use of com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SPACSUtils method getResponseFromPostECP.
* Obtains <code>SAML Response</code> from <code>SOAPBody</code>.
* Used by ECP profile.
private static ResponseInfo getResponseFromPostECP(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, String orgName, String hostEntityId, SAML2MetaManager metaManager) throws SAML2Exception, IOException {
Message message = null;
try {
message = new Message(SOAPCommunicator.getInstance().getSOAPMessage(request));
} catch (SOAPException soapex) {
String[] data = { hostEntityId };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SOAP_MESSAGE_ECP, data, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToCreateSOAPMessage", soapex.getMessage());
throw new SAML2Exception(soapex.getMessage());
} catch (SOAPBindingException soapex) {
String[] data = { hostEntityId };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_SOAP_MESSAGE_ECP, data, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToCreateSOAPMessage", soapex.getMessage());
throw new SAML2Exception(soapex.getMessage());
} catch (SOAPFaultException sfex) {
String[] data = { hostEntityId };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.RECEIVE_SOAP_FAULT_ECP, data, null);
String faultString = sfex.getSOAPFaultMessage().getSOAPFault().getFaultString();
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToCreateSOAPMessage", faultString);
throw new SAML2Exception(faultString);
List soapHeaders = message.getOtherSOAPHeaders();
ECPRelayState ecpRelayState = null;
if ((soapHeaders != null) && (!soapHeaders.isEmpty())) {
for (Iterator iter = soapHeaders.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Element headerEle = (Element);
try {
ecpRelayState = ECPFactory.getInstance().createECPRelayState(headerEle);
} catch (SAML2Exception saml2ex) {
// not ECP RelayState
String relayState = null;
if (ecpRelayState != null) {
relayState = ecpRelayState.getValue();
List soapBodies = message.getBodies();
if ((soapBodies == null) || (soapBodies.isEmpty())) {
String[] data = { hostEntityId };
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "missingSAMLResponse", SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("missingSAMLResponse"));
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("missingSAMLResponse"));
Element resElem = (Element) soapBodies.get(0);
Response resp = null;
try {
resp = ProtocolFactory.getInstance().createResponse(resElem);
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPACSUtils.getResponseFromPostECP:" + "Couldn't create Response:", se);
String[] data = { hostEntityId };
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToCreateResponse", se.getMessage());
throw se;
String idpEntityID = resp.getIssuer().getValue();
IDPSSODescriptorElement idpDesc = null;
try {
idpDesc = metaManager.getIDPSSODescriptor(orgName, idpEntityID);
} catch (SAML2MetaException se) {
String[] data = { orgName, idpEntityID };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.IDP_META_NOT_FOUND, data, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "failedToGetIDPSSODescriptor", se.getMessage());
throw se;
Set<X509Certificate> certificates = KeyUtil.getVerificationCerts(idpDesc, idpEntityID, SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE);
List assertions = resp.getAssertion();
if ((assertions != null) && (!assertions.isEmpty())) {
for (Iterator iter = assertions.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
Assertion assertion = (Assertion);
if (!assertion.isSigned()) {
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPACSUtils.getResponseFromPostECP: " + " Assertion is not signed.");
String[] data = { idpEntityID };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.ECP_ASSERTION_NOT_SIGNED, data, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "assertionNotSigned", SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("assertionNotSigned"));
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("assertionNotSigned"));
} else if (!assertion.isSignatureValid(certificates)) {
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPACSUtils.getResponseFromPostECP: " + " Assertion signature is invalid.");
String[] data = { idpEntityID };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.ECP_ASSERTION_INVALID_SIGNATURE, data, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, response.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "invalidSignature", SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalidSignature"));
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalidSignature"));
return new ResponseInfo(resp, SAML2Constants.PAOS, relayState);
use of com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SPACSUtils method processResponse.
* Authenticates user with <code>Response</code>.
* Auth session upgrade will be called if input session is
* not null.
* Otherwise, saml2 auth module is called. The name of the auth module
* is retrieved from <code>SPSSOConfig</code>. If not found, "SAML2" will
* be used.
* @param request HTTP Servlet request
* @param response HTTP Servlet response.
* @param out the print writer for writing out presentation
* @param metaAlias metaAlias for the service provider
* @param session input session object. It could be null.
