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Example 16 with Or

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class AntiInviteCommand method resetAfter.

@Command(value = "reset after", description = "The time it should take for attempts to be taken away")
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
@Examples({ "antiinvite reset after 1 1 day", "antiinvite reset after 3 5h 20s", "antiinvite reset after 3 5h 20s" })
public void resetAfter(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "amount") @Limit(min = 0) int amount, @Argument(value = "time", endless = true, nullDefault = true) Duration time) {
    if (time != null && time.toMinutes() < 5) {
        event.replyFailure("The duration has to be 5 minutes or above").queue();
    if (amount != 0 && time == null) {
        event.reply("You need to provide a duration if attempts is more than 0").queue();
    Bson update = amount == 0 ? Updates.unset("attempts.reset") : Updates.set("attempts.reset", new Document("amount", amount).append("after", time.toSeconds()));
    Bson filter = Filters.and(Filters.eq("regexId", AntiInviteCommand.REGEX_ID), Filters.eq("guildId", event.getGuild().getIdLong()));
    event.getMongo().updateRegex(filter, update).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        if (result.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("You do not have anti-invite setup").queue();
        if (result.getModifiedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("Your reset attempts configuration was already set to that").queue();
        event.reply(amount == 0 ? "Users attempts will no longer reset" + event.getConfig().getSuccessEmote() : String.format("Users attempts will now reset **%d** time%s after `%s` %s", amount, amount == 1 ? "" : "s", TimeUtility.LONG_TIME_FORMATTER.parse(time.toSeconds()), event.getConfig().getSuccessEmote())).queue();
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) AuthorPermissions( Command( Sx4Command( CommandId( Examples(

Example 17 with Or

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class AntiRegexCommand method resetAfter.

@Command(value = "reset after", description = "The time it should take for attempts to be taken away")
@AuthorPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MANAGE_SERVER })
@Examples({ "anti regex reset after 5f023782ef9eba03390a740c 1 1 day", "anti regex reset after 5f023782ef9eba03390a740c 3 5h 20s", "anti regex reset after 5f023782ef9eba03390a740c 3 5h 20s" })
public void resetAfter(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "id") ObjectId id, @Argument(value = "amount") @Limit(min = 0) int amount, @Argument(value = "time", endless = true, nullDefault = true) Duration time) {
    if (time != null && time.toMinutes() < 5) {
        event.replyFailure("The duration has to be 5 minutes or above").queue();
    if (amount != 0 && time == null) {
        event.reply("You need to provide a duration if attempts is more than 0").queue();
    Bson update = amount == 0 ? Updates.unset("attempts.reset") : Updates.set("attempts.reset", new Document("amount", amount).append("after", time.toSeconds()));
    event.getMongo().updateRegex(Filters.and(Filters.eq("_id", id), Filters.eq("guildId", event.getGuild().getIdLong())), update).whenComplete((result, exception) -> {
        if (ExceptionUtility.sendExceptionally(event, exception)) {
        if (result.getMatchedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("I could not find that anti regex").queue();
        if (result.getModifiedCount() == 0) {
            event.replyFailure("Your reset attempts configuration was already set to that").queue();
        event.reply(amount == 0 ? "Users attempts will no longer reset" + event.getConfig().getSuccessEmote() : String.format("Users attempts will now reset **%d** time%s after `%s` %s", amount, amount == 1 ? "" : "s", TimeUtility.LONG_TIME_FORMATTER.parse(time.toSeconds()), event.getConfig().getSuccessEmote())).queue();
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) Bson(org.bson.conversions.Bson) AuthorPermissions( Command( Sx4Command( CommandId( Examples(

Example 18 with Or

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class PremiumCommand method perks.

@Command(value = "perks", description = "View the perks you get when you or a server has premium")
@Examples({ "premium perks" })
public void perks(Sx4CommandEvent event) {
    List<String> userPerks = event.getConfig().getPremiumUserPerks(), serverPerks = event.getConfig().getPremiumServerPerks();
    EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder().setAuthor("Premium Perks", null, event.getSelfUser().getEffectiveAvatarUrl()).addField("Personal Perks", "• " + String.join("\n• ", userPerks), false).addField("Server Perks", "• " + String.join("\n• ", serverPerks), false);
Also used : EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder) Command( Sx4Command( CommandId( Examples(

Example 19 with Or

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class CSGOSkinCommand method skinBaron.

