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Example 6 with Logger

use of com.sun.identity.log.Logger in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SecureFileHandler method initializeVerifier.

     * Initialize SecureLog verifier
     * @param verPass verifier password
     * @param token AM token
public static void initializeVerifier(AMPassword verPass, Object token) {
    /*  Remove the relevant verifier initialization code when deploying
         *  it finally. For the timebeing it will be done in the old way
         *  of doing it in the constructor thru initializeSecurity();
    try {
        setVerPassword(verPass, token);
        LogManager lmanager = LogManagerUtil.getLogManager();
        String logPath = lmanager.getProperty(LogConstants.LOG_LOCATION);
        if (!logPath.endsWith("/"))
            logPath += "/";
        LogManager manager = LogManagerUtil.getLogManager();
        Enumeration e = manager.getLoggerNames();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
            String FileName = (String) e.nextElement();
            String verifierFileName = logPath + PREFIX + "ver." + FileName;
            SecureLogHelper helper = getSecureLogHelper(FileName);
            AMPassword logPassword = getLogPassword();
            // explicit auditor role in DSAME to initialize ver.
            if (helper != null) {
                helper.initializeVerifier(verifierFileName, logPassword, verPassword);
                try {
                    Debug.message(FileName + ":Trying to start the Verifier Thread");
                    Logger logger = (com.sun.identity.log.Logger) Logger.getLogger(FileName);
                    Handler[] handlers = logger.getHandlers();
                    ((com.sun.identity.log.handlers.SecureFileHandler) handlers[0]).startVerifierThread();
                    Debug.message(FileName + ":Started Log Verifier thread");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    Debug.error(FileName + ":Unable to start Verifier Thread", ex);
                // throw custom exception
            verificationInitialized = true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Debug.error("Error initializing Verification", e);
Also used : Enumeration(java.util.Enumeration) Handler(java.util.logging.Handler) Logger(com.sun.identity.log.Logger) NullLocationException(com.iplanet.log.NullLocationException) IOException( UnsupportedEncodingException( AMPassword( LogManager(java.util.logging.LogManager) SecureLogHelper(

Example 7 with Logger

use of com.sun.identity.log.Logger in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SecureFileHandler method initializeKeyStore.

     * Initialize logger key store 
public void initializeKeyStore() {
    try {
        Logger logger = (com.sun.identity.log.Logger) Logger.getLogger(logName);
        addToCurrentFileList(logName, logName, logName);
        String logPath = lmanager.getProperty(LogConstants.LOG_LOCATION);
        if (!logPath.endsWith("/"))
            logPath += "/";
        String fileName = logName;
        String loggerFileName = logPath + PREFIX + "log." + fileName;
        String verifierFileName = logPath + PREFIX + "ver." + fileName;
        Debug.message(logName + ":Logger Keystore name = " + loggerFileName);
        Debug.message(logName + ":Verifier Keystore name= " + verifierFileName);
        helper.initializeSecureLogHelper(loggerFileName, logPassword, verifierFileName, logPassword);
        Debug.message(logName + ":Initialized SecureLogHelper");
        helper.initializeVerifier(verifierFileName, logPassword, verPassword);
        Debug.message(logName + ":Done init of SecureLogHelper and Verifier");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        Debug.error(logName + ":Logger: exception thrown while initializing secure logger", e);
Also used : Logger(com.sun.identity.log.Logger) NullLocationException(com.iplanet.log.NullLocationException) IOException( UnsupportedEncodingException(

Example 8 with Logger

use of com.sun.identity.log.Logger in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class LogVerifier method verify.

