use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.
the class PDFreeTextAppearanceHandler method generateNormalAppearance.
public void generateNormalAppearance() {
PDAnnotationMarkup annotation = (PDAnnotationMarkup) getAnnotation();
float[] pathsArray = new float[0];
if (PDAnnotationMarkup.IT_FREE_TEXT_CALLOUT.equals(annotation.getIntent())) {
pathsArray = annotation.getCallout();
if (pathsArray == null || pathsArray.length != 4 && pathsArray.length != 6) {
pathsArray = new float[0];
AnnotationBorder ab = AnnotationBorder.getAnnotationBorder(annotation, annotation.getBorderStyle());
PDAppearanceContentStream cs = null;
try {
cs = getNormalAppearanceAsContentStream(true);
// The fill color is the /C entry, there is no /IC entry defined
boolean hasBackground = cs.setNonStrokingColorOnDemand(annotation.getColor());
setOpacity(cs, annotation.getConstantOpacity());
// Adobe uses the last non stroking color from /DA as stroking color!
// But if there is a color in /DS, then that one is used for text.
PDColor strokingColor = extractNonStrokingColor(annotation);
boolean hasStroke = cs.setStrokingColorOnDemand(strokingColor);
PDColor textColor = strokingColor;
String defaultStyleString = annotation.getDefaultStyleString();
if (defaultStyleString != null) {
Matcher m = COLOR_PATTERN.matcher(defaultStyleString);
if (m.find()) {
int color = Integer.parseInt(, 16);
float r = ((color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 255f;
float g = ((color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 255f;
float b = (color & 0xFF) / 255f;
textColor = new PDColor(new float[] { r, g, b }, PDDeviceRGB.INSTANCE);
if (ab.dashArray != null) {
cs.setLineDashPattern(ab.dashArray, 0);
// see CTAN-example-Annotations.pdf
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
if (i == 0) {
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getLineEndingStyle())) {
// modify coordinate to shorten the segment
float x1 = pathsArray[2];
float y1 = pathsArray[3];
float len = (float) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y - y1, 2)));
if (, 0) != 0) {
x += (x1 - x) / len * ab.width;
y += (y1 - y) / len * ab.width;
cs.moveTo(x, y);
} else {
cs.lineTo(x, y);
if (pathsArray.length > 0) {
// paint the styles here and after line(s) draw, to avoid line crossing a filled shape
if (PDAnnotationMarkup.IT_FREE_TEXT_CALLOUT.equals(annotation.getIntent()) && // check only needed to avoid q cm Q if LE_NONE
!LE_NONE.equals(annotation.getLineEndingStyle()) && pathsArray.length >= 4) {
float x2 = pathsArray[2];
float y2 = pathsArray[3];
float x1 = pathsArray[0];
float y1 = pathsArray[1];
if (ANGLED_STYLES.contains(annotation.getLineEndingStyle())) {
// do a transform so that first "arm" is imagined flat,
// like in line handler.
// The alternative would be to apply the transform to the
// LE shape coordinates directly, which would be more work
// and produce code difficult to understand
double angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x1, y1));
} else {
cs.transform(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1));
drawStyle(annotation.getLineEndingStyle(), cs, 0, 0, ab.width, hasStroke, hasBackground, false);
PDRectangle borderBox;
PDBorderEffectDictionary borderEffect = annotation.getBorderEffect();
if (borderEffect != null && borderEffect.getStyle().equals(PDBorderEffectDictionary.STYLE_CLOUDY)) {
// Adobe draws the text with the original rectangle in mind.
// but if there is an /RD, then writing area get smaller.
// do this here because /RD is overwritten in a few lines
borderBox = applyRectDifferences(getRectangle(), annotation.getRectDifferences());
// TODO this segment was copied from square handler. Refactor?
CloudyBorder cloudyBorder = new CloudyBorder(cs, borderEffect.getIntensity(), ab.width, getRectangle());
PDAppearanceStream appearanceStream = annotation.getNormalAppearanceStream();
} else {
// handle the border box
// There are two options. The handling is not part of the PDF specification but
// implementation specific to Adobe Reader
// - if /RD is set the border box is the /Rect entry inset by the respective
// border difference.