public void skinBaron(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "skin name", endless = true, nullDefault = true) String query, @Option(value = "sort", description = "You can sort by `expensive`, `cheapest`, `best_deal`, `newest`, `rarest`, `best_float` or `popularity`") Sort sort, @Option(value = "wear", description = "What wear you would like to filter by, options are `fn`, `mw`, `ft`, `ww` and `bs`") Wear wear) {
    Request suggestionRequest = new Request.Builder().url("" + URLEncoder.encode(query, StandardCharsets.UTF_8) + "&appId=730&language=en").build();
    event.getHttpClient().newCall(suggestionRequest).enqueue((HttpCallback) suggestionResponse -> {
        Document data = Document.parse(suggestionResponse.body().string());
        List<Document> variants = data.getList("variants", Document.class);
        if (variants.isEmpty()) {
            event.replyFailure("I could not find any skins from that query").queue();
        PagedResult<Document> suggestions = new PagedResult<>(event.getBot(), variants).setAuthor("SkinBaron", null, "").setDisplayFunction(suggestion -> suggestion.getString("variantName")).setIndexed(true).setAutoSelect(true);
        suggestions.onSelect(select -> {
            Document selected = select.getSelected();
            StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder("" + selected.getInteger("id") + "&sort=" + (sort == null ? Sort.DEAL : sort).getIdentifier());
            if (wear != null) {
            Request request = new Request.Builder().url(url.toString()).build();
            event.getHttpClient().newCall(request).enqueue((HttpCallback) response -> {
                Document skinData = Document.parse(response.body().string());
                List<Document> offers = skinData.getList("aggregatedMetaOffers", Document.class);
                if (offers.isEmpty()) {
                    event.replyFailure("There are no skins listed with those filters").queue();
                PagedResult<Document> skins = new PagedResult<>(event.getBot(), offers).setPerPage(1).setSelect().setCustomFunction(page -> {
                    EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder();
                    embed.setFooter("Skin " + page.getPage() + "/" + page.getMaxPage());
                    page.forEach((d, index) -> {
                        Document skin = d.containsKey("singleOffer") ? d.get("singleOffer", Document.class) : d.get("variant", Document.class);
                        Number steamPrice = d.get("steamMarketPrice", Number.class);
                        String priceString;
                        if (skin.containsKey("itemPrice")) {
                            double price = skin.get("itemPrice", Number.class).doubleValue();
                            if (steamPrice == null) {
                                priceString = String.format("£%,.2f", price);
                            } else {
                                double increase = price - steamPrice.doubleValue();
                                priceString = String.format("~~£%,.2f~~ £%,.2f (%.2f%%)", steamPrice.doubleValue(), price, (increase / (increase > 0 ? steamPrice.doubleValue() : price)) * 100D);
                        } else {
                            priceString = String.format("£%,.2f", steamPrice.doubleValue());
                        int tradeLockHours = skin.getInteger("tradeLockHoursLeft", 0);
                        embed.setTitle(skin.getString("localizedName") + (skin.containsKey("statTrakString") ? " (StatTrak)" : ""), "" + d.getString("offerLink"));
                        embed.addField("Price", priceString, true);
                        String wearName = skin.getString("localizedExteriorName");
                        if (wearName != null) {
                            embed.addField("Wear", wearName, true);
                            embed.addField("Float", String.format("%.4f", skin.get("wearPercent", Number.class).doubleValue() / 100D), true);
                        embed.addField("Trade Locked", tradeLockHours == 0 ? "No" : "Yes (" + this.formatter.parse(Duration.ofHours(tradeLockHours)) + ")", true);
                    return new MessageBuilder().setEmbeds(;
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) Uppercase( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) SkinPortManager( PagedResult( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FormBody(okhttp3.FormBody) Sx4CommandEvent( TimeUtility( Duration(java.time.Duration) Map(java.util.Map) Option( TimeFormatter( ZoneOffset(java.time.ZoneOffset) Argument( Lowercase( Request(okhttp3.Request) HttpCallback( Sx4Command( EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder) StandardCharsets(java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets) ModuleCategory( URLEncoder( List(java.util.List) OffsetDateTime(java.time.OffsetDateTime) MessageBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.MessageBuilder) MessageEmbed(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.MessageEmbed) DefaultString( EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder) MessageBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.MessageBuilder) Request(okhttp3.Request) HttpCallback( DefaultString( Document(org.bson.Document) EmbedBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder) MessageBuilder(net.dv8tion.jda.api.MessageBuilder) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) PagedResult(

Example 20 with Or

use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.

the class DiscordCommand method onCommand.

public void onCommand(Sx4CommandEvent event, @Argument(value = "user", nullDefault = true) Member member, @Argument(value = "text | message id", endless = true) @Limit(max = 250) Or<MessageArgument, String> option, @Option(value = "light", description = "Sets the discord theme to light") boolean light) {
    if (member == null && option.hasSecond()) {
        event.replyFailure("You need to provide a user when not giving a message").queue();
    this.getContext(option, member).thenAccept(pair -> {
        Member effectiveMember = pair.getLeft();
        User user = effectiveMember.getUser();
        String text = pair.getRight();
        Request request = new ImageRequest(event.getConfig().getImageWebserverUrl("discord")).addField("name", effectiveMember.getEffectiveName()).addField("avatar", user.getEffectiveAvatarUrl()).addField("bot", user.isBot()).addField("dark_theme", !light).addField("colour", effectiveMember.getColorRaw()).addField("text", text).addAllFields(this.getMentions(event.getShardManager(), event.getGuild(), text)).build(event.getConfig().getImageWebserver());
        event.getHttpClient().newCall(request).enqueue((HttpCallback) response -> ImageUtility.getImageMessage(event, response).queue());
Also used : Document(org.bson.Document) net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities(net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities) Request(okhttp3.Request) ShardManager(net.dv8tion.jda.api.sharding.ShardManager) ImageRequest( HttpCallback( ImageUtility( Sx4Command( MessageArgument( Permission(net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission) SearchUtility( Set(java.util.Set) CompletableFuture(java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) ModuleCategory( Pair(net.dv8tion.jda.internal.utils.tuple.Pair) Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) Sx4CommandEvent( Option( Or( Argument( Limit( ImageRequest( Request(okhttp3.Request) ImageRequest(


Sx4Command ( Command ( Document (org.bson.Document)25 Argument ( ModuleCategory ( Sx4CommandEvent ( Bson (org.bson.conversions.Bson)17 CommandId ( EmbedBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.api.EmbedBuilder)16 Examples ( PagedResult ( Permission (net.dv8tion.jda.api.Permission)15 Member (net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.Member)13 List (java.util.List)12 CompletionException (java.util.concurrent.CompletionException)10 Option ( Collectors ( MessageBuilder (net.dv8tion.jda.api.MessageBuilder)8 AlternativeOptions ( Operators (