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Example 21 with OutPara

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class GTAutoTestInternal method endProcTest.

	 * 停止指定被测应用的数据采集
	 * @param pkgName 指定的被测应用,目前不使用
	 * @param pid 被测应用指定的被测进程,目前不使用,会同时采集应用的所有进程
	 * @param saveFolderName 采集的被测数据保存目录名 sdcard/GT/GW/default/{saveFolderName}
	 * @param clear 是否清理历史记录
public static void endProcTest(String pkgName, int pid, String path, String desc, boolean clear) {
    // 结束统计,避免保存时候有风险
    OpUIManager.gw_running = false;
    // 保存之前要把关注的出参置为可保存的状态,因为保存前有些出参可能置为不记录状态
    for (List<OutPara> ops : tempMap.values()) {
        if (ops != null) {
            for (OutPara op : ops) {
                // 只有monitor状态下才会保存,和手工操作一样
    // 保存
    String path1 = null;
    String path2 = null;
    String path3 = null;
    if (path != null && !path.isEmpty()) {
        String[] paths = path.split(FileUtil.separator);
        if (paths.length > 2) {
            // 倒数第三级目录
            path1 = paths[paths.length - 3];
            // 倒数第二级目录
            path2 = paths[paths.length - 2];
            // 最后一级目录
            path3 = paths[paths.length - 1];
        } else if (paths.length == 2) {
            // 倒数第二级目录
            path2 = paths[paths.length - 2];
            // 最后一级目录
            path3 = paths[paths.length - 1];
        } else {
            path3 = paths[0];
    if (null == path1 || path1.equals("")) {
        path1 = Env.CUR_APP_NAME;
    if (null == path2 || path2.equals("")) {
        path2 = Env.CUR_APP_VER;
    if (null == path3 || path3.equals("")) {
        path3 = GTGWInternal.getLastSaveFolder();
    GWSaveEntry saveEntry = new GWSaveEntry(path1, path2, path3, desc);
    if (clear) {
        // 1.清空老数据
    // 2.保存后要把所有出参置为非monitor状态
    for (List<OutPara> ops : tempMap.values()) {
        if (ops != null) {
            for (OutPara op : ops) {
                // 只有monitor状态下才会保存,和手工操作一样
    if (clear) {
        // 3.清理旧记录
    // 通知AUT页同步状态
Also used : OutPara( GWSaveEntry( CommonString(

Example 22 with OutPara

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class ProcPerfParaRunEngine method getCurEnableProcPerfParas.

private List<OutPara> getCurEnableProcPerfParas() {
    Client client = ClientManager.getInstance().getAUTClient();
    if (client == null) {
        return EMPTY_LIST;
    List<OutPara> ops = ClientManager.getInstance().getAUTClient().getAllOutParas();
    for (OutPara op : ops) {
        if (OutPara.DISPLAY_DISABLE != op.getDisplayProperty()) {
    return enable_procPerf_ops;
Also used : OutPara( Client(

Example 23 with OutPara

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class ProcPerfParaRunEngine method getProcPerfParasValue.

private String getProcPerfParasValue(OutPara op) {
    String value = "";
    try {
        int size = AUTManager.pIds.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            if (!ProcessUtils.isProcessAlive(AUTManager.pIds[i])) {
                value = "";
            if (op.getKey().contains(CommonString.pcpu_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i])) {
                value = CpuUtils.cpuInfoMap.get(CommonString.pcpu_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i]).getProcessCpuUsage(Integer.valueOf(AUTManager.pIds[i]));
                long tempValue = Double.valueOf((Double.valueOf(value.substring(0, value.length() - 1)) * 100)).longValue();
                OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, tempValue);
                return value;
            } else if (op.getKey().contains(CommonString.pjif_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i])) {
                // 如果需要刷新的列表中也包含对应进程的CPU,那不需要重复刷CPU值了
                String tempCpuKey = CommonString.pcpu_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i];
                boolean hasCpuObservered = false;
                for (OutPara opTemp : enable_procPerf_ops) {
                    if (opTemp.getKey().equals(tempCpuKey)) {
                        hasCpuObservered = true;
                if (!hasCpuObservered) {
                long tempValue = CpuUtils.cpuInfoMap.get(tempCpuKey).getJif();
                value = String.valueOf(tempValue);
                OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, tempValue);
                return value;
            } else if (op.getKey().contains(CommonString.pnet_key)) {
                String pName = AUTManager.pkn.toString();
                NetUtils netUtils = NetUtils.netInfoMap.get(pName);
                // 实际使用时候发现,收发的数据分成两条曲线最合理
                double lastT = netUtils.getP_t_add();
                double lastR = netUtils.getP_r_add();
                value = netUtils.getProcessNetValue(pName);
                double nowT = netUtils.getP_t_add();
                double nowR = netUtils.getP_r_add();
                // modify on 20120616 过滤有的手机进程流量偶尔输出负数的情况
                if ((nowT != lastT || nowR != lastR) && nowT >= 0 && nowR >= 0) {
                    OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, new long[] { (long) nowT, (long) nowR });
                return value;
            } else if (op.getKey().equals(CommonString.pm_pss_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i])) {
                long[] long_value = MemUtils.getPSS(GTApp.getContext(), Integer.parseInt(AUTManager.pIds[i]));
                long tmp = long_value[0];
                long_value[0] = long_value[2];
                long_value[2] = tmp;
                for (int p = 0; p < long_value.length; p++) {
                    if (p == 2) {
                        value += " | Native:" + String.valueOf(long_value[p] + "KB");
                    } else if (p == 1) {
                        value += " | Dalvik:" + String.valueOf(long_value[p] + "KB");
                    } else if (p == 0) {
                        value += "Total:" + String.valueOf(long_value[p] + "KB");
                OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, long_value);
                return value;
            } else if (op.getKey().equals(CommonString.pm_pd_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i])) {
                long[] long_value1 = MemUtils.getPrivDirty(GTApp.getContext(), Integer.parseInt(AUTManager.pIds[i]));
                long tmp = long_value1[0];
                long_value1[0] = long_value1[2];
                long_value1[2] = tmp;
                for (int pos = 0; pos < long_value1.length; pos++) {
                    if (pos == 2) {
                        value += " | Native:" + String.valueOf(long_value1[pos]);
                    } else if (pos == 1) {
                        value += " | Dalvik:" + String.valueOf(long_value1[pos]);
                    } else if (pos == 0) {
                        value += "Total:" + String.valueOf(long_value1[pos]);
                OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, long_value1);
                return value;
            } else if (op.getKey().equals(CommonString.pm_hp_key + i + ":" + AUTManager.pNames[i])) {
                long[] longhp_value = MemUtils.getHeapDalvik();
                long[] longhp_value2 = MemUtils.getHeapNative();
                long[] long_value3 = new long[2];
                // .getHeapDalvik();(GTSettingActivity.Pid[i]);
                long_value3[0] = longhp_value2[1];
                long_value3[1] = longhp_value[1];
                value += "Native:" + String.valueOf(longhp_value2[1] + "/" + String.valueOf(longhp_value2[0]));
                value += " | Dalvik:" + String.valueOf(longhp_value[1] + "/" + String.valueOf(longhp_value[0]));
                OpPerfBridge.addHistory(op, value, long_value3);
                return value;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    return value;
Also used : NetUtils( OutPara( CommonString(