     * Checks each record in the list of log files for tampering.
     * @return a boolean value as a result of the verification
     * @throws Exception if it fails to verify any mac value in the log entry.
public boolean verify() throws Exception {
    Logger logger = (com.sun.identity.log.Logger) Logger.getLogger(name);
    ArrayList fileList = new ArrayList();
    String[][] tmpResult = new String[1][1];
    Object token = new Object();
    synchronized (logger) {
        verificationOn = true;
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        helper = SecureFileHandler.getSecureLogHelper(name);
        fileList = SecureFileHandler.getCurrentFileList(name);
        if (fileList == null) {
            Debug.error("No fileList found in handler.");
            return VerifierAction.doVerifierAction(name, verified);
        token = Token.createToken("AUDITOR", new String(verPassword.getChars()));
        tmpResult = fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1), token);
    for (int i = 0; i < fileList.size() - 1; i++) {
        String[][] result = new String[1][1];
        try {
            result = fileList.get(i), token);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.error("Error in reading File : " + fileList.get(i));
        // Check if the result of read is null or empty string array.
        if (result != null && result.length != 0) {
            Vector header = new Vector(result[0].length);
            // Extracting the field names as header from the first line 
            // of the returned string array.
            int signPos = -1, macPos = -1;
            String signFldName, macFldName;
            signFldName = LogConstants.SIGNATURE_FIELDNAME;
            macFldName = LogConstants.MAC_FIELDNAME;
            for (int l = 0; l < header.size(); l++) {
                if ((((String) header.get(l))).equalsIgnoreCase(signFldName)) {
                    signPos = l;
            for (int l = 0; l < header.size(); l++) {
                if ((((String) header.get(l))).equalsIgnoreCase(macFldName)) {
                    macPos = l;
            if ((signPos == -1) || (macPos == -1)) {
                Debug.error("Could not locate mac and sign header");
                return VerifierAction.doVerifierAction(name, verified);
            // a log record.
            for (int k = 1; k < result.length; k++) {
                if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    Debug.message(name + ":Start checking records " + result.length + ":" + fileList.get(i));
                if (result[k][signPos].equals("-")) {
                    verified = verifyLogRecord(result[k], macPos);
                    if (!verified) {
                        Debug.error("Log Record Verification " + "Failed in file:" + (String) fileList.get(i) + " at record no. " + k);
                    if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        Debug.message(name + ":Log Record Verification Succeeded in file:" + (String) fileList.get(i) + "at record no." + k);
                } else {
                         * To check if this is the last signature in the file 
                         * an additional parameter has to be passed to the 
                         * verifySignature since the signature is the same
                         * as the first signature in the next file. This is 
                         * to ensure that prevSignature is not updated with 
                         * the last signature in the file.
                         * Bcos the checking of the last signature in the file 
                         * will be the same for the first signature for the 
                         * next file.
                    int lastRecInFile = 0;
                    lastRecInFile = (result.length - 1) - k;
                    verified = verifySignature(result[k], signPos, lastRecInFile);
                    if (!verified) {
                        Debug.error("Log Signature Verification " + "Failed in file:" + (String) fileList.get(i) + " at record no. " + k);
                    if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        Debug.message("Log Signature Verification " + "Succeeded in file:" + (String) fileList.get(i) + "at record no." + k);
        // end of loop k . i.e. verification check for current file 
        // is over
        } else {
            if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                Debug.message("LogVerifier::verify::Empty return " + "from read of " + (String) fileList.get(i) + ":" + fileList.get(i));
            verified = false;
        if (!verified) {
    if (tmpResult != null && tmpResult.length != 0) {
        Vector header = new Vector(tmpResult[0].length);
        // Extracting the field names as header from the first line of the
        // returned string array.
        int signPos = -1, macPos = -1;
        String signFldName, macFldName;
        signFldName = LogConstants.SIGNATURE_FIELDNAME;
        macFldName = LogConstants.MAC_FIELDNAME;
        for (int l = 0; l < header.size(); l++) {
            if ((((String) header.get(l))).equalsIgnoreCase(signFldName)) {
                signPos = l;
        for (int l = 0; l < header.size(); l++) {
            if ((((String) header.get(l))).equalsIgnoreCase(macFldName)) {
                macPos = l;
        if ((signPos == -1) || (macPos == -1)) {
            Debug.error("Could not locate mac and sign header");
            return VerifierAction.doVerifierAction(name, verified);
        // or a log record.
        for (int k = 1; k < tmpResult.length; k++) {
            if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                Debug.message(name + ":Start checking records " + tmpResult.length + ":" + fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1));
            if (tmpResult[k][signPos].equals("-")) {
                verified = verifyLogRecord(tmpResult[k], macPos);
                if (!verified) {
                    Debug.error("Log Record Verification Failed in file:" + (String) fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1) + " at record no. " + k);
                if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    Debug.message(name + ":Log Record Verification " + "Succeeded in file:" + (String) fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1) + "at record no." + k);
            } else {
                // To check if this is the last signature in the file an 
                // additional parameter has to be passed to the 
                // verifySignature since the signature is the same
                // as the first signature in the next file. 
                // This is to ensure that prevSignature is not updated 
                // with the last signature in the file.
                // Bcos the checking of the last signature in the file 
                // will be the same for the first signature for the 
                // next file.
                int lastRecInFile = 0;
                lastRecInFile = (tmpResult.length - 1) - k;
                verified = verifySignature(tmpResult[k], signPos, lastRecInFile);
                if (!verified) {
                    Debug.error("Log Signature Verification Failed " + "in file:" + (String) fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1) + " at record no. " + k);
                if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    Debug.message("Log Signature Verification Succeeded" + " in file:" + (String) fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1) + "at record no." + k);
    // end of loop k. i.e. verification check for current file is over
    } else {
        if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
            Debug.message("LogVerifier::verify::Empty return from read of " + (String) fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1) + ":" + fileList.get(fileList.size() - 1));
        verified = false;
    prevSignature = null;
    curMAC = null;
    String path = manager.getProperty(LogConstants.LOG_LOCATION);
    if (!path.endsWith("/"))
        path += "/";
    String verKeyStoreName = path + PREFIX + "ver." + name;
    boolean intrusion = helper.isIntrusionTrue();
    if (intrusion) {
        Debug.error(name + " Last Line check in Verifier failed." + " Possible intrusion detected");
        verified = false;
    helper.reinitializeVerifier(verKeyStoreName, verPassword);
    if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
        Debug.message(name + ":Done Verifying");
    return VerifierAction.doVerifierAction(name, verified);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Logger(com.sun.identity.log.Logger) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 9 with Logger

