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Example 31 with SAML2Exception

use of com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SPACSUtils method saveInfoInMemory.

public static void saveInfoInMemory(SessionProvider sessionProvider, Object session, String sessionIndex, String metaAlias, NameIDInfo info, boolean isIDPProxy, boolean isTransient) throws SAML2Exception {
    String infoKeyString = (new NameIDInfoKey(info.getNameIDValue(), info.getHostEntityID(), info.getRemoteEntityID())).toValueString();
    String infoKeyAttribute = AccountUtils.getNameIDInfoKeyAttribute();
    String[] fromToken = null;
    try {
        fromToken = sessionProvider.getProperty(session, infoKeyAttribute);
        if (fromToken == null || fromToken.length == 0 || fromToken[0] == null || fromToken[0].length() == 0) {
            String[] values = { infoKeyString };
            sessionProvider.setProperty(session, infoKeyAttribute, values);
        } else {
            if (fromToken[0].indexOf(infoKeyString) == -1) {
                String[] values = { fromToken[0] + SAML2Constants.SECOND_DELIM + infoKeyString };
                sessionProvider.setProperty(session, infoKeyAttribute, values);
        if (isTransient) {
            String nameIDInfoStr = info.toValueString();
            String infoAttribute = AccountUtils.getNameIDInfoAttribute();
            String[] nameIDInfoStrs = sessionProvider.getProperty(session, infoAttribute);
            if (nameIDInfoStrs == null) {
                nameIDInfoStrs = new String[1];
                nameIDInfoStrs[0] = nameIDInfoStr;
            } else {
                Set nameIDInfoStrSet = new HashSet();
                for (int i = 0; i < nameIDInfoStrs.length; i++) {
                nameIDInfoStrs = (String[]) nameIDInfoStrSet.toArray(new String[nameIDInfoStrSet.size()]);
            sessionProvider.setProperty(session, infoAttribute, nameIDInfoStrs);
    } catch (SessionException sessE) {
        throw new SAML2Exception(sessE);
    String tokenID = sessionProvider.getSessionID(session);
    if (!SPCache.isFedlet) {
        List fedSessions = (List) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.get(infoKeyString);
        if (fedSessions == null) {
            synchronized (SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey) {
                fedSessions = (List) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.get(infoKeyString);
                if (fedSessions == null) {
                    fedSessions = new ArrayList();
            synchronized (fedSessions) {
                fedSessions.add(new SPFedSession(sessionIndex, tokenID, info, metaAlias));
                SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.put(infoKeyString, fedSessions);
            if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
                saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
            if (isIDPProxy) {
                //IDP Proxy 
                IDPSession idpSess = (IDPSession) IDPCache.idpSessionsBySessionID.get(tokenID);
                if (idpSess == null) {
                    idpSess = new IDPSession(session);
                    IDPCache.idpSessionsBySessionID.put(tokenID, idpSess);
                if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    SAML2Utils.debug.message("Add Session Partner: " + info.getRemoteEntityID());
                idpSess.addSessionPartner(new SAML2SessionPartner(info.getRemoteEntityID(), true));
            // end of IDP Proxy        
        } else {
            synchronized (fedSessions) {
                Iterator iter = fedSessions.iterator();
                boolean found = false;
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    SPFedSession temp = (SPFedSession);
                    String idpSessionIndex = null;
                    if (temp != null) {
                        idpSessionIndex = temp.idpSessionIndex;
                    if ((idpSessionIndex != null) && (idpSessionIndex.equals(sessionIndex))) {
                        temp.spTokenID = tokenID;
               = info;
                        found = true;
                if (!found) {
                    fedSessions.add(new SPFedSession(sessionIndex, tokenID, info, metaAlias));
                    SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.put(infoKeyString, fedSessions);
                    if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
                        saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
        SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.put(infoKeyString, fedSessions);
        if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
            saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
    try {
        sessionProvider.addListener(session, new SPSessionListener(infoKeyString, tokenID));
    } catch (SessionException e) {
        SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPACSUtils.saveInfoInMemory: " + "Unable to add session listener.");
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SessionException(com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException) SAML2Exception(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) NameIDInfoKey(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.NameIDInfoKey) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 32 with SAML2Exception

use of com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SPSingleLogout method copyAndMakeMutable.

private static LogoutRequest copyAndMakeMutable(LogoutRequest src) {
    LogoutRequest dest = ProtocolFactory.getInstance().createLogoutRequest();
    try {
    } catch (SAML2Exception ex) {
        debug.error("SPLogoutUtil.copyAndMakeMutable:", ex);
    return dest;
Also used : SAML2Exception(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception) LogoutRequest(com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.LogoutRequest)

Example 33 with SAML2Exception

use of com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SPSingleLogout method processLogoutRequest.

     * Gets and processes the Single <code>LogoutRequest</code> from IDP
     * and return <code>LogoutResponse</code>.
     * @param logoutReq <code>LogoutRequest</code> from IDP
     * @param spEntityID name of host entity ID.
     * @param realm name of host entity.
     * @param request HTTP servlet request.
     * @param response HTTP servlet response.
     * @param isLBReq true if the request is for load balancing.
     * @param binding value of <code>SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT</code> or
     *        <code>SAML2Constants.SOAP</code>.
     * @param isVerified true if the request is verified already.
     * @return LogoutResponse the target URL on successful
     * <code>LogoutRequest</code>.
public static LogoutResponse processLogoutRequest(LogoutRequest logoutReq, String spEntityID, String realm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, boolean isLBReq, boolean destroySession, String binding, boolean isVerified) {
    final String method = "processLogoutRequest : ";
    NameID nameID = null;
    Status status = null;
    Issuer issuer = null;
    String idpEntity = logoutReq.getIssuer().getValue();
    String userId = null;
    try {
        do {
            // TODO: check the NotOnOrAfter attribute of LogoutRequest
            issuer = logoutReq.getIssuer();
            String requestId = logoutReq.getID();
            SAML2Utils.verifyRequestIssuer(realm, spEntityID, issuer, requestId);
            issuer = SAML2Utils.createIssuer(spEntityID);
            // get SessionIndex and NameID form LogoutRequest
            List siList = logoutReq.getSessionIndex();
            int numSI = 0;
            if (siList != null) {
                numSI = siList.size();
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message(method + "Number of session indices in the logout request is " + numSI);
            nameID = LogoutUtil.getNameIDFromSLORequest(logoutReq, realm, spEntityID, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE);
            if (nameID == null) {
                debug.error(method + "LogoutRequest does not contain Name ID");
                status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.RESPONDER, SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("missing_name_identifier"));
            String infoKeyString = null;
            infoKeyString = (new NameIDInfoKey(nameID.getValue(), spEntityID, idpEntity)).toValueString();
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message(method + "infokey=" + infoKeyString);
            if (SPCache.isFedlet) {
                // verify request
                if (!isVerified && !LogoutUtil.verifySLORequest(logoutReq, realm, idpEntity, spEntityID, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE)) {
                    throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalidSignInRequest"));
                // obtain fedlet adapter
                FedletAdapter fedletAdapter = SAML2Utils.getFedletAdapterClass(spEntityID, realm);
                boolean result = false;
                if (fedletAdapter != null) {
                    // call adapter to do real logout
                    result = fedletAdapter.doFedletSLO(request, response, logoutReq, spEntityID, idpEntity, siList, nameID.getValue(), binding);
                if (result) {
                    status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
                } else {
                    status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.RESPONDER, SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("appLogoutFailed"));
            List list = (List) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.get(infoKeyString);
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message(method + "SPFedsessions=" + list);
            if ((list == null) || list.isEmpty()) {
                String spQ = nameID.getSPNameQualifier();
                if ((spQ == null) || (spQ.length() == 0)) {
                    infoKeyString = (new NameIDInfoKey(nameID.getValue(), spEntityID, nameID.getNameQualifier())).toValueString();
                    list = (List) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.get(infoKeyString);
            boolean foundPeer = false;
            List remoteServiceURLs = null;
            if (isLBReq) {
                remoteServiceURLs = FSUtils.getRemoteServiceURLs(request);
                foundPeer = remoteServiceURLs != null && !remoteServiceURLs.isEmpty();
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message(method + "isLBReq = " + isLBReq + ", foundPeer = " + foundPeer);
            if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) {
                if (foundPeer) {
                    boolean peerError = false;
                    for (Iterator iter = remoteServiceURLs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                        String remoteLogoutURL = getRemoteLogoutURL((String), request);
                        LogoutResponse logoutRes = LogoutUtil.forwardToRemoteServer(logoutReq, remoteLogoutURL);
                        if ((logoutRes != null) && !isNameNotFound(logoutRes)) {
                            if (isSuccess(logoutRes)) {
                                if (numSI > 0) {
                                    siList = LogoutUtil.getSessionIndex(logoutRes);
                                    if (siList == null || siList.isEmpty()) {
                                        peerError = false;
                            } else {
                                peerError = true;
                    if (peerError || (siList != null && siList.size() > 0)) {
                        status = PARTIAL_LOGOUT_STATUS;
                    } else {
                        status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
                } else {
                    debug.error(method + "invalid Name ID received");
                    status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.RESPONDER, SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalid_name_identifier"));
            } else {
                // find the session, do signature validation
                if (!isVerified && !LogoutUtil.verifySLORequest(logoutReq, realm, logoutReq.getIssuer().getValue(), spEntityID, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE)) {
                    throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalidSignInRequest"));
                // invoke SPAdapter for preSingleLogoutProcess
                try {
                    String tokenId = ((SPFedSession) list.iterator().next()).spTokenID;
                    Object token = sessionProvider.getSession(tokenId);
                    userId = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(token);
                    if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPSingleLogout." + "processLogoutRequest, user = " + userId);
                } catch (SessionException ex) {
                    if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPSingleLogout." + "processLogoutRequest", ex);
                userId = preSingleLogoutProcess(spEntityID, realm, request, response, userId, logoutReq, null, binding);
            // get application logout URL 
            BaseConfigType spConfig = SAML2Utils.getSAML2MetaManager().getSPSSOConfig(realm, spEntityID);
            List appLogoutURL = (List) SAML2MetaUtils.getAttributes(spConfig).get(SAML2Constants.APP_LOGOUT_URL);
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message("IDPLogoutUtil.processLogoutRequest: " + "external app logout URL= " + appLogoutURL);
            if (numSI == 0) {
                // logout all fed sessions for this user
                // between this SP and the IDP
                List tokenIDsToBeDestroyed = new ArrayList();
                synchronized (list) {
                    Iterator iter = list.listIterator();
