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Example 6 with DestinationUID

use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ConsumerHandler method destroyConsumer.

public void destroyConsumer(IMQConnection con, Session session, ConsumerUID uid, String durableName, String clientID, SysMessageID lastid, boolean lastidInTransaction, boolean redeliverAll, boolean isIndemp) throws BrokerException {
    if (durableName != null) {
        Subscription usub = Subscription.unsubscribe(durableName, clientID);
        if (usub == null) {
            // already destroyed
            throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_UNKNOWN_DURABLE_INTEREST, Subscription.getDSubLogString(clientID, durableName)), Status.NOT_FOUND);
        DestinationUID dest_uid = usub.getDestinationUID();
        Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(con.getPartitionedStore(), dest_uid);
        Destination d = ds[0];
        if (d != null) {
            d.removeConsumer(uid, true);
    } else {
        boolean redeliver = false;
        if (con.getClientProtocolVersion() < Connection.RAPTOR_PROTOCOL) {
            redeliver = true;
        if (session == null && !isIndemp) {
            if (con.getConnectionState() >= Connection.STATE_CLOSED) {
                throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_CONNECTION_CLOSING, con.getConnectionUID()), Status.NOT_FOUND);
            } else {
                throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_CONSUMER_SESSION_NOT_FOUND, uid, con.getConnectionUID()), Status.NOT_FOUND);
        if (session != null) {
            // should only be null w/ indemp
            Consumer c = (Consumer) session.detatchConsumer(uid, lastid, lastidInTransaction, redeliver, redeliverAll);
            if (DEBUG) {
                logger.log(Logger.INFO, "ConsumerHandler: closed consumer " + c + ", with {lastid=" + lastid + ", lastidInTransaction=" + lastidInTransaction + ", redeliver=" + redeliver + ", redeliverAll=" + redeliverAll + ", isindemp=" + isIndemp + "}");
            DestinationUID dest_uid = c.getDestinationUID();
            Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(con.getPartitionedStore(), dest_uid);
            Destination d = ds[0];
            if (d != null) {
                d.removeConsumer(uid, true);
Also used : Destination(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination) BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) DestinationUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID) Consumer(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Consumer) Subscription(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Subscription)

Example 7 with DestinationUID

use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class GetDurablesHandler method handle.

 * Handle the incomming administration message.
 * @param con The Connection the message came in on.
 * @param cmd_msg The administration message
 * @param cmd_props The properties from the administration message
public boolean handle(IMQConnection con, Packet cmd_msg, Hashtable cmd_props) {
    if (DEBUG) {
        logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, this.getClass().getName() + ": " + cmd_props);
    String destination = (String) cmd_props.get(MessageType.JMQ_DESTINATION);
    // Send reply
    Packet reply = new Packet(con.useDirectBuffers());
    int status = Status.OK;
    Vector v = null;
    String err = null;
    try {
        DestinationUID duid = null;
        if (destination != null) {
            duid = DestinationUID.getUID(destination, false);
        Set s = Subscription.getAllSubscriptions(duid);
        v = new Vector();
        Iterator itr = s.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Subscription sub = (Subscription);
            DurableInfo di = new DurableInfo();
            di.isDurable = sub.isDurable();
            di.isShared = sub.getShared();
            di.isJMSShared = sub.getJMSShared();
            if (di.isDurable) {
       = sub.getDurableName();
            } else if (di.isJMSShared) {
       = sub.getNDSubscriptionName();
            di.clientID = sub.getClientID();
            di.isActive = sub.isActive();
            di.uidString = String.valueOf(sub.getConsumerUID().longValue());
            List children = sub.getChildConsumers();
            di.activeCount = children.size();
            di.activeConsumers = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            Iterator itr1 = children.iterator();
            while (itr1.hasNext()) {
                Consumer c = (Consumer);
                ConsumerInfo cinfo = new ConsumerInfo();
                cinfo.connection = new ConnectionInfo();
                cinfo.connection.uuid = c.getConsumerUID().getConnectionUID().longValue();
                cinfo.uidString = String.valueOf(c.getConsumerUID().longValue());
                ConsumerUID uid = c.getStoredConsumerUID();
                if (uid != null) {
                    cinfo.subuidString = String.valueOf(uid.longValue());
                BrokerAddress addr = c.getConsumerUID().getBrokerAddress();
                if (addr != null) {
                    cinfo.brokerAddressShortString = addr.getMQAddress().getHostAddressNPort() + (addr.getBrokerID() == null ? "" : "[" + addr.getBrokerID() + "]");
                di.activeConsumers.put(cinfo.uidString, cinfo);
            di.nMessages = sub.numInProcessMsgs();
            di.consumer = new ConsumerInfo();
            // Ok, I'm not setting id because it really should be an int, maybe later
            di.consumer.destination = sub.getDestinationUID().getName();
            di.consumer.type = DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC;
            di.consumer.selector = sub.getSelectorStr();
            // not bothering with the connection this time either
            di.consumer.connection = null;
    } catch (BrokerException ex) {
        err = ex.getMessage();
        status = ex.getStatusCode();
    setProperties(reply, MessageType.GET_DURABLES_REPLY, status, err);
    setBodyObject(reply, v);
    parent.sendReply(con, cmd_msg, reply);
    return true;
Also used : Set(java.util.Set) ConsumerInfo(com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.admin.ConsumerInfo) BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) ConsumerUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID) BrokerAddress(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress) DurableInfo(com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.admin.DurableInfo) DestinationUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID) Consumer(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Consumer) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) List(java.util.List) ConnectionInfo(com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.admin.ConnectionInfo) Subscription(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Subscription) Vector(java.util.Vector)