use of com.sun.identity.log.Logger in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class LogSample method logWriteProcessing.

private void logWriteProcessing() {
         *  get:
         *    1. subject userid (subject of the LogRecord)
	 *    2. subject userid's password
         *    3. Log filename to log to
         *    4. LogRecord's "data"
         *    5. LoggedBy userid (who's doing the logging)
         *    6. LoggedBy userid's password
         *    7. Realm (for both subject userid and LoggedBy userid
         *       in this sample)
    String userSID = sampleUtils.getLine("Subject Userid", DEF_USERNAME);
    String userPWD = sampleUtils.getLine("Subject Userid " + userSID + "'s password", DEF_USERPSWD);
    String logName = sampleUtils.getLine("Log file", DEF_LOGNAME);
    String message = sampleUtils.getLine("Log message", DEF_LOGMSG);
    String loggedBySID = sampleUtils.getLine("LoggedBy Userid", DEF_LOGGEDBY);
    String loggedByPWD = sampleUtils.getLine("LoggedBy Userid's password", DEF_LOGGEDBYPSWD);
    String realmName = sampleUtils.getLine("Realm", DEF_REALM);
    // get AuthContexts for subject userid and loggedby userid
    try {
        userAC = new AuthContext(realmName);
        loggerAC = new AuthContext(realmName);
    } catch (AuthLoginException le) {
        System.err.println("LogSampleUtils: could not get AuthContext for realm " + realmName);
    // do user and loggedby login and get the SSOToken
    try {
        userSSOToken = sampleUtils.realmLogin(userSID, userPWD, userAC);
        loggerSSOToken = sampleUtils.realmLogin(loggedBySID, loggedByPWD, loggerAC);
    } catch (SSOException ssoe) {
        System.err.println("logWriteProcessing: could not get SSOToken: " + ssoe.getMessage());
    } catch (AuthLoginException ale) {
        System.err.println("logWriteProcessing: could not authenticate: " + ale.getMessage());
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println("logWriteProcessing: exception getting SSOToken: " + e.getMessage());
    try {
        LogRecord logRecord = new LogRecord(java.util.logging.Level.INFO, message, userSSOToken);
        logRecord.addLogInfo("ModuleName", DEF_MODULENAME); ipAddr =;
        logRecord.addLogInfo("IPAddr", ipAddr.getHostAddress());
        Logger logger = (Logger) Logger.getLogger(logName);
        logger.log(logRecord, loggerSSOToken);
        System.out.println("LogSample: Logging Successful !!!");
    } catch (AMLogException amex) {
        System.err.println("LogSample: AMLogException: " + amex.getMessage());
        System.err.println("LogSample: Logging Failed; " + "Is user '" + loggedBySID + "' a member of a Role or Group with log writing privileges?");
    } catch (Exception ssoe) {
        System.err.println("LogSample: Exception: " + ssoe.getMessage());
        System.err.println("LogSample: Logging Failed !!!");
Also used : LogRecord(com.sun.identity.log.LogRecord) AuthContext(com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext) AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) AMLogException(com.sun.identity.log.AMLogException) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) Logger(com.sun.identity.log.Logger) LoginException( UnsupportedCallbackException( AuthLoginException(com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException) SSOException(com.iplanet.sso.SSOException) AMLogException(com.sun.identity.log.AMLogException)

