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Example 6 with SnmpStatusException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class SsoServerLoggingSvcImpl method init.

private void init(SnmpMib myMib, MBeanServer server) {
    if (debug == null) {
        debug = Debug.getInstance("amMonitoring");
    String classModule = "SsoServerLoggingServiceImpl.init:";
    if (isBogus) {
        int ind = 1;
        // DB Handler
        lg_dbh = new SsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryImpl(myMib);
        lg_dbh.LoggingHdlrName = DB_HANDLER_NAME;
        lg_dbh.LoggingHdlrIndex = new Integer(ind++);
        final ObjectName dbhName = lg_dbh.createSsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryObjectName(server);
        try {
            SsoServerLoggingHdlrTable.addEntry(lg_dbh, dbhName);
            if ((server != null) && (dbhName != null)) {
                server.registerMBean(lg_dbh, dbhName);
            handlerMap.put(DB_HANDLER_NAME, lg_dbh);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + DB_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + DB_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        // File Handler
        lg_fh = new SsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryImpl(myMib);
        lg_fh.LoggingHdlrName = FILE_HANDLER_NAME;
        lg_fh.LoggingHdlrIndex = new Integer(ind++);
        final ObjectName fhName = lg_fh.createSsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryObjectName(server);
        try {
            SsoServerLoggingHdlrTable.addEntry(lg_fh, fhName);
            if ((server != null) && (fhName != null)) {
                server.registerMBean(lg_fh, fhName);
            handlerMap.put(FILE_HANDLER_NAME, lg_fh);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + FILE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + FILE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        // Secure File Handler
        lg_sfh = new SsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryImpl(myMib);
        lg_sfh.LoggingHdlrName = SECURE_FILE_HANDLER_NAME;
        lg_sfh.LoggingHdlrIndex = new Integer(ind++);
        final ObjectName sfhName = lg_sfh.createSsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryObjectName(server);
        try {
            SsoServerLoggingHdlrTable.addEntry(lg_sfh, sfhName);
            if ((server != null) && (sfhName != null)) {
                server.registerMBean(lg_sfh, sfhName);
            handlerMap.put(SECURE_FILE_HANDLER_NAME, lg_sfh);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + SECURE_FILE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + SECURE_FILE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        // Remote Handler
        lg_rh = new SsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryImpl(myMib);
        lg_rh.LoggingHdlrName = REMOTE_HANDLER_NAME;
        lg_rh.LoggingHdlrIndex = new Integer(ind++);
        final ObjectName rhName = lg_rh.createSsoServerLoggingHdlrEntryObjectName(server);
        try {
            SsoServerLoggingHdlrTable.addEntry(lg_rh, rhName);
            if ((server != null) && (rhName != null)) {
                server.registerMBean(lg_rh, rhName);
            handlerMap.put(REMOTE_HANDLER_NAME, lg_rh);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + REMOTE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classModule + REMOTE_HANDLER_NAME, ex);
Also used : SnmpStatusException( JMException( ObjectName(

Example 7 with SnmpStatusException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class Agent method realmConfigMonitoringAgent.

     *  process configuration for a realm
public static int realmConfigMonitoringAgent(SSOServerRealmInfo rlmInfo) {
    String classMethod = "Agent.realmConfigMonitoringAgent:";
    String realm = rlmInfo.realmName;
    Map<String, String> authMods = rlmInfo.authModules;
    Integer realmIndex = realm2Index.get(realm);
    if (realmIndex == null) {
        debug.error(classMethod + "could not find realm " + realm + " in realm2Index map");
        return -1;
    SsoServerAuthSvcImpl sig = sunMib.getAuthSvcGroup();
    TableSsoServerAuthModulesTable atab = null;
    if (sig != null) {
        try {
            atab = sig.accessSsoServerAuthModulesTable();
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "getting auth table: ", ex);
            return -2;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        sb.append("receiving config info for realm = ").append(realm).append(":\n  Authentication Modules:\n");
         *  auth module table entries have realm index, and auth module index
    int i = 1;
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : authMods.entrySet()) {
        String modInst = entry.getKey();
        String modType = entry.getValue();
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            sb.append("    instance = ").append(modInst).append(", value(type) = ").append(modType).append("\n");
        SsoServerAuthModulesEntryImpl aei = new SsoServerAuthModulesEntryImpl(sunMib);
        aei.SsoServerRealmIndex = realmIndex;
        aei.AuthModuleIndex = new Integer(i++);
        aei.AuthModuleName = modInst;
        aei.AuthModuleType = getEscapedString(modType);
        aei.AuthModuleSuccessCount = 0L;
        aei.AuthModuleFailureCount = 0L;
        ObjectName aname = aei.createSsoServerAuthModulesEntryObjectName(server);
        if (aname == null) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for auth module name '" + modInst + "', type '" + modType + "'");
        try {
            atab.addEntry(aei, aname);
            if ((server != null) && (aei != null)) {
                server.registerMBean(aei, aname);
            /* is a Map of realm/authmodule to index needed? */
            String rai = realm + "|" + modInst;
            // aei is this module's SsoServerAuthModulesEntryImpl instance
            realmAuthInst.put(rai, aei);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + modInst, ex);
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + modInst, ex);
    // if no realm info added because mbean not created...
