use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class ElementHelperTest method testTypecastProperty.
public void testTypecastProperty() {
Graph graph = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph();
for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) {
assertTrue(e.getProperty("weight") instanceof Float);
ElementHelper.typecastProperty("weight", Double.class, (Iterable) graph.getEdges());
for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) {
assertTrue(e.getProperty("weight") instanceof Double);
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class GraphSONReaderTestSuite method testTinkerGraphEdges.
public void testTinkerGraphEdges() throws Exception {
Graph graph = this.graphTest.generateGraph();
if (graph.getFeatures().supportsEdgeIteration) {
new GraphSONReader(graph).inputGraph(GraphSONReader.class.getResourceAsStream("graph-example-1.json"));
printPerformance(graph.toString(), null, "graph-example-1 loaded", this.stopWatch());
Set<String> edgeIds = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> edgeKeys = new HashSet<String>();
Set<String> edgeValues = new HashSet<String>();
int count = 0;
for (Edge e : graph.getEdges()) {
for (String key : e.getPropertyKeys()) {
assertEquals(count, 6);
assertEquals(edgeIds.size(), 6);
assertEquals(edgeKeys.size(), 1);
assertEquals(edgeValues.size(), 4);
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class GraphSONReaderTestSuite method testTinkerGraphVertexAndEdges.
public void testTinkerGraphVertexAndEdges() throws Exception {
Graph graph = this.graphTest.generateGraph();
if (graph.getFeatures().supportsVertexIteration) {
new GraphSONReader(graph).inputGraph(GraphSONReader.class.getResourceAsStream("graph-example-1.json"));
printPerformance(graph.toString(), null, "graph-example-1 loaded", this.stopWatch());
Vertex marko = null;
Vertex peter = null;
Vertex josh = null;
Vertex vadas = null;
Vertex lop = null;
Vertex ripple = null;
int count = 0;
for (Vertex v : graph.getVertices()) {
String name = v.getProperty("name").toString();
if (name.equals("marko")) {
marko = v;
} else if (name.equals("peter")) {
peter = v;
} else if (name.equals("josh")) {
josh = v;
} else if (name.equals("vadas")) {
vadas = v;
} else if (name.equals("lop")) {
lop = v;
} else if (name.equals("ripple")) {
ripple = v;
} else {
assertEquals(count, 6);
assertTrue(null != marko);
assertTrue(null != peter);
assertTrue(null != josh);
assertTrue(null != vadas);
assertTrue(null != lop);
assertTrue(null != ripple);
if (graph.getFeatures().supportsEdgeIteration) {
assertEquals(count(graph.getEdges()), 6);
// test marko
Set<Vertex> vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(marko.getProperty("name"), "marko");
assertEquals(((Number) marko.getProperty("age")).intValue(), 29);
assertEquals(marko.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(marko.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 3);
assertEquals(count(marko.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 0);
for (Edge e : marko.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 3);
// test peter
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(peter.getProperty("name"), "peter");
assertEquals(((Number) peter.getProperty("age")).intValue(), 35);
assertEquals(peter.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(peter.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 1);
assertEquals(count(peter.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 0);
for (Edge e : peter.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 1);
// test josh
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(josh.getProperty("name"), "josh");
assertEquals(((Number) josh.getProperty("age")).intValue(), 32);
assertEquals(josh.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(josh.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 2);
assertEquals(count(josh.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 1);
for (Edge e : josh.getEdges(Direction.OUT)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 2);
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
for (Edge e : josh.getEdges(Direction.IN)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 1);
// test vadas
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(vadas.getProperty("name"), "vadas");
assertEquals(((Number) vadas.getProperty("age")).intValue(), 27);
assertEquals(vadas.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(vadas.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 0);
assertEquals(count(vadas.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 1);
for (Edge e : vadas.getEdges(Direction.IN)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 1);
// test lop
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(lop.getProperty("name"), "lop");
assertEquals(lop.getProperty("lang"), "java");
assertEquals(lop.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(lop.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 0);
assertEquals(count(lop.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 3);
for (Edge e : lop.getEdges(Direction.IN)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 3);
// test ripple
vertices = new HashSet<Vertex>();
assertEquals(ripple.getProperty("name"), "ripple");
assertEquals(ripple.getProperty("lang"), "java");
assertEquals(ripple.getPropertyKeys().size(), 2);
assertEquals(count(ripple.getEdges(Direction.OUT)), 0);
assertEquals(count(ripple.getEdges(Direction.IN)), 1);
for (Edge e : ripple.getEdges(Direction.IN)) {
assertEquals(vertices.size(), 1);
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class PropertyGraphSailConnection method getStatements_SPO.
