use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class ConsistentKeyLockerTest method testWriteLockThrowsExceptionAfterMaxStoreTimeouts.
* Test locker when all three attempts to write a lock succeed but take
* longer than the wait limit. We expect the locker to delete all three
* columns that it wrote and locally unlock the KeyColumn, then emit an
* exception.
* @throws StorageException shouldn't happen
public void testWriteLockThrowsExceptionAfterMaxStoreTimeouts() throws StorageException {
expect(lockState.has(defaultTx, defaultLockID)).andReturn(false);
StaticBuffer firstCol = recordSuccessfulLockWrite(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, null).col;
StaticBuffer secondCol = recordSuccessfulLockWrite(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, firstCol).col;
StaticBuffer thirdCol = recordSuccessfulLockWrite(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS, secondCol).col;
recordSuccessfulLockDelete(1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS, thirdCol);
StorageException expected = null;
try {
// SUT
locker.writeLock(defaultLockID, defaultTx);
} catch (TemporaryStorageException e) {
expected = e;
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class IDManagementTest method edgeTypeIDTest.
public void edgeTypeIDTest() {
int partitionBits = 21;
IDManager eid = new IDManager(partitionBits);
int trails = 1000000;
assertEquals(eid.getMaxPartitionCount(), (1 << partitionBits) - 1);
KryoSerializer serializer = new KryoSerializer();
for (int t = 0; t < trails; t++) {
long count = RandomGenerator.randomLong(1, eid.getMaxTitanTypeCount());
long id;
int dirID;
RelationType type;
if (Math.random() < 0.5) {
id = eid.getEdgeLabelID(count);
type = RelationType.EDGE;
if (Math.random() < 0.5)
dirID = IDHandler.EDGE_IN_DIR;
dirID = IDHandler.EDGE_OUT_DIR;
} else {
type = RelationType.PROPERTY;
id = eid.getPropertyKeyID(count);
StaticBuffer b = IDHandler.getEdgeType(id, dirID);
// System.out.println(dirID);
// System.out.println(getBinary(id));
// System.out.println(getBuffer(b.asReadBuffer()));
ReadBuffer rb = b.asReadBuffer();
long[] vals = IDHandler.readEdgeType(rb);
assertEquals(id, vals[0]);
assertEquals(dirID, vals[1]);
// Inline edge type
WriteBuffer wb = new WriteByteBuffer(9);
IDHandler.writeInlineEdgeType(wb, id);
long newId = IDHandler.readInlineEdgeType(wb.getStaticBuffer().asReadBuffer());
assertEquals(id, newId);
// Compare to Kryo
DataOutput out = serializer.getDataOutput(10, true);
IDHandler.writeEdgeType(out, id, dirID);
assertEquals(b, out.getStaticBuffer());
// Make sure the bounds are right
StaticBuffer[] bounds = IDHandler.getBounds(type);
assertTrue(bounds[0].compareTo(b) < 0);
assertTrue(bounds[1].compareTo(b) > 0);
bounds = IDHandler.getBounds(RelationType.RELATION);
assertTrue(bounds[0].compareTo(b) < 0);
assertTrue(bounds[1].compareTo(b) > 0);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class MockIDAuthority method getLocalIDPartition.
public StaticBuffer[] getLocalIDPartition() throws StorageException {
ByteBuffer lower = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
ByteBuffer upper = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
Preconditions.checkArgument(ByteBufferUtil.isSmallerThan(lower, upper), Arrays.toString(localPartition));
return new StaticBuffer[] { new StaticByteBuffer(lower), new StaticByteBuffer(upper) };
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class CassandraHelper method transformRange.
public static KeyRange transformRange(Token leftKeyExclusive, Token rightKeyInclusive) {
if (!(leftKeyExclusive instanceof BytesToken))
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// if left part is BytesToken, right part should be too, otherwise there is no sense in the ring
assert rightKeyInclusive instanceof BytesToken;
// l is exclusive, r is inclusive
BytesToken l = (BytesToken) leftKeyExclusive;
BytesToken r = (BytesToken) rightKeyInclusive;
byte[] leftTokenValue = l.getTokenValue();
byte[] rightTokenValue = r.getTokenValue();
Preconditions.checkArgument(leftTokenValue.length == rightTokenValue.length, "Tokens have unequal length");
int tokenLength = leftTokenValue.length;
byte[][] tokens = new byte[][] { leftTokenValue, rightTokenValue };
byte[][] plusOne = new byte[2][tokenLength];
for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
boolean carry = true;
for (int i = tokenLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
byte b = tokens[j][i];
if (carry) {
carry = false;
if (b == 0)
carry = true;
plusOne[j][i] = b;
StaticBuffer lb = StaticArrayBuffer.of(plusOne[0]);
StaticBuffer rb = StaticArrayBuffer.of(plusOne[1]);
Preconditions.checkArgument(lb.length() == tokenLength, lb.length());
Preconditions.checkArgument(rb.length() == tokenLength, rb.length());
return new KeyRange(lb, rb);
use of com.thinkaurelius.titan.diskstorage.StaticBuffer in project titan by thinkaurelius.
the class StandardLockCleanerRunnable method runWithExceptions.
private void runWithExceptions() throws BackendException {
StaticBuffer lockKey = serializer.toLockKey(target.getKey(), target.getColumn());
// TODO reduce LOCK_COL_END based on cutoff
List<Entry> locks = store.getSlice(new KeySliceQuery(lockKey, LOCK_COL_START, LOCK_COL_END), tx);
ImmutableList.Builder<StaticBuffer> b = ImmutableList.builder();
for (Entry lc : locks) {
TimestampRid tr = serializer.fromLockColumn(lc.getColumn(), times);
if (tr.getTimestamp().isBefore(cutoff)) {"Deleting expired lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (before or at cutoff {})", new Object[] { target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff });
} else {
log.debug("Ignoring lock on {} by rid {} with timestamp {} (timestamp is after cutoff {})", new Object[] { target, tr.getRid(), tr.getTimestamp(), cutoff });
List<StaticBuffer> dels =;
if (!dels.isEmpty()) {
store.mutate(lockKey, ImmutableList.<Entry>of(), dels, tx);"Deleted {} expired locks (before or at cutoff {})", dels.size(), cutoff);