use of com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSNameRegistrationHandler method processSOAPRegistrationRequest.
* Processes the name registration request received from a
* remote provider. Invoded when SOAP profile is used.
* @param regisRequest the name registration request received from
* remote provider
public FSNameRegistrationResponse processSOAPRegistrationRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FSNameRegistrationRequest regisRequest) {
relayState = regisRequest.getRelayState();
try {
boolean regisSucceed = false;
FSNameRegistrationResponse regisResponse = null;
StatusCode statusCode;
FSUtils.debug.message("Entered FSNameRegistrationHandler::processRegistrationRequest");
if (managerInst == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSNameRegistrationHandler Account Manager instance is null");
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::handleNameRegistration" + "failed to get Account Manager instance");
statusCode = new StatusCode(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILURE_STATUS);
try {
regisResponse = new FSNameRegistrationResponse(null, regisRequest.getRequestID(), new Status(statusCode), hostedEntityId, relayState);
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
return regisResponse;
FSUtils.debug.message("Begin processRegistrationRequest SOAP profile...");
if (regisRequest != null) {
boolean bUserStatus = setUserDN(regisRequest);
if (bUserStatus) {
boolean retStatus = doCommonRegistration();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("doCommonRegistration returns " + retStatus);
if (retStatus) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::handleNameRegistra" + "tion:registration in DS completed " + "successfully");
try {
statusCode = new StatusCode(IFSConstants.SAML_SUCCESS);
regisResponse = new FSNameRegistrationResponse(null, regisRequest.getRequestID(), new Status(statusCode), hostedEntityId, relayState);
regisSucceed = true;
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} catch (SAMLException ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::handleNameRegis" + "tration: registration in DS failed");
try {
statusCode = new StatusCode(IFSConstants.REGISTRATION_FAILURE_STATUS);
regisResponse = new FSNameRegistrationResponse(null, regisRequest.getRequestID(), new Status(statusCode), hostedEntityId, relayState);
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} catch (SAMLException ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} else {
FSUtils.debug.message("Failed to get UserDN. Invalid registration request");
try {
statusCode = new StatusCode(IFSConstants.FEDERATION_NOT_EXISTS_STATUS);
regisResponse = new FSNameRegistrationResponse(null, regisRequest.getRequestID(), new Status(statusCode), hostedEntityId, relayState);
} catch (FSMsgException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} catch (SAMLException ex) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::" + "failed to create registration response");
return null;
} else {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSNameRegistrationHandler::processRegistrationRequest " + "name registration request is improper");
return null;
if (regisSucceed && hostedProviderRole != null && hostedProviderRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
callPostRegisterNameIdentifierSuccess(request, response, userID, regisRequest, regisResponse, IFSConstants.NAME_REGISTRATION_IDP_SOAP_PROFILE);
return regisResponse;
} catch (SAMLException e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSNameRegistrationHandler::SAMLException", e);
return null;
use of com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSDefaultSPAdapter method postSSOFederationFailure.
* Invokes this method if the Single-Sign-On or Federation fails
* for some reason.
* @param request servlet request
* @param response servlet response
* @param authnRequest the original authentication request sent from SP
* @param authnResponse response from IDP if Browser POST or LECP profile
* is used for the request, value will be null if Browser Artifact
* profile is used.
* @param samlResponse response from IDP if Browser Artifact profile is used
* for the request, value will be null if Browser POST or LECP
* profile is used.
* @param failureCode an integer specifies the failure code.