    if (realmAuthInst.isEmpty()) {
        return -3;
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message(classMethod + sb.toString());
    return 0;
Also used : SnmpStatusException( ObjectName( JMException( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)

Example 8 with SnmpStatusException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class Agent method startAgent.

     *  This method starts up the monitoring agent from the
     *  common/ConfigMonitoring module (load-on-startup or at the
     *  end of AMSetupServlet/configuration).  Since web-app startup
     *  is sensitive to exceptions in load-on-startup stuff, this has
     *  quite a few try/catch blocks.
     *  If any of HTML, SNMP, or RMI adaptors has a problem getting created
     *  or started, attempts to create/start the others will be made; If
     *  at least one adaptor is started, monitoring will be "active"
     *  (Agent.isRunning() will return true).
     *  @param monConfig SSOServerMonConfig structure of OpenAM configuration
     *  @return 0 (zero) if at least one of HTML/SNMP/RMI adaptors started up;
     *       if monitoring configured as disabled
     *       if MBeanServer problem encountered
     *       if RMI connector problem
     *             (MIB not registered with MBeanServer)
     *       if problem creating/registering MIB
public static int startAgent(SSOServerMonConfig monConfig) {
    monHtmlPort = monConfig.htmlPort;
    monSnmpPort = monConfig.snmpPort;
    monRmiPort = monConfig.rmiPort;
    monitoringEnabled = monConfig.monitoringEnabled;
    monHtmlPortEnabled = monConfig.monHtmlPortEnabled;
    monSnmpPortEnabled = monConfig.monSnmpPortEnabled;
    monRmiPortEnabled = monConfig.monRmiPortEnabled;
    monAuthFilePath = monConfig.monAuthFilePath;
    policyWindow = monConfig.policyWindow;
    sessionWindow = monConfig.sessionWindow;
    String classMethod = "Agent.startAgent:";
    // OpenAM server port comes from WebtopNaming.siteAndServerInfo
    String serverPort = agentSvrInfo.serverPort;
    // Check for Legacy MonAuthFile.
    if ((monAuthFilePath != null) && (monAuthFilePath.endsWith("opensso_mon_auth"))) {
        // Perform a rename of the old filename to the latest naming.
        File monAuthFile = new File(monAuthFilePath);
        File newMonAuthFile = new File(monAuthFile.getParentFile() + "/" + "openam_mon_auth");
        if (monAuthFile.renameTo(newMonAuthFile)) {
            monAuthFilePath = newMonAuthFile.getAbsolutePath();
         *  there are a lot of exception checks in this method, as
         *  it's invoked from a load-on-startup servlet.  if it
         *  chokes in here, OpenAM won't start up.
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message(classMethod + "entry:\n" + "    htmlPort = " + monHtmlPort + "\n" + "    authFilePath = " + monAuthFilePath + "\n" + "    snmpPort = " + monSnmpPort + "\n" + "    rmiPort = " + monRmiPort + "\n" + "    monEna = " + monitoringEnabled + "\n" + "    htmlEna = " + monHtmlPortEnabled + "\n" + "    snmpEna = " + monSnmpPortEnabled + "\n" + "    rmiEna = " + monRmiPortEnabled + "\n" + "    policyWindow = " + policyWindow + "\n" + "    sessionWindow = " + sessionWindow + "\n" + "    serverPort = " + serverPort + "\n");
    if (!monitoringEnabled) {
        debug.warning(classMethod + "Monitoring configured as disabled.");
        return MON_CONFIG_DISABLED;
         *  verify that the HTML, SNMP and RMI ports aren't the same as
         *  the OpenAM server port.  if HTML or SNMP conflict with it,
         *  then they'll be disabled (warning message).  if the RMI port
         *  conflicts, then all of monitoring is disabled.  there might
         *  be other ports that should be checked.
