (IdCacheBlock) idRepoCache.get(dn);
    if ((cb != null) && !cb.hasExpiredAndUpdated() && cb.isExists()) {
        // Remove the attributes
Also used : AMIdentity(com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity) IdCacheBlock(com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)


IdCacheBlock (com.sun.identity.idm.common.IdCacheBlock)23 AMIdentity (com.sun.identity.idm.AMIdentity)13 AMHashMap ( Set (java.util.Set)6 Enumeration (java.util.Enumeration)4 IdRepoException (com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException)2 IdSearchResults (com.sun.identity.idm.IdSearchResults)2 Map (java.util.Map)2