Example 8 with DestinationUID

use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class PacketHandler method checkServiceRestriction.

public void checkServiceRestriction(Packet msg, IMQConnection con, ErrHandler defhandler) throws BrokerException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
    Service service = con.getService();
    if (service.getServiceType() != ServiceType.NORMAL) {
    int id = msg.getPacketType();
    if (id != PacketType.CREATE_DESTINATION && id != PacketType.ADD_CONSUMER && id != PacketType.ADD_PRODUCER) {
    ServiceRestriction[] srs = service.getServiceRestrictions();
    if (srs == null) {
    ServiceRestriction sr = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < srs.length; i++) {
        sr = srs[i];
        if (sr == ServiceRestriction.NO_SYNC_WITH_MASTERBROKER) {
            Hashtable prop = msg.getProperties();
            String dest = (String) prop.get("JMQDestination");
            int dtype = ((Integer) prop.get("JMQDestType")).intValue();
            if (id == PacketType.CREATE_DESTINATION) {
                if (!checkForAutoCreate(dtype)) {
                DestinationUID duid = DestinationUID.getUID(dest, DestType.isQueue(dtype));
                DestinationSpi[] ds = coreLifecycle.getDestination(con.getPartitionedStore(), duid);
                DestinationSpi d = ds[0];
                if (d != null) {
                if (DestType.isQueue(dtype) && DestType.isTemporary(dtype)) {
                String[] args = { Thread.currentThread().getName(), dest, service.toString(), sr.toString(true) };
                String emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_SERVICE_RESTRICTION_AUTO_CREATE_DEST, args);
                logger.log(logger.WARNING, emsg);
                waitForMasterBrokerSync(con, msg, emsg, emsg, defhandler);
            } else if (DestType.isTopic(dtype)) {
                if (id == PacketType.ADD_PRODUCER) {
                    String[] args = { Thread.currentThread().getName(), dest, service.toString(), sr.toString(true) };
                    String emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_SERVICE_RESTRICTION_TOPIC_PRODUCER, args);
                    logger.log(logger.WARNING, emsg);
                    waitForMasterBrokerSync(con, msg, emsg, emsg, defhandler);
                } else {
                    String[] args = { Thread.currentThread().getName(), dest, service.toString(), sr.toString(true) };
                    String emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.X_SERVICE_RESTRICTION_TOPIC_CONSUMER, args);
                    logger.log(logger.WARNING, emsg);
                    waitForMasterBrokerSync(con, msg, emsg, emsg, defhandler);
        } else {
            throw new BrokerException(Globals.getBrokerResources().getString(BrokerResources.E_INTERNAL_BROKER_ERROR, "Unknown service restriction " + sr + " on service " + service));
Also used : DestinationUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) DestinationSpi(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.plugin.spi.DestinationSpi)

Example 9 with DestinationUID

use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class RemoteTxnConverter method convert.

