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Example 6 with FilteringObjectInputStream

use of in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class PacketUtil method dumpBody.

 * Dump the body of the packet.
 * Note: This method is being refactored from the Packet class so that it can also be used by the old packet code, i.e.
 * the client. By doing this, the client doesn't have any dependency on the broker's Packet class.
public static // Stream to dump contents to
void dumpBody(// Stream to dump contents to
PrintStream os, // Type of packet
int pType, // Input stream to body
InputStream is, // Number of bytes in body
int bodySize, // Packet properties
Hashtable props) {
    os.print("   Message Body: " + bodySize + " bytes ");
    if (is == null) {
    int n;
    switch(pType) {
        case PacketType.ACKNOWLEDGE:
        case PacketType.REDELIVER:
            SysMessageID id = new SysMessageID();
            n = bodySize / (SysMessageID.ID_SIZE + 8);
            // Read acknowledgement blocks out of body of packet
            try {
                Integer idType = null;
                if (props != null) {
                    idType = (Integer) props.get("JMQBodyType");
                DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
                while (n > 0) {
                    if (idType == null || idType.intValue() == PacketType.CONSUMERID_L_SYSMESSAGEID) {
                        os.print("[" + dis.readLong() + ":");
                    } else {
                        os.print("[" + dis.readInt() + ":");
                    os.print(id + "]");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                os.println("Exception when reading packet body: " + e);
        case PacketType.TEXT_MESSAGE:
            n = bodySize;
            if (n > 40) {
                n = 40;
            byte[] buf = new byte[40];
            try {
                os.print("[" + new String(buf));
                if (n < bodySize) {
                    os.print(". . .");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                os.println("Exception when reading packet body: " + e);
        case PacketType.MAP_MESSAGE:
        case PacketType.OBJECT_MESSAGE:
            try {
                ObjectInputStream ois = new FilteringObjectInputStream(is);
                Object o = ois.readObject();
                String s = o.toString();
                if (s.length() > 512) {
                    os.println(s.substring(0, 512) + ". . .");
                } else {
            } catch (Exception e) {
                os.println("Exception when deserializing packet body: " + e);
        case PacketType.AUTHENTICATE:
            try {
                String type = (String) props.get("JMQAuthType");
                os.print(type + ": ");
                DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
                if (type.equals("basic")) {
                    String username = dis.readUTF();
                    String password = dis.readUTF();
                    os.print("username=" + username + ", password=" + password);
                } else if (type.equals("digest")) {
                    String username = dis.readUTF();
                    String password = dis.readUTF();
                    os.print("username=" + username + ", password=" + password);
                } else {
                    os.print("Unknown authentication type");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                os.println("Exception when reading packet body: " + e);
        case PacketType.RECOVER_TRANSACTION_REPLY:
            try {
                JMQXid xid;
                Integer quantity = (Integer) props.get("JMQQuantity");
                n = 0;
                if (quantity != null) {
                    n = quantity.intValue();
                DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
                while (n > 0) {
                    xid =;
                    os.println("[XID=" + xid + "], ");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                os.println("Could not decode XIDs: " + e);
        case PacketType.INFO:
            try {
                ObjectInputStream dis = new FilteringObjectInputStream(is);
                Hashtable ht = (Hashtable) dis.readObject();
                Iterator itr = ht.entrySet().iterator();
                while (itr.hasNext()) {
                    Map.Entry mEntry = (Map.Entry);
                    Object key = mEntry.getKey();
                    Object value = mEntry.getValue();
                    if (value instanceof Hashtable) {
                        os.println("\tTable: " + key);
                        Iterator itr1 = ((Hashtable) value).entrySet().iterator();
                        while (itr1.hasNext()) {
                            Map.Entry mEntry1 = (Map.Entry);
                            Object key1 = mEntry1.getKey();
                            Object value1 = mEntry1.getValue();
                            os.println("\t\t" + key1 + "=" + value1);
                    } else {
                        os.println("\t" + key + "=" + value);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                os.println("Could not decode INFO packet: " + e);
        case PacketType.START_TRANSACTION:
        case PacketType.COMMIT_TRANSACTION:
        case PacketType.ROLLBACK_TRANSACTION:
        case PacketType.END_TRANSACTION:
        case PacketType.PREPARE_TRANSACTION:
        case PacketType.RECOVER_TRANSACTION:
            try {
                JMQXid xid;
                xid = DataInputStream(is));
                os.println("[XID=" + xid + "]");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                os.println("Could not decode XID: " + e);
        case PacketType.VERIFY_TRANSACTION_REPLY:
            try {
                ObjectInputStream oos = new FilteringObjectInputStream(is);
                Object newo = oos.readObject();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                os.println("Could not decode verify body: " + e);
Also used : Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) JMQXid(com.sun.messaging.jmq.util.JMQXid) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) FilteringObjectInputStream( Map(java.util.Map) FilteringObjectInputStream(

