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Example 31 with TagTimeEntry

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class GTMemoryDaemonHelper method startGWOrProfValid.

public static boolean startGWOrProfValid() {
		 * 判断GW和Prof的总数是否超上限,超上限则不允许checked,提示用户
    int total = 0;
    TagTimeEntry[] opPerfDatas = OpPerfBridge.getAllProfilerData();
    for (TagTimeEntry tte : opPerfDatas) {
        int single = 0;
        if (tte.hasChild()) {
            single = tte.getChildren()[0].getRecordSize();
            // 总值计算时,复数要乘倍数
            total += single * tte.getChildren().length;
        } else {
            single = tte.getRecordSize();
            total += single;
    if (GTTime.isEnable()) {
        List<GroupTimeEntry> timeGroupList = GTTimeInternal.getAllGroup();
        for (GroupTimeEntry gte : timeGroupList) {
            for (TagTimeEntry tte : gte.entrys()) {
                int single = tte.getRecordSize();
                total += single;
    if (total >= GTMemoryDaemonThread.topLevelLimit) {
        ToastUtil.ShowLongToast(GTApp.getContext(), "More than " + GTMemoryDaemonThread.topLevelLimit + " GW or Prof records." + "You should save and clear records first.");
        return false;
    return true;
Also used : TagTimeEntry( GroupTimeEntry(

Example 32 with TagTimeEntry

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class OpPerfBridge method addHistory.

public static void addHistory(OutPara op, String nowValue, long data) {
    // 要在总控开关打开的前提下才要进行历史记录
    if (!OpUIManager.gw_running) {
    TagTimeEntry profilerEntry = opPerfManager.get(op.getKey());
    if (null == profilerEntry) {
    if (// 有历史出参的告警
    op.isMonitor()) {
        int seq = profilerEntry.add(data);
        // 阈值对象对本次输入值进行是否预备告警的记录
        profilerEntry.getThresholdEntry().add(data, seq);
    } else {
    // 不记录历史数据的情况下统计告警,暂不使用
    // profilerEntry.getThresholdEntry().add(data);
Also used : TagTimeEntry(

Example 33 with TagTimeEntry

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class OpPerfBridge method addHistory.

 * 多维的历史数据,在UI上也需要展示多条曲线
 * @param key 对应出参的key
 * @param opValue 原始出参值
 * @param data 对应多维数据的值数组
public static void addHistory(OutPara parentOp, String nowValue, long[] data) {
    // 要在总控开关打开的前提下才要进行历史记录
    if (!OpUIManager.gw_running) {
    TagTimeEntry profilerEntry = opPerfManager.get(parentOp.getKey());
    if (null == profilerEntry) {
    if (// 有历史出参的告警
    parentOp.isMonitor()) {
        int i = 0;
        for (TagTimeEntry subEntry : profilerEntry.getChildren()) {
            int seq = subEntry.add(data[i]);
            // 阈值对象对本次输入值进行是否预备告警的记录
            subEntry.getThresholdEntry().add(data[i], seq);
    } else // 没有记录历史出参的告警
        int i = 0;
        for (TagTimeEntry subEntry : profilerEntry.getChildren()) {
            // 阈值对象对本次输入值进行是否预备告警的记录,暂不使用
Also used : TagTimeEntry(

Example 34 with TagTimeEntry

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class OpPerfManager method getAllEnable.

 * 获取所有非disable态出参对应的性能对象数组
 * @return
public synchronized TagTimeEntry[] getAllEnable() {
    List<TagTimeEntry> entryList = new ArrayList<TagTimeEntry>();
    for (TagTimeEntry tte : getAll()) {
        Client client = ClientManager.getInstance().getClient(tte.getExkey());
        OutPara op = client.getOutPara(tte.getName());
        if (null != op && op.getDisplayProperty() < OutPara.DISPLAY_DISABLE && op.isMonitor()) {
    return entryList.toArray(EMPTY);
Also used : TagTimeEntry( OutPara( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 35 with TagTimeEntry

use of in project GT by Tencent.

the class GTMulOpPerfDetailView method onDraw.

