use of com.sun.voip.MediaInfo in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class CallSetupAgent method stopCallAnsweredTreatment.
* Stop call answered treatment
public void stopCallAnsweredTreatment() {
if (callAnsweredTreatment != null) {
if (Logger.logLevel >= Logger.LOG_MOREINFO) {
Logger.println("Call " + callHandler + " Stop callAnsweredTreatment player...");
callAnsweredTreatment = null;
} else {
if (cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() != 0) {
if (getState() == CallState.INVITED) {
MediaInfo mediaInfo = callHandler.getConferenceManager().getMediaInfo();
setState(CallState.ESTABLISHED, "ConferencePayload='" + mediaInfo.getPayload() + "'" + " BridgeIPAddress='" + Bridge.getPrivateHost() + "'");
use of com.sun.voip.MediaInfo in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class NSOutgoingCallAgent method setRemoteMediaInfo.
public void setRemoteMediaInfo(String sdp) throws ParseException {
if (getState() != CallState.INVITED) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + ": NSOutgoingCallAgent: bad state " + getState());
sdp = sdp.replaceAll("\\+", "\r\n");
Logger.println("Call " + cp + ": NSOutgoingCallAgent: remote SDP: " + sdp);
SdpInfo sdpInfo = sipUtil.getSdpInfo(sdp, false);
MediaInfo mediaInfo = sdpInfo.getMediaInfo();
InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(sdpInfo.getRemoteHost(), sdpInfo.getRemotePort());
Logger.println("Call " + cp + ": NSOutgoingCallAgent: " + mediaInfo + " remote " + isa);
setEndpointAddress(isa, mediaInfo.getPayload(), sdpInfo.getTransmitMediaInfo().getPayload(), sdpInfo.getTelephoneEventPayload());
if (callAnswered) {
Logger.writeFile("Call " + cp + ": NSOutgoingCallAgent: done remote SDP");
* The CallParticipant has answered.
* If join confirmation is required, we remain in the
* INVITED state.
callAnswered = true;
if (cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() == 0) {
* Start treatment if any and wait for it to finish.
* When the treatment finishes, notification will
* be delivered to our parent which will indicate
* we're ready for the conference.
* If there's no treatment to be played, we're ready now
* unless we're waiting for join confirmation..
if (callAnsweredTreatment != null) {
} else {
if (cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() == 0) {
use of com.sun.voip.MediaInfo in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class MemberReceiver method restartInputTreatment.
public void restartInputTreatment() {
if (Logger.logLevel >= Logger.LOG_MOREINFO) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " restartInputTreatment " + cp.getInputTreatment());
if (whisperGroup == null) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " restartInputTreatment wg is null!");
synchronized (this) {
if (cp.getInputTreatment() != null && cp.getInputTreatment().length() > 0) {
try {
MediaInfo conferenceMediaInfo = conferenceManager.getMediaInfo();
String absolutePath = cp.getInputTreatment();
if (cp.getRecordDirectory() != null) {
absolutePath = Recorder.getAbsolutePath(cp.getRecordDirectory(), cp.getInputTreatment());
if (Logger.logLevel >= Logger.LOG_INFO) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " new input treatment " + absolutePath);
new InputTreatment(this, absolutePath, 0, conferenceMediaInfo.getSampleRate(), conferenceMediaInfo.getChannels());
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.println(cp + " Unable to restart input treatment " + cp.getInputTreatment() + ": " + e.getMessage());
callHandler.cancelRequest("unable to restart input treatment " + cp.getInputTreatment() + ": " + e.getMessage());
use of com.sun.voip.MediaInfo in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class MemberReceiver method initialize.
* Initialize this member. The call has been established and
* we now know the port at which the member (CallParticipant)
* listens for data.
public void initialize(ConferenceManager conferenceManager, CallHandler callHandler, byte mediaPayload, byte telephoneEventPayload, RtcpReceiver rtcpReceiver) {
this.conferenceManager = conferenceManager;
this.telephoneEventPayload = telephoneEventPayload;
this.rtcpReceiver = rtcpReceiver;
this.callHandler = callHandler;
Logger.writeFile("Call " + cp + " MemberReceiver initialization started..." + cp.getProtocol());
conferenceWhisperGroup = conferenceManager.getWGManager().getConferenceWhisperGroup();
MediaInfo conferenceMediaInfo = conferenceManager.getMediaInfo();
int outSampleRate = conferenceMediaInfo.getSampleRate();
int outChannels = conferenceMediaInfo.getChannels();
jitterManager = new JitterManager("Call " + cp.toString());
if (cp.voiceDetection()) {
if (Logger.logLevel >= Logger.LOG_MOREINFO) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " starting speech Detector...");
speechDetector = new SpeechDetector(this.toString(), conferenceMediaInfo);
if (cp.getProtocol() != null && ("WebRtc".equals(cp.getProtocol()) || "Rtmfp".equals(cp.getProtocol()) || "Speaker".equals(cp.getProtocol()))) {
if (cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() == 0) {
joinConfirmationReceived = true;
readyToReceiveData = true;
} else {
try {
myMediaInfo = SdpManager.findMediaInfo(mediaPayload);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " Invalid mediaPayload " + mediaPayload);
callHandler.cancelRequest("Invalid mediaPayload " + mediaPayload);
Logger.println("My media info: " + myMediaInfo);
int inSampleRate = myMediaInfo.getSampleRate();
int inChannels = myMediaInfo.getChannels();
//if (cp.getPhoneNumber().indexOf("@") >= 0) {
ConferenceReceiver conferenceReceiver = conferenceManager.getConferenceReceiver();
* For input treatments, the treatment manager does the resampling.
