use of com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.MatrixFilesMeta in project angel by Tencent.
the class ModelLoader method loadToFloatMaps.
* Load dense double model to int->float maps
* @param modelDir model save directory path
* @return model data
public static Int2FloatOpenHashMap[] loadToFloatMaps(String modelDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
// Load model meta
MatrixFilesMeta meta = getMeta(modelDir, conf);
RowType rowType = RowType.valueOf(meta.getRowType());
// Check row type
if (rowType != RowType.T_FLOAT_SPARSE && rowType != rowType.T_FLOAT_SPARSE_COMPONENT) {
throw new IOException("model row type is not sparse float, you should check it");
// Load model
SparseFloatModel model = new SparseFloatModel(meta.getRow(), meta.getCol());
loadModel(modelDir, model, meta, conf);
return model.getModel();
use of com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.MatrixFilesMeta in project angel by Tencent.
the class AMModelSaver method combineMatrix.
* Combine all output files of a model to a combine directory
* @param matrixContext matrix save context
* @param errorLogs error logs
private void combineMatrix(ModelSaveContext saveContext, MatrixSaveContext matrixContext, Vector<String> errorLogs, Path tmpCombinePath, FileSystem fs) {"start commit matrix " + matrixContext.getMatrixName());
// Init matrix files meta
int matrixId = context.getMatrixMetaManager().getMatrix(matrixContext.getMatrixName()).getId();
List<ParameterServerId> psIds = new ArrayList<>(context.getMatrixMetaManager().getMasterPsIds(matrixId));
MatrixMeta meta = context.getMatrixMetaManager().getMatrix(matrixId);
Map<String, String> kvMap = meta.getAttributes();
MatrixFilesMeta filesMeta = new MatrixFilesMeta(matrixId, meta.getName(), matrixContext.getFormatClassName(), meta.getRowType().getNumber(), meta.getRowNum(), meta.getColNum(), meta.getBlockRowNum(), meta.getBlockColNum(), kvMap);
try {
// Move output files
Path srcPath = new Path(saveContext.getTmpSavePath(), ModelFilesConstent.resultDirName);
Path destPath = new Path(tmpCombinePath, meta.getName());
PSModelCombineOp partCombineOp = new PSModelCombineOp(srcPath, destPath, psIds, errorLogs, filesMeta, 0, psIds.size(), fs);
// Write the meta file
long startTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
Path metaFile = new Path(destPath, ModelFilesConstent.modelMetaFileName);
Path tmpMetaFile = HdfsUtil.toTmpPath(metaFile);
FSDataOutputStream metaOut = fs.create(tmpMetaFile);
HdfsUtil.rename(tmpMetaFile, metaFile, fs);"commit meta file use time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTs));
} catch (Throwable x) {
errorLogs.add("move output files for matrix " + meta.getName() + " failed, error msg = " + x.getMessage());
LOG.error("move output files for matrix " + meta.getName() + " failed.", x);
use of com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.MatrixFilesMeta in project angel by Tencent.
the class AMModelLoader method split.
private Map<ParameterServerId, PSMatrixLoadContext> split(MatrixLoadContext matrixLoadContext, ModelLoadContext modelLoadContext) throws IOException {
Path matrixPath = new Path(modelLoadContext.getLoadPath(), matrixLoadContext.getMatrixName());
Path metaFilePath = new Path(matrixPath, ModelFilesConstent.modelMetaFileName);
MatrixFilesMeta matrixFilesMeta = new MatrixFilesMeta();
FileSystem fs = metaFilePath.getFileSystem(context.getConf());
if (fs.exists(metaFilePath)) {
FSDataInputStream input =;
try {;
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw new IOException("Read matrix meta failed ", e);
} finally {
} else {
throw new IOException("Can not find meta file " + metaFilePath);
AMMatrixMetaManager matrixMetaManager = context.getMatrixMetaManager();
MatrixMeta meta = matrixMetaManager.getMatrix(matrixLoadContext.getMatrixName());
if (meta == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not find matrix " + matrixLoadContext.getMatrixName());
Map<Integer, PartitionMeta> partitions = meta.getPartitionMetas();
Map<ParameterServerId, Set<Integer>> psIdToPartIdsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, PartitionMeta> partEntry : partitions.entrySet()) {
ParameterServerId psId = partEntry.getValue().getMasterPs();
if (psId == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Can not get ps for partition " + partEntry.getKey());
Set partIds = psIdToPartIdsMap.get(psId);
if (partIds == null) {
partIds = new HashSet();
psIdToPartIdsMap.put(psId, partIds);
int matrixId = meta.getId();
Map<ParameterServerId, PSMatrixLoadContext> ret = new HashMap<>(psIdToPartIdsMap.size());
for (Map.Entry<ParameterServerId, Set<Integer>> entry : psIdToPartIdsMap.entrySet()) {
List<Integer> partIds = new ArrayList<>(entry.getValue());
partIds.sort(new Comparator<Integer>() {
public int compare(Integer id1, Integer id2) {
return id1 - id2;
PSMatrixLoadContext psMatrixLoadContext = new PSMatrixLoadContext(matrixId, matrixPath.toString(), partIds, matrixFilesMeta.getFormatClassName());
ret.put(entry.getKey(), psMatrixLoadContext);
return ret;
use of com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.MatrixFilesMeta in project angel by Tencent.
the class ModelConverter method getMeta.
* Get model meta
* @param modelDir model save directory path
* @return model meta
* @throws IOException
public static MatrixFilesMeta getMeta(String modelDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
Path modelPath = new Path(modelDir);
Path meteFilePath = new Path(modelPath, ModelFilesConstent.modelMetaFileName);
MatrixFilesMeta meta = new MatrixFilesMeta();
FileSystem fs = meteFilePath.getFileSystem(conf);
if (!fs.exists(meteFilePath)) {
throw new IOException("matrix meta file does not exist ");
FSDataInputStream input =;;
return meta;
use of com.tencent.angel.model.output.format.MatrixFilesMeta in project angel by Tencent.
the class ModelMergeAndConvert method getMeta.
* Get model meta
* @param modelDir model save directory path
* @return model meta
* @throws IOException
public static MatrixFilesMeta getMeta(String modelDir, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
Path modelPath = new Path(modelDir);
Path meteFilePath = new Path(modelPath, ModelFilesConstent.modelMetaFileName);
MatrixFilesMeta meta = new MatrixFilesMeta();
FileSystem fs = meteFilePath.getFileSystem(conf);
if (!fs.exists(meteFilePath)) {
throw new IOException("matrix meta file does not exist ");
FSDataInputStream input =;;
return meta;