Example 7 with FilteringObjectInputStream

use of in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MapMessageImpl method getMessageBodyFromPacket.

// deserialize message body
// This is called after message is received in Session Reader.
protected void getMessageBodyFromPacket() throws JMSException {
    try {
        messageBody = getMessageBody();
        byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(messageBody);
        objectInputStream = new FilteringObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
        mapMessage = (Map) objectInputStream.readObject();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        ExceptionHandler.handleException(e, ClientResources.X_MESSAGE_DESERIALIZE);
Also used : FilteringObjectInputStream(

Example 8 with FilteringObjectInputStream

use of in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MessageTransformer method SOAPMessageFromJMSMessage.

 * Extracts a <code>jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage</code> object from the <code>jakarta.jms.Message</code> object into which
 * it was transformed using the <code>SOAPMessageIntoJMSMessage</code> method.
 * The <code>MessageFactory</code> parameter is used to construct the <code>jakarta.xml.soap.SOAPMessage</code> object.
 * <p>
 * If <code>MessageFactory</code> is <code>null</code> then the default SOAP MessageFactory will be used to construct
 * the SOAP message.
 * @param message The JMS message from which the SOAP message is to be extracted.
 * @param messageFactory The SOAP MessageFactory to be used to contruct the SOAP message.
 * @exception MessageTransformerException If any error is encountered when extracting the message.
public static SOAPMessage SOAPMessageFromJMSMessage(Message message, MessageFactory messageFactory) throws MessageTransformerException {
    SOAPMessage soapMessage = null;
    BytesMessage bmessage = (BytesMessage) message;
    try {
        // 1. construct mime header
        int mimeLength = bmessage.readInt();
        byte[] mbuf = new byte[mimeLength];
        bmessage.readBytes(mbuf, mimeLength);
        ByteArrayInputStream mbin = new ByteArrayInputStream(mbuf);
        ObjectInputStream oi = new FilteringObjectInputStream(mbin);
        Hashtable ht = (Hashtable) oi.readObject();
        MimeHeaders mimeHeaders = hashtableToMime(ht);
        // 2. get soap body stream.
        int bodyLength = bmessage.readInt();
        byte[] buf = new byte[bodyLength];
        bmessage.readBytes(buf, bodyLength);
        ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(buf);
        if (messageFactory == null) {
            messageFactory = getMessageFactory();
        // 3. construct soap message object.
        soapMessage = messageFactory.createMessage(mimeHeaders, bin);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MessageTransformerException(e);
    return soapMessage;
Also used : BytesMessage(jakarta.jms.BytesMessage) FilteringObjectInputStream( FilteringObjectInputStream(

Example 9 with FilteringObjectInputStream

use of in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class PHashMapMMF method setClientDataMarker.

