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Example 6 with COSDictionary

use of com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFMergerUtility method acroFormLegacyMode.

     * Merge the contents of the source form into the destination form for the
     * destination file.
     * @param cloner the object cloner for the destination document
     * @param destAcroForm the destination form
     * @param srcAcroForm the source form
     * @throws IOException If an error occurs while adding the field.
private void acroFormLegacyMode(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDAcroForm destAcroForm, PDAcroForm srcAcroForm) throws IOException {
    List<PDField> srcFields = srcAcroForm.getFields();
    COSArray destFields;
    if (srcFields != null && !srcFields.isEmpty()) {
        // if a form is merged multiple times using PDFBox the newly generated
        // fields starting with dummyFieldName may already exist. We need to determine the last unique
        // number used and increment that.
        final String prefix = "dummyFieldName";
        final int prefixLength = prefix.length();
        for (PDField destField : destAcroForm.getFieldTree()) {
            String fieldName = destField.getPartialName();
            if (fieldName.startsWith(prefix)) {
                nextFieldNum = Math.max(nextFieldNum, Integer.parseInt(fieldName.substring(prefixLength, fieldName.length())) + 1);
        // get the destinations root fields. Could be that the entry doesn't exist
        // or is of wrong type
        COSBase base = destAcroForm.getCOSObject().getItem(COSName.FIELDS);
        if (base instanceof COSArray) {
            destFields = (COSArray) base;
        } else {
            destFields = new COSArray();
        for (PDField srcField : srcAcroForm.getFields()) {
            COSDictionary dstField = (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcField.getCOSObject());
            // to prevent merge conflicts.
            if (destAcroForm.getField(srcField.getFullyQualifiedName()) != null) {
                dstField.setString(COSName.T, prefix + nextFieldNum++);
        destAcroForm.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.FIELDS, destFields);
Also used : PDField(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDField) COSArray(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray) COSDictionary(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary) COSBase(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSBase)

Example 7 with COSDictionary

use of com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFMergerUtility method mergeFields.

private void mergeFields(PDFCloneUtility cloner, PDField destField, PDField srcField) {
    if (destField instanceof PDNonTerminalField && srcField instanceof PDNonTerminalField) {
        Log.i("PdfBox-Android", "Skipping non terminal field " + srcField.getFullyQualifiedName());
    if (destField.getFieldType() == "Tx" && destField.getFieldType() == "Tx") {
        // if the field already has multiple widgets we can add to the array
        if (destField.getCOSObject().containsKey(COSName.KIDS)) {
            COSArray widgets = destField.getCOSObject().getCOSArray(COSName.KIDS);
            for (PDAnnotationWidget srcWidget : srcField.getWidgets()) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                    Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "Unable to clone widget for source field " + srcField.getFullyQualifiedName());
        } else {
            COSArray widgets = new COSArray();
            try {
                COSDictionary widgetAsCOS = (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(destField.getWidgets().get(0));
                cleanupWidgetCOSDictionary(widgetAsCOS, true);
                widgetAsCOS.setItem(COSName.PARENT, destField);
                for (PDAnnotationWidget srcWidget : srcField.getWidgets()) {
                    try {
                        widgetAsCOS = (COSDictionary) cloner.cloneForNewDocument(srcWidget.getCOSObject());
                        cleanupWidgetCOSDictionary(widgetAsCOS, false);
                        widgetAsCOS.setItem(COSName.PARENT, destField);
                    } catch (IOException ioe) {
                        Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "Unable to clone widget for source field " + srcField.getFullyQualifiedName());
                destField.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.KIDS, widgets);
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
                Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "Unable to clone widget for destination field " + destField.getFullyQualifiedName());
    } else {
        Log.i("PdfBox-Android", "Only merging two text fields is currently supported");
        Log.i("PdfBox-Android", "Skipping merging of " + srcField.getFullyQualifiedName() + " into " + destField.getFullyQualifiedName());
Also used : COSArray(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray) COSDictionary(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary) PDAnnotationWidget(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.annotation.PDAnnotationWidget) PDNonTerminalField(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.interactive.form.PDNonTerminalField) IOException(

Example 8 with COSDictionary

use of com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class BaseParser method parseCOSDictionary.