// - if /RD is not set then we don't touch /RD etc because Adobe doesn't either.
borderBox = applyRectDifferences(getRectangle(), annotation.getRectDifferences());
// note that borderBox is not modified
PDRectangle paddedRectangle = getPaddedRectangle(borderBox, ab.width / 2);
cs.addRect(paddedRectangle.getLowerLeftX(), paddedRectangle.getLowerLeftY(), paddedRectangle.getWidth(), paddedRectangle.getHeight());
cs.drawShape(ab.width, hasStroke, hasBackground);
// rotation is an undocumented feature, but Adobe uses it. Examples can be found
// in pdf_commenting_new.pdf file, page 3.
int rotation = annotation.getCOSObject().getInt(COSName.ROTATE, 0);
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(Math.toRadians(rotation), 0, 0));
float xOffset;
float yOffset;
float width = rotation == 90 || rotation == 270 ? borderBox.getHeight() : borderBox.getWidth();
// strategy to write formatted text is somewhat inspired by
// AppearanceGeneratorHelper.insertGeneratedAppearance()
PDFont font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
float clipY;
float clipWidth = width - ab.width * 4;
float clipHeight = rotation == 90 || rotation == 270 ? borderBox.getWidth() - ab.width * 4 : borderBox.getHeight() - ab.width * 4;
if (document != null && document.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm() != null) {
// Try to get font from AcroForm default resources
// Sample file:
PDResources defaultResources = document.getDocumentCatalog().getAcroForm().getDefaultResources();
if (defaultResources != null) {
PDFont defaultResourcesFont = defaultResources.getFont(fontName);
if (defaultResourcesFont != null) {
font = defaultResourcesFont;
// value used by Adobe, no idea where it comes from, actual font bbox max y is 0.931
// gathered by creating an annotation with width 0.
float yDelta = 0.7896f;
switch(rotation) {
case 180:
xOffset = -borderBox.getUpperRightX() + ab.width * 2;
yOffset = -borderBox.getLowerLeftY() - ab.width * 2 - yDelta * fontSize;
clipY = -borderBox.getUpperRightY() + ab.width * 2;
case 90:
xOffset = borderBox.getLowerLeftY() + ab.width * 2;
yOffset = -borderBox.getLowerLeftX() - ab.width * 2 - yDelta * fontSize;
clipY = -borderBox.getUpperRightX() + ab.width * 2;
case 270:
xOffset = -borderBox.getUpperRightY() + ab.width * 2;
yOffset = borderBox.getUpperRightX() - ab.width * 2 - yDelta * fontSize;
clipY = borderBox.getLowerLeftX() + ab.width * 2;
case 0:
xOffset = borderBox.getLowerLeftX() + ab.width * 2;
yOffset = borderBox.getUpperRightY() - ab.width * 2 - yDelta * fontSize;
clipY = borderBox.getLowerLeftY() + ab.width * 2;
// clip writing area
cs.addRect(xOffset, clipY, clipWidth, clipHeight);
cs.setFont(font, fontSize);
AppearanceStyle appearanceStyle = new AppearanceStyle();
PlainTextFormatter formatter = new PlainTextFormatter.Builder(cs).style(appearanceStyle).text(new PlainText(annotation.getContents())).width(width - ab.width * 4).wrapLines(true).initialOffset(xOffset, yOffset).build();
try {
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
throw new IOException(ex);
if (pathsArray.length > 0) {
PDRectangle rect = getRectangle();
// Adjust rectangle
// important to do this after the rectangle has been painted, because the
// final rectangle will be bigger due to callout
// CTAN-example-Annotations.pdf p1
// TODO in a class structure this should be overridable
float minX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float minY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxX = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float maxY = Float.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
// arrow length is 9 * width at about 30° => 10 * width seems to be enough
rect.setLowerLeftX(Math.min(minX - ab.width * 10, rect.getLowerLeftX()));
rect.setLowerLeftY(Math.min(minY - ab.width * 10, rect.getLowerLeftY()));
rect.setUpperRightX(Math.max(maxX + ab.width * 10, rect.getUpperRightX()));
rect.setUpperRightY(Math.max(maxY + ab.width * 10, rect.getUpperRightY()));
// need to set the BBox too, because rectangle modification came later
// TODO when callout is used, /RD should be so that the result is the writable part
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.
the class PDHighlightAppearanceHandler method generateNormalAppearance.