 * Mark starting position of client data for the specified ByteBuffer.
 * Note: Calling method is responsible for synchronize on VRFile (backing file).
private void setClientDataMarker(ByteBuffer buffer) {
    // Try to look for the marker, i.e. "%CD"
    for (int i = 0, limit = buffer.limit(); i < limit; i++) {
        if (buffer.get(i) == CLIENT_DATA_MARKER[0]) {
            // Found '%', so check if the next 2 bytes is "CD"
            if ((i + 2) < limit && buffer.get(i + 1) == CLIENT_DATA_MARKER[1] && buffer.get(i + 2) == CLIENT_DATA_MARKER[2]) {
                // marker has been found and set
    // Record doesn't contain client data so just reset the marker at the
    // end of the value object; the position where client data should start.
    // The crude way to do this is to re-read the key and value object.
    Object key = null;
    Object value = null;
    Throwable kex = null;
    Throwable vex = null;
    Throwable ex = null;
    try {
        int limit = buffer.limit();
        byte[] data = new byte[limit];
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
        ObjectInputStream ois = new FilteringObjectInputStream(bais);
        try {
            key = ois.readObject();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            kex = e;
        try {
            value = ois.readObject();
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            vex = e;
        // Mark starting position of client data
        if (maxClientDataSize > 0) {
            // Since we've already read in the whole buffer we need to
            // reset buffer's position back to the start of client data
            int pos = limit - bais.available();
    } catch (IOException e) {
        ex = e;
    if (kex != null || vex != null || ex != null) {
        PHashMapLoadException le = new PHashMapLoadException("Failed to set client data marker");
        throw new RuntimeException(le);
Also used : FilteringObjectInputStream( FilteringObjectInputStream(

Example 10 with FilteringObjectInputStream

use of in project openmq by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MessageManagerMonitor method constructMessageInfo.