 * This will parse a PDF dictionary.
 * @return The parsed dictionary, never null.
 * @throws IOException If there is an error reading the stream.
protected COSDictionary parseCOSDictionary() throws IOException {
    COSDictionary obj = new COSDictionary();
    boolean done = false;
    while (!done) {
        char c = (char) seqSource.peek();
        if (c == '>') {
            done = true;
        } else if (c == '/') {
            // stop immediately and return everything read so far
            if (!parseCOSDictionaryNameValuePair(obj)) {
                return obj;
        } else {
            // invalid dictionary, we were expecting a /Name, read until the end or until we can recover
            Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "Invalid dictionary, found: '" + c + "' but expected: '/' at offset " + seqSource.getPosition());
            if (readUntilEndOfCOSDictionary()) {
                // we couldn't recover
                return obj;
    return obj;
Also used : COSDictionary(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary)

Example 9 with COSDictionary

use of com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class Overlay method processPages.

private void processPages(PDDocument document) throws IOException {
    int pageCounter = 0;
    for (PDPage page : document.getPages()) {
        COSDictionary pageDictionary = page.getCOSObject();
        COSBase originalContent = pageDictionary.getDictionaryObject(COSName.CONTENTS);
        COSArray newContentArray = new COSArray();
        LayoutPage layoutPage = getLayoutPage(pageCounter, document.getNumberOfPages());
        if (layoutPage == null) {
        switch(position) {
            case FOREGROUND:
                // save state
                addOriginalContent(originalContent, newContentArray);
                // restore state
                // overlay content last
                overlayPage(page, layoutPage, newContentArray);
            case BACKGROUND:
                // overlay content first
                overlayPage(page, layoutPage, newContentArray);
                addOriginalContent(originalContent, newContentArray);
                throw new IOException("Unknown type of position:" + position);
        pageDictionary.setItem(COSName.CONTENTS, newContentArray);
Also used : PDPage(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage) COSDictionary(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary) COSArray(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray) COSBase(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSBase) IOException(

Example 10 with COSDictionary

use of com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.

the class PDFCloneUtility method cloneMerge.

 * Merges two objects of the same type by deep-cloning its members.
 * <br>
 * Base and target must be instances of the same class.
 * @param base the base object to be cloned
 * @param target the merge target
 * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public void cloneMerge(final COSObjectable base, COSObjectable target) throws IOException {
    if (base == null) {
    COSBase retval = clonedVersion.get(base);
    if (retval != null) {
    // we are done, it has already been converted. // ### Is that correct for cloneMerge???
    // TODO what when clone-merging a clone? Does it ever happen?
    if (!(base instanceof COSBase)) {
        cloneMerge(base.getCOSObject(), target.getCOSObject());
    } else if (base instanceof COSObject) {
        if (target instanceof COSObject) {
            cloneMerge(((COSObject) base).getObject(), ((COSObject) target).getObject());
        } else if (target instanceof COSDictionary || target instanceof COSArray) {
            cloneMerge(((COSObject) base).getObject(), target);
    } else if (base instanceof COSArray) {
        COSArray array = (COSArray) base;
        for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) {
            ((COSArray) target).add(cloneForNewDocument(array.get(i)));
    } else if (base instanceof COSStream) {
        // does that make sense???
        COSStream originalStream = (COSStream) base;
        COSStream stream = destination.getDocument().createCOSStream();
        OutputStream output = stream.createOutputStream(originalStream.getFilters());
        IOUtils.copy(originalStream.createInputStream(), output);
        clonedVersion.put(base, stream);
        for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : originalStream.entrySet()) {
            stream.setItem(entry.getKey(), cloneForNewDocument(entry.getValue()));
        retval = stream;
    } else if (base instanceof COSDictionary) {
        COSDictionary dic = (COSDictionary) base;
        clonedVersion.put(base, retval);
        for (Map.Entry<COSName, COSBase> entry : dic.entrySet()) {
            COSName key = entry.getKey();
            COSBase value = entry.getValue();
            if (((COSDictionary) target).getItem(key) != null) {
                cloneMerge(value, ((COSDictionary) target).getItem(key));
            } else {
                ((COSDictionary) target).setItem(key, cloneForNewDocument(value));
    } else {
        retval = (COSBase) base;
    clonedVersion.put(base, retval);
Also used : COSStream(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSStream) COSDictionary(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary) COSArray(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray) COSName(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName) COSObject(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSObject) OutputStream( COSBase(com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSBase) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Map(java.util.Map)


COSDictionary (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSDictionary)221 COSArray (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSArray)68 COSBase (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSBase)68 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)24 COSName (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSName)23 COSObject (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSObject)22 COSArrayList (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.common.COSArrayList)15 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)14 COSStream (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSStream)13 Map (java.util.Map)12 PDPage (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDPage)10 COSString (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.cos.COSString)7 PDDocument (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument)6 PDResources (com.tom_roush.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDResources)6 ByteArrayOutputStream ( List (java.util.List)6 ByteArrayInputStream ( File ( Test (org.junit.Test)5