* @param respInfo <code>ResponseInfo</code> to be verified.
* @param realm realm or organization name of the service provider.
* @param hostEntityId hosted service provider Entity ID.
* @param metaManager <code>SAML2MetaManager</code> instance for meta operation.
* @param auditor a <code>SAML2EventLogger</code> auditor object to hook into
* tracking information for the saml request
* @return <code>Object</code> which holds result of the session.
* @throws SAML2Exception if the processing failed.
public static Object processResponse(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, PrintWriter out, String metaAlias, Object session, ResponseInfo respInfo, String realm, String hostEntityId, SAML2MetaManager metaManager, SAML2EventLogger auditor) throws SAML2Exception {
String classMethod = "SPACSUtils.processResponse: ";
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "Response : " + respInfo.getResponse());
Map smap = null;
try {
// check Response/Assertion and get back a Map of relevant data
smap = SAML2Utils.verifyResponse(request, response, respInfo.getResponse(), realm, hostEntityId, respInfo.getProfileBinding());
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.INVALID_RESPONSE, se);
throw se;
com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.Subject assertionSubject = (com.sun.identity.saml2.assertion.Subject) smap.get(SAML2Constants.SUBJECT);
NameID nameId = assertionSubject.getNameID();
EncryptedID encId = assertionSubject.getEncryptedID();
Assertion authnAssertion = (Assertion) smap.get(SAML2Constants.POST_ASSERTION);
String sessionIndex = (String) smap.get(SAML2Constants.SESSION_INDEX);
Integer authLevel = (Integer) smap.get(SAML2Constants.AUTH_LEVEL);
Long maxSessionTime = (Long) smap.get(SAML2Constants.MAX_SESSION_TIME);
String inRespToResp = (String) smap.get(SAML2Constants.IN_RESPONSE_TO);
List assertions = (List) smap.get(SAML2Constants.ASSERTIONS);
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "Assertions : " + assertions);
SPSSOConfigElement spssoconfig = metaManager.getSPSSOConfig(realm, hostEntityId);
// get mappers
SPAccountMapper acctMapper = SAML2Utils.getSPAccountMapper(realm, hostEntityId);
SPAttributeMapper attrMapper = SAML2Utils.getSPAttributeMapper(realm, hostEntityId);
String assertionEncryptedAttr = SAML2Utils.getAttributeValueFromSPSSOConfig(spssoconfig, SAML2Constants.WANT_ASSERTION_ENCRYPTED);
boolean needAttributeEncrypted = getNeedAttributeEncrypted(assertionEncryptedAttr, spssoconfig);
boolean needNameIDEncrypted = getNeedNameIDEncrypted(assertionEncryptedAttr, spssoconfig);
Set<PrivateKey> decryptionKeys = KeyUtil.getDecryptionKeys(spssoconfig);
if (needNameIDEncrypted && encId == null) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "process: NameID was not encrypted.");
SAML2Exception se = new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("nameIDNotEncrypted"));
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.INVALID_RESPONSE, se);
throw se;
if (encId != null) {
try {
nameId = encId.decrypt(decryptionKeys);
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.INVALID_RESPONSE, se);
throw se;
SPSSODescriptorElement spDesc = null;
try {
spDesc = metaManager.getSPSSODescriptor(realm, hostEntityId);
} catch (SAML2MetaException ex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod, ex);
if (spDesc == null) {
SAML2Exception se = new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_META_DATA_ERROR, se);
throw se;
String nameIDFormat = nameId.getFormat();
if (nameIDFormat != null) {
List spNameIDFormatList = spDesc.getNameIDFormat();
if ((spNameIDFormatList != null) && (!spNameIDFormatList.isEmpty()) && (!spNameIDFormatList.contains(nameIDFormat))) {
Object[] args = { nameIDFormat };
SAML2Exception se = new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.BUNDLE_NAME, "unsupportedNameIDFormatSP", args);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.INVALID_RESPONSE, se);
throw se;
boolean isTransient = SAML2Constants.NAMEID_TRANSIENT_FORMAT.equals(nameIDFormat);
boolean isPersistent = SAML2Constants.PERSISTENT.equals(nameIDFormat);
boolean ignoreProfile = SAML2PluginsUtils.isIgnoredProfile(realm);
String existUserName = null;
SessionProvider sessionProvider = null;
try {
sessionProvider = SessionManager.getProvider();
} catch (SessionException se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
SAML2Exception se2 = new SAML2Exception(se);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_SESSION_ERROR, se2);
throw se2;
if (session != null) {
try {
existUserName = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(session);