void convert(TransactionInformation txnInfo) throws BrokerException {
    if (ToTxnLogConverter.DEBUG) {
        logger.log(Logger.DEBUG, getPrefix() + " convert " + txnInfo);
    // should be a prepared transaction
    int state = txnInfo.getState().getState();
    if (state != TransactionState.PREPARED) {
        String msg = getPrefix() + " convert: unknown state  " + state + " for " + txnInfo;
        logger.log(Logger.ERROR, msg);
    TransactionUID txid = txnInfo.getTID();
    TransactionState newState = new TransactionState(txnInfo.getState());
    RemoteTransactionAckEntry[] rtaes = transactionList.getRecoveryRemoteTransactionAcks(txid);
    if (rtaes != null) {
        ArrayList<TransactionAcknowledgement> al = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < rtaes.length; i++) {
            RemoteTransactionAckEntry rtae = rtaes[i];
            TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks = rtae.getAcks();
            for (int j = 0; j < txnAcks.length; j++) {
        TransactionAcknowledgement[] txnAcks = al.toArray(new TransactionAcknowledgement[al.size()]);
        DestinationUID[] destIds = new DestinationUID[txnAcks.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < txnAcks.length; i++) {
            SysMessageID sid = txnAcks[i].getSysMessageID();
            PacketReference p = DL.get((PartitionedStore) store, sid);
            DestinationUID destID = null;
            if (p != null) {
                destID = p.getDestinationUID();
            } else {
                logger.log(Logger.WARNING, "Could not find packet for " + sid);
            destIds[i] = destID;
        TransactionBroker txnBroker = transactionList.getRemoteTransactionHomeBroker(txid);
        BrokerAddress txnHomeBroker = txnBroker.getBrokerAddress();
        RemoteTransaction remoteTxn = new RemoteTransaction(txid, newState, txnAcks, destIds, txnHomeBroker);
    } else {
        logger.log(Logger.ERROR, "Could not find RemoteTransactionAckEntry for " + txid);
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BrokerAddress(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress) DestinationUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID) PacketReference(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference) SysMessageID( RemoteTransactionAckEntry(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.cluster.api.RemoteTransactionAckEntry)

Example 10 with DestinationUID

use of com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MultibrokerRouter method handleJMSMsg.