Example 10 with Logger

use of com.sun.identity.log.Logger in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class Archiver method archiveKeyStore.

     * Archives the keystore after the specified number of files have been
     * used with this keystore.
     * Archives according to the name of the last archives file in the
     * list of files used with this keystore.
     * @param logName Name of the log which is to be archived.
     * @param location The location of the keystores.
public void archiveKeyStore(String logName, String location) {
    Logger logger = (com.sun.identity.log.Logger) Logger.getLogger(logName);
    ArrayList al = SecureFileHandler.getCurrentFileList(logName);
         * The -2 is to get the size and then pick the second last
         * element in the list.
    String ts = ((String) al.get(al.size() - 2)).substring(((String) al.get(al.size() - 2)).lastIndexOf("."));
    if (Debug.messageEnabled()) {
        Debug.message("Archive:archiveKeyStore:Keystore timestamp = " + ts);
    String LogKeyStoreArchiveName = location + PREFIX + "log." + logName + ts;
    String VerKeyStoreArchiveName = location + PREFIX + "ver." + logName + ts;
    String logKeyStoreOldName = location + PREFIX + "log." + logName;
    String verKeyStoreOldName = location + PREFIX + "ver." + logName;
    File logKeystore = new File(logKeyStoreOldName);
    logKeystore.renameTo(new File(LogKeyStoreArchiveName));
    File verKeystore = new File(verKeyStoreOldName);
    verKeystore.renameTo(new File(VerKeyStoreArchiveName));
    filesPerKeystoreCounter = 0;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Logger(com.sun.identity.log.Logger) File(


Logger (com.sun.identity.log.Logger)10 SSOToken (com.iplanet.sso.SSOToken)4 LogRecord (com.sun.identity.log.LogRecord)4 IOException ( NullLocationException (com.iplanet.log.NullLocationException)2 SSOException (com.iplanet.sso.SSOException)2 AMLogException (com.sun.identity.log.AMLogException)2 File ( UnsupportedEncodingException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 Response ( SSOTokenManager (com.iplanet.sso.SSOTokenManager)1 AuthContext (com.sun.identity.authentication.AuthContext)1 AuthLoginException (com.sun.identity.authentication.spi.AuthLoginException)1 IdRepoException (com.sun.identity.idm.IdRepoException)1 AccessDenied (com.sun.identity.idsvcs.AccessDenied)1 GeneralFailure (com.sun.identity.idsvcs.GeneralFailure)1 LogResponse (com.sun.identity.idsvcs.LogResponse)1 LogMessageProvider (com.sun.identity.log.messageid.LogMessageProvider)1 LogMessageProviderBase (com.sun.identity.log.messageid.LogMessageProviderBase)1