} catch (SessionException se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
SAML2Exception se2 = new SAML2Exception(se);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_SESSION_ERROR, se2);
throw se2;
String remoteHostId = authnAssertion.getIssuer().getValue();
String userName = null;
boolean isNewAccountLink = false;
boolean shouldPersistNameID = isPersistent || (!isTransient && !ignoreProfile && acctMapper.shouldPersistNameIDFormat(realm, hostEntityId, remoteHostId, nameIDFormat));
try {
if (shouldPersistNameID) {
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "querying data store for existing federation links: realm = " + realm + " hostEntityID = " + hostEntityId + " remoteEntityID = " + remoteHostId);
try {
userName = SAML2Utils.getDataStoreProvider().getUserID(realm, SAML2Utils.getNameIDKeyMap(nameId, hostEntityId, remoteHostId, realm, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE));
} catch (DataStoreProviderException dse) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "DataStoreProviderException whilst retrieving NameID " + "information", dse);
throw new SAML2Exception(dse.getMessage());
if (userName == null) {
userName = acctMapper.getIdentity(authnAssertion, hostEntityId, realm);
isNewAccountLink = true;
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_NO_USER_MAPPING, se);
throw se;
if (userName == null && respInfo.isLocalLogin()) {
// In case we just got authenticated locally, we should accept the freshly authenticated session's principal
// as the username corresponding to the received assertion.
userName = existUserName;
if (null != auditor) {
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "process: userName =[" + userName + "]");
List attrs = null;
for (Iterator it = assertions.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
Assertion assertion = (Assertion);
List origAttrs = getSAMLAttributes(assertion, needAttributeEncrypted, decryptionKeys);
if (origAttrs != null && !origAttrs.isEmpty()) {
if (attrs == null) {
attrs = new ArrayList();
Map attrMap = null;
if (attrs != null) {
try {
attrMap = attrMapper.getAttributes(attrs, userName, hostEntityId, remoteHostId, realm);
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_ATTRIBUTE_MAPPING, se);
throw se;
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "process: remoteHostId = " + remoteHostId);
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "process: attrMap = " + attrMap);
// return error code for local user login
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(userName)) {
// map the user to the existing session.
if (session != null) {
try {
sessionProvider.invalidateSession(session, request, response);
} catch (SessionException se) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("An error occurred while trying to invalidate session", se);
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("noUserMapping"));
boolean writeFedInfo = isNewAccountLink && shouldPersistNameID;
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "userName : " + userName);
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "writeFedInfo : " + writeFedInfo);
AuthnRequest authnRequest = null;
if (smap != null) {
authnRequest = (AuthnRequest) smap.get(SAML2Constants.AUTHN_REQUEST);
if (inRespToResp != null && inRespToResp.length() != 0) {
Map sessionInfoMap = new HashMap();
sessionInfoMap.put(SessionProvider.REALM, realm);
sessionInfoMap.put(SessionProvider.PRINCIPAL_NAME, userName);
// set client info. always use client IP address to prevent
// reverse host lookup
String clientAddr = ClientUtils.getClientIPAddress(request);
sessionInfoMap.put(SessionProvider.HOST, clientAddr);
sessionInfoMap.put(SessionProvider.HOST_NAME, clientAddr);
sessionInfoMap.put(SessionProvider.AUTH_LEVEL, String.valueOf(authLevel));
request.setAttribute(SessionProvider.ATTR_MAP, attrMap);
try {
session = sessionProvider.createSession(sessionInfoMap, request, response, null);
} catch (SessionException se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
int failureCode = SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_SESSION_GENERATION;
int sessCode = se.getErrCode();
if (sessCode == SessionException.AUTH_USER_INACTIVE) {
failureCode = SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_AUTH_USER_INACTIVE;
} else if (sessCode == SessionException.AUTH_USER_LOCKED) {
failureCode = SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_AUTH_USER_LOCKED;
} else if (sessCode == SessionException.AUTH_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED) {
failureCode = SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_AUTH_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED;
