use of com.tagtraum.perf.gcviewer.model.GcResourceFile in project GCViewer by chewiebug.
the class TestDataReaderFactory method testJRockit1_6ParConVerbose.
public void testJRockit1_6ParConVerbose() throws Exception {
String fileName = "SampleJRockit1_6_verbose_gc_mode_singleparcon.txt";
try (InputStream in = getInputStreamJRockit(fileName)) {
DataReader reader = new DataReaderFactory().getDataReader(new GcResourceFile(fileName), in);
assertDataReader(DataReaderJRockit1_6_0.class, reader.getClass());
use of com.tagtraum.perf.gcviewer.model.GcResourceFile in project GCViewer by chewiebug.
the class TestDataReaderSun1_6_0 method testPrintTenuringDistribution.
public void testPrintTenuringDistribution() throws Exception {
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(("2011-02-14T13:15:24.164+0100: 31581.748: [GC 31581.748: [ParNew" + "\nDesired survivor size 5963776 bytes, new threshold 1 (max 4)" + "\n- age 1: 8317928 bytes, 8317928 total" + "\n: 92938K->8649K(104832K), 0.0527364 secs] 410416K->326127K(1036928K), 0.0533874 secs] [Times: user=0.46 sys=0.09, real=0.05 secs]").getBytes());
DataReader reader = new DataReaderSun1_6_0(new GcResourceFile("byteArray"), in, GcLogType.SUN1_6);
GCModel model =;
assertEquals("GC count", 1, model.size());
assertEquals("event pause", 0.0533874, model.getGCPause().getMax(), 0.0000001);
assertEquals("promotion", 0, model.getPromotion().getMax());
use of com.tagtraum.perf.gcviewer.model.GcResourceFile in project GCViewer by chewiebug.
the class TestDataReaderSun1_6_0 method testPrintCmsStatistics.
public void testPrintCmsStatistics() throws Exception {
// will not be able to extract sense from this line, but must not loop
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(("0.521: [GC[YG occupancy: 2234 K (14784 K)]0.522: [Rescan (parallel) (Survivor:0chunks) Finished young gen rescan work in 1th thread: 0.000 sec").getBytes());
DataReader reader = new DataReaderSun1_6_0(new GcResourceFile("byteArray"), in, GcLogType.SUN1_6);
GCModel model =;
assertEquals("GC count", 0, model.size());
use of com.tagtraum.perf.gcviewer.model.GcResourceFile in project GCViewer by chewiebug.
the class TestDataReaderSun1_6_0 method testFullGcIncrementalTimestamp.
public void testFullGcIncrementalTimestamp() throws Exception {
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(("42927.215: [Full GC 42927.215: [CMS42927.255: [CMS-concurrent-sweep: 0.416/6.288 secs] [Times: user=17.38 sys=0.44, real=6.29 secs]" + "\n (concurrent mode failure): 262166K->215967K(785256K), 7.8308614 secs] 273998K->215967K(800040K), [CMS Perm : 523009K->155678K(524288K)] icms_dc=8 , 7.8320634 secs] [Times: user=4.59 sys=0.04, real=7.83 secs]").getBytes());
DataReader reader = new DataReaderSun1_6_0(new GcResourceFile("byteArray"), in, GcLogType.SUN1_6);
GCModel model =;
assertEquals("GC count", 2, model.size());
assertEquals("full gc pause", 7.8320634, model.getFullGCPause().getSum(), 0.00000001);
use of com.tagtraum.perf.gcviewer.model.GcResourceFile in project GCViewer by chewiebug.
the class TestDataReaderSun1_6_0 method testCMSAbortingPrecleanTimestamp.
public void testCMSAbortingPrecleanTimestamp() throws Exception {
ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(" CMS: abort preclean due to time 12467.886: [CMS-concurrent-abortable-preclean: 5.300/5.338 secs] [Times: user=10.70 sys=0.13, real=5.34 secs]".getBytes());
DataReader reader = new DataReaderSun1_6_0(new GcResourceFile("byteArray"), in, GcLogType.SUN1_6);
GCModel model =;
assertEquals("GC count", 1, model.size());
assertEquals("gc pause", 5.3, model.getConcurrentGCEvents().next().getPause(), 0.001);