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Example 61 with AuthorPermissions

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class MuteCommand method leaveAction.

@Command(value = "leave action", aliases = { "leaveaction" }, description = "Set an action to occur when a user leaves and rejoins while muted")
@Examples({ "mute leave action BAN", "mute leave action MUTE_EXTEND 24h", "mute leave action reset" })
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
public void leaveAction(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "action | reset", endless = true) @AlternativeOptions({ "reset" }) @EnumOptions(value = { "KICK", "UNBAN", "UNMUTE" }, exclude = true) Alternative<TimedArgument<ModAction>> option) {
    Bson update;
    if (option.isAlternative()) {
        update = Updates.unset("mute.leaveAction");
    } else {
        TimedArgument<ModAction> timedAction = option.getValue();
        ModAction action = timedAction.getArgument();
        Document modAction = new Document("type", action.getType());
        if (action.isTimed()) {
            Duration duration = timedAction.getDuration();
            if (duration == null) {
                event.replyFailure("You need to provide a duration for this mod action").queue();
            modAction.append("duration", duration.toSeconds());
        update = Updates.set("mute.leaveAction", modAction);
    event.getMongo().updateGuildById(event.getGuild().getIdLong(), update).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        if (result.getModifiedCount() == 0 && result.getUpsertedId() == null) {
            event.replyFailure("Your leave action was already " + (option.isAlternative() ? "unset" : "set to that")).queue();
        event.replySuccess("Your leave action has been " + (option.isAlternative() ? "unset" : "updated")).queue();
Also used : ModAction( Duration(java.time.Duration) Document(org.bson.Document) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) AuthorPermissions( Command( Sx4Command( CommandId( Examples(

Example 62 with AuthorPermissions

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class RoleCommand method remove.

@Command(value = "remove", description = "Remove a role from a member")
@Redirects({ "removerole", "remove role", "rr" })
@Examples({ "role remove @Shea#6653 Role", "role remove Shea 345718366373150720", "role remove @Role" })
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_ROLES })
@BotPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_ROLES })
public void remove(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "user", nullDefault = true) Member member, @Argument(value = "role", endless = true) Role role) {
    if (role.isManaged()) {
        event.replyFailure("I cannot remove managed roles").queue();
    if (role.isPublicRole()) {
        event.replyFailure("I cannot remove the @everyone role").queue();
    if (!event.getMember().canInteract(role)) {
        event.replyFailure("You cannot remove a role higher or equal than your top role").queue();
    if (!event.getSelfMember().canInteract(role)) {
        event.replyFailure("I cannot remove a role higher or equal than my top role").queue();
    Member effectiveMember = member == null ? event.getMember() : member;
    event.getGuild().removeRoleFromMember(effectiveMember, role).flatMap($ -> event.replySuccess(role.getAsMention() + " has been removed from **" + effectiveMember.getUser().getAsTag() + "**")).queue();
Also used : Command( Sx4Command( Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission) Set(java.util.Set) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member) Colour( Collectors( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ModuleCategory( Alternative( PermissionUtility( List(java.util.List) Role(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Role) Sx4CommandEvent( Option( AlternativeOptions( FutureUtility( Argument( Limit( PermissionUtil(net.dv8tion.jda.internal.utils.PermissionUtil) Member(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member) Command( Sx4Command(

Example 63 with AuthorPermissions

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class TemplateCommand method add.

@Command(value = "add", description = "Add a template in the current server")
@Examples({ "template add tos Broke ToS", "template add spam Spamming excessively" })
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
public void add(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "template") @Limit(max = 100) String template, @Argument(value = "reason", endless = true) String reason) {
    Document data = new Document("template", template).append("reason", reason).append("guildId", event.getGuild().getIdLong());
    event.getMongo().insertTemplate(data).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        Throwable cause = exception instanceof CompletionException ? exception.getCause() : exception;
        if (cause instanceof MongoWriteException && ((MongoWriteException) cause).getError().getCategory() == ErrorCategory.DUPLICATE_KEY) {
            event.replyFailure("You already have a template with that name").queue();
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        event.replySuccess("That template has been added with id `" + result.getInsertedId().asObjectId().getValue().toHexString() + "`").queue();
Also used : MongoWriteException(com.mongodb.MongoWriteException) CompletionException(java.util.concurrent.CompletionException) Document(org.bson.Document) AuthorPermissions( Command( Sx4Command( CommandId( Examples(

Example 64 with AuthorPermissions

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class FreeGamesCommand method add.