* @return true if browser redirection happened, false otherwise.
public boolean postSSOFederationFailure(String hostedEntityID, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, FSAuthnRequest authnRequest, FSAuthnResponse authnResponse, FSResponse samlResponse, int failureCode) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postFedFailure, " + "process " + hostedEntityID + "\nfailure code=" + failureCode);
String baseURL = FSServiceUtils.getBaseURL(request);
String relayState = null;
if (authnRequest != null) {
relayState = authnRequest.getRelayState();
String framedLoginPageURL = FSServiceUtils.getCommonLoginPageURL(FSServiceUtils.getMetaAlias(request), relayState, null, request, baseURL);
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (failureCode == INVALID_AUTHN_RESPONSE || failureCode == INVALID_RESPONSE) {
Status status = null;
if (failureCode == INVALID_AUTHN_RESPONSE) {
status = authnResponse.getStatus();
} else {
status = samlResponse.getStatus();
StatusCode firstLevelStatusCode = status.getStatusCode();
if (firstLevelStatusCode == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSO" + "FederationFailure: Status is null");
return false;
StatusCode secondLevelStatusCode = firstLevelStatusCode.getStatusCode();
if (secondLevelStatusCode == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSO" + "FederationFailure: Second level status is empty");
return false;
String statusValue = URLEncDec.encode(secondLevelStatusCode.getValue());
String redirectURL = sb.toString();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSOFederation" + "Failure. URL to be redirected: " + redirectURL);
try {
response.setHeader("Location", redirectURL);
} catch ( io) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSDefaultSPAdapter.postSSOFedFailure", io);
return false;
return true;
use of com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOAndFedHandler method doSingleSignOn.
protected boolean doSingleSignOn(Object ssoToken, String inResponseTo) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn(2): Called");
try {
String securityDomain = authnRequest.getProviderId();
String affiliationID = authnRequest.getAffiliationID();
if (affiliationID != null) {
securityDomain = affiliationID;
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
String userID = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(ssoToken);
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: " + "Initiating SSO for user with ID: " + userID);
FSAccountFedInfo accountInfo = accountManager.readAccountFedInfo(userID, securityDomain);
if (accountInfo == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: Account Federation " + "Information not found for user with ID: " + userID);
noFedStatus = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder", new StatusCode("lib:FederationDoesNotExist", null)), FSUtils.bundle.getString("AuthnRequestProcessingFailed"), null);
String[] data = { userID };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.USER_ACCOUNT_FEDERATION_INFO_NOT_FOUND, data, ssoToken);
return false;
if (accountInfo != null && accountInfo.isFedStatusActive() && accountInfo.getLocalNameIdentifier() != null) {
// Check if this is 6.2
NameIdentifier localNI = accountInfo.getLocalNameIdentifier();
String qualifier = localNI.getNameQualifier();
if (qualifier != null && qualifier.equals(hostedEntityId)) {
localNI = new NameIdentifier(localNI.getName(), securityDomain);
NameIdentifier remoteNI = accountInfo.getRemoteNameIdentifier();
if (remoteNI != null) {
remoteNI = new NameIdentifier(remoteNI.getName(), securityDomain);
FSAccountFedInfoKey newFedKey = new FSAccountFedInfoKey(securityDomain, localNI.getName());
accountInfo = new FSAccountFedInfo(securityDomain, localNI, remoteNI, false);
accountManager.writeAccountFedInfo(userID, newFedKey, accountInfo);
FSAccountFedInfoKey oldFedKey = new FSAccountFedInfoKey(hostedEntityId, localNI.getName());
accountManager.removeAccountFedInfoKey(userID, oldFedKey);
NameIdentifier idpNI = accountInfo.getLocalNameIdentifier();
if (idpNI == null) {
idpNI = accountInfo.getRemoteNameIdentifier();
if (idpNI == null) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: " + "NameIdentifier not found");
return false;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: " + "IDP generated opaque handle: " + idpNI.getName());
NameIdentifier spNI = accountInfo.getRemoteNameIdentifier();
if (spNI == null) {
spNI = idpNI;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: " + "SP generated opaque handle: " + spNI.getName());
return doSingleSignOn(ssoToken, inResponseTo, spNI, idpNI);
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.doSingleSignOn: " + "Exception during Single Sign-On:", e);
return false;
use of com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSSOAndFedHandler method processPreAuthnSSO.
