use of com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class DependentTypesHelper method atVariableDeclaration.
* Standardize the Java expressions in annotations in a variable declaration. Converts the
* parameter syntax, e.g "#1", to the parameter name.
* @param type the type of the variable declaration; is side-effected by this method
* @param declarationTree the variable declaration
* @param variableElt the element of the variable declaration
public void atVariableDeclaration(AnnotatedTypeMirror type, Tree declarationTree, VariableElement variableElt) {
if (!hasDependentType(type)) {
TreePath pathToVariableDecl = factory.getPath(declarationTree);
if (pathToVariableDecl == null) {
// If this is a synthetic created by dataflow, the path will be null.
ElementKind variableKind = variableElt.getKind();
if (ElementUtils.isBindingVariable(variableElt)) {
// Treat binding variables the same as local variables.
variableKind = ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE;
switch(variableKind) {
TreePath pathTillEnclTree = TreePathUtil.pathTillOfKind(pathToVariableDecl, METHOD_OR_LAMBDA);
if (pathTillEnclTree == null) {
throw new BugInCF("no enclosing method or lambda found for " + variableElt);
Tree enclTree = pathTillEnclTree.getLeaf();
if (enclTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
MethodTree methodDeclTree = (MethodTree) enclTree;
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atMethodBody(stringExpr, methodDeclTree, factory.getChecker());
if (debugStringToJavaExpression) {
System.out.printf("atVariableDeclaration(%s, %s, %s) 1 created %s%n", type, TreeUtils.toStringTruncated(declarationTree, 65), variableElt, stringToJavaExpr);
convertAnnotatedTypeMirror(stringToJavaExpr, type);
} else {
// Lambdas can use local variables defined in the enclosing method, so allow
// identifiers to be locals in scope at the location of the lambda.
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExpr = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atLambdaParameter(stringExpr, (LambdaExpressionTree) enclTree, pathToVariableDecl.getParentPath(), factory.getChecker());
if (debugStringToJavaExpression) {
System.out.printf("atVariableDeclaration(%s, %s, %s) 2 created %s%n", type, TreeUtils.toStringTruncated(declarationTree, 65), variableElt, stringToJavaExpr);
convertAnnotatedTypeMirror(stringToJavaExpr, type);
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExprVar = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atPath(stringExpr, pathToVariableDecl, factory.getChecker());
if (debugStringToJavaExpression) {
System.out.printf("atVariableDeclaration(%s, %s, %s) 3 created %s%n", type, TreeUtils.toStringTruncated(declarationTree, 65), variableElt, stringToJavaExprVar);
convertAnnotatedTypeMirror(stringToJavaExprVar, type);
case FIELD:
StringToJavaExpression stringToJavaExprField = stringExpr -> StringToJavaExpression.atFieldDecl(stringExpr, variableElt, factory.getChecker());
if (debugStringToJavaExpression) {
System.out.printf("atVariableDeclaration(%s, %s, %s) 4 created %s%n", type, TreeUtils.toStringTruncated(declarationTree, 65), variableElt, stringToJavaExprField);
convertAnnotatedTypeMirror(stringToJavaExprField, type);
throw new BugInCF("unexpected element kind " + variableElt.getKind() + " for " + variableElt);
use of com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class AnnotatedTypeFactory method getFunctionalInterfaceType.
* Get the AnnotatedDeclaredType for the FunctionalInterface from assignment context of the method
* reference or lambda expression which may be a variable assignment, a method call, or a cast.
* <p>The assignment context is not always correct, so we must search up the AST. It will
* recursively search for lambdas nested in lambdas.
* @param tree the tree of the lambda or method reference
* @return the functional interface type or an uninferred type argument
private AnnotatedTypeMirror getFunctionalInterfaceType(Tree tree) {
Tree parentTree = getPath(tree).getParentPath().getLeaf();
switch(parentTree.getKind()) {
return getFunctionalInterfaceType(parentTree);
TypeCastTree cast = (TypeCastTree) parentTree;
assert isFunctionalInterface(trees.getTypeMirror(getPath(cast.getType())), parentTree, tree);
AnnotatedTypeMirror castATM = getAnnotatedType(cast.getType());
if (castATM.getKind() == TypeKind.INTERSECTION) {
AnnotatedIntersectionType itype = (AnnotatedIntersectionType) castATM;
for (AnnotatedTypeMirror t : itype.directSupertypes()) {
if (TypesUtils.isFunctionalInterface(t.getUnderlyingType(), getProcessingEnv())) {
return t;
// and would have raised an error already.