public void generateNormalAppearance() {
PDAnnotationTextMarkup annotation = (PDAnnotationTextMarkup) getAnnotation();
PDRectangle rect = annotation.getRectangle();
float[] pathsArray = annotation.getQuadPoints();
if (pathsArray == null) {
AnnotationBorder ab = AnnotationBorder.getAnnotationBorder(annotation, annotation.getBorderStyle());
PDColor color = annotation.getColor();
if (color == null || color.getComponents().length == 0) {
// Adjust rectangle even if not empty, see
// TODO in a class structure this should be overridable
// this is similar to polyline but different data type
// TODO padding should consider the curves too; needs to know in advance where the curve is
float minX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float minY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxX = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float maxY = Float.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
// get the delta used for curves and use it for padding
float maxDelta = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 8; ++i) {
// one of the two is 0, depending whether the rectangle is
// horizontal or vertical
// if it is diagonal then... uh...
float delta = Math.max((pathsArray[i + 0] - pathsArray[i + 4]) / 4, (pathsArray[i + 1] - pathsArray[i + 5]) / 4);
maxDelta = Math.max(delta, maxDelta);
rect.setLowerLeftX(Math.min(minX - ab.width / 2 - maxDelta, rect.getLowerLeftX()));
rect.setLowerLeftY(Math.min(minY - ab.width / 2 - maxDelta, rect.getLowerLeftY()));
rect.setUpperRightX(Math.max(maxX + ab.width + maxDelta, rect.getUpperRightX()));
rect.setUpperRightY(Math.max(maxY + ab.width + maxDelta, rect.getUpperRightY()));
PDAppearanceContentStream cs = null;
try {
cs = getNormalAppearanceAsContentStream();
PDExtendedGraphicsState r0 = new PDExtendedGraphicsState();
PDExtendedGraphicsState r1 = new PDExtendedGraphicsState();
// TODO replace with document.getDocument().createCOSStream()
// or call new PDFormXObject(document)
PDFormXObject frm1 = new PDFormXObject(createCOSStream());
PDFormXObject frm2 = new PDFormXObject(createCOSStream());
frm1.setResources(new PDResources());
PDFormContentStream mwfofrmCS = null;
try {
mwfofrmCS = new PDFormContentStream(frm1);
} finally {
COSDictionary groupDict = new COSDictionary();
groupDict.setItem(COSName.S, COSName.TRANSPARENCY);
// TODO PDFormXObject.setGroup() is missing
frm1.getCOSObject().setItem(COSName.GROUP, groupDict);
PDFormContentStream frm2CS = null;
try {
frm2CS = new PDFormContentStream(frm2);
int of = 0;
while (of + 7 < pathsArray.length) {
// quadpoints spec sequence is incorrect, correct one is (4,5 0,1 2,3 6,7)
// for "curvy" highlighting, two Bézier control points are used that seem to have a
// distance of about 1/4 of the height.
// note that curves won't appear if outside of the rectangle
float delta = 0;
if ([of + 0], pathsArray[of + 4]) == 0 &&[of + 1], pathsArray[of + 3]) == 0 &&[of + 2], pathsArray[of + 6]) == 0 &&[of + 5], pathsArray[of + 7]) == 0) {
// horizontal highlight
delta = (pathsArray[of + 1] - pathsArray[of + 5]) / 4;
} else if ([of + 1], pathsArray[of + 5]) == 0 &&[of + 0], pathsArray[of + 2]) == 0 &&[of + 3], pathsArray[of + 7]) == 0 &&[of + 4], pathsArray[of + 6]) == 0) {
// vertical highlight
delta = (pathsArray[of + 0] - pathsArray[of + 4]) / 4;
frm2CS.moveTo(pathsArray[of + 4], pathsArray[of + 5]);
if ([of + 0], pathsArray[of + 4]) == 0) {
// horizontal highlight
frm2CS.curveTo(pathsArray[of + 4] - delta, pathsArray[of + 5] + delta, pathsArray[of + 0] - delta, pathsArray[of + 1] - delta, pathsArray[of + 0], pathsArray[of + 1]);
} else if ([of + 5], pathsArray[of + 1]) == 0) {
// vertical highlight
frm2CS.curveTo(pathsArray[of + 4] + delta, pathsArray[of + 5] + delta, pathsArray[of + 0] - delta, pathsArray[of + 1] + delta, pathsArray[of + 0], pathsArray[of + 1]);
} else {
frm2CS.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 0], pathsArray[of + 1]);
frm2CS.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 2], pathsArray[of + 3]);
if ([of + 2], pathsArray[of + 6]) == 0) {
// horizontal highlight
frm2CS.curveTo(pathsArray[of + 2] + delta, pathsArray[of + 3] - delta, pathsArray[of + 6] + delta, pathsArray[of + 7] + delta, pathsArray[of + 6], pathsArray[of + 7]);
} else if ([of + 3], pathsArray[of + 7]) == 0) {
// vertical highlight
frm2CS.curveTo(pathsArray[of + 2] - delta, pathsArray[of + 3] - delta, pathsArray[of + 6] + delta, pathsArray[of + 7] - delta, pathsArray[of + 6], pathsArray[of + 7]);
} else {
frm2CS.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 6], pathsArray[of + 7]);
of += 8;
} finally {
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.
