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Example 11 with Codec

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class StreamMessageTest method useStreamCodec.

private StreamMessage useStreamCodec(String msg) throws IOException {
    Codec codec = Codecs.createSOAPEnvelopeXmlCodec(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11);
    Packet packet = new Packet();
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes());
    codec.decode(in, "text/xml", packet);
    return (StreamMessage) packet.getInternalMessage();
Also used : Packet( Codec( MtomCodec( ByteArrayInputStream(

Example 12 with Codec

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class AbstractServerAsyncTransport method handle.

 * Reads and decodes infoset from the connection and invokes the endpoints. The
 * response is encoded and written to the connection. The response could be
 * written using a different thread.
 * @param connection that carries the web service request
 * @throws IOException if an i/o error happens while encoding/decoding
protected void handle(final T connection) throws IOException {
    final Codec codec = codecPool.take();
    Packet request = decodePacket(connection, codec);
    if (!request.getMessage().isFault()) {
        endpoint.schedule(request, new WSEndpoint.CompletionCallback() {

            public void onCompletion(@NotNull Packet response) {
                try {
                    encodePacket(connection, response, codec);
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
Also used : Packet( Codec( IOException(

Example 13 with Codec

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class MimeCodec method getStaticContentType.

public ContentType getStaticContentType(Packet packet) {
    ContentType ct = (ContentType) packet.getInternalContentType();
    if (ct != null)
        return ct;
    Message msg = packet.getMessage();
    boolean hasAttachments = !msg.getAttachments().isEmpty();
    Codec rootCodec = getMimeRootCodec(packet);
    if (hasAttachments) {
        String boundary = "uuid:" + UUID.randomUUID();
        String boundaryParameter = "boundary=\"" + boundary + "\"";
        // TODO use primaryEncoder to get type
        String messageContentType = MULTIPART_RELATED_MIME_TYPE + "; type=\"" + rootCodec.getMimeType() + "\"; " + boundaryParameter;
        ContentTypeImpl impl = new ContentTypeImpl(messageContentType, packet.soapAction, null);
        return impl;
    } else {
        ct = rootCodec.getStaticContentType(packet);
        return ct;
Also used : Codec( ContentType( Message(

Example 14 with Codec

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class StreamMessageTester method useStreamCodec.

 * Test to see if ns declarations on soap envelope are captured on to the headers after parsing.
 * @throws Exception
/* This test has been moved to jaxws-unit harness to use tag 2.1.5

    public void testHeadersInStreamMessage() throws Exception {
    	String requestStr = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" +
                "<S:Envelope xmlns:S=\"\" " +
                "xmlns:wsa=\"\" xmlns:user=\"\">" +
                "<S:Header>" +
                "<user:foo>bar</user:foo>" +
                "</S:Header>" +
                "<S:Body>" +
                "<addNumbers xmlns=\"\">" +
                "<number1>10</number1>" +
                "<number2>10</number2>" +
                "</addNumbers>" +
        Message message = useStreamCodec(requestStr);
        HeaderList hl = message.getHeaders();
        ByteArrayBuffer baos = new ByteArrayBuffer();
        XMLStreamWriter writer = XMLStreamWriterFactory.create(baos);
        for(Header h: hl) {

        XMLInputFactory readerFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
        XMLStreamReader reader = readerFactory.createXMLStreamReader(baos.newInputStream());;// go to start element
        Header h = Headers.create(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11,reader);
Message useStreamCodec(String msg) throws IOException {
    Codec codec = Codecs.createSOAPEnvelopeXmlCodec(SOAPVersion.SOAP_11);
    Packet packet = new Packet();
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes());
    codec.decode(in, "text/xml", packet);
    return packet.getMessage();
Also used : Codec( ByteArrayInputStream(

Example 15 with Codec

use of in project metro-jax-ws by eclipse-ee4j.

the class ReferenceParametersTest method useStream12Codec.

Message useStream12Codec(String msg) throws IOException {
    Codec codec = Codecs.createSOAPEnvelopeXmlCodec(SOAPVersion.SOAP_12);
    Packet packet = new Packet();
    ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(msg.getBytes());
    codec.decode(in, "application/soap+xml", packet);
    return packet.getMessage();
Also used : Packet( Codec( ByteArrayInputStream(


Codec ( ByteArrayInputStream ( Packet ( ContentType ( IOException ( Attachment ( Message ( MimeAttachmentSet ( StreamMessage ( ByteArrayBuffer ( WebServiceException ( XMLStreamWriter ( BindingID ( WSBinding ( BindingImpl ( MtomCodec ( SOAPBindingCodec ( XMLHTTPBindingCodec ( XMLCodec ( ByteArrayOutputStream (