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPACSUtils.processResponse : error code=" + sessCode, se);
SAML2Exception se2 = new SAML2Exception(se);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, failureCode, se2);
throw se2;
// set metaAlias
String[] values = { metaAlias };
try {
setAttrMapInSession(sessionProvider, attrMap, session);
setDiscoBootstrapCredsInSSOToken(sessionProvider, authnAssertion, session);
sessionProvider.setProperty(session, SAML2Constants.SP_METAALIAS, values);
} catch (SessionException se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
SAML2Exception se2 = new SAML2Exception(se);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_SESSION_ERROR, se2);
throw se2;
NameIDInfo info = null;
String affiID = nameId.getSPNameQualifier();
boolean isDualRole = SAML2Utils.isDualRole(hostEntityId, realm);
AffiliationDescriptorType affiDesc = null;
if (affiID != null && !affiID.isEmpty()) {
affiDesc = metaManager.getAffiliationDescriptor(realm, affiID);
if (affiDesc != null) {
if (!affiDesc.getAffiliateMember().contains(hostEntityId)) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("spNotAffiliationMember"));
if (isDualRole) {
info = new NameIDInfo(affiID, remoteHostId, nameId, SAML2Constants.DUAL_ROLE, true);
} else {
info = new NameIDInfo(affiID, remoteHostId, nameId, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE, true);
} else {
if (isDualRole) {
info = new NameIDInfo(hostEntityId, remoteHostId, nameId, SAML2Constants.DUAL_ROLE, false);
} else {
info = new NameIDInfo(hostEntityId, remoteHostId, nameId, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE, false);
Map props = new HashMap();
String nameIDValueString = info.getNameIDValue();
props.put(LogUtil.NAME_ID, info.getNameIDValue());
try {
userName = sessionProvider.getPrincipalName(session);
} catch (SessionException se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
SAML2Exception se2 = new SAML2Exception(se);
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.SSO_FAILED_SESSION_ERROR, se2);
throw se2;
String[] data1 = { userName, nameIDValueString };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.SUCCESS_FED_SSO, data1, session, props);
// write fed info into data store
if (writeFedInfo) {
try {
AccountUtils.setAccountFederation(info, userName);
} catch (SAML2Exception se) {
// invoke SPAdapter for failure
invokeSPAdapterForSSOFailure(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, smap, respInfo, SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter.FEDERATION_FAILED_WRITING_ACCOUNT_INFO, se);
throw se;
String[] data = { userName, "" };
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
data[1] = info.toValueString();
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.FED_INFO_WRITTEN, data, session, props);
String requestID = respInfo.getResponse().getInResponseTo();
// save info in memory for logout
saveInfoInMemory(sessionProvider, session, sessionIndex, metaAlias, info, IDPProxyUtil.isIDPProxyEnabled(requestID), isTransient);
// invoke SP Adapter
SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter spAdapter = SAML2Utils.getSPAdapterClass(hostEntityId, realm);
if (spAdapter != null) {
boolean redirected = spAdapter.postSingleSignOnSuccess(hostEntityId, realm, request, response, out, session, authnRequest, respInfo.getResponse(), respInfo.getProfileBinding(), writeFedInfo);
String[] value = null;
if (redirected) {
value = new String[] { "true" };
} else {
value = new String[] { "false" };
try {
sessionProvider.setProperty(session, SAML2Constants.RESPONSE_REDIRECTED, value);
} catch (SessionException ex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.warning("SPSingleLogout.processResp", ex);
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException ex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.warning("SPSingleLogout.processResp", ex);
String assertionID = authnAssertion.getID();
if (respInfo.getProfileBinding().equals(SAML2Constants.HTTP_POST)) {
SPCache.assertionByIDCache.put(assertionID, SAML2Constants.ONETIME);
try {
if (SAML2FailoverUtils.isSAML2FailoverEnabled()) {
SAML2FailoverUtils.saveSAML2TokenWithoutSecondaryKey(assertionID, SAML2Constants.ONETIME, ((Long) smap.get(SAML2Constants.NOTONORAFTER)).longValue() / 1000);
} catch (SAML2TokenRepositoryException se) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "There was a problem saving the assertionID to the SAML2 Token Repository for assertionID:" + assertionID, se);
return session;
use of com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SPSSOFederate method initiateECPRequest.