private HashMap constructMessageInfo(SysMessageID sysMsgID, boolean getBody, HashMap destNameType) throws BrokerException {
    HashMap h = new HashMap();
    PacketReference pr = getPacketReference(sysMsgID);
    Packet pkt = pr.getPacket();
    HashMap msgHeaders = pr.getHeaders();
    // Destination d = pr.getDestination();
    String corrID = pkt.getCorrelationID(), errMsg;
    String destType = DestinationType.QUEUE;
    byte[] b = null;
    h.put("CorrelationID", corrID);
    if (corrID != null) {
        try {
            b = corrID.getBytes("UTF8");
        } catch (Exception e) {
    h.put("CorrelationIDAsBytes", b);
    h.put("DeliveryMode", (pkt.getPersistent()) ? Integer.valueOf(jakarta.jms.DeliveryMode.PERSISTENT) : Integer.valueOf(jakarta.jms.DeliveryMode.NON_PERSISTENT));
    h.put("DestinationName", pkt.getDestination());
    if (pkt.getIsQueue()) {
        destType = DestinationType.QUEUE;
    } else {
        destType = DestinationType.TOPIC;
    h.put("DestinationType", destType);
    h.put("Expiration", Long.valueOf(pkt.getExpiration()));
    h.put("MessageID", msgHeaders.get("JMSMessageID"));
    h.put("Priority", Integer.valueOf(pkt.getPriority()));
    h.put("Redelivered", Boolean.valueOf(pkt.getRedelivered()));
         * The ReplyTo information in the packet contains the destination name and class name (i.e. dest class name), which the
         * broker cannot really use. We need to query/check if: - the destination exists - what it's type is
    String replyToDestName = pkt.getReplyTo();
    if (replyToDestName != null) {
        boolean destFound = false, isQueue = true;
        if (destNameType != null) {
            Boolean isQ = (Boolean) destNameType.get(replyToDestName);
            if (isQ != null) {
                isQueue = isQ.booleanValue();
                destFound = true;
        if (!destFound) {
            try {
                Destination topic, queue;
                Destination[] ds = DL.findDestination(null, replyToDestName, true);
                // PART
                queue = ds[0];
                ds = DL.findDestination(null, replyToDestName, false);
                topic = ds[0];
                if ((queue != null) && (topic != null)) {
                    errMsg = "Cannot determine type of ReplyTo destination." + " There is a topic and queue with the name: " + replyToDestName;
                    throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
                } else if (queue != null) {
                    destFound = true;
                    isQueue = true;
                } else if (topic != null) {
                    destFound = true;
                    isQueue = false;
                if (destFound) {
                         * Cache dest name/type so that we can look it up there next time.
                    destNameType.put(replyToDestName, Boolean.valueOf(isQueue));
                } else {
                         * It is possible that this destination no longer exists. e.g. Temporary destination, whose connection has gone away.
                         * Not sure how to proceed at this point.
            } catch (Exception e) {
                errMsg = "Caught exception while determining ReplyTo destination type";
                throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
        h.put("ReplyToDestinationName", replyToDestName);
        if (destFound) {
            if (isQueue) {
                destType = DestinationType.QUEUE;
            } else {
                destType = DestinationType.TOPIC;
            h.put("ReplyToDestinationType", destType);
    h.put("Timestamp", Long.valueOf(pkt.getTimestamp()));
    h.put("Type", pkt.getMessageType());
    Hashtable msgProps;
    try {
        msgProps = pr.getProperties();
    } catch (Exception e) {
        msgProps = null;
    h.put("MessageProperties", msgProps);
    int packetType = pr.getPacket().getPacketType();
    h.put("MessageBodyType", Integer.valueOf(packetType));
    if (getBody) {
        ByteBuffer bb = pr.getPacket().getMessageBodyByteBuffer();
        byte[] msgBody = null;
        if (bb.hasArray()) {
            msgBody = bb.array();
        switch(packetType) {
            case PacketType.TEXT_MESSAGE:
                try {
                    String textMsg = new String(msgBody, "UTF8");
                    h.put("MessageBody", textMsg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errMsg = "Caught exception while creating text message body";
                    throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
            case PacketType.BYTES_MESSAGE:
            case PacketType.STREAM_MESSAGE:
                h.put("MessageBody", msgBody);
            case PacketType.MAP_MESSAGE:
                try {
                    ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msgBody);
                    ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new FilteringObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
                    HashMap mapMsg = (HashMap) objectInputStream.readObject();
                    h.put("MessageBody", mapMsg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errMsg = "Caught exception while creating map message body";
                    throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
            case PacketType.OBJECT_MESSAGE:
                try {
                    ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(msgBody);
                    ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new FilteringObjectInputStream(byteArrayInputStream);
                    Object objMsg = objectInputStream.readObject();
                    h.put("MessageBody", objMsg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errMsg = "Caught exception while creating object message body";
                    throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
                errMsg = "Unsupported message type for GET_MESSAGES handler: " + packetType;
                throw new BrokerException(errMsg);
    return (h);
Also used : Destination(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination) BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Hashtable(java.util.Hashtable) ByteBuffer(java.nio.ByteBuffer) MBeanException( BrokerException(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException) ByteArrayInputStream( PacketReference(com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference) FilteringObjectInputStream( FilteringObjectInputStream( ObjectInputStream(


FilteringObjectInputStream ( ObjectInputStream ( ByteArrayInputStream ( DataInputStream ( Hashtable (java.util.Hashtable)5 BrokerException (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.util.BrokerException)3 Destination (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.Destination)2 PacketReference (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.PacketReference)2 TransactionWork ( JMSException (jakarta.jms.JMSException)2 MessageFormatException (jakarta.jms.MessageFormatException)2 MessageNotWriteableException (jakarta.jms.MessageNotWriteableException)2 IOException ( ByteBuffer (java.nio.ByteBuffer)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 UpdateOpaqueDataCallback (com.sun.messaging.bridge.api.UpdateOpaqueDataCallback)1 BranchXid (com.sun.messaging.bridge.service.jms.tx.BranchXid)1 GlobalXid (com.sun.messaging.bridge.service.jms.tx.GlobalXid)1 DestinationUID (com.sun.messaging.jmq.jmsserver.core.DestinationUID)1 ClusterTransaction (