* Handles authentication request.
* @param authnRequest <code>FSAuthnRequest</code> object
* @return <code>true</code> if the request is handled successfully;
* <code>false</code> otherwise.
public boolean processPreAuthnSSO(FSAuthnRequest authnRequest) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: Called");
String loginURL = null;
List authenticationContextClassRef = null;
String currentAuthnContextRef = null;
String authType = null;
FSAuthContextResult authnResult = null;
FSSessionManager sessionMgr = FSSessionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
if (authnRequest.getAuthnContext() != null) {
authenticationContextClassRef = authnRequest.getAuthnContext().getAuthnContextClassRefList();
if (authenticationContextClassRef == null) {
String authCtxRefDefault = IFSConstants.DEFAULT_AUTHNCONTEXT_PASSWORD;
authenticationContextClassRef = new ArrayList();
authType = authnRequest.getAuthContextCompType();
currentAuthnContextRef = null;
boolean authenticated = true;
Object ssoToken = null;
try {
SessionProvider sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
ssoToken = sessionProvider.getSession(request);
if (ssoToken == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "session is null. User is not authenticated.");
authenticated = false;
} else if (!sessionProvider.isValid(ssoToken)) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "session is not valid. User is not authenticated.");
authenticated = false;
} else {
FSSession ssoSession = sessionMgr.getSession(ssoToken);
if (ssoSession != null) {
currentAuthnContextRef = ssoSession.getAuthnContext();
if (currentAuthnContextRef != null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User has an existing " + "valid session with authnContext: " + currentAuthnContextRef);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's authentication" + " context information not found using " + "default authentication context");
currentAuthnContextRef = IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValueFromConfig(hostedConfig, IFSConstants.DEFAULT_AUTHNCONTEXT);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.process" + "PreAuthnSSO: User's authenticated session " + "information is not present in FSSessionManager. " + "using default authentication context");
currentAuthnContextRef = IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValueFromConfig(hostedConfig, IFSConstants.DEFAULT_AUTHNCONTEXT);
authenticated = true;
if (authenticated) {
// added in case of multiple SPs
try {
sessionProvider.addListener(ssoToken, new FSTokenListener(metaAlias));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "Couldn't add listener to session:", e);
} catch (SessionException se) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "SSOException Occured: User does not have session " + se.getMessage());
authenticated = false;
//Initiate proxying
if (!authenticated) {
try {
boolean isProxy = isIDPProxyEnabled(authnRequest);
if (isProxy && !authnRequest.getFederate()) {
String preferredIDP = getPreferredIDP(authnRequest);
if (preferredIDP != null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.process" + "PreAuthnSSO:IDP to be proxied" + preferredIDP);
sendProxyAuthnRequest(authnRequest, preferredIDP);
return true;
//else continue for the local authentication.
} catch (FSRedirectException re) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandle.processPreAuthnSSO:" + "Redirecting for the proxy handling.");
return true;
} catch (Exception ex) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO:" + "Exception occured while processing for the proxy.", ex);
return false;
try {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "User's authentication status: " + authenticated);
FSAuthnDecisionHandler authnDecisionHandler = new FSAuthnDecisionHandler(realm, hostedEntityId, request);
List defAuthnCxtList = new ArrayList();
defAuthnCxtList.add(IDFFMetaUtils.getFirstAttributeValueFromConfig(hostedConfig, IFSConstants.DEFAULT_AUTHNCONTEXT));
if (authnRequest.getIsPassive()) {
if (authnRequest.getForceAuthn()) {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSSSOAndFedHandler.PreAuthnSSO: " + "IDP is passive can't force authentication.");
return false;
} else {
if (authenticated) {
if (authenticationContextClassRef != null) {
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.decideAuthnContext(authenticationContextClassRef, currentAuthnContextRef, authType);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's " + "authentication context is default");
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(defAuthnCxtList, authType);
if (authnResult == null) {
return false;
if (authnResult.getLoginURL() != null) {
// When it's not null.,
// we should show the login page
// may be it'asking for higher auth context.