throw new BugInCF("Expected the type of a cast tree in an assignment context to contain a functional" + " interface bound. Found type: %s for tree: %s in lambda tree: %s", castATM, cast, tree);
return castATM;
NewClassTree newClass = (NewClassTree) parentTree;
int indexOfLambda = newClass.getArguments().indexOf(tree);
ParameterizedExecutableType con = this.constructorFromUse(newClass);
AnnotatedTypeMirror constructorParam = AnnotatedTypes.getAnnotatedTypeMirrorOfParameter(con.executableType, indexOfLambda);
assert isFunctionalInterface(constructorParam.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, tree);
return constructorParam;
NewArrayTree newArray = (NewArrayTree) parentTree;
AnnotatedArrayType newArrayATM = getAnnotatedType(newArray);
AnnotatedTypeMirror elementATM = newArrayATM.getComponentType();
assert isFunctionalInterface(elementATM.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, tree);
return elementATM;
MethodInvocationTree method = (MethodInvocationTree) parentTree;
int index = method.getArguments().indexOf(tree);
ParameterizedExecutableType exe = this.methodFromUse(method);
AnnotatedTypeMirror param = AnnotatedTypes.getAnnotatedTypeMirrorOfParameter(exe.executableType, index);
if (param.getKind() == TypeKind.WILDCARD) {
// param is an uninferred wildcard.
TypeMirror typeMirror = TreeUtils.typeOf(tree);
param = AnnotatedTypeMirror.createType(typeMirror, this, false);
assert isFunctionalInterface(param.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, tree);
return param;
VariableTree varTree = (VariableTree) parentTree;
assert isFunctionalInterface(TreeUtils.typeOf(varTree), parentTree, tree);
return getAnnotatedType(varTree.getType());
AssignmentTree assignmentTree = (AssignmentTree) parentTree;
assert isFunctionalInterface(TreeUtils.typeOf(assignmentTree), parentTree, tree);
return getAnnotatedType(assignmentTree.getVariable());
case RETURN:
Tree enclosing = TreePathUtil.enclosingOfKind(getPath(parentTree), new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(Tree.Kind.METHOD, Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION)));
if (enclosing.getKind() == Tree.Kind.METHOD) {
MethodTree enclosingMethod = (MethodTree) enclosing;
return getAnnotatedType(enclosingMethod.getReturnType());
} else {
LambdaExpressionTree enclosingLambda = (LambdaExpressionTree) enclosing;
AnnotatedExecutableType methodExe = getFunctionTypeFromTree(enclosingLambda);
return methodExe.getReturnType();
LambdaExpressionTree enclosingLambda = (LambdaExpressionTree) parentTree;
AnnotatedExecutableType methodExe = getFunctionTypeFromTree(enclosingLambda);
return methodExe.getReturnType();
ConditionalExpressionTree conditionalExpressionTree = (ConditionalExpressionTree) parentTree;
final AnnotatedTypeMirror falseType = getAnnotatedType(conditionalExpressionTree.getFalseExpression());
final AnnotatedTypeMirror trueType = getAnnotatedType(conditionalExpressionTree.getTrueExpression());
// Known cases where we must use LUB because falseType/trueType will not be equal:
// a) when one of the types is a type variable that extends a functional interface
// or extends a type variable that extends a functional interface
// b) When one of the two sides of the expression is a reference to a sub-interface.
// e.g. interface ConsumeStr {
// public void consume(String s)
// }
// interface SubConsumer extends ConsumeStr {
// default void someOtherMethod() { ... }
// }
// SubConsumer s = ...;
// ConsumeStr stringConsumer = (someCondition) ? s : System.out::println;
AnnotatedTypeMirror conditionalType = AnnotatedTypes.leastUpperBound(this, trueType, falseType);
assert isFunctionalInterface(conditionalType.getUnderlyingType(), parentTree, tree);
return conditionalType;
throw new BugInCF("Could not find functional interface from assignment context. " + "Unexpected tree type: " + parentTree.getKind() + " For lambda tree: " + tree);
use of com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory method performFlowAnalysis.
* Perform a org.checkerframework.dataflow analysis over a single class tree and its nested
* classes.
* @param classTree the class to analyze
protected void performFlowAnalysis(ClassTree classTree) {
if (flowResult == null) {
regularExitStores = new IdentityHashMap<>();
exceptionalExitStores = new IdentityHashMap<>();
returnStatementStores = new IdentityHashMap<>();
flowResult = new AnalysisResult<>(flowResultAnalysisCaches);
// no need to scan annotations
if (classTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) {
// Mark finished so that default annotations will be applied.
scannedClasses.put(classTree, ScanState.FINISHED);
Queue<Pair<ClassTree, Store>> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
List<FieldInitialValue<Value>> fieldValues = new ArrayList<>();
// No captured store for top-level classes.
queue.add(Pair.of(classTree, null));
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
final Pair<ClassTree, Store> qel = queue.remove();
final ClassTree ct = qel.first;
final Store capturedStore = qel.second;
scannedClasses.put(ct, ScanState.IN_PROGRESS);
TreePath preTreePath = getVisitorTreePath();
// Don't use getPath, because that depends on the assignmentContext path.