    try {
        int sport = Integer.parseInt(serverPort);
        if (monRmiPort == sport) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "RMI port conflicts with OpenSSO server port (" + sport + "); Monitoring disabled.");
            return MON_RMICONNECTOR_PROBLEM;
        if (monHtmlPort == sport) {
            monHtmlPortEnabled = false;
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "HTML port conflicts with OpenSSO server port (" + sport + "); Monitoring HTML port disabled.");
        if (monSnmpPort == sport) {
            monSnmpPortEnabled = false;
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "SNMP port conflicts with OpenSSO server port (" + sport + "); Monitoring SNMP port disabled.");
    } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
             * odd.  if serverPort's not a valid int, then there'll be
             * other problems
        debug.error(classMethod + "Server port (" + serverPort + " is invalid: " + nfe.getMessage());
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message(classMethod + "config:\n" + "    monitoring Enabled = " + monitoringEnabled + "\n" + "    HTML Port = " + monHtmlPort + ", enabled = " + monHtmlPortEnabled + "\n" + "    SNMP Port = " + monSnmpPort + ", enabled = " + monSnmpPortEnabled + "\n" + "    RMI Port = " + monRmiPort + ", enabled = " + monRmiPortEnabled + "\n" + "    SessionWindow size = " + sessionWindow + "\n" + "    PolicyWindow size = " + policyWindow + "\n");
         *  if OpenAM's deployed on a container that has MBeanServer(s),
         *  will the findMBeanServer(null) "find" those?  if so,
         *  is using the first one the right thing to do?
    List<MBeanServer> servers = null;
    try {
        servers = MBeanServerFactory.findMBeanServer(null);
    } catch (SecurityException ex) {
             * if can't find one, try creating one below, although
             * if there's no findMBeanServer permission, it's unlikely
             * that there's a createMBeanServer permission...
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "findMBeanServer permission error: " + ex.getMessage());
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        debug.message(classMethod + "MBeanServer list is not empty: " + ((servers != null) && !servers.isEmpty()));
    if ((servers != null) && !servers.isEmpty()) {
        server = servers.get(0);
    } else {
        try {
            server = MBeanServerFactory.createMBeanServer();
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "createMBeanServer permission error: " + ex.getMessage());
            return MON_MBEANSRVR_PROBLEM;
        } catch (JMRuntimeException ex) {
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "createMBeanServer JMRuntime error: " + ex.getMessage());
            return MON_MBEANSRVR_PROBLEM;
        } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "createMBeanServer ClassCast error: " + ex.getMessage());
            return MON_MBEANSRVR_PROBLEM;
    if (server == null) {
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "no MBeanServer");
    // throws no exception
    String domain = server.getDefaultDomain();
    // Create the MIB II (RFC 1213), add to the MBean server.
    try {
        sunMibObjName = new ObjectName("snmp:class=SUN_OPENSSO_SERVER_MIB");
        forgerockCtsMibObjName = new ObjectName("snmp:class=FORGEROCK_OPENAM_CTS_MIB");
        forgerockPolicyMibObjName = new ObjectName("snmp:class=FORGEROCK_OPENAM_POLICY_MIB");
        forgerockSessionMibObjName = new ObjectName("snmp:class=FORGEROCK_OPENAM_SESSION_MIB");
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            debug.message(classMethod + "Adding SUN_OPENSSO_SERVER_MIB to MBean server " + "with name '" + sunMibObjName + "'");
            debug.message(classMethod + "Adding FORGEROCK_OPENAM_CTS_MIB to MBean server " + "with name '" + forgerockCtsMibObjName + "'");
    } catch (MalformedObjectNameException ex) {
        // from ObjectName
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "Error getting ObjectName for the MIB: " + ex.getMessage());
    // Create an instance of the customized MIB
    try {
        sunMib = new SUN_OPENSSO_SERVER_MIBImpl();
        forgerockCtsMib = new FORGEROCK_OPENAM_CTS_MIBImpl();
        forgerockPolicyMib = new FORGEROCK_OPENAM_POLICY_MIBImpl();
        forgerockSessionMib = new FORGEROCK_OPENAM_SESSION_MIBImpl();
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        debug.error(classMethod + "Runtime error instantiating MIB", ex);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        debug.error(classMethod + "Error instantiating MIB", ex);
    try {
        server.registerMBean(sunMib, sunMibObjName);
        server.registerMBean(forgerockCtsMib, forgerockCtsMibObjName);
        server.registerMBean(forgerockPolicyMib, forgerockPolicyMibObjName);
        server.registerMBean(forgerockSessionMib, forgerockSessionMibObjName);
    } catch (RuntimeOperationsException ex) {
        // from registerMBean
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "Null parameter or no object name for MIB specified: " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException ex) {
        // from registerMBean
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering MIB MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
    // probably can just continue
    } catch (MBeanRegistrationException ex) {
        // from registerMBean
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering MIB MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
    } catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ex) {
        // from registerMBean
        if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
            debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering MIB MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
         *  now that we have the MBeanServer, see if the HTML,
         *  SNMP and RMI adaptors specified will start up
    boolean monHTMLStarted = false;
    boolean monSNMPStarted = false;
    boolean monRMIStarted = false;
    // HTML port adaptor
    if (monHtmlPortEnabled) {
        // Create and start the HTML adaptor.