if (cp.getInputTreatment() == null) {
if (inSampleRate != outSampleRate || inChannels != outChannels) {
try {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " resample received data from " + inSampleRate + "/" + inChannels + " to " + outSampleRate + "/" + outChannels);
inSampleRateConverter = new SampleRateConverter(this.toString(), inSampleRate, inChannels, outSampleRate, outChannels);
} catch (IOException e) {
packet = new RtpReceiverPacket(cp.toString(), myMediaInfo.getEncoding(), inSampleRate, inChannels);
if (initializationDone) {
* This is a re-initialize
//if (telephoneEventPayload == 0 && (cp.dtmfDetection() || cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() != 0)) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " starting dtmf Detector..." + telephoneEventPayload + " " + cp.dtmfDetection());
dtmfDecoder = new DtmfDecoder(this, myMediaInfo);
if (myMediaInfo.getEncoding() == RtpPacket.SPEEX_ENCODING) {
try {
speexDecoder = new SpeexDecoder(inSampleRate, inChannels);
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " created SpeexDecoder");
} catch (SpeexException e) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + e.getMessage());
} else if (myMediaInfo.getEncoding() == RtpPacket.PCM_ENCODING) {
try {
opusDecoder = Opus.decoder_create(opusSampleRate, opusChannels);
if (opusDecoder == 0) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " OPUS decoder creation error ");
callHandler.cancelRequest("OPUS decoder creation error ");
} catch (Exception e) {
if (cp.getJoinConfirmationTimeout() == 0) {
joinConfirmationReceived = true;
readyToReceiveData = true;
if (cp.getInputTreatment() != null && cp.getInputTreatment().length() > 0) {
String absolutePath = cp.getInputTreatment();
try {
if (cp.getRecordDirectory() != null) {
absolutePath = Recorder.getAbsolutePath(cp.getRecordDirectory(), cp.getInputTreatment());
if (Logger.logLevel >= Logger.LOG_INFO) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " New input treatment: " + absolutePath);
synchronized (this) {
new InputTreatment(this, absolutePath, 0, conferenceMediaInfo.getSampleRate(), conferenceMediaInfo.getChannels());
} catch (IOException e) {
Logger.println("MemberReceiver: Invalid input treatment " + absolutePath + ": " + e.getMessage());
callHandler.cancelRequest("Invalid input treatment " + absolutePath + ": " + e.getMessage());
String forwardingCallId = cp.getForwardingCallId();
if (forwardingCallId != null) {
CallHandler forwardingCall = CallHandler.findCall(forwardingCallId);
if (forwardingCall == null) {
Logger.println("Invalid forwardingCallId: " + forwardingCallId);
callHandler.cancelRequest("Invalid forwardingCallId: " + forwardingCallId);
ConferenceMember m = forwardingCall.getMember();
* If the source of the data is an input treatment, there
* is no need to have the forwarding call receive data
* from the remote side.
if (cp.getInputTreatment() != null) {
initializationDone = true;
Logger.writeFile("Call " + cp + " MemberReceiver initialization done...");
use of com.sun.voip.MediaInfo in project Openfire by igniterealtime.
the class SipTPCCallAgent method handleReInvite.
private void handleReInvite(Request request, ServerTransaction st) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " Re-INVITE\n" + request);
if (request.getRawContent() == null) {
Logger.error("Call " + cp + " no SDP in INVITE Request!");
String sdpBody = new String(request.getRawContent());
SdpInfo sdpInfo;
try {
sdpInfo = sipUtil.getSdpInfo(sdpBody);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Logger.error("Call " + cp + " invalid SDP in re-INVITE Request! " + e.getMessage());
MediaInfo mediaInfo = sdpInfo.getMediaInfo();
InetSocketAddress isa = new InetSocketAddress(sdpInfo.getRemoteHost(), sdpInfo.getRemotePort());
InetSocketAddress rtcpAddress = sdpInfo.getRtcpAddress();
setEndpointAddress(isa, mediaInfo.getPayload(), sdpInfo.getTransmitMediaInfo().getPayload(), sdpInfo.getTelephoneEventPayload(), rtcpAddress);
isa = callHandler.getReceiveAddress();
try {
sipUtil.sendOkWithSdp(request, st, isa, sdpInfo);
} catch (Exception e) {
Logger.println("Call " + cp + " Failed to send ok with sdp for re-invite " + e.getMessage());