loginURL = authnResult.getLoginURL();
loginURL = formatLoginURL(loginURL, authnResult.getAuthContextRef());
FSUtils.forwardRequest(request, response, loginURL);
return true;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's " + "authentication " + "context is evaluated to be valid");
return processPostAuthnSSO(authnRequest);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.warningEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.warning("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "IDP is passive and user is not authenticated");
noFedStatus = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder", new StatusCode("lib:NoPassive", null)), FSUtils.bundle.getString("AuthnRequestProcessingFailed"), null);
return false;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: AuthnRequest is active");
if (authnRequest.getForceAuthn()) {
if (authenticationContextClassRef != null) {
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(authenticationContextClassRef, authType);
} else {
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(defAuthnCxtList);
if (authnResult == null || authnResult.getLoginURL() == null || authnResult.getLoginURL().length() == 0) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO:" + "AuthnDecision engine failed to take a " + "authn decision");
return false;
} else {
if (ssoToken != null) {
try {
SessionManager.getProvider().invalidateSession(ssoToken, request, response);
} catch (SessionException ssoe) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO:" + "Unable to invalidate the sso session.");
ssoToken = null;
loginURL = authnResult.getLoginURL();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "AuthnDecision engine returned: " + loginURL);
loginURL = formatLoginURL(loginURL, authnResult.getAuthContextRef());
FSUtils.forwardRequest(request, response, loginURL);
return true;
} else {
if (authenticated) {
if (authenticationContextClassRef != null) {
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.decideAuthnContext(authenticationContextClassRef, currentAuthnContextRef, authType);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's " + "authentication " + "context is default");
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(defAuthnCxtList, authType);
if (authnResult == null) {
return false;
} else if (authnResult.getLoginURL() == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's " + "authentication " + "context is evaluated to be valid");
return processPostAuthnSSO(authnRequest);
} else if (authnResult.getLoginURL().length() == 0) {
return false;
} else {
loginURL = authnResult.getLoginURL();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO" + ": AuthnDecision engine returned: " + loginURL);
loginURL = formatLoginURL(loginURL, authnResult.getAuthContextRef());
FSUtils.forwardRequest(request, response, loginURL);
return true;
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: AuthnRequest is active");
//redirect for authentication authnContextRef
if (authenticationContextClassRef != null) {
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(authenticationContextClassRef, authType);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler." + "processPreAuthnSSO: User's " + "authentication " + "context is default");
authnResult = authnDecisionHandler.getURLForAuthnContext(defAuthnCxtList, authType);
if (authnResult == null || authnResult.getLoginURL() == null || authnResult.getLoginURL().length() == 0) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler. processPreAuthnSSO: " + " AuthnDecision engine" + " failed to take a decision");
noFedStatus = new Status(new StatusCode("samlp:Responder", new StatusCode("lib:NoAuthnContext", null)), FSUtils.bundle.getString("AuthnRequestProcessingFailed"), null);
return false;
} else {
loginURL = authnResult.getLoginURL();
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "AuthnDecision engine returned: " + loginURL);
loginURL = formatLoginURL(loginURL, authnResult.getAuthContextRef());
FSUtils.forwardRequest(request, response, loginURL);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSSOAndFedHandler.processPreAuthnSSO: " + "Exception occured");
return processPostAuthnSSO(authnRequest);
use of com.sun.identity.saml.protocol.StatusCode in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class FSSingleLogoutHandler method doSoapProfile.
* Initiates SOAP proifle logout.
* @param providerId the first provider with SOAP as logout profile
private FSLogoutStatus doSoapProfile(String providerId) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Entered IDP's doSoapProfile");
try {
FSSessionManager sMgr = FSSessionManager.getInstance(metaAlias);
FSSession session = sMgr.getSession(ssoToken);
FSAccountFedInfo currentAccount = null;
if (session != null) {
currentAccount = session.getAccountFedInfo();
if (currentAccount == null && !session.getOneTime()) {
currentAccount = FSLogoutUtil.getCurrentWorkingAccount(userID, providerId, metaAlias);
if (currentAccount == null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSingleLogoutHandler. User's " + "account may have been terminated.");
return new FSLogoutStatus(IFSConstants.SAML_SUCCESS);
FSLogoutNotification reqLogout = createSingleLogoutRequest(currentAccount, sessionIndex);
if (reqLogout != null) {
FSSOAPService instSOAP = FSSOAPService.getInstance();
if (instSOAP != null) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Signing suceeded. To call bindLogoutRequest");
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("logout request before sign: " + reqLogout.toXMLString(true, true));
SOAPMessage msgLogout = instSOAP.bind(reqLogout.toXMLString(true, true));
if (msgLogout != null) {
SOAPMessage retSOAPMessage = null;
try {
if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
int minorVersion = reqLogout.getMinorVersion();
switch(minorVersion) {
msgLogout = signLogoutRequest(msgLogout, IFSConstants.ID, reqLogout.getID());
msgLogout = signLogoutRequest(msgLogout, IFSConstants.REQUEST_ID, reqLogout.getRequestID());
FSUtils.debug.message("invalid minor version.");
retSOAPMessage = instSOAP.sendMessage(msgLogout, remoteDescriptor.getSoapEndpoint());
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("FSSOAPException in doSOAPProfile" + " Cannot send request", e);
return new FSLogoutStatus(IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER);
if (retSOAPMessage != null) {
Element elt = instSOAP.parseSOAPMessage(retSOAPMessage);
if (FSServiceUtils.isSigningOn()) {
if (!verifyResponseSignature(retSOAPMessage)) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Response " + "signature verification failed");
FSServiceUtils.returnLocallyAfterOperation(response, LOGOUT_DONE_URL, false, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_SUCCESS, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_FAILURE);
return new FSLogoutStatus(IFSConstants.SAML_REQUESTER);
this.requestLogout = reqLogout;
respObj = new FSLogoutResponse(elt);
// Call SP Adapter preSingleLogout for SP/SOAP
if (hostedRole != null && hostedRole.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SP)) {
FederationSPAdapter spAdapter = FSServiceUtils.getSPAdapter(hostedEntityId, hostedConfig);
if (spAdapter != null) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSLOHandler." + "preSingleLogoutProcess, SP/SOAP");
try {
spAdapter.preSingleLogoutProcess(hostedEntityId, request, response, userID, reqLogout, respObj, IFSConstants.LOGOUT_SP_SOAP_PROFILE);
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore adapter error
FSUtils.debug.error("spAdapter." + "preSingleLogoutProcess, SP/SOAP:", e);
Status status = respObj.getStatus();
StatusCode statusCode = status.getStatusCode();
StatusCode secondLevelStatus = statusCode.getStatusCode();
String statusString = statusCode.getValue();
if (statusString.equalsIgnoreCase(IFSConstants.SAML_SUCCESS)) {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSingleLogoutHandler: " + " doSoapProfile returning success");
return new FSLogoutStatus(IFSConstants.SAML_SUCCESS);
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("FSSingleLogoutHandler: " + "SOAP Profile failure " + statusString);
return new FSLogoutStatus(statusString);
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Unable to bindLogoutRequest." + "Current Provider cannot be processed");
} else {
if (FSUtils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
FSUtils.debug.message("Unable to create logout request" + " Current Provider cannot be processed");
} catch (Exception e) {
FSUtils.debug.error("In IOException of doSOAPProfile : ", e);
return new FSLogoutStatus(IFSConstants.SAML_RESPONDER);