        try {
            htmlObjName = new ObjectName(domain + ":class=HtmlAdaptorServer,protocol=html,port=" + monHtmlPort);
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message(classMethod + "Adding HTML adaptor to MBean server with name '" + htmlObjName + "'\n    " + "HTML adaptor is bound on TCP port " + monHtmlPort);
            Map<String, String> users = MonitoringUtil.getMonAuthList(monAuthFilePath);
            if (users != null) {
                AuthInfo[] authInfo = new AuthInfo[users.size()];
                int i = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : users.entrySet()) {
                    authInfo[i] = new AuthInfo(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
                htmlAdaptor = new HtmlAdaptorServer(monHtmlPort, authInfo);
            } else {
                if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                    debug.warning(classMethod + "HTML monitoring interface disabled; no " + "authentication file found");
                htmlAdaptor = null;
            if (htmlAdaptor == null) {
                if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                    debug.warning(classMethod + "HTTP port " + monHtmlPort + " unavailable or invalid. " + "Monitoring HTML adaptor not started.");
            } else {
                server.registerMBean(htmlAdaptor, htmlObjName);
                // throws no exception
                monHTMLStarted = true;
        } catch (MalformedObjectNameException ex) {
            // from ObjectName
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error getting ObjectName for HTML adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
            // from ObjectName
            debug.error(classMethod + "NPE getting ObjectName for HTML adaptor", ex);
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "NPE getting ObjectName for HTML adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (InstanceAlreadyExistsException ex) {
            // from registerMBean
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering HTML adaptor MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (MBeanRegistrationException ex) {
            // from registerMBean
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering HTML adaptor MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (NotCompliantMBeanException ex) {
            // from registerMBean
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error registering HTML adaptor MBean: " + ex.getMessage());
    } else {
        debug.warning(classMethod + "Monitoring HTML port not enabled in configuration.");
    // SNMP port adaptor
    if (monSnmpPortEnabled) {
             * Create and start the SNMP adaptor.
             * Specify the port to use in the constructor. 
             * The standard port for SNMP is 161.
        try {
            snmpObjName = new ObjectName(domain + ":class=SnmpAdaptorServer,protocol=snmp,port=" + monSnmpPort);
            if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                debug.message(classMethod + "Adding SNMP adaptor to MBean server with name '" + snmpObjName + "'\n    " + "SNMP Adaptor is bound on UDP port " + monSnmpPort);
            // no exc
            snmpAdaptor = new SnmpAdaptorServer(monSnmpPort);
            if (snmpAdaptor == null) {
                if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                    debug.warning(classMethod + "Unable to get SNMP adaptor.");
            } else {
                server.registerMBean(snmpAdaptor, snmpObjName);
                // throws no exception
                     *  Send a coldStart SNMP Trap.
                     *  Use port = monSnmpPort+1.
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message(classMethod + "Sending a coldStart SNMP trap to each " + "destination defined in the ACL file...");
                snmpAdaptor.setTrapPort(new Integer(monSnmpPort + 1));
                snmpAdaptor.snmpV1Trap(0, 0, null);
                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
                    debug.message(classMethod + "Done sending coldStart.");
                     *  Bind the SNMP adaptor to the MIB in order to make the
                     *  MIB accessible through the SNMP protocol adaptor.
                     *  If this step is not performed, the MIB will still live
                     *  in the Java DMK agent:
                     *  its objects will be addressable through HTML but not
                     *  SNMP.
                // throws no exception
                monSNMPStarted = true;
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error while setting up SNMP adaptor " + ex.getMessage());
            if (ex instanceof IOException || ex instanceof SnmpStatusException) {
                // should be from the snmpV1Trap call, which
                //*shouldn't* affect the rest of snmp operations...
                monSNMPStarted = true;
    } else {
        debug.warning(classMethod + "Monitoring SNMP port not enabled.");
    // RMI port adaptor
    if (monRmiPortEnabled) {
        // Create an RMI connector and start it
        try {
            registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry(monRmiPort);
            JMXServiceURL url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:" + monRmiPort + "/server");
            cs = JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(url, null, server);
            monRMIStarted = true;
        //                /*
        //                 *  Create a LinkTrapGenerator.