Example 24 with OutPara

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class DaemonHandler method handleMessage.

public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
    switch(msg.what) {
        case // 发消息提示用户,通知
            GTMainActivity.notification = NotificationHelper.genNotification(GTApp.getContext(), 0, R.drawable.gt_entrlogo, "GT", -1, "GT:Memory Waring", "More than " + GTMemoryDaemonThread.topLevelLimit + " GW and Prof records.", GTMainActivity.class, false, true, NotificationHelper.DEFAULT_VB);
            NotificationHelper.notify(GTApp.getContext(), 31, GTMainActivity.notification);
        case // 发消息提示用户,通知
            GTMainActivity.notification = NotificationHelper.genNotification(GTApp.getContext(), 0, R.drawable.gt_entrlogo, "GT", -1, "GT:Memory Waring", "More than " + GTMemoryDaemonThread.secondLevelLimit + " GW and Prof records.", GTMainActivity.class, false, true, NotificationHelper.DEFAULT_VB);
            NotificationHelper.notify(GTApp.getContext(), 32, GTMainActivity.notification);
            GTMainActivity.notification = NotificationHelper.genNotification(GTApp.getContext(), 0, R.drawable.gt_entrlogo, "GT", -1, "GT:Memory Waring", "More than " + GTMemoryDaemonThread.thirdLevelLimit + " GW and Prof records.", GTMainActivity.class, false, true, NotificationHelper.DEFAULT_VB);
            NotificationHelper.notify(GTApp.getContext(), 32, GTMainActivity.notification);
        case // 发消息提示用户,通知
            OutPara op = (OutPara) (msg.obj);
            GTMainActivity.notification = NotificationHelper.genNotification(GTApp.getContext(), 0, R.drawable.gt_entrlogo, "GT", -1, "GT:Memory Waring", "OutPara " + op.getAlias() + " has more than " + GTMemoryDaemonThread.singleLimit + " records.", GTMainActivity.class, false, true, NotificationHelper.DEFAULT_VB);
            NotificationHelper.notify(GTApp.getContext(), 33, GTMainActivity.notification);
Also used : GTMainActivity( OutPara(

Example 25 with OutPara

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class Client method setOutPara.

	 * 设置输出参数值,值类型为int型,更新的输出参数值会在控制台和输出界面中展示。
	 * @param ParaName
	 *            输出参数的名称
	 * @param value
	 *            输出参数的值
	 * @param inlog
	 *            本次设置操作是否打印到日志中记录
public void setOutPara(String paraName, int value) {
    OutPara outPara = getOutPara(paraName);
    if (null != outPara && OutPara.DISPLAY_DISABLE != outPara.getDisplayProperty()) {
        // add on 20130923 为了出参支持历史曲线
        OpPerfBridge.addHistory(outPara, outPara.getValue(), value);
Also used : OutPara(


OutPara ( Client ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 TagTimeEntry ( CommonString ( NetUtils ( ParamConst ( Intent (android.content.Intent)1 Message (android.os.Message)1 View (android.view.View)1 TextView (android.widget.TextView)1 AidlEntry ( InPara ( GTMainActivity ( CpuUtils ( GWSaveEntry (