use of in project angel by Tencent.
the class RangePartitioner method getPartitions.
public List<PartitionMeta> getPartitions() {
List<PartitionMeta> partitions = new ArrayList<PartitionMeta>();
int id = 0;
int matrixId = mContext.getMatrixId();
int row = mContext.getRowNum();
long col = mContext.getColNum();
long start = mContext.getIndexStart();
long end = mContext.getIndexEnd();
long validIndexNum = mContext.getValidIndexNum();
if (col > 0 && validIndexNum > col)
validIndexNum = col;
int blockRow = mContext.getMaxRowNumInBlock();
long blockCol = mContext.getMaxColNumInBlock();
int serverNum = conf.getInt(AngelConf.ANGEL_PS_NUMBER, AngelConf.DEFAULT_ANGEL_PS_NUMBER);"start to split matrix " + mContext);
double range = col;
// range of long.
if (col <= 0)
range = ((double) end - (double) start);
if (validIndexNum > 0)
partSize = (long) (DEFAULT_PARTITION_SIZE * (range / validIndexNum));
if (blockRow < 0) {
if (row > serverNum)
blockRow = (int) Math.min(row / serverNum, Math.max(row / maxPartNum, Math.max(1, partSize / range)));
blockRow = row;
if (blockCol < 0)
blockCol = Math.min(Math.max(100, (long) (range / serverNum)), Math.max(partSize / blockRow, (long) (row * (range / maxPartNum / blockRow))));"blockRow = " + blockRow + ", blockCol=" + blockCol);
int startRow;
int endRow;
long startCol;
long endCol;
for (int i = 0; i < row; ) {
for (long j = start; j < end; ) {
startRow = i;
startCol = j;
endRow = (i <= (row - blockRow)) ? (i + blockRow) : row;
endCol = (j <= (end - blockCol)) ? (j + blockCol) : end;
partitions.add(new PartitionMeta(matrixId, id++, startRow, endRow, startCol, endCol));
j = (j <= (end - blockCol)) ? (j + blockCol) : end;
i = (i <= (row - blockRow)) ? (i + blockRow) : row;
}"partition count: " + partitions.size());
return partitions;
use of in project angel by Tencent.
the class AMModelSaver method split.
private Map<ParameterServerId, PSMatrixSaveContext> split(MatrixSaveContext matrixSaveContext) {
AMMatrixMetaManager matrixMetaManager = context.getMatrixMetaManager();
MatrixMeta meta = matrixMetaManager.getMatrix(matrixSaveContext.getMatrixName());
if (meta == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not find matrix " + matrixSaveContext.getMatrixName());
Map<Integer, PartitionMeta> partitions = meta.getPartitionMetas();
List<Integer> rowIndexes = matrixSaveContext.getRowIndexes();
Map<ParameterServerId, Set<Integer>> psIdToPartIdsMap = new HashMap<>();
if (rowIndexes == null || rowIndexes.isEmpty()) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PartitionMeta> partEntry : partitions.entrySet()) {
ParameterServerId psId = partEntry.getValue().getMasterPs();
if (psId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not get ps for partition " + partEntry.getKey());
Set partIds = psIdToPartIdsMap.get(psId);
if (partIds == null) {
partIds = new HashSet();
psIdToPartIdsMap.put(psId, partIds);
} else {
int size = rowIndexes.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PartitionMeta> partEntry : partitions.entrySet()) {
if (!partEntry.getValue().contain(rowIndexes.get(i))) {
ParameterServerId psId = partEntry.getValue().getMasterPs();
if (psId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not get ps for partition " + partEntry.getKey());
Set partIds = psIdToPartIdsMap.get(psId);
if (partIds == null) {
partIds = new HashSet();
psIdToPartIdsMap.put(psId, partIds);
int matrixId = meta.getId();
Map<ParameterServerId, PSMatrixSaveContext> ret = new HashMap<>(psIdToPartIdsMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<ParameterServerId, Set<Integer>> entry : psIdToPartIdsMap.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> partIds = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
partIds.sort(new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer id1, Integer id2) {
return id1 - id2;
PSMatrixSaveContext psMatrixSaveContext = new PSMatrixSaveContext(matrixId, partIds, matrixSaveContext.getRowIndexes(), matrixSaveContext.getFormatClassName(), null, false, true);
ret.put(entry.getKey(), psMatrixSaveContext);
return ret;
use of in project angel by Tencent.
the class ProtobufUtil method convertToMatrixMeta.
public static MatrixMeta convertToMatrixMeta(MatrixMetaProto matrixMetaProto) throws ClassNotFoundException {
MatrixContext matrixContext = convertToMatrixContext(matrixMetaProto.getMatrixContext());
List<PartitionMetaProto> partMetaProtos = matrixMetaProto.getPartMetasList();
int size = partMetaProtos.size();
Map<Integer, PartitionMeta> partitionMetas = new HashMap<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
partitionMetas.put(partMetaProtos.get(i).getPartitionId(), convertToParitionMeta(matrixContext.getMatrixId(), partMetaProtos.get(i)));
return new MatrixMeta(matrixMetaProto.getTotalPartNum(), matrixContext, partitionMetas);
use of in project angel by Tencent.
the class ParameterServer method buildMatrixReports.
private List<MatrixReportProto> buildMatrixReports() {
MatrixReportProto.Builder matrixBuilder = MatrixReportProto.newBuilder();
PartReportProto.Builder partBuilder = PartReportProto.newBuilder();
List<MatrixReportProto> ret = new ArrayList<>();
for (MatrixMeta matrix : matrixMetaManager.getMatrixMetas().values()) {
if (context.getPartReplication() > 1) {
for (PartitionMeta part : matrix.getPartitionMetas().values()) {
partBuilder.setPartId(part.getPartId()).setStatus(context.getMatrixStorageManager().getPart(matrix.getId(), part.getPartId()).getState().getNumber());
return ret;
use of in project angel by Tencent.
the class HashPartitioner method getPartitions.
public List<PartitionMeta> getPartitions() {
int psNum = conf.getInt(AngelConf.ANGEL_PS_NUMBER, AngelConf.DEFAULT_ANGEL_PS_NUMBER);
List<PartitionMeta> partitions = new ArrayList<>(psNum * partNumPerServer);
int matrixId = mContext.getMatrixId();
for (int psIndex = 0; psIndex < psNum; psIndex++) {
for (int partIndex = 0; partIndex < partNumPerServer; partIndex++) {
int partId = psIndex * partNumPerServer + partIndex;
PartitionMeta partMeta = new PartitionMeta(matrixId, partId, 0, mContext.getRowNum(), partId, partId + 1);
partId2serverIndex[partId] = partId % psNum;
return partitions;