        //                 *  Specify the ifIndex to use in the object name.
        //                 */
        //                String trapGeneratorClass = "LinkTrapGenerator";
        //                int ifIndex = 1;
        //                trapGeneratorObjName = new ObjectName("trapGenerator" + 
        //                    ":class=LinkTrapGenerator,ifIndex=" + ifIndex);
        //                if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        //                    debug.message(classMethod +
        //                        "Adding LinkTrapGenerator to MBean server " +
        //                        "with name '" +
        //                        trapGeneratorObjName + "'");
        //                }
        //                LinkTrapGenerator trapGenerator =
        //                    new LinkTrapGenerator(nbTraps);
        //                server.registerMBean(trapGenerator, trapGeneratorObjName);
        } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
                 * from JMXServiceURL or
                 * JMXConnectorServerFactory.JMXConnectorServer
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error getting JMXServiceURL or JMXConnectorServer " + "for RMI adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (NullPointerException ex) {
                 * from JMXServiceURL or
                 * JMXConnectorServerFactory.JMXConnectorServer
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error getting JMXServiceURL or JMXConnectorServer " + "for RMI adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (IOException ex) {
                 * from JMXConnectorServerFactory.JMXConnectorServer or
                 * JMXConnectorServer.start
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Error getting JMXConnectorServer for, or starting " + "RMI adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
            // from JMXConnectorServer.start
            if (debug.warningEnabled()) {
                debug.warning(classMethod + "Illegal State Error from JMXConnectorServer for " + "RMI adaptor: " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (Exception ex) {
                 * compiler says that JMXProviderException and
                 * NullPointerException already caught
            debug.error(classMethod + "Error starting RMI: executing rmiregistry " + monRmiPort + ".", ex);
    } else {
        debug.warning(classMethod + "Monitoring RMI port not enabled.");
         * the HTML and SNMP adaptors may or may not be started,
         * but if the RMI connector had a problem, monitoring is
         * non-functional, as the opensso MIB didn't get registered.
    if (!monRMIStarted && !monSNMPStarted && !monHTMLStarted) {
        debug.warning(classMethod + "No Monitoring interfaces started; monitoring disabled.");
    } else {
        // if all/enough has gone well
        agentStarted = true;
        return 0;
Also used : MalformedURLException( JMRuntimeException( SnmpAdaptorServer( FORGEROCK_OPENAM_SESSION_MIBImpl(org.forgerock.openam.monitoring.session.FORGEROCK_OPENAM_SESSION_MIBImpl) JMRuntimeException( MBeanServer( RuntimeOperationsException( JMXServiceURL( SnmpStatusException( MalformedObjectNameException( AuthInfo(com.sun.jdmk.comm.AuthInfo) NotCompliantMBeanException( InstanceAlreadyExistsException( IOException( InstanceAlreadyExistsException( NotCompliantMBeanException( MalformedObjectNameException( JMException( RuntimeOperationsException( SnmpStatusException( MBeanRegistrationException( InstanceNotFoundException( JMRuntimeException( MalformedURLException( IOException( ObjectName( FORGEROCK_OPENAM_CTS_MIBImpl(org.forgerock.openam.monitoring.cts.FORGEROCK_OPENAM_CTS_MIBImpl) FORGEROCK_OPENAM_POLICY_MIBImpl(org.forgerock.openam.monitoring.policy.FORGEROCK_OPENAM_POLICY_MIBImpl) File( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) HtmlAdaptorServer(com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer) MBeanRegistrationException(

Example 9 with SnmpStatusException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class Agent method saml1TPConfig.

