use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class TransactionLogReplayer method replayRemoteAcks.
public void replayRemoteAcks(TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks, DestinationUID[] destIds, TransactionUID tid, HashSet dstLoadedSet) throws IOException, BrokerException {
if (Store.getDEBUG()) {
String msg = getPrefix() + " replayRemoteAcks ";
logger.log(Logger.INFO, msg);
for (int i = 0; i < txnAcks.length; i++) {
TransactionAcknowledgement txnAck = txnAcks[i];
DestinationUID destId = destIds[i];
SysMessageID mid = txnAck.getSysMessageID();
ConsumerUID iid = txnAck.getStoredConsumerUID();
// Destination dest = DestinationList.getDestination(msgStore.parent, destId);
// make sure it is loaded
int type = (destId.isQueue() ? DestType.DEST_TYPE_QUEUE : DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC);
Destination[] ds = DestinationList.getDestination(msgStore.parent, destId.getName(), type, true, true);
Destination dest = ds[0];
PacketReference pr = dest.getMessage(mid);
if (pr == null) {
// could have been acknowledged already?
// TO DO check this further
String msg = " could not find packet for replayed message ack " + txnAck + " dest " + destId + " in transaction " + tid;
logger.log(Logger.WARNING, msg);
} else {
if (msgStore.containsMessage(destId, mid)) {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_UPDATE_INT_STATE_TXNLOG, iid, mid);
// use try using the correct value; see bug 6516160
if (dest.isQueue() && iid.longValue() != 0) {
msgStore.updateInterestState(destId, mid, PacketReference.getQueueUID(), PartitionedStore.INTEREST_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED, false);
} else {
msgStore.updateInterestState(destId, mid, iid, PartitionedStore.INTEREST_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED, false);
acknowledgeOnReplay(dest, mid, iid);
} else {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_DISREGARD_INT_STATE_TXNLOG, iid, mid);
use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class FileStore method processTxnRecMsgPart.
private void processTxnRecMsgPart(DataInputStream dis, Set dstLoadedSet) throws IOException, BrokerException {
// Number of msgs to process
int msgCount = dis.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; i++) {
// Reconstruct the message
Packet pkt = new Packet(false);
SysMessageID mid = pkt.getSysMessageID();
// Make sure dst exists; autocreate if possible
Destination[] ds = Globals.getDestinationList().getDestination(this, pkt.getDestination(), pkt.getIsQueue() ? DestType.DEST_TYPE_QUEUE : DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC, true, true);
Destination dst = ds[0];
DestinationUID did = dst.getDestinationUID();
// Load all msgs inorder to verify if any msgs are missing
if (!dstLoadedSet.contains(dst)) {
// Keep track of what has been loaded
// Check to see if the msg is in the store
MsgStore msgStore = getMsgStore();
if (msgStore.containsMessage(did, mid)) {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_REPLACE_MSG_TXNLOG, mid, did);
msgStore.removeMessage(did, mid, false);
} else {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_RECONSTRUCT_MSG_TXNLOG, mid, dst + "[load]");
PacketReference pr = PacketReference.createReferenceWithDestination(this, pkt, dst, null);
try {
} catch (SelectorFormatException e) {
// shouldn't happens
throw new BrokerException(br.getString(BrokerResources.E_ROUTE_RECONSTRUCTED_MSG_FAILED, mid), e);
use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class FileStore method processTxnRecAckPart.
private void processTxnRecAckPart(DataInputStream dis, Set dstLoadedSet) throws IOException, BrokerException {
// Number of acks
int ackCount = dis.readInt();
for (int i = 0; i < ackCount; i++) {
// Destination ID
String name = dis.readUTF();
DestinationUID did = new DestinationUID(name);
SysMessageID mid = new SysMessageID();
// SysMessageID
// ConsumerUID
ConsumerUID iid = new ConsumerUID(dis.readLong());
// Make sure dst exists; autocreate if possible
Destination[] ds = Globals.getDestinationList().getDestination(this, did.getName(), did.isQueue() ? DestType.DEST_TYPE_QUEUE : DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC, true, true);
Destination dst = ds[0];
// Load all msgs inorder to update consumer states
if (!dstLoadedSet.contains(dst)) {
// Keep track of what has been loaded
if (msgStore.containsMessage(did, mid)) {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_UPDATE_INT_STATE_TXNLOG, iid, mid);
// use try using the correct value; see bug 6516160
if (dst.isQueue() && iid.longValue() != 0) {
msgStore.updateInterestState(did, mid, PacketReference.getQueueUID(), PartitionedStore.INTEREST_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED, false);
} else {
msgStore.updateInterestState(did, mid, iid, PartitionedStore.INTEREST_STATE_ACKNOWLEDGED, false);
} else {
logger.log(logger.FORCE, BrokerResources.I_DISREGARD_INT_STATE_TXNLOG, iid, mid);
use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class FileStore method getMessageStorageInfo.
* Return the number of persisted messages and total number of bytes for the given destination.
* @param dst the destination whose messages are to be counted
* @return A HashMap of name value pair of information
* @throws BrokerException if an error occurs while getting the data
public HashMap getMessageStorageInfo(Destination dst) throws BrokerException {
if (Store.getDEBUG()) {
logger.log(Logger.INFO, "FileStore.getMessageStorageInfo(Destination) called");
// make sure store is not closed then increment in progress count
try {
DestinationUID dstID = dst.getDestinationUID();
HashMap data = new HashMap(2);
data.put(DestMetricsCounters.CURRENT_MESSAGES, Integer.valueOf(msgStore.getMessageCount(dstID)));
data.put(DestMetricsCounters.CURRENT_MESSAGE_BYTES, Long.valueOf(msgStore.getByteCount(dstID)));
return data;
} finally {
// decrement in progress count
use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.
the class RemoteTransaction2PPrepareEvent method readFromBytes.
public void readFromBytes(byte[] data) throws IOException, BrokerException {
ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(bais);
remoteTransaction = new RemoteTransaction();
int objectBodySize = dis.readInt();
byte[] objectBody = new byte[objectBodySize];;
ByteArrayInputStream bais2 = new ByteArrayInputStream(objectBody);
ObjectInputStream ois = new FilteringObjectInputStream(bais2);
try {
remoteTransaction.setTransactionState((TransactionState) ois.readObject());
remoteTransaction.setTxnHomeBroker((BrokerAddress) ois.readObject());
remoteTransaction.setTxnAcks((TransactionAcknowledgement[]) ois.readObject());
remoteTransaction.setDestIds((DestinationUID[]) ois.readObject());
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {