use of in project jackrabbit by apache.
the class Utils method deleteBucket.
* Delete S3 bucket. This method first deletes all objects from bucket and
* then delete empty bucket.
* @param bucketName the bucket name.
public static void deleteBucket(final String bucketName) throws IOException {
Properties prop = readConfig(DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE);
AmazonS3 s3service = openService(prop);
ObjectListing prevObjectListing = s3service.listObjects(bucketName);
while (true) {
for (S3ObjectSummary s3ObjSumm : prevObjectListing.getObjectSummaries()) {
s3service.deleteObject(bucketName, s3ObjSumm.getKey());
if (!prevObjectListing.isTruncated()) {
prevObjectListing = s3service.listNextBatchOfObjects(prevObjectListing);
use of in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class PersistS3 method importFiles.
public void importFiles(String path, String pattern, ArrayList<String> files, ArrayList<String> keys, ArrayList<String> fails, ArrayList<String> dels) {"ImportS3 processing (" + path + ")");
// List of processed files
AmazonS3 s3 = getClient();
String[] parts = decodePath(path);
ObjectListing currentList = s3.listObjects(parts[0], parts[1]);
processListing(currentList, files, fails, true);
while (currentList.isTruncated()) {
currentList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(currentList);
processListing(currentList, files, fails, true);
// write barrier was here : DKV.write_barrier();
use of in project h2o-3 by h2oai.
the class PersistS3 method uriToKey.
public Key uriToKey(URI uri) throws IOException {
AmazonS3 s3 = getClient();
// Decompose URI into bucket, key
String[] parts = decodePath(uri.toString());
try {
ObjectMetadata om = s3.getObjectMetadata(parts[0], parts[1]);
// Voila: create S3 specific key pointing to the file
return S3FileVec.make(encodePath(parts[0], parts[1]), om.getContentLength());
} catch (AmazonServiceException e) {
if (e.getErrorCode().contains("404")) {
throw new IOException(e);
} else {
Log.err("AWS failed for " + Arrays.toString(parts) + ": " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
use of in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class ImportFiles2 method serveS3.
protected void serveS3() {
Futures fs = new Futures();
assert path.startsWith("s3://");
path = path.substring(5);
int bend = path.indexOf('/');
if (bend == -1)
bend = path.length();
String bucket = path.substring(0, bend);
String prefix = bend < path.length() ? path.substring(bend + 1) : "";
AmazonS3 s3 = PersistS3.getClient();
if (!s3.doesBucketExist(bucket))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("S3 Bucket " + bucket + " not found!");
ArrayList<String> succ = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<String> fail = new ArrayList<String>();
ObjectListing currentList = s3.listObjects(bucket, prefix);
while (true) {
for (S3ObjectSummary obj : currentList.getObjectSummaries()) try {
succ.add(S3FileVec.make(obj, fs).toString());
} catch (Throwable e) {
Log.err("Failed to loadfile from S3: path = " + obj.getKey() + ", error = " + e.getClass().getName() + ", msg = " + e.getMessage());
if (currentList.isTruncated())
currentList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(currentList);
keys = succ.toArray(new String[succ.size()]);
files = keys;
fails = fail.toArray(new String[fail.size()]);
this.prefix = getCommonPrefix(keys);
use of in project h2o-2 by h2oai.
the class ImportS3 method serve.
protected Response serve() {
String bucket = _bucket.value();"ImportS3 processing (" + bucket + ")");
JsonObject json = new JsonObject();
JsonArray succ = new JsonArray();
JsonArray fail = new JsonArray();
AmazonS3 s3 = PersistS3.getClient();
ObjectListing currentList = s3.listObjects(bucket);
processListing(currentList, succ, fail);
while (currentList.isTruncated()) {
currentList = s3.listNextBatchOfObjects(currentList);
processListing(currentList, succ, fail);
json.add(NUM_SUCCEEDED, new JsonPrimitive(succ.size()));
json.add(SUCCEEDED, succ);
json.add(NUM_FAILED, new JsonPrimitive(fail.size()));
json.add(FAILED, fail);
Response r = Response.done(json);
r.setBuilder(SUCCEEDED + "." + KEY, new KeyCellBuilder());
return r;