     *  process saml1.x trusted partners (global)
public static int saml1TPConfig(List<String> s1TPInfo) {
    String classMethod = "Agent.saml1TPConfig:";
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(classMethod);
    int sz = s1TPInfo.size();
    // until instrumentation done
    boolean skipSAML1EndPoints = true;
    Date startDate = new Date();
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        sb.append("number of SAML1 Trusted Partners = ").append(sz).append("\n");
    if (server == null) {
        // can't do anything without a server
        debug.error(classMethod + "no server");
        return -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        String pName = s1TPInfo.get(i);
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            sb.append("    ").append(pName).append("\n");
        SsoServerSAML1TrustPrtnrsEntryImpl sstpe = new SsoServerSAML1TrustPrtnrsEntryImpl(sunMib);
        sstpe.SAML1TrustPrtnrIndex = new Integer(i + 1);
        sstpe.SAML1TrustPrtnrName = getEscapedString(pName);
        SsoServerSAML1Svc sss = (SsoServerSAML1SvcImpl) sunMib.getSaml1SvcGroup();
        TableSsoServerSAML1TrustPrtnrsTable tptab = null;
        if (sss != null) {
            try {
                tptab = sss.accessSsoServerSAML1TrustPrtnrsTable();
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "getting SAML1 trusted partner table: ", ex);
                // can't do anything without the table
                return -2;
        if (tptab == null) {
            // can't do anything without the table
            return -2;
        ObjectName aname = sstpe.createSsoServerSAML1TrustPrtnrsEntryObjectName(server);
        if (aname == null) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 Trusted Partner '" + pName + "'");
        try {
            tptab.addEntry(sstpe, aname);
            if (sstpe != null) {
                server.registerMBean(sstpe, aname);
        } catch (JMException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + pName + ": " + ex.getMessage());
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + pName + ": " + ex.getMessage());
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
         *  while we're here, setup the 
         *    SAML1 Cache table (Artifacts and Assertions)
         *    SAML1 Endpoints for SOAPReceiver, POSTProfile,
         *      SAMLAware/ArtifactProfile
    // assertions
    SsoServerSAML1CacheEntryImpl ssce = new SsoServerSAML1CacheEntryImpl(sunMib);
    ssce.SAML1CacheIndex = Integer.valueOf(1);
    ssce.SAML1CacheName = "Assertion_Cache";
    ssce.SAML1CacheMisses = 0L;
    ssce.SAML1CacheHits = 0L;
    ssce.SAML1CacheWrites = 0L;
    ssce.SAML1CacheReads = 0L;
    SsoServerSAML1SvcImpl sss = sunMib.getSaml1SvcGroup();
    TableSsoServerSAML1CacheTable tptab = null;
    if (sss != null) {
        try {
            tptab = sss.accessSsoServerSAML1CacheTable();
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "getting SAML1 Cache table: ", ex);
    if (tptab != null) {
        // if sss is null, so will tptab
        sss.assertCache = ssce;
        ObjectName aname = ssce.createSsoServerSAML1CacheEntryObjectName(server);
        if (aname == null) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 Assertion Cache");
        } else {
            try {
                tptab.addEntry(ssce, aname);
                if (ssce != null) {
                    server.registerMBean(ssce, aname);
            } catch (JMException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 Assertion Cache table: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 Assertion Cache table: " + ex.getMessage());
        // artifacts
        ssce = new SsoServerSAML1CacheEntryImpl(sunMib);
        ssce.SAML1CacheIndex = Integer.valueOf(2);
        ssce.SAML1CacheName = "Artifact_Cache";
        ssce.SAML1CacheMisses = 0L;
        ssce.SAML1CacheHits = 0L;
        ssce.SAML1CacheWrites = 0L;
        ssce.SAML1CacheReads = 0L;
        aname = ssce.createSsoServerSAML1CacheEntryObjectName(server);
        if (aname == null) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 Artifact Cache");
        } else {
            try {
                tptab.addEntry(ssce, aname);
                if (ssce != null) {
                    server.registerMBean(ssce, aname);
            } catch (JMException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 Artifact Cache table: " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 Artifact Cache table: " + ex.getMessage());
            sss.artifactCache = ssce;
    // SOAPReceiver endpoint
    if (!skipSAML1EndPoints) {
        SsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryImpl ssee = new SsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryImpl(sunMib);
        ssee.SAML1EndPointIndex = Integer.valueOf(1);
        ssee.SAML1EndPointName = "SOAPReceiver_EndPoint";
        ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtFailed = 0L;
        ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtOut = 0L;
        ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtIn = 0L;
        ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtAborted = 0L;
        ssee.SAML1EndPointStatus = "operational";
        TableSsoServerSAML1EndPointTable tetab = null;
        if (sss != null) {
            try {
                tetab = sss.accessSsoServerSAML1EndPointTable();
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "getting SAML1 EndPoint table: ", ex);
        if (tetab != null) {
            // if sss is null, so will tetab
            ObjectName aname = ssee.createSsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 SOAPReceiver_EndPoint");
            } else {
                try {
                    tetab.addEntry(ssee, aname);
                    if (ssee != null) {