public void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
    // 恢复默认的字号
    // 恢复默认线条粗细
    // 恢复默认字间距
    singleTextInterval = 6;
    if (!measured) {
        canvasW = getMeasuredWidth();
        canvasH = getMeasuredHeight();
        // 相对于控件画布x轴的起始位置
        absX = (int) (canvasW / 11.23f);
        // 相对于控件画布x轴的结束位置
        absXMax = (int) (canvasW - canvasW / 19.82f);
        // 相对于控件画布y轴的起始位置
        absY = (int) (canvasH - canvasH / 4.51f);
        // 相对于控件画布y轴的结束位置
        absYMax = (int) (canvasH / 7.43f);
        // y轴数字对屏幕分辨率的适配
        if (devW == 720) {
            curScale = scaleY720;
        } else if (devW == 320) {
            absX = absX + 16;
            // 不减一下锚点线数值会出界
            absXMax = absXMax - 18;
            curScale = scaleY320;
        } else if (devW == 480) {
            absX = absX + 10;
            curScale = scaleY480;
        w = absXMax - absX;
        h = absY - absYMax;
        middle = (absXMax - absX) / 2 + absX;
        anchorX = middle;
        curAve = absY;
        measured = true;
    // 设置画布为黑色背景
    // canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK);
    // 消除锯齿
    // 设置图形为空心
    // 绘制x,y轴
    mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
    // 设置线条粗细
    canvas.drawLine(absX, absY, absXMax, absY, mPaint);
    canvas.drawLine(absX, absYMax - 5, absX, absY, mPaint);
    // x最少显示10个数据,小于10个x坐标长度为10,从左开始显示
    if (curSize <= 5) {
        xGrid = 1;
    } else if (curSize > 5 && curSize <= xMin) {
        // 因为x轴显示时间了,最多显示10个1会展示不下
        xGrid = 2;
    } else {
        xGrid = 10;
		 * 根据传入的参数绘制点折线
		 * 一个维度一个维度的画,兼容一维和二维的
    int j = 0;
    do {
        long preX = 0;
        float preY = 0;
        long preValue = 0;
        TagTimeEntry anchorEntry = dataSet;
        if (dataSet.getChildren().length > 0) {
            anchorEntry = dataSet.getChildren()[j];
        // 阈值对象
        ThresholdEntry thresholdEntry = anchorEntry.getThresholdEntry();
        double upper = thresholdEntry.getUpperValue();
        double lower = thresholdEntry.getLowerValue();
        double dUpper = DoubleUtils.mul(upper, anchorEntry.getCarry_l2d());
        double dLower = DoubleUtils.mul(lower, anchorEntry.getCarry_l2d());
        long realUpper = (long) dUpper;
        long realLower = (long) dLower;
        boolean isWarningEable = thresholdEntry.isEnable();
        for (int i = 0; i < curSize; i++) {
            DrawEntry entry = cache[i][j];
            long point = entry.value;
            long x = absX + w * i / curSize;
            float y = calcY(point);
            entry.y = y;
            canvas.drawPoint(x, y, mPaint);
            if (// 画从前一点到当前点的线
            i > 0) {
                // 对于超出阈值的,需要标红线, 而且需要是有效阈值
                if (isWarningEable && (realUpper > realLower && (preValue > realUpper && point > realUpper || preValue < realLower && point < realLower))) {
                    // mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0xda, 0x7b, 0x2f));
                    mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00));
                } else {
                // 设置线条粗细
                canvas.drawLine(x, y, preX, preY, mPaint);
            // 单点
            if (isWarningEable && (realUpper > realLower && (point > realUpper || point < realLower))) {
                mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x00));
            } else {
            canvas.drawPoint(x, y, mPaint);
            preX = x;
            preY = y;
            preValue = point;
            // 要将x位置的数字画在横坐标上,显示内容数字:i,内容位置 x, y是absY
            mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
            // 设置线条粗细
            if (i % xGrid == 0) {
                canvas.drawText(Integer.toString(start + i), x, absY + 30, mPaint);
                canvas.drawText(GTUtils.getSystemTime(entry.time), x, absY + 45, mPaint);
            if (curSize == xMax && i == curSize - 1) {
                canvas.drawText(Integer.toString(start + i), x, absY + 30, mPaint);
            // 画垂直分割线,画一次就可以
            if (j == 0) {
                mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0x3f, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
                // 设置线条粗细
                if (i % xGrid == 0) {
                    canvas.drawLine(x, absY, x, absYMax - 5, mPaint);
                if (curSize == xMax && i == curSize - 1) {
                    canvas.drawLine(x, absY, x, absYMax - 5, mPaint);