* Parses the request parameters and builds ECP Request to sent to the IDP.
* @param request the HttpServletRequest.
* @param response the HttpServletResponse.
* @throws SAML2Exception if error creating AuthnRequest.
* @throws IOException if error sending AuthnRequest to ECP.
public static void initiateECPRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws SAML2Exception, IOException {
if (!isFromECP(request)) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest: " + "invalid HTTP request from ECP.");
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "invalidHttpRequestFromECP", SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("invalidHttpRequestFromECP"));
String metaAlias = request.getParameter("metaAlias");
Map paramsMap = SAML2Utils.getParamsMap(request);
// get the sp entity ID from the metaAlias
String spEntityID = sm.getEntityByMetaAlias(metaAlias);
String realm = getRealm(SAML2MetaUtils.getRealmByMetaAlias(metaAlias));
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest: " + "spEntityID is " + spEntityID + ", realm is " + realm);
try {
// Retreive MetaData
if (sm == null) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("errorMetaManager"));
SPSSOConfigElement spEntityCfg = sm.getSPSSOConfig(realm, spEntityID);
Map spConfigAttrsMap = null;
if (spEntityCfg != null) {
spConfigAttrsMap = SAML2MetaUtils.getAttributes(spEntityCfg);
// get SPSSODescriptor
SPSSODescriptorElement spsso = sm.getSPSSODescriptor(realm, spEntityID);
if (spsso == null) {
String[] data = { spEntityID };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.SP_METADATA_ERROR, data, null);
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
String[] data = { spEntityID, realm };
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.RECEIVED_HTTP_REQUEST_ECP, data, null);
List extensionsList = getExtensionsList(spEntityID, realm);
// create AuthnRequest
AuthnRequest authnRequest = createAuthnRequest(realm, spEntityID, paramsMap, spConfigAttrsMap, extensionsList, spsso, null, null, true);
// invoke SP Adapter class if registered
SAML2ServiceProviderAdapter spAdapter = SAML2Utils.getSPAdapterClass(spEntityID, realm);
if (spAdapter != null) {
spAdapter.preSingleSignOnRequest(spEntityID, realm, null, request, response, authnRequest);
String alias = SAML2Utils.getSigningCertAlias(realm, spEntityID, SAML2Constants.SP_ROLE);
PrivateKey signingKey = KeyUtil.getKeyProviderInstance().getPrivateKey(alias);
if (signingKey != null) {
authnRequest.sign(signingKey, null);
} else {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest: " + "Unable to find signing key.");
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
ECPFactory ecpFactory = ECPFactory.getInstance();
// Default URL if relayState not present? in providerConfig?
// TODO get Default URL from metadata
String relayState = getParameter(paramsMap, SAML2Constants.RELAY_STATE);
String ecpRelayStateXmlStr = "";
if (relayState != null && relayState.length() > 0) {
String relayStateID = getRelayStateID(relayState, authnRequest.getID());
ECPRelayState ecpRelayState = ecpFactory.createECPRelayState();
ecpRelayStateXmlStr = ecpRelayState.toXMLString(true, true);
ECPRequest ecpRequest = ecpFactory.createECPRequest();
SAML2IDPFinder ecpIDPFinder = SAML2Utils.getECPIDPFinder(realm, spEntityID);
if (ecpIDPFinder != null) {
List idps = ecpIDPFinder.getPreferredIDP(authnRequest, spEntityID, realm, request, response);
if ((idps != null) && (!idps.isEmpty())) {
SAML2MetaManager saml2MetaManager = SAML2Utils.getSAML2MetaManager();
List idpEntries = null;
for (Iterator iter = idps.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
String idpEntityID = (String);
IDPSSODescriptorElement idpDesc = saml2MetaManager.getIDPSSODescriptor(realm, idpEntityID);