                        server.registerMBean(ssee, aname);
                } catch (JMException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 SOAPReceiver EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 SOAPReceiver EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                sss.soapEP = ssee;
            // POSTProfile table
            ssee = new SsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryImpl(sunMib);
            ssee.SAML1EndPointIndex = Integer.valueOf(2);
            ssee.SAML1EndPointName = "POSTProfile_EndPoint";
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtFailed = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtOut = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtIn = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtAborted = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointStatus = "operational";
            aname = ssee.createSsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 POSTProfile_EndPoint");
            } else {
                try {
                    tetab.addEntry(ssee, aname);
                    if (ssee != null) {
                        server.registerMBean(ssee, aname);
                } catch (JMException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 POSTProfile EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 POSTProfile EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                sss.pprofEP = ssee;
            // SAMLAware/ArtifactProfile table
            ssee = new SsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryImpl(sunMib);
            ssee.SAML1EndPointIndex = Integer.valueOf(3);
            ssee.SAML1EndPointName = "SAMLAware_EndPoint";
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtFailed = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtOut = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtIn = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointRqtAborted = 0L;
            ssee.SAML1EndPointStatus = "operational";
            aname = ssee.createSsoServerSAML1EndPointEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for SAML1 SAMLAware_EndPoint");
            } else {
                try {
                    tetab.addEntry(ssee, aname);
                    if (ssee != null) {
                        server.registerMBean(ssee, aname);
                } catch (JMException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 SAMLAware/ArtifactProfile EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                    debug.error(classMethod + "SAML1 SAMLAware/ArtifactProfile EndPoint table: " + ex.getMessage());
                sss.samlAwareEP = ssee;
    // if (!skipSAML1EndPoints)
    Date stopDate = new Date();
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        String stDate = sdf.format(startDate);
        String endDate = sdf.format(stopDate);
        debug.message("Agent.saml1TPConfig:\n    Start Time = " + stDate + "\n      End Time = " + endDate);
    return 0;
Also used : SnmpStatusException( Date(java.util.Date) ObjectName( JMException(

Example 10 with SnmpStatusException

use of in project OpenAM by OpenRock.

the class Agent method configAgentsOnly.

     *  process realm's Agents (only)
     *  the HashMap of attributes/values:
     *    CLIConstants.ATTR_NAME_AGENT_TYPE
     *      type is extracted from the set; can be:
     *        J2EEAgent, 2.2_Agent
     *         WebAgent
     *        don't do "SharedAgent" (authenticators)
     *    J2EEAgent should have:
     *      "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url"
     *      "com.sun.identity.client.notification.url"
     *      "groupmembership"
     *    WebAgent should have:
     *      "com.sun.identity.agents.config.agenturi.prefix"
     *      "com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url"
     *      "groupmembership"
     *    2.2_Agent should have:
     *      "groupmembership"
public static void configAgentsOnly(String realm, Map<String, Map<String, String>> agtAttrs) {
    String classMethod = "Agent.configAgentsOnly:";
    if ((agtAttrs == null) || agtAttrs.isEmpty()) {
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            debug.message(classMethod + "got null attr map for realm " + realm);
    SsoServerPolicyAgents sss = sunMib.getPolicyAgentsGroup();
    TableSsoServerPolicy22AgentTable t22tab = null;
    TableSsoServerPolicyJ2EEAgentTable j2eetab = null;
    TableSsoServerPolicyWebAgentTable watab = null;
    SsoServerWSSAgents ssa = sunMib.getWssAgentsGroup();
    TableSsoServerWSSAgentsSTSAgentTable ststab = null;
    TableSsoServerWSSAgentsWSPAgentTable wsptab = null;
    TableSsoServerWSSAgentsWSCAgentTable wsctab = null;
    TableSsoServerWSSAgentsDSCAgentTable dsctab = null;
         *  get the tables
    if (sss != null) {
        try {
            t22tab = sss.accessSsoServerPolicy22AgentTable();
            j2eetab = sss.accessSsoServerPolicyJ2EEAgentTable();
            watab = sss.accessSsoServerPolicyWebAgentTable();
            ststab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsSTSAgentTable();
            wsptab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsWSPAgentTable();
            wsctab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsWSCAgentTable();
            dsctab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsDSCAgentTable();
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "getting Agents tables: ", ex);
            // can't do anything without the tables
    if (ssa != null) {
        try {
            ststab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsSTSAgentTable();
            wsptab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsWSPAgentTable();
            wsctab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsWSCAgentTable();