setVisitorTreePath(TreePath.getPath(this.root, ct));
// start with the captured store as initialization store
initializationStaticStore = capturedStore;
initializationStore = capturedStore;
Queue<Pair<LambdaExpressionTree, Store>> lambdaQueue = new ArrayDeque<>();
try {
List<CFGMethod> methods = new ArrayList<>();
List<? extends Tree> members = ct.getMembers();
if (!Ordering.from(sortVariablesFirst).isOrdered(members)) {
members = new ArrayList<>(members);
// Process variables before methods, so all field initializers are observed before the
// constructor is analyzed and reports uninitialized variables.
for (Tree m : members) {
switch(TreeUtils.getKindRecordAsClass(m)) {
case METHOD:
MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) m;
// Skip abstract and native methods because they have no body.
Set<Modifier> flags = mt.getModifiers().getFlags();
if (flags.contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT) || flags.contains(Modifier.NATIVE)) {
// ABSTRACT flag.
if (mt.getBody() == null) {
// Wait with scanning the method until all other members
// have been processed.
CFGMethod met = new CFGMethod(mt, ct);
VariableTree vt = (VariableTree) m;
ExpressionTree initializer = vt.getInitializer();
AnnotatedTypeMirror declaredType = getAnnotatedTypeLhs(vt);
Value declaredValue = analysis.createAbstractValue(declaredType);
FieldAccess fieldExpr = (FieldAccess) JavaExpression.fromVariableTree(vt);
// analyze initializer if present
if (initializer != null) {
boolean isStatic = vt.getModifiers().getFlags().contains(Modifier.STATIC);
analyze(queue, lambdaQueue, new CFGStatement(vt, ct), fieldValues, classTree, true, true, isStatic, capturedStore);
Value initializerValue = flowResult.getValue(initializer);
if (initializerValue != null) {
fieldValues.add(new FieldInitialValue<>(fieldExpr, declaredValue, initializerValue));
fieldValues.add(new FieldInitialValue<>(fieldExpr, declaredValue, null));
// Including RECORD
case CLASS:
case ENUM:
// Visit inner and nested class trees.
// TODO: Use no store for them? What can be captured?
queue.add(Pair.of((ClassTree) m, capturedStore));
case BLOCK:
BlockTree b = (BlockTree) m;
analyze(queue, lambdaQueue, new CFGStatement(b, ct), fieldValues, ct, true, true, b.isStatic(), capturedStore);
assert false : "Unexpected member: " + m.getKind();
// fields of superclasses.
for (CFGMethod met : methods) {
analyze(queue, lambdaQueue, met, fieldValues, classTree, TreeUtils.isConstructor(met.getMethod()), false, false, capturedStore);
while (!lambdaQueue.isEmpty()) {
Pair<LambdaExpressionTree, Store> lambdaPair = lambdaQueue.poll();
MethodTree mt = (MethodTree) TreePathUtil.enclosingOfKind(getPath(lambdaPair.first), Tree.Kind.METHOD);
analyze(queue, lambdaQueue, new CFGLambda(lambdaPair.first, classTree, mt), fieldValues, classTree, false, false, false, lambdaPair.second);
// See InitializationVisitor.visitClass().
if (initializationStaticStore == null) {
regularExitStores.put(ct, emptyStore);
} else {
regularExitStores.put(ct, initializationStaticStore);
} finally {
scannedClasses.put(ct, ScanState.FINISHED);
use of com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class GenericAnnotatedTypeFactory method analyze.
* Analyze the AST {@code ast} and store the result. Additional operations that should be
* performed after analysis should be implemented in {@link #postAnalyze(ControlFlowGraph)}.
* @param queue the queue for encountered class trees and their initial stores
* @param lambdaQueue the queue for encountered lambda expression trees and their initial stores
* @param ast the AST to analyze
* @param fieldValues the abstract values for all fields of the same class
* @param currentClass the class we are currently looking at
* @param isInitializationCode are we analyzing a (static/non-static) initializer block of a class
* @param updateInitializationStore should the initialization store be updated
* @param isStatic are we analyzing a static construct
* @param capturedStore the input Store to use for captured variables, e.g. in a lambda
* @see #postAnalyze(org.checkerframework.dataflow.cfg.ControlFlowGraph)
protected void analyze(Queue<Pair<ClassTree, Store>> queue, Queue<Pair<LambdaExpressionTree, Store>> lambdaQueue, UnderlyingAST ast, List<FieldInitialValue<Value>> fieldValues, ClassTree currentClass, boolean isInitializationCode, boolean updateInitializationStore, boolean isStatic, Store capturedStore) {
ControlFlowGraph cfg =, ast, checker, this, processingEnv);
if (isInitializationCode) {
Store initStore = !isStatic ? initializationStore : initializationStaticStore;
if (initStore != null) {
// we have already seen initialization code and analyzed it, and
// the analysis ended with the store initStore.