@Command(value = "add", description = "Add a channel to get free game notifications from Epic Games")
@Examples({ "free games add", "free games add #channel" })
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
public void add(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "channel", nullDefault = true, endless = true) BaseGuildMessageChannel channel) {
    MessageChannel messageChannel = event.getChannel();
    if (channel == null && !(messageChannel instanceof BaseGuildMessageChannel)) {
        event.replyFailure("You cannot use this channel type").queue();
    BaseGuildMessageChannel effectiveChannel = channel == null ? (BaseGuildMessageChannel) messageChannel : channel;
    Document data = new Document("channelId", effectiveChannel.getIdLong()).append("guildId", event.getGuild().getIdLong());
    event.getMongo().insertFreeGameChannel(data).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        Throwable cause = exception instanceof CompletionException ? exception.getCause() : exception;
        if (cause instanceof MongoWriteException && ((MongoWriteException) cause).getError().getCategory() == ErrorCategory.DUPLICATE_KEY) {
            event.replyFailure("You already have a free games channel in " + effectiveChannel.getAsMention()).queue();
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        event.replySuccess("Free game notifications will now be sent in " + effectiveChannel.getAsMention()).queue();
Also used : MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel) BaseGuildMessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.BaseGuildMessageChannel) MongoWriteException(com.mongodb.MongoWriteException) CompletionException(java.util.concurrent.CompletionException) BaseGuildMessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.BaseGuildMessageChannel) Document(org.bson.Document) Command( Sx4Command(

Example 65 with AuthorPermissions

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class FreeGamesCommand method message.

@Command(value = "message", description = "Set the message for the free game notifications")
@Examples({ "free games message {game.title} is now free!", "free games message {game.title} {game.original_price.equals(0).then().else(was £{game.original_price.format(,##0.00)} and)} is now free!" })
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
public void message(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "channel", nullDefault = true) BaseGuildMessageChannel channel, @Argument(value = "message", endless = true) @Limit(max = 2000) String message) {
    MessageChannel messageChannel = event.getChannel();
    if (channel == null && !(messageChannel instanceof BaseGuildMessageChannel)) {
        event.replyFailure("You cannot use this channel type").queue();
    BaseGuildMessageChannel effectiveChannel = channel == null ? (BaseGuildMessageChannel) messageChannel : channel;
    event.getMongo().updateFreeGameChannel(Filters.eq("channelId", effectiveChannel.getIdLong()), Updates.set("message.content", message), new UpdateOptions()).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        if (result.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("You don't have a free game channel setup").queue();
        if (result.getModifiedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("Your message for free game notifications is already set to that").queue();
        event.replySuccess("Your message for free game notifications has been updated").queue();
Also used : MessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel) BaseGuildMessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.BaseGuildMessageChannel) BaseGuildMessageChannel(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.BaseGuildMessageChannel) Command( Sx4Command(


Command ( Sx4Command ( Bson (org.bson.conversions.Bson)52 AuthorPermissions ( CommandId ( Examples ( Document (org.bson.Document)48 Argument ( ModuleCategory ( Sx4CommandEvent ( Permission (net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission)26 TextChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.TextChannel)26 PagedResult ( BaseGuildMessageChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.BaseGuildMessageChannel)24 Operators ( ExceptionUtility ( CompletionException (java.util.concurrent.CompletionException)22 MessageChannel (net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageChannel)20 MongoWriteException (com.mongodb.MongoWriteException)19 com.mongodb.client.model (com.mongodb.client.model)19