if (idpDesc != null) {
IDPEntry idpEntry = ProtocolFactory.getInstance().createIDPEntry();
String description = SAML2Utils.getAttributeValueFromSSOConfig(realm, idpEntityID, SAML2Constants.IDP_ROLE, SAML2Constants.ENTITY_DESCRIPTION);
List ssoServiceList = idpDesc.getSingleSignOnService();
String ssoURL = getSSOURL(ssoServiceList, SAML2Constants.SOAP);
if (idpEntries == null) {
idpEntries = new ArrayList();
if (idpEntries != null) {
IDPList idpList = ProtocolFactory.getInstance().createIDPList();
Map attrs = SAML2MetaUtils.getAttributes(spEntityCfg);
List values = (List) attrs.get(SAML2Constants.ECP_REQUEST_IDP_LIST_GET_COMPLETE);
if ((values != null) && (!values.isEmpty())) {
GetComplete getComplete = ProtocolFactory.getInstance().createGetComplete();
getComplete.setValue((String) values.get(0));
String paosRequestXmlStr = "";
try {
PAOSRequest paosRequest = new PAOSRequest(authnRequest.getAssertionConsumerServiceURL(), SAML2Constants.PAOS_ECP_SERVICE, null, Boolean.TRUE, SAML2Constants.SOAP_ACTOR_NEXT);
paosRequestXmlStr = paosRequest.toXMLString(true, true);
} catch (PAOSException paosex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest:", paosex);
throw new SAML2Exception(paosex.getMessage());
String header = paosRequestXmlStr + ecpRequest.toXMLString(true, true) + ecpRelayStateXmlStr;
String body = authnRequest.toXMLString(true, true);
try {
SOAPMessage reply = SOAPCommunicator.getInstance().createSOAPMessage(header, body, false);
String[] data2 = { spEntityID, realm, "" };
if (LogUtil.isAccessLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
data2[2] = SOAPCommunicator.getInstance().soapMessageToString(reply);
LogUtil.access(Level.INFO, LogUtil.SEND_ECP_PAOS_REQUEST, data2, null);
// are generated as part of the save.
if (reply.saveRequired()) {
SAML2Utils.putHeaders(reply.getMimeHeaders(), response);
// Write out the message on the response stream
OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
} catch (SOAPException soapex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest", soapex);
String[] data3 = { spEntityID, realm };
LogUtil.error(Level.INFO, LogUtil.SEND_ECP_PAOS_REQUEST_FAILED, data3, null);
SAMLUtils.sendError(request, response, HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "soapError", soapex.getMessage());
AuthnRequestInfo reqInfo = new AuthnRequestInfo(request, response, realm, spEntityID, null, authnRequest, relayState, paramsMap);
synchronized (SPCache.requestHash) {
SPCache.requestHash.put(authnRequest.getID(), reqInfo);
if (SAML2FailoverUtils.isSAML2FailoverEnabled()) {
// sessionExpireTime is counted in seconds
long sessionExpireTime = System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000 + SPCache.interval;
String key = authnRequest.getID();
try {
SAML2FailoverUtils.saveSAML2TokenWithoutSecondaryKey(key, new AuthnRequestInfoCopy(reqInfo), sessionExpireTime);
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest:" + " SAVE AuthnRequestInfoCopy for requestID " + key);
} catch (SAML2TokenRepositoryException e) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate.initiateECPRequest: There was a problem saving the " + "AuthnRequestInfoCopy in the SAML2 Token Repository for requestID " + key, e);
} catch (SAML2MetaException sme) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SPSSOFederate:Error retrieving metadata", sme);
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
use of com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class AuthnQueryUtil method sendAuthnQuery.
* This method sends the <code>AuthnQuery</code> to specifiied
* authentication authority and returns <code>Response</code> coming
* from the authentication authority.