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        SPFedSession fedSession = (SPFedSession);
                        if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
                            saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
                for (Iterator iter = tokenIDsToBeDestroyed.listIterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                    String tokenID = (String);
                    Object token = null;
                    try {
                        token = sessionProvider.getSession(tokenID);
                    } catch (SessionException se) {
                        debug.error(method + "Could not create session from token ID = " + tokenID);
                    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                        debug.message(method + "destroy token " + tokenID);
                    // handle external application logout if configured
                    if ((appLogoutURL != null) && (appLogoutURL.size() != 0)) {
                        SAML2Utils.postToAppLogout(request, (String) appLogoutURL.get(0), token);
                    if (destroySession) {
                        sessionProvider.invalidateSession(token, request, response);
                if (foundPeer) {
                    boolean peerError = false;
                    for (Iterator iter = remoteServiceURLs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                        String remoteLogoutURL = getRemoteLogoutURL((String), request);
                        LogoutResponse logoutRes = LogoutUtil.forwardToRemoteServer(logoutReq, remoteLogoutURL);
                        if ((logoutRes == null) || !(isSuccess(logoutRes) || isNameNotFound(logoutRes))) {
                            peerError = true;
                    if (peerError) {
                        status = PARTIAL_LOGOUT_STATUS;
                    } else {
                        status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
            } else {
                // logout only those fed sessions specified
                // in logout request session list
                String sessionIndex = null;
                List siNotFound = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < numSI; i++) {
                    sessionIndex = (String) siList.get(i);
                    String tokenIDToBeDestroyed = null;
                    synchronized (list) {
                        Iterator iter = list.listIterator();
                        while (iter.hasNext()) {
                            SPFedSession fedSession = (SPFedSession);
                            if (sessionIndex.equals(fedSession.idpSessionIndex)) {
                                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                                    debug.message(method + " found si + " + sessionIndex);
                                tokenIDToBeDestroyed = fedSession.spTokenID;
                                if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
                                    saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
                    if (tokenIDToBeDestroyed != null) {
                        try {
                            Object token = sessionProvider.getSession(tokenIDToBeDestroyed);
                            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                                debug.message(method + "destroy token (2) " + tokenIDToBeDestroyed);
                            // handle external application logout 
                            if ((appLogoutURL != null) && (appLogoutURL.size() != 0)) {
                                SAML2Utils.postToAppLogout(request, (String) appLogoutURL.get(0), token);
                            if (destroySession) {
                                sessionProvider.invalidateSession(token, request, response);
                        } catch (SessionException se) {
                            debug.error(method + "Could not create " + "session from token ID = " + tokenIDToBeDestroyed);
                    } else {
                if (isLBReq) {
                    if (foundPeer && !siNotFound.isEmpty()) {
                        boolean peerError = false;
                        LogoutRequest lReq = copyAndMakeMutable(logoutReq);
                        for (Iterator iter = remoteServiceURLs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                            String remoteLogoutURL = getRemoteLogoutURL((String), request);
                            LogoutResponse logoutRes = LogoutUtil.forwardToRemoteServer(lReq, remoteLogoutURL);
                            if ((logoutRes != null) && !isNameNotFound(logoutRes)) {
                                if (isSuccess(logoutRes)) {
                                    siNotFound = LogoutUtil.getSessionIndex(logoutRes);
                                } else {
                                    peerError = true;
                            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                                debug.message(method + "siNotFound = " + siNotFound);
                            if (siNotFound == null || siNotFound.isEmpty()) {
                                peerError = false;
                        if (peerError || (siNotFound != null && !siNotFound.isEmpty())) {
                            status = PARTIAL_LOGOUT_STATUS;
                        } else {
                            status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
                    } else {
                        status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
                } else {
                    if (siNotFound.isEmpty()) {
                        status = SUCCESS_STATUS;
                    } else {
                        status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.SUCCESS, SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("requestSuccess"));
                        LogoutUtil.setSessionIndex(status, siNotFound);
        } while (false);
    } catch (SessionException se) {
        debug.error("processLogoutRequest: ", se);
        status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.RESPONDER, se.toString());
    } catch (SAML2Exception e) {
        debug.error("processLogoutRequest: " + "failed to create response", e);
        status = SAML2Utils.generateStatus(SAML2Constants.RESPONDER, e.toString());
    // create LogoutResponse
    if (spEntityID == null) {
        spEntityID = nameID.getSPNameQualifier();
    LogoutResponse logResponse = LogoutUtil.generateResponse(status, logoutReq.getID(), issuer, realm, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE, idpEntity);
    if (isSuccess(logResponse)) {
        // invoke SPAdapter for postSingleLogoutSuccess
        postSingleLogoutSuccess(spEntityID, realm, request, response, userId, logoutReq, logResponse, binding);
    return logResponse;
Also used : Status(com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.Status) LogoutResponse(com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.LogoutResponse) NameID(com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.NameID) Issuer(com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.Issuer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) SessionException(com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException) SAML2Exception(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception) BaseConfigType(com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.entityconfig.BaseConfigType) FedletAdapter(com.sun.identity.saml2.plugins.FedletAdapter) ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) LogoutRequest(com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.LogoutRequest) NameIDInfoKey(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.NameIDInfoKey)

