use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Path in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class Arc method calculate.
public static Path calculate(TrajectoryGenerator.Config config, TrajectoryGenerator.Strategy strategy, double start_velocity, double start_heading, double distance, double goal_velocity, double goal_heading) {
// Generate trajectory based to the inputs
Trajectory reference = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(config, strategy, // start velocity
start_velocity, // start heading
start_heading, // goal position
Math.abs(distance), // goal velocity
goal_velocity, // goal angle
Trajectory leftProfile = reference;
Trajectory rightProfile = reference.copy();
// Calculate the radius of the arc
double radius = Math.copySign(Math.abs(Math.abs(distance) / (goal_heading - start_heading * Math.PI / 180.0)), distance);
double width = 12.625;
// Find the difference between the left and right motors
double faster = (radius + (width / 2.0)) / radius;
double slower = (radius - (width / 2.0)) / radius;
// Determine which way to curve
if (goal_heading - start_heading > 0) {
} else if (goal_heading - start_heading < 0) {
Path ref = new Path("Arc", new Trajectory.Pair(leftProfile, rightProfile));
if (distance < 0)
return ref;
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Path in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class TestingSplinesDoubleTrajectory method runOpMode.
public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
// Used to log the speed and position to be able to plot the data in Excel
PhoneLogger logger = new PhoneLogger("SpeedPosTimeData.csv");
// Generate a simple path for testing
Path path = Line.calculate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, TrajectoryGenerator.SCurvesStrategy, 0, 0, 15, 0);
// Init our drivetrain
Drive mDrive = new Drive();
mDrive.init(this, true);
// Use speed control to make the output of the motor linear
* Used to make it easier to save constants
* P term, D term, V term, A term, P term for gyro compensation
* We are not using I because the feed-forward + feed-back control
* will be enough to control the system
FollowerConfig followerConfig = new FollowerConfig(Constants.p.getDouble(), Constants.d.getDouble(), Constants.v.getDouble(), Constants.a.getDouble(), Constants.headingP.getDouble());
// New Drive Controller
TrajectoryDriveController controller = new TrajectoryDriveController(mDrive, followerConfig);
// Tell the controller what profiles to follow
// (the two 1's are in case we want to mirror the path)
controller.loadPath(path, 1, 1);
// Lets go
telemetry.addData("Ready to Start", "");
// Used to calculate the change in time from the last reading
ElapsedTime dtTimer = new ElapsedTime();
ElapsedTime timeToComplete = new ElapsedTime();
double totalTime = 0;
boolean first = true;
// Used to calculate speed
double lastPosition = 0;
while (opModeIsActive()) {
// data
telemetry.addData("Time To Complete", totalTime);
telemetry.addData("Left Distance", mDrive.getLeftDistanceInches());
telemetry.addData("Right Distance", mDrive.getRightDistanceInches());
telemetry.addData("Left Speed", controller.wantedLeftSpeed);
telemetry.addData("Right Speed", controller.wantedRightSpeed);
telemetry.addData("Speed output", controller.getGoal());
telemetry.addData("Gyro", mDrive.getGyroAngleRadians());
telemetry.addData("dt", dtTimer.seconds());
telemetry.addData("Number of Segments", controller.getNumSegments());
telemetry.addData("Current Pos", controller.getFollowerCurrentSegment());
// Make sure we only update when we told the controller/trajectory we would
if (dtTimer.seconds() > defaultTrajectoryConfig.dt && !controller.isOnTarget()) {
// Update our controller
// Used to log data so we can plot it
double currentTime = timeToComplete.milliseconds();
double currentLeftPos = mDrive.getLeftDistanceInches();
double left_speed = (currentLeftPos - lastPosition) / dtTimer.milliseconds();
logger.write(String.valueOf(currentTime) + "," + String.valueOf(path.getLeftWheelTrajectory().getSegment(controller.getFollowerCurrentSegment()).pos) + "," + String.valueOf(currentLeftPos));
} else if (controller.isOnTarget()) {
mDrive.setLeftRightPower(0, 0);
if (first) {
// Track how long it took to complete the path
totalTime = timeToComplete.seconds();
first = false;
// Close the logger
// Be able to move the robot after we run it
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Path in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class PathFollowing method runOpMode.
