use of in project Sx4 by sx4-discord-bot.
the class PickaxeCommand method shop.
@Command(value = "shop", description = "View all the pickaxes you are able to buy or craft")
@Examples({ "pickaxe shop" })
@BotPermissions(permissions = { Permission.MESSAGE_EMBED_LINKS })
public void shop(Sx4CommandEvent event) {
List<Pickaxe> pickaxes = event.getBot().getEconomyManager().getItems(Pickaxe.class);
PagedResult<Pickaxe> paged = new PagedResult<>(event.getBot(), pickaxes).setPerPage(12).setCustomFunction(page -> {
EmbedBuilder embed = new EmbedBuilder().setAuthor("Pickaxe Shop", null, event.getSelfUser().getEffectiveAvatarUrl()).setTitle("Page " + page.getPage() + "/" + page.getMaxPage()).setDescription("Pickaxes are a good way to gain some extra money aswell as some materials").setFooter(PagedResult.DEFAULT_FOOTER_TEXT);
page.forEach((pickaxe, index) -> {
List<ItemStack<CraftItem>> items = pickaxe.getCraft();
String craft = items.isEmpty() ? "None" :"\n"));
embed.addField(pickaxe.getName(), String.format("Price: $%,d\nCraft: %s\nDurability: %,d", pickaxe.getPrice(), craft, pickaxe.getMaxDurability()), true);
return new MessageBuilder().setEmbeds(;