use of com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.MatrixTransportClient in project angel by Tencent.
the class UserRequestAdapter method update.
public Future<VoidResult> update(int matrixId, Matrix delta, UpdateOp op) {
MatrixMeta matrixMeta = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixMetaManager().getMatrixMeta(matrixId);
PartitionKey[] parts = matrixMeta.getPartitionKeys();
CompStreamKeyValuePart[] splits = RouterUtils.splitStream(matrixMeta, delta);
int needRequestPartNum = noEmptyPartNum(splits);
FutureResult<VoidResult> result = new FutureResult<>();
if (needRequestPartNum == 0) {
return result;
UpdateMatrixRequest request = new UpdateMatrixRequest(matrixId, op);
ResponseCache cache = new MapResponseCache(needRequestPartNum);
int requestId = request.getRequestId();
requestIdToResponseCache.put(requestId, cache);
requestIdToResultMap.put(requestId, result);
requests.put(requestId, request);
MatrixTransportClient matrixClient = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixTransportClient();
for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
if (splits[i] != null && splits[i].size() > 0) {
sendUpdateRequest(matrixClient, requestId, matrixId, parts[i].getPartitionId(), splits[i], op);
return result;
use of com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.MatrixTransportClient in project angel by Tencent.
the class UserRequestAdapter method get.
private FutureResult<Vector> get(IndexGetRowRequest request) {
MatrixMeta matrixMeta = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixMetaManager().getMatrixMeta(request.getMatrixId());
PartitionKey[] parts = matrixMeta.getPartitionKeys();
// Split the user request to partition requests
FutureResult<Vector> result = new FutureResult<>();
KeyPart[] splits;
long startTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (request instanceof IntIndexGetRowRequest) {
splits = RouterUtils.split(matrixMeta, -1, ((IntIndexGetRowRequest) request).getKeys());
} else if (request instanceof LongIndexGetRowRequest) {
splits = RouterUtils.split(matrixMeta, -1, ((LongIndexGetRowRequest) request).getKeys());
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unsupport index request type " + request.getClass().toString());
}"Get by indices split use time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTs));
assert parts.length == splits.length;
// filter empty partition requests
int needRequestPartNum = noEmptyPartNum(splits);
if (needRequestPartNum == 0) {
return result;
// Create partition results cache
ResponseCache cache = new MapResponseCache(needRequestPartNum);
int requestId = request.getRequestId();
requestIdToResponseCache.put(requestId, cache);
requestIdToResultMap.put(requestId, result);
requests.put(requestId, request);
// Send all the partition requests
MatrixTransportClient matrixClient = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixTransportClient();
for (int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++) {
if (splits[i] != null && splits[i].size() > 0) {
sendIndexGetRowRequest(matrixClient, requestId, request.getMatrixId(), request.getRowId(), parts[i].getPartitionId(), splits[i], request.getFunc());
return result;
use of com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.MatrixTransportClient in project angel by Tencent.
the class MatrixClientAdapter method get.
* Get a row from ps use a udf.
* @param func get row udf
* @return GetResult the result of the udf
* @throws ExecutionException exception thrown when attempting to retrieve the result of a task
* that aborted by throwing an exception
* @throws InterruptedException interrupted while wait the result
public GetResult get(GetFunc func) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
MatrixTransportClient matrixClient = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixTransportClient();
GetParam param = func.getParam();
List<PartitionGetParam> partParams = param.split();
int size = partParams.size();
List<Future<PartitionGetResult>> futureResultList = new ArrayList<Future<PartitionGetResult>>(size);
List<PartitionGetResult> resultList = new ArrayList<PartitionGetResult>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
futureResultList.add(matrixClient.get(func, partParams.get(i)));
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
return func.merge(resultList);
use of com.tencent.angel.psagent.matrix.transport.MatrixTransportClient in project angel by Tencent.
the class MatrixClientAdapter method getRow.
* Get a matrix row from parameter servers
* @param matrixId matrix id
* @param rowIndex row index
* @param clock clock value
* @return TVector matrix row
* @throws ExecutionException exception thrown when attempting to retrieve the result of a task
* that aborted by throwing an exception
* @throws InterruptedException interrupted while wait the result
public TVector getRow(int matrixId, int rowIndex, int clock) throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
LOG.debug("start to getRow request, matrix=" + matrixId + ", rowIndex=" + rowIndex + ", clock=" + clock);
long startTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Wait until the clock value of this row is greater than or equal to the value
PSAgentContext.get().getConsistencyController().waitForClock(matrixId, rowIndex, clock);
LOG.debug("getRow wait clock time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTs));
startTs = System.currentTimeMillis();
// Get partitions for this row
List<PartitionKey> partList = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixMetaManager().getPartitions(matrixId, rowIndex);
GetRowRequest request = new GetRowRequest(matrixId, rowIndex, clock);
MatrixMeta meta = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixMetaManager().getMatrixMeta(matrixId);
GetRowPipelineCache responseCache = (GetRowPipelineCache) requestToResponseMap.get(request);
if (responseCache == null) {
responseCache = new GetRowPipelineCache(partList.size(), meta.getRowType());
GetRowPipelineCache oldCache = (GetRowPipelineCache) requestToResponseMap.putIfAbsent(request, responseCache);
if (oldCache != null) {
responseCache = oldCache;
// First get this row from matrix storage
MatrixStorage matrixStorage = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixStorageManager().getMatrixStoage(matrixId);
try {
// If the row exists in the matrix storage and the clock value meets the requirements, just
// return
TVector row = matrixStorage.getRow(rowIndex);
if (row != null && row.getClock() >= clock) {
return row;
// Get row splits of this row from the matrix cache first
MatricesCache matricesCache = PSAgentContext.get().getMatricesCache();
MatrixTransportClient matrixClient = PSAgentContext.get().getMatrixTransportClient();
int size = partList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
ServerRow rowSplit = matricesCache.getRowSplit(matrixId, partList.get(i), rowIndex);
if (rowSplit != null && rowSplit.getClock() >= clock) {
} else {
// If the row split does not exist in cache, get it from parameter server
responseCache.addRowSplit(matrixClient.getRowSplit(partList.get(i), rowIndex, clock));
// Wait the final result
row = responseCache.getMergedResult().get();
LOG.debug("get row use time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTs));
// Put it to the matrix cache
matrixStorage.addRow(rowIndex, row);
return row;
} finally {