public void runOpMode() throws InterruptedException {
waitForStart("Path", true);
TrajectoryGenerator.Config config = new TrajectoryGenerator.Config();
config.dt = .01;
config.max_acc = 10.0;
config.max_jerk = 60.0;
config.max_vel = 15.0;
final double kWheelbaseWidth = 12.625;
// Path name must be a valid Java class name.
final String path_name = "RedCloseCryptobox";
// Description of this auto mode path.
// Remember that this is for the GO LEFT CASE!
WaypointSequence p = new WaypointSequence(10);
p.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(0, 0, 0));
p.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(7.0, 0, 0));
Path path = PathGenerator.makePath(p, config, kWheelbaseWidth, path_name);
// Robot.getDrive().loadProfile(path.getLeftWheelTrajectory(),
// path.getRightWheelTrajectory(), 0, 0);
// while (opModeIsActive() && !Robot.getDrive().onTarget()){
// Robot.getDrive().update(1, 1);
// }
Robot.getDrive().setLeftRightPower(0, 0);
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Path in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class Drive method driveTrajectory.
public void driveTrajectory(double leftDistance, double rightDistance, long timeout) {
int lastLeft = getLeftCurrentPosition();
int lastRight = getRightCurrentPosition();
Trajectory left;
Trajectory right;
left = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, strategy, 0, 0, Math.abs(leftDistance), 0, 0);
right = TrajectoryGenerator.generate(defaultTrajectoryConfig, strategy, 0, 0, Math.abs(rightDistance), 0, 0);
if (leftDistance < 0) {
if (rightDistance < 0) {
new FollowPath(linearOpMode, this, new Path("", new Trajectory.Pair(left, right)), timeout, 1, 1);
this.setLeftRightTarget((int) ((leftDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH) + lastLeft), (int) ((rightDistance * COUNTS_PER_INCH) + lastRight));
setLeftRightPower(0.2, 0.2);
while (linearOpMode.opModeIsActive() && (leftMotor.isBusy() || rightMotor.isBusy())) Thread.yield();
setLeftRightPower(0, 0);
use of com.team254.lib_2014.trajectory.Path in project Relic_Main by TeamOverdrive.
the class TestingFIles method main.
public static void main(String... args) {
TrajectoryGenerator.Config config = new TrajectoryGenerator.Config();
// In/s
config.max_vel = 23.832;
// In/s^2
config.max_acc = 11.9;
// In/s^3
config.max_jerk = 10;
config.dt = 0.01;
// WaypointSequence waypointSequence = new WaypointSequence(10);
// waypointSequence.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(0, 0, 0));
// waypointSequence.addWaypoint(
// new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(4, 0, 0));
// waypointSequence.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(42.25-30, 34.5-26, Math.toRadians(5)));
// WaypointSequence blueClose = new WaypointSequence(5);
// blueClose.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(0, 4, 0));
// blueClose.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(, 0, 0));
// blueClose.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(5, 36, Math.toRadians(-10)));
// Path path = PathGenerator.makePath(blueClose, config, 12.625, "");
// System.out.println(path.getLeftWheelTrajectory().toStringEuclidean());
WaypointSequence waypointSequence = new WaypointSequence(10);
double xOffset = 120;
double yOffset = 96;
waypointSequence.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(96 - yOffset, 120 - xOffset, 0));
waypointSequence.addWaypoint(new WaypointSequence.Waypoint(126 - yOffset, 115 - xOffset, Math.toRadians(-15)));
Path pathToRightColumnRedFar = PathGenerator.makePath(waypointSequence, config, 12.625, "");