use of com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyDecision in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class Gateway method getActionDecision.
private ActionDecision getActionDecision(String url) {
ActionDecision ad = null;
if (pe != null) {
PolicyDecision pd = null;
try {
HashMap envParameters = new HashMap();
pd = pe.getPolicyDecisionIgnoreSubjects(url, actionNames, envParameters);
} catch (Exception e) {
debug.error("GatewayServlet: Error in getting policy decision.", e);
return (null);
Map actionDecisions = pd.getActionDecisions();
if (actionDecisions != null) {
if ((ad = (ActionDecision) actionDecisions.get(GET)) == null) {
ad = (ActionDecision) actionDecisions.get(POST);
return ad;
use of com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyDecision in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class PolicyDecisionUtils method getActionDecision.
private static ActionDecision getActionDecision(String url, Map envParameters) throws PolicyException {
ActionDecision ad = null;
if (pe != null) {
PolicyDecision pd = null;
try {
pd = pe.getPolicyDecisionIgnoreSubjects(url, actionNames, envParameters);
} catch (PolicyException e) {
debug.error("PolicyDecisionUtils.getActionDecision()", e);
return null;
} catch (SSOException ssoe) {
debug.error("PolicyDecisionUtils.getActionDecision()", ssoe);
return null;
Map actionDecisions = pd.getActionDecisions();
if (actionDecisions != null) {
if ((ad = (ActionDecision) actionDecisions.get(GET)) == null) {
ad = (ActionDecision) actionDecisions.get(POST);
} else {
throw new PolicyException(errorMsg);
return ad;
use of com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyDecision in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class PolicyEvaluator method getPolicyDecision.
* Evaluates privileges of the user to perform the specified actions
* on the specified resource. The evaluation also depends on user's
* run time environment parameters.
* @param token single sign on token of the user evaluating policies.
* @param resourceName name of the resource the user is trying to access
* @param actionNames Set of action names the user is trying to perform on
* the resource.
* @param envParameters run-time environment parameters
* @return policy decision
* @throws PolicyException if result could not be computed for any
* reason other than single sign on token problem.
* @throws SSOException if single sign on token is invalid or expired.
* @supported.api
public PolicyDecision getPolicyDecision(SSOToken token, String resourceName, Set actionNames, Map envParameters) throws PolicyException, SSOException {
//validate the token
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("PolicyEvaluator:getPolicyDecision():" + "token=" + token.getPrincipal().getName() + ":resourceName=" + resourceName + ":actionName=" + actionNames + ":entering");
//We need to normalize the resourcename before sending off the policy request to ensure the policy is evaluated
//for the correct resource.
ResourceName resourceComparator = policyProperties.getResourceComparator(serviceName);
resourceName = resourceComparator.canonicalize(resourceName);
PolicyDecision pd = null;
try {
pd = resourceResultCache.getPolicyDecision(appSSOToken, serviceName, token, resourceName, actionNames, envParameters, RETRY_COUNT);
} catch (InvalidAppSSOTokenException e) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("PolicyEvaluator.getPolicyDecision():" + "InvalidAppSSOTokenException occured:" + "getting new appssotoken");
appSSOToken = getNewAppSSOToken();
if (policyProperties.notificationEnabled()) {
if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
debug.warning("PolicyEvaluator.getPolicyDecision():" + "InvalidAppSSOTokenException occured:" + "reRegistering remote policy listener");
pd = resourceResultCache.getPolicyDecision(appSSOToken, serviceName, token, resourceName, actionNames, envParameters, RETRY_COUNT);
if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
debug.message("PolicyEvaluator:getPolicyDecision():" + "token=" + token.getPrincipal().getName() + ":resourceName=" + resourceName + ":actionNames=" + actionNames + ":returning policyDecision:" + pd.toXML());
Object[] objs = { resourceName, actionNames, pd.toXML() };
if (PolicyProperties.DECISION.equals(logActions)) {
logAccessMessage(Level.INFO, ResBundleUtils.getString("policy_eval_decision", objs), token);
return pd;
use of com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyDecision in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ResourceResultCache method jsonResourceContentToResourceResults.
Set<ResourceResult> jsonResourceContentToResourceResults(String jsonResourceContent, String serviceName) throws JSONException, PolicyException {
Set<ResourceResult> resourceResults = null;
JSONObject jsonObject = null;
try {
jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonResourceContent);
} catch (JSONException e) {
debug.error("ResourceResultCache.jsonResourceContentToResourceResults():" + "json parsing error of response: " + jsonResourceContent);
throw new PolicyEvaluationException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "error_rest_reponse", null, null);
int statusCode = jsonObject.optInt("statusCode");
if (statusCode != 200) {
debug.error("ResourceResultCache.jsonResourceContentToResourceResults():" + "statusCode=" + statusCode + ", error response");
throw new PolicyEvaluationException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "error_rest_reponse", null, null);
jsonObject = jsonObject.optJSONObject("body");
if (jsonObject == null) {
debug.error("ResourceResultCache.jsonResourceContentToResourceResults():" + "does not have decisions object");
throw new PolicyEvaluationException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "error_rest_reponse", null, null);
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonObject.optJSONArray("results");
if (jsonArray != null) {
ResourceName resourceComparator = (ResourceName) policyProperties.getResourceComparator(serviceName);
ResourceResult virtualResourceResult = new ResourceResult(ResourceResult.VIRTUAL_ROOT, new PolicyDecision());
int arrayLen = jsonArray.length();
for (int i = 0; i < arrayLen; i++) {
JSONObject jo = jsonArray.optJSONObject(i);
if (jo != null) {
ResourceResult rr = jsonEntitlementToResourceResult(jo, serviceName);
virtualResourceResult.addResourceResult(rr, resourceComparator);
resourceResults = virtualResourceResult.getResourceResults();
} else {
String resourceName = jsonObject.optString("resourceName");
if (resourceName != null) {
ResourceResult resourceResult = jsonEntitlementToResourceResult(jsonObject, serviceName);
resourceResults = new HashSet<ResourceResult>();
} else {
debug.error("ResourceResultCache.jsonResourceContentToResourceResults():" + "does not have results or resourceName object");
throw new PolicyEvaluationException(ResBundleUtils.rbName, "error_rest_reponse", null, null);
return resourceResults;
use of com.sun.identity.policy.PolicyDecision in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class ResourceResultCache method getPolicyDecisionFromResourceResults.
* Returns policy decision computed from a set of
* <code>ResourceResult</code> objects
* @param resourceResults resource results used to compute policy decision
* @param resourceName resource name for which to get policy decision
* @param resourceComparator <code>ResourceName</code>, resource
* comparison algorithm used to compare resources
* @return computed policy decision
* @throws PolicyException if can not get policy decision
private PolicyDecision getPolicyDecisionFromResourceResults(Set resourceResults, String resourceName, ResourceName resourceComparator, String serviceName) throws PolicyException {
PolicyDecision pd = new PolicyDecision();
Iterator resultsIter = resourceResults.iterator();
boolean processed = false;
while (!processed && resultsIter.hasNext()) {
ResourceResult resourceResult = (ResourceResult);
processed = mergePolicyDecisions(pd, resourceResult, resourceName, resourceComparator, serviceName);
return pd;