private CloseableIteration<Statement, SailException> getStatements_SPO(final Resource subject, final URI predicate, final Value object) throws SailException {
if (predicate.equals(RDF.TYPE)) {
if (subject instanceof URI) {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.EDGE)) {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), edgeTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (object.equals(PropertyGraphSail.VERTEX)) {
Source<Vertex> s = new Source<Vertex>(new SingleItemIterator<Vertex>(v), vertexTypes);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.ID)) {
Object id = literalToObject(object);
if (null == id || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (e.getId().equals(id)) {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), edgeIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
if (v.getId().equals(id)) {
Source<Vertex> s = new Source<Vertex>(new SingleItemIterator<Vertex>(v), vertexIds);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.LABEL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Object label = literalToObject(object);
if (null == label || !(label instanceof String) || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e || !e.getLabel().equals(label)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), labels);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.HEAD)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null == e || null == v || !e.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(v)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), heads);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (predicate.equals(PropertyGraphSail.TAIL)) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null == e || null == v || !e.getVertex(Direction.OUT).equals(v)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source<Edge> s = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), tails);
return new StatementIteration(s);
} else if (isPropertyPredicate(predicate)) {
Object val = literalToObject(object);
if (null == val || !(subject instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String key = keyFromPredicate(predicate);
Vertex v = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == v) {
if (!firstClassEdges) {
return new StatementIteration();
Edge e = edgeForURI((URI) subject);
if (null == e) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
Source<Edge> edges = new Source<Edge>(new SingleItemIterator<Edge>(e), edgePropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, val, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(edges);
} else {
Source<Vertex> vertices = new Source<Vertex>(new SingleItemIterator<Vertex>(v), vertexPropertiesWithKeyAndValue(key, predicate, val, (Literal) object));
return new StatementIteration(vertices);
} else if (isRelationPredicate(predicate)) {
if (!(subject instanceof URI) || !(object instanceof URI)) {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
String label = labelForRelationPredicate(predicate);
Vertex vSubj = vertexForURI((URI) subject);
Vertex vObj = vertexForURI((URI) object);
if (null != vSubj && null != vObj) {
Collection<Edge> edges = new LinkedList<Edge>();
for (Edge ev : vSubj.getEdges(Direction.OUT, label)) {
if (ev.getVertex(Direction.IN).equals(vObj)) {
if (edges.size() > 0) {
return new StatementIteration(new Source<Edge>(edges.iterator(), allEdgeStatements));
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
} else {
return new StatementIteration();
use of com.tinkerpop.blueprints.Edge in project blueprints by tinkerpop.
the class PropertyGraphSailConnection method edgePropertiesWithValue.
private StatementGenerator<Edge> edgePropertiesWithValue(final Object value, final Literal object) {
return new StatementGenerator<Edge>() {
public void generate(Edge source, Collection<Statement> results) {
for (String key : source.getPropertyKeys()) {
Object v = source.getProperty(key);
if (null != v && v.equals(value)) {
URI predicate = predicateForPropertyKey(key);
Statement s = context.valueFactory.createStatement(uriForEdge(source), predicate, object);