// use it to start the next analysis.
} else {
} else {
analysis.performAnalysis(cfg, fieldValues);
AnalysisResult<Value, Store> result = analysis.getResult();
// store result
if (ast.getKind() == UnderlyingAST.Kind.METHOD) {
// store exit store (for checking postconditions)
CFGMethod mast = (CFGMethod) ast;
MethodTree method = mast.getMethod();
Store regularExitStore = analysis.getRegularExitStore();
if (regularExitStore != null) {
regularExitStores.put(method, regularExitStore);
Store exceptionalExitStore = analysis.getExceptionalExitStore();
if (exceptionalExitStore != null) {
exceptionalExitStores.put(method, exceptionalExitStore);
returnStatementStores.put(method, analysis.getReturnStatementStores());
} else if (ast.getKind() == UnderlyingAST.Kind.ARBITRARY_CODE) {
CFGStatement block = (CFGStatement) ast;
Store regularExitStore = analysis.getRegularExitStore();
if (regularExitStore != null) {
regularExitStores.put(block.getCode(), regularExitStore);
Store exceptionalExitStore = analysis.getExceptionalExitStore();
if (exceptionalExitStore != null) {
exceptionalExitStores.put(block.getCode(), exceptionalExitStore);
} else if (ast.getKind() == UnderlyingAST.Kind.LAMBDA) {
// TODO: Postconditions?
CFGLambda block = (CFGLambda) ast;
Store regularExitStore = analysis.getRegularExitStore();
if (regularExitStore != null) {
regularExitStores.put(block.getCode(), regularExitStore);
Store exceptionalExitStore = analysis.getExceptionalExitStore();
if (exceptionalExitStore != null) {
exceptionalExitStores.put(block.getCode(), exceptionalExitStore);
} else {
assert false : "Unexpected AST kind: " + ast.getKind();
if (isInitializationCode && updateInitializationStore) {
Store newInitStore = analysis.getRegularExitStore();
if (!isStatic) {
initializationStore = newInitStore;
} else {
initializationStaticStore = newInitStore;
// add classes declared in CFG
for (ClassTree cls : cfg.getDeclaredClasses()) {
queue.add(Pair.of(cls, getStoreBefore(cls)));
// add lambdas declared in CFG
for (LambdaExpressionTree lambda : cfg.getDeclaredLambdas()) {
lambdaQueue.add(Pair.of(lambda, getStoreBefore(lambda)));
use of com.sun.source.tree.LambdaExpressionTree in project checker-framework by typetools.
the class TypeFromMemberVisitor method inferLambdaParamAnnotations.
* Returns the type of the lambda parameter, or null if paramElement is not a lambda parameter.
* @return the type of the lambda parameter, or null if paramElement is not a lambda parameter
private static AnnotatedTypeMirror inferLambdaParamAnnotations(AnnotatedTypeFactory f, AnnotatedTypeMirror lambdaParam, Element paramElement) {
if (paramElement.getKind() != ElementKind.PARAMETER || f.declarationFromElement(paramElement) == null || f.getPath(f.declarationFromElement(paramElement)) == null || f.getPath(f.declarationFromElement(paramElement)).getParentPath() == null) {
return null;
Tree declaredInTree = f.getPath(f.declarationFromElement(paramElement)).getParentPath().getLeaf();
if (declaredInTree.getKind() == Tree.Kind.LAMBDA_EXPRESSION) {
LambdaExpressionTree lambdaDecl = (LambdaExpressionTree) declaredInTree;
int index = lambdaDecl.getParameters().indexOf(f.declarationFromElement(paramElement));
AnnotatedExecutableType functionType = f.getFunctionTypeFromTree(lambdaDecl);
AnnotatedTypeMirror funcTypeParam = functionType.getParameterTypes().get(index);
if (TreeUtils.isImplicitlyTypedLambda(declaredInTree)) {
// type arguments are not substituted when the annotated type arguments are.
if (TypesUtils.isErasedSubtype(funcTypeParam.underlyingType, lambdaParam.underlyingType, f.types)) {
return AnnotatedTypes.asSuper(f, funcTypeParam, lambdaParam);
return lambdaParam;
} else {
// The lambda expression is explicitly typed, so the parameters have declared types:
// (String s) -> ...
// The declared type may or may not have explicit annotations.
// If it does not have an annotation for a hierarchy, then copy the annotation from
// the function type rather than use usual defaulting rules.
// Note lambdaParam is a super type of funcTypeParam, so only primary annotations
// can be copied.
return lambdaParam;
return null;