    } while (j < dataSet.getChildren().length);
    // TODO 绘制单位
    mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
    // 设置线条粗细
    canvas.drawText(dataSet.getUnit(), absX - 10, absYMax - 15, mPaint);
    // 循环绘制y轴坐标数字,顺便画y轴间隔线
    mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
    // 设置线条粗细
    yGrid = (int) ((curYMax - curYMin) / yMaxGridNum);
    for (int i = 0; i < yMaxGridNum + 1; i++) {
        long g = curYMin + i * yGrid;
        float y = calcY(g);
        double dg = DoubleUtils.div(g, dataSet.getCarry_l2d(), dataSet.getScale());
        String sdg = Double.toString(dg);
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
        // 设置线条粗细
        if (sdg.length() > curScale) {
            canvas.drawText(Double.toString(dg).substring(0, curScale), absX - 40, y, mPaint);
        } else {
            canvas.drawText(Double.toString(dg), absX - 40, y, mPaint);
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0x3f, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
        // 设置线条粗细
        canvas.drawLine(absX, y, absXMax, y, mPaint);
    // 画平均值,只在数据源是一维时候画
    if (curYMax != 0 && dataSet.getChildren().length < 2) {
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x14, 0x8d, 0xc0));
        // 设置线条粗细
        canvas.drawLine(absX, curAve, absXMax, curAve, mPaint);
    mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
    // 设置线条粗细
    // 在长按中,需画锚点线
    if (isInLongFlip) {
        // canvas.drawLine(anchorX, 0, anchorX, canvasH, mPaint);
        canvas.drawLine(anchorX, absY, anchorX, absYMax - 14, mPaint);
    // 恢复线条粗细
		 * 下面的设置对应长按的文本与各曲线的标识文字
    // 时间文字显示的位置,默认小屏下取middle - 80
    float timeTextLocation = middle - 80;
    // 设置字体大小,需要为大颗粒手机适配
    if (devW > 480) {
        singleTextInterval = 15f;
        timeTextLocation = middle - 155;
    } else if (devW == 480) {
        singleTextInterval = 10f;
        timeTextLocation = middle - 100;
    float offsetY = absYMax - 15;
    // x位置放在单位之后,单位的位置是absX - 10
    float offsetX = absX - 10 + dataSet.getUnit().length() * singleTextInterval + 16;
    if (// TODO 平时显示各条线代表的含义
    !isInLongFlip) {
        // 每一项的偏移位
        float oppositeX = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.getChildren().length; i++) {
            String subKey = dataSet.getChildren()[i].getName();
            // 各条线对应的颜色
            canvas.drawLine(offsetX + oppositeX, offsetY - 4, offsetX + oppositeX + 16, offsetY - 4, mPaint);
            // 恢复线条粗细
            canvas.drawText(subKey, offsetX + oppositeX + 20, offsetY, mPaint);
            // 下条线标识文本的相对修正位置,因为subKey长度不定,后面的不要折叠了
            oppositeX += subKey.length() * singleTextInterval + 20 + 4;
    // 显示当前y值
    if (null == anchorY) {
    if (anchorY[0] != 0) {
        // 灰色显示时间
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x87, 0x8c, 0x98));
        canvas.drawText(GTUtils.getSystemTime(anchorTime[0]), timeTextLocation, offsetY, mPaint);
        // 黄色显示当前次数
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0xd2, 0x90, 0x29));
        String sAnchorSeq = Integer.toString(anchorSeq[0] + start);
        // 修正位置,因为sAnchorSeq长度不定
        float al = sAnchorSeq.length() * singleTextInterval;
        canvas.drawText(sAnchorSeq, middle, offsetY, mPaint);
        String sbValue = "";
        for (int i = 0; i < anchorY.length; i++) {
            TagTimeEntry anchorEntry = dataSet.getSubTagEntrys()[i];
            double dY = DoubleUtils.div(anchorValue[i], anchorEntry.getCarry_l2d(), anchorEntry.getScale());
            sbValue = sbValue + Double.toString(dY);
            if (i != anchorY.length - 1) {
                sbValue = sbValue + "|";
        // 绿色显示值
        float middleAl = middle + al;
        mPaint.setColor(Color.argb(0xff, 0x38, 0xad, 0x29));
        canvas.drawText(sbValue, middleAl + 10, offsetY, mPaint);
Also used : TagTimeEntry( ThresholdEntry( Paint(


TagTimeEntry ( GroupTimeEntry ( TimeEntry ( File ( FileWriter ( IOException ( Builder ( DialogInterface (android.content.DialogInterface)4 Intent (android.content.Intent)4 View (android.view.View)4 TextView (android.widget.TextView)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)4 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)3 OnClickListener (android.view.View.OnClickListener)3 ImageButton (android.widget.ImageButton)3 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)3 LinearLayout (android.widget.LinearLayout)3 RelativeLayout (android.widget.RelativeLayout)3 OutPara ( GWSaveEntry (