            dsctab = ssa.accessSsoServerWSSAgentsDSCAgentTable();
        } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
            debug.error(classMethod + "getting WSS Agents tables: ", ex);
            // can't do anything without the tables
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(classMethod);
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
        sb.append("agents for realm ").append(realm).append(", # = ").append(agtAttrs.size()).append("\n");
    // index for web agents
    int wai = 1;
    // index for j2ee agents
    int j2eei = 1;
    // index for 2.2_agents
    int t22i = 1;
    // index for STS agents
    int stsi = 1;
    // index for WSP agents
    int wspi = 1;
    // index for WSC agents
    int wsci = 1;
    // index for DSC agents
    int dsci = 1;
    Integer ri = getRealmIndexFromName(realm);
         *  if the realm isn't in the table, there's not much point
         *  in doing the rest
    if (ri == null) {
        debug.error(classMethod + "didn't find index for realm " + realm);
    for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, String>> entry : agtAttrs.entrySet()) {
        String agtname = entry.getKey();
        Map<String, String> hm = entry.getValue();
        String atype = hm.get(Constants.ATTR_NAME_AGENT_TYPE);
        String grpmem = hm.get("groupmembership");
        //  group and agent name can't have ":" in it, or jdmk gags
        if (grpmem == null) {
            grpmem = None;
        } else {
            grpmem = getEscapedString(grpmem);
        agtname = getEscapedString(agtname);
        if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
            sb.append("  agent name = ").append(agtname).append(", type = ").append(atype).append(", membership = ").append(grpmem).append("\n");
        if (atype.equals("WebAgent")) {
            String aurl = hm.get("com.sun.identity.agents.config.agenturi.prefix");
            String lurl = hm.get("com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url");
            SsoServerPolicyWebAgentEntryImpl aei = new SsoServerPolicyWebAgentEntryImpl(sunMib);
            aei.SsoServerRealmIndex = ri;
            aei.PolicyWebAgentIndex = new Integer(wai++);
            aei.PolicyWebAgentName = agtname;
            aei.PolicyWebAgentGroup = grpmem;
            aei.PolicyWebAgentAgentURL = aurl;
            aei.PolicyWebAgentServerURL = lurl;
            ObjectName aname = aei.createSsoServerPolicyWebAgentEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for Policy WebAgent '" + agtname + "'");
            try {
                watab.addEntry(aei, aname);
                if ((server != null) && (aei != null)) {
                    server.registerMBean(aei, aname);
            } catch (JMException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
        } else if (atype.equals("2.2_Agent")) {
            SsoServerPolicy22AgentEntryImpl aei = new SsoServerPolicy22AgentEntryImpl(sunMib);
            aei.SsoServerRealmIndex = ri;
            aei.Policy22AgentIndex = new Integer(t22i++);
            aei.Policy22AgentName = agtname;
            ObjectName aname = aei.createSsoServerPolicy22AgentEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for Policy 2.2 Agent '" + agtname + "'");
            try {
                t22tab.addEntry(aei, aname);
                if ((server != null) && (aei != null)) {
                    server.registerMBean(aei, aname);
            } catch (JMException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
        } else if (atype.equals("J2EEAgent")) {
            SsoServerPolicyJ2EEAgentEntryImpl aei = new SsoServerPolicyJ2EEAgentEntryImpl(sunMib);
            String aurl = hm.get("com.sun.identity.client.notification.url");
            if (aurl == null) {
                aurl = None;
            String lurl = hm.get("com.sun.identity.agents.config.login.url");
            aei.PolicyJ2EEAgentGroup = grpmem;
            aei.PolicyJ2EEAgentAgentURL = aurl;
            aei.PolicyJ2EEAgentServerURL = lurl;
            aei.PolicyJ2EEAgentName = agtname;
            aei.PolicyJ2EEAgentIndex = new Integer(j2eei++);
            aei.SsoServerRealmIndex = ri;
            ObjectName aname = aei.createSsoServerPolicyJ2EEAgentEntryObjectName(server);
            if (aname == null) {
                debug.error(classMethod + "Error creating object for Policy J2EE Agent '" + agtname + "'");
            try {
                j2eetab.addEntry(aei, aname);
                if ((server != null) && (aei != null)) {
                    server.registerMBean(aei, aname);
            } catch (JMException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
            } catch (SnmpStatusException ex) {
                debug.error(classMethod + agtname + ": " + ex.getMessage());
        } else if (atype.equals("SharedAgent")) {
        // SharedAgent type are agent authenticators
        } else {
            debug.error(classMethod + "agent type = " + atype + ", agent name = " + agtname + " not supported.");
    if (debug.messageEnabled()) {
Also used : SnmpStatusException( ObjectName( JMException( Map(java.util.Map) HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


SnmpStatusException ( JMException ( ObjectName ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 Date (java.util.Date)3 HtmlAdaptorServer (com.sun.jdmk.comm.HtmlAdaptorServer)2 SnmpAdaptorServer ( IOException ( MalformedURLException ( InstanceAlreadyExistsException ( InstanceNotFoundException ( JMRuntimeException ( MBeanRegistrationException ( MBeanServer ( MalformedObjectNameException ( NotCompliantMBeanException ( RuntimeOperationsException ( CoreTokenException (org.forgerock.openam.cts.exceptions.CoreTokenException)2 TokenType (org.forgerock.openam.tokens.TokenType)2