Example 34 with SAML2Exception

use of com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SPSingleLogout method prepareForLogout.

private static String prepareForLogout(String realm, String tokenID, String metaAlias, List extensionsList, String binding, String relayState, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Map paramsMap, String infoKeyString, LogoutRequest origLogoutRequest, SOAPMessage msg) throws SAML2Exception, SessionException {
    NameIDInfoKey nameIdInfoKey = NameIDInfoKey.parse(infoKeyString);
    String sessionIndex = null;
    NameID nameID = null;
    if (SPCache.isFedlet) {
        sessionIndex = SAML2Utils.getParameter(paramsMap, SAML2Constants.SESSION_INDEX);
        nameID = AssertionFactory.getInstance().createNameID();
    } else {
        SPFedSession fedSession = null;
        List list = (List) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.get(infoKeyString);
        if (list != null) {
            synchronized (list) {
                ListIterator iter = list.listIterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    fedSession = (SPFedSession);
                    if (tokenID.equals(fedSession.spTokenID)) {
                        if ((agent != null) && agent.isRunning() && (saml2Svc != null)) {
                            saml2Svc.setFedSessionCount((long) SPCache.fedSessionListsByNameIDInfoKey.size());
                        if (list.size() == 0) {
                    fedSession = null;
        if (fedSession == null) {
            // just do local logout
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message("No session partner, just do local logout.");
            return null;
        sessionIndex = fedSession.idpSessionIndex;
        nameID =;
    // get IDPSSODescriptor
    IDPSSODescriptorElement idpsso = sm.getIDPSSODescriptor(realm, nameIdInfoKey.getRemoteEntityID());
    if (idpsso == null) {
        String[] data = { nameIdInfoKey.getRemoteEntityID() };
        LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.IDP_METADATA_ERROR, data, null);
        throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
    List slosList = idpsso.getSingleLogoutService();
    if (slosList == null) {
        String[] data = { nameIdInfoKey.getRemoteEntityID() };
        LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.SLO_NOT_FOUND, data, null);
        throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("sloServiceListNotfound"));
    // get IDP entity config in case of SOAP, for basic auth info
    IDPSSOConfigElement idpConfig = null;
    if (binding.equals(SAML2Constants.SOAP)) {
        idpConfig = sm.getIDPSSOConfig(realm, nameIdInfoKey.getRemoteEntityID());
    StringBuffer requestID = LogoutUtil.doLogout(metaAlias, nameIdInfoKey.getRemoteEntityID(), slosList, extensionsList, binding, relayState, sessionIndex, nameID, request, response, paramsMap, idpConfig);
    String requestIDStr = requestID.toString();
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message("\nSPSLO.requestIDStr = " + requestIDStr + "\nbinding = " + binding);
    if ((requestIDStr != null) && (requestIDStr.length() != 0) && (binding.equals(SAML2Constants.HTTP_REDIRECT) || binding.equals(SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST)) && (origLogoutRequest != null)) {
        IDPCache.proxySPLogoutReqCache.put(requestIDStr, origLogoutRequest);
    } else if ((requestIDStr != null) && (requestIDStr.length() != 0) && binding.equals(SAML2Constants.SOAP) && (msg != null)) {
        IDPCache.SOAPMessageByLogoutRequestID.put(requestIDStr, msg);
    return requestIDStr;
Also used : SAML2Exception(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception) NameID(com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.NameID) List(java.util.List) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IDPSSOConfigElement(com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.entityconfig.IDPSSOConfigElement) ListIterator(java.util.ListIterator) NameIDInfoKey(com.sun.identity.saml2.common.NameIDInfoKey) IDPSSODescriptorElement(com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.metadata.IDPSSODescriptorElement)