public void handleJMSMsg(Packet p, Map<ConsumerUID, Integer> consumers, BrokerAddress sender, boolean sendMsgDeliveredAck) throws BrokerException {
    Map<ConsumerUID, Integer> deliveryCnts = consumers;
    boolean hasflowcontrol = true;
    ArrayList<Consumer> targetVector = new ArrayList<>();
    ArrayList ignoreVector = new ArrayList();
    // PART
    PartitionedStore pstore = Globals.getStore().getPrimaryPartition();
    Iterator<Map.Entry<ConsumerUID, Integer>> itr = consumers.entrySet().iterator();
    Map.Entry<ConsumerUID, Integer> entry = null;
    while (itr.hasNext()) {
        entry =;
        ConsumerUID uid = entry.getKey();
        Consumer interest = Consumer.getConsumer(uid);
        if (interest != null && interest.isValid()) {
            // we need the interest for updating the ref
            ConsumerUID suid = interest.getStoredConsumerUID();
            if ((suid == null || suid.equals(uid)) && interest.getSubscription() == null) {
                hasflowcontrol = false;
        } else {
    if (targetVector.isEmpty()) {
        sendIgnoreAck(p.getSysMessageID(), null, sender, ignoreVector);
    boolean exists = false;
    // PART
    PacketReference ref = DL.get(null, p.getSysMessageID());
    if (ref != null) {
        BrokerAddress addr = ref.getBrokerAddress();
        if (addr == null || !addr.equals(sender)) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                logger.log(Logger.INFO, "Remote message " + ref.getSysMessageID() + " home broker " + addr + " changed to " + sender);
            DL.remoteCheckMessageHomeChange(ref, sender);
            if (addr == null) {
                Object[] args = { ref.getSysMessageID(), sender, targetVector };
                logger.log(logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.W_IGNORE_REMOTE_MSG_SENT_FROM, args));
                sendIgnoreAck(p.getSysMessageID(), ref, sender, ignoreVector);
    List dsts = null;
    // PART
    ref = DL.get(null, p.getSysMessageID());
    boolean acquiredWriteLock = false;
    try {
        if (ref != null) {
            acquiredWriteLock = true;
            if (ref.isInvalid() || ref.isDestroyed()) {
                acquiredWriteLock = false;
                // PART
                ref = DL.get(null, p.getSysMessageID());
                if (ref != null) {
                    acquiredWriteLock = true;
        if (ref != null) {
            if (ref.getBrokerAddress() == null) {
                acquiredWriteLock = false;
                Object[] args = { ref.getSysMessageID(), sender, targetVector };
                logger.log(logger.WARNING, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.W_IGNORE_REMOTE_MSG_SENT_FROM, args));
                sendIgnoreAck(p.getSysMessageID(), ref, sender, ignoreVector);
            } else {
                exists = true;
                if (p.getRedelivered()) {
        } else {
            // PART
            ref = PacketReference.createReference(pstore, p, null);
        // consumer
        if (sendMsgDeliveredAck) {
            for (int i = 0; i < targetVector.size(); i++) {
                Consumer c = targetVector.get(i);
                // ref.addMessageDeliveredAck(c.getStoredConsumerUID());
        try {
            if (ref.getDestinationUID().isWildcard()) {
                List[] dss = DL.findMatchingIDs(pstore, ref.getDestinationUID());
                dsts = dss[0];
            } else {
                // ok, autocreate the destination if necessary
                Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(pstore, ref.getDestinationUID().getName(), ref.getDestinationUID().isQueue() ? DestType.DEST_TYPE_QUEUE : DestType.DEST_TYPE_TOPIC, true, true);
                Destination d = ds[0];
                if (d != null) {
                    dsts = new ArrayList();
            if (dsts == null || dsts.isEmpty()) {
            } else {
                if (!exists && !targetVector.isEmpty()) {
                    // OK .. we dont need to route .. its already happened
                    ref.storeRemoteInterests(targetVector, deliveryCnts);
                    itr = dsts.iterator();
                    while (itr.hasNext()) {
                        DestinationUID did = (DestinationUID);
                        Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(pstore, did);
                        Destination d = ds[0];
                        if (DEBUG) {
                            logger.log(logger.INFO, "Route remote message " + ref + " sent from " + sender + " to destination(s) " + did + " for consumer(s) " + targetVector + " hasflowcontrol=" + hasflowcontrol + ", enforcelimit=" + ENFORCE_REMOTE_DEST_LIMIT);
                        // add to message count
                        try {
                            PacketReference newref = d.getMessage(p.getSysMessageID());
                            if (newref != null) {
                                Object[] args = { p.getSysMessageID(), "" + d.getDestinationUID(), sender, newref + "[" + newref.getBrokerAddress() + "]" };
                                logger.log(logger.INFO, Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.I_REMOTE_NEW_MSG_ROUTED_ALREADY, args));
                            d.queueMessage(ref, false, ENFORCE_REMOTE_DEST_LIMIT);
                        } finally {
                } else if (exists) {
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            Object[] args = { "" + ref, sender, targetVector };
            String emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.W_EXCEPTION_PROCESS_REMOTE_MSG, args);
            if (!(ex instanceof BrokerException)) {
                logger.logStack(logger.WARNING, emsg, ex);
            } else {
                BrokerException be = (BrokerException) ex;
                int status = be.getStatusCode();
                if (status != Status.RESOURCE_FULL && status != Status.ENTITY_TOO_LARGE) {
                    logger.logStack(logger.WARNING, emsg, ex);
                } else {
                    Object[] args1 = { sender, targetVector };
                    emsg = Globals.getBrokerResources().getKString(BrokerResources.W_PROCESS_REMOTE_MSG_DST_LIMIT, args1);
                    int level = Logger.DEBUG;
                    if (!loggedFullDestsOnHandleJMSMsg.contains(ref.getDestinationUID())) {
                        level = Logger.WARNING;
                    logger.log(level, emsg + (level == Logger.DEBUG ? ": " + ex.getMessage() : ""));
    } finally {
        if (ref != null && acquiredWriteLock) {
    // Now deliver the message...
    StringBuilder debugString = new StringBuilder();
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < targetVector.size(); i++) {
        Consumer interest = targetVector.get(i);
        if (!interest.routeMessage(ref, false)) {
            // it disappeard on us, take care of it
            try {
                if (ref.acknowledged(interest.getConsumerUID(), interest.getStoredConsumerUID(), true, false)) {
                    try {
                        if (dsts == null) {
                        itr = dsts.iterator();
                        while (itr.hasNext()) {
                            DestinationUID did = (DestinationUID);
                            Destination[] ds = DL.getDestination(pstore, did);
                            Destination d = ds[0];
                            d.removeRemoteMessage(ref.getSysMessageID(), RemoveReason.ACKNOWLEDGED, ref);
                    } finally {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                logger.log(logger.INFO, "Internal error processing ack", ex);
            } finally {
                ref.removeRemoteConsumerUID(interest.getStoredConsumerUID(), interest.getConsumerUID());
        if (DEBUG) {
            debugString.append("\t" + interest.getConsumerUID() + "\n");
    if (DEBUG) {
        logger.log(logger.DEBUGHIGH, "MessageBus: Delivering message to : {0}", debugString.toString());
    sendIgnoreAck(p.getSysMessageID(), ref, sender, ignoreVector);
Also used : Destination(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination) BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Consumer(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Consumer) PacketReference(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference) DestinationList(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) PartitionedStore(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.PartitionedStore) ConsumerUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID) BrokerAddress(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress) SelectorFormatException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.selector.SelectorFormatException) IOException( BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) DestinationUID(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


DestinationUID (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID)61 Destination (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination)25 ConsumerUID (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ConsumerUID)20 BrokerException (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException)20 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)18 SysMessageID ( Consumer (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Consumer)16 PacketReference (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference)10 Producer (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Producer)9 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 Packet ( SelectorFormatException (com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.selector.SelectorFormatException)8 IOException ( ProducerUID (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.ProducerUID)6 PartitionedStore (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.persist.api.PartitionedStore)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 BrokerAddress (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.BrokerAddress)5 DestinationList (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationList)5 Session (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Session)5 SessionUID (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.SessionUID)5