* @param authnQuery the <code>AuthnQuery</code> object
* @param authnAuthorityEntityID entity ID of authentication authority
* @param realm the realm of hosted entity
* @param binding the binding
* @return the <code>Response</code> object
* @exception SAML2Exception if the operation is not successful
* @supported.api
public static Response sendAuthnQuery(AuthnQuery authnQuery, String authnAuthorityEntityID, String realm, String binding) throws SAML2Exception {
SAML2MetaManager metaManager = SAML2Utils.getSAML2MetaManager();
AuthnAuthorityDescriptorElement aad = null;
try {
aad = metaManager.getAuthnAuthorityDescriptor(realm, authnAuthorityEntityID);
} catch (SAML2MetaException sme) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("AttributeService.sendAuthnQuery:", sme);
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("metaDataError"));
if (aad == null) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("authnAuthorityNotFound"));
if (binding == null) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("unsupportedBinding"));
String location = null;
List authnService = aad.getAuthnQueryService();
for (Iterator iter = authnService.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
AuthnQueryServiceElement authnService1 = (AuthnQueryServiceElement);
if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase(authnService1.getBinding())) {
location = authnService1.getLocation();
if (location == null) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("unsupportedBinding"));
if (binding.equalsIgnoreCase(SAML2Constants.SOAP)) {
signAuthnQuery(authnQuery, realm, false);
return sendAuthnQuerySOAP(authnQuery, location, authnAuthorityEntityID, realm, aad);
} else {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("unsupportedBinding"));
use of com.sun.identity.saml2.meta.SAML2MetaManager in project OpenAM by OpenRock.
the class SAML2IDPProxyImpl method getPreferredIDP.
* Returns a list of preferred IDP providerIDs.
* @param authnRequest original authnrequest
* @param hostProviderID ProxyIDP providerID.
* @param realm Realm
* @param request HttpServletRequest
* @param response HttpServletResponse
* @return a list of providerID's of the authenticating providers to be
* proxied or <code>null</code> to disable the proxying and continue
* for the localauthenticating provider.
* @exception SAML2Exception if error occurs.
public List getPreferredIDP(AuthnRequest authnRequest, String hostProviderID, String realm, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws SAML2Exception {
String classMethod = "SAML2IDPProxyImpl.getPreferredIDP:";
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "Init.");
try {
SAML2MetaManager sm = new SAML2MetaManager();
// Retreive MetaData
if (sm == null) {
throw new SAML2Exception(SAML2Utils.bundle.getString("errorMetaManager"));
SPSSOConfigElement spEntityCfg = sm.getSPSSOConfig(realm, authnRequest.getIssuer().getValue());
Map spConfigAttrsMap = null;
if (spEntityCfg != null) {
spConfigAttrsMap = SAML2MetaUtils.getAttributes(spEntityCfg);
String useIntroductionForProxying = SPSSOFederate.getParameter(spConfigAttrsMap, SAML2Constants.USE_INTRODUCTION_FOR_IDP_PROXY);
List providerIDs = new ArrayList();
if (useIntroductionForProxying == null || !useIntroductionForProxying.equals("true")) {
List proxyIDPs = null;
if ((spConfigAttrsMap != null) && (!spConfigAttrsMap.isEmpty())) {
proxyIDPs = (List) spConfigAttrsMap.get(SAML2Constants.IDP_PROXY_LIST);
if (proxyIDPs == null || proxyIDPs.isEmpty()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error("SAML2IDPProxyImpl.getPrefferedIDP:" + "Preferred IDPs are null.");
return null;
return providerIDs;
} else {
/* IDP Proxy with introduction cookie case*/
String idpEntityID = null;
List cotList = (List) spConfigAttrsMap.get("cotlist");
String cotListStr = (String) cotList.iterator().next();
CircleOfTrustManager cotManager = new CircleOfTrustManager();
CircleOfTrustDescriptor cotDesc = cotManager.getCircleOfTrust(realm, cotListStr);
String readerURL = cotDesc.getSAML2ReaderServiceURL();
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.message(classMethod + "SAMLv2 idp" + "discovery reader URL = " + readerURL);
if (readerURL != null && (!readerURL.equals(""))) {
String rID = SAML2Utils.generateID();
String redirectURL = SAML2Utils.getRedirectURL(readerURL, rID, request);
if (SAML2Utils.debug.messageEnabled()) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "Redirect url = " + redirectURL);
if (redirectURL != null) {
Map aMap = new HashMap();
SPCache.reqParamHash.put(rID, aMap);
return providerIDs;
return null;
} catch (SAML2MetaException ex) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "meta Exception in retrieving the preferred IDP", ex);
return null;
} catch (COTException sme) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "Error retreiving COT ", sme);
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
SAML2Utils.debug.error(classMethod + "Exception in retrieving the preferred IDP", e);
return null;