Example 35 with SAML2Exception

use of com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class IDPSingleLogout method sendAlreadyLogedOutResp.

     * Generates a new Logout Response with Success Status saying that the user has already logged out.
     * @param response The Servlet response.
     * @param logoutReq The SAML 2.0 Logout Request.
     * @param relayState The original relay state that came with the request.
     * @param realm The realm where the hosted entity has been defined.
     * @param idpEntityID The entity id of the hosted IdP.
     * @param spEntityID The entity id of the remote SP.
     * @param binding The binding that the IdP should reply with to the SP.
     * @throws SAML2Exception If there was a problem while constructing/sending the Logout Response.
private static void sendAlreadyLogedOutResp(HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request, LogoutRequest logoutReq, String relayState, String realm, String idpEntityID, String spEntityID, String binding) throws SAML2Exception {
    String classMethod = "IDPSingleLogout.sendAlreadyLogedOutResp";
    debug.message(classMethod + "No session in the IdP. " + "We are already logged out. Generating success logout");
    LogoutResponse logRes = LogoutUtil.generateResponse(ALREADY_LOGGEDOUT, logoutReq.getID(), SAML2Utils.createIssuer(idpEntityID), realm, SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE, logoutReq.getIssuer().getSPProvidedID());
    SingleLogoutServiceElement endpoint = getLogoutResponseEndpoint(realm, spEntityID, binding);
    binding = endpoint.getBinding();
    String location = getResponseLocation(endpoint);
    debug.message(classMethod + "Location found: " + location + " for binding " + binding);
    LogoutUtil.sendSLOResponse(response, request, logRes, location, relayState, realm, idpEntityID, SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE, spEntityID, binding);
Also used : LogoutResponse(com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.LogoutResponse) SingleLogoutServiceElement(com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.metadata.SingleLogoutServiceElement)


SAML2Exception (com.sun.identity.saml2.common.SAML2Exception)275 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)92 List (java.util.List)86 SAML2MetaException (com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaException)72 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)64 SessionException (com.sun.identity.plugin.session.SessionException)56 IOException ( SPSSODescriptorElement (com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.metadata.SPSSODescriptorElement)44 Map (java.util.Map)44 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)43 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)43 Issuer (com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.Issuer)42 Date (java.util.Date)40 SOAPException (javax.xml.soap.SOAPException)39 SAML2TokenRepositoryException (org.forgerock.openam.federation.saml2.SAML2TokenRepositoryException)39 X509Certificate ( NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)36 IDPSSODescriptorElement (com.sun.identity.saml2.jaxb.metadata.IDPSSODescriptorElement)35 Node (org.w3c.dom.Node)34 Response (com.sun.identity.saml2.protocol.Response)30