the class PDLineAppearanceHandler method generateNormalAppearance.
public void generateNormalAppearance() {
PDAnnotationLine annotation = (PDAnnotationLine) getAnnotation();
PDRectangle rect = annotation.getRectangle();
float[] pathsArray = annotation.getLine();
if (pathsArray == null) {
AnnotationBorder ab = AnnotationBorder.getAnnotationBorder(annotation, annotation.getBorderStyle());
PDColor color = annotation.getColor();
if (color == null || color.getComponents().length == 0) {
float ll = annotation.getLeaderLineLength();
float lle = annotation.getLeaderLineExtensionLength();
float llo = annotation.getLeaderLineOffsetLength();
// Adjust rectangle even if not empty, see
float minX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float minY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxX = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float maxY = Float.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
// Leader lines
if (ll < 0) {
// /LLO and /LLE go in the same direction as /LL
llo = -llo;
lle = -lle;
// observed with diagonal line of AnnotationSample.Standard.pdf
// for line endings, very small widths must be treated as size 1.
// However the border of the line ending shapes is not drawn.
float lineEndingSize = (ab.width < 1e-5) ? 1 : ab.width;
// add/subtract with, font height, and arrows
// arrow length is 9 * width at about 30° => 10 * width seems to be enough
// but need to consider /LL, /LLE and /LLO too
// TODO find better way to calculate padding
rect.setLowerLeftX(Math.min(minX - Math.max(lineEndingSize * 10, Math.abs(llo + ll + lle)), rect.getLowerLeftX()));
rect.setLowerLeftY(Math.min(minY - Math.max(lineEndingSize * 10, Math.abs(llo + ll + lle)), rect.getLowerLeftY()));
rect.setUpperRightX(Math.max(maxX + Math.max(lineEndingSize * 10, Math.abs(llo + ll + lle)), rect.getUpperRightX()));
rect.setUpperRightY(Math.max(maxY + Math.max(lineEndingSize * 10, Math.abs(llo + ll + lle)), rect.getUpperRightY()));
PDAppearanceContentStream cs = null;
try {
cs = getNormalAppearanceAsContentStream();
setOpacity(cs, annotation.getConstantOpacity());
// Tested with Adobe Reader:
// text is written first (TODO)
// width 0 is used by Adobe as such (but results in a visible line in rendering)
// empty color array results in an invisible line ("n" operator) but the rest is visible
// empty content is like no caption
boolean hasStroke = cs.setStrokingColorOnDemand(color);
if (ab.dashArray != null) {
cs.setLineDashPattern(ab.dashArray, 0);
float x1 = pathsArray[0];
float y1 = pathsArray[1];
float x2 = pathsArray[2];
float y2 = pathsArray[3];
// if there are leader lines, then the /L coordinates represent
// the endpoints of the leader lines rather than the endpoints of the line itself.
// so for us, llo + ll is the vertical offset for the line.
float y = llo + ll;
String contents = annotation.getContents();
if (contents == null) {
contents = "";
double angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x1, y1));
float lineLength = (float) Math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
// Leader lines
cs.moveTo(0, llo);
cs.lineTo(0, llo + ll + lle);
cs.moveTo(lineLength, llo);
cs.lineTo(lineLength, llo + ll + lle);
if (annotation.getCaption() && !contents.isEmpty()) {
// Note that Adobe places the text as a caption even if /CP is not set
// when the text is so long that it would cross arrows, but we ignore this for now
// and stick to the specification.
PDType1Font font = PDType1Font.HELVETICA;
// TODO: support newlines!!!!!
// see
float contentLength = 0;
try {
contentLength = font.getStringWidth(annotation.getContents()) / 1000 * FONT_SIZE;
// TODO How to decide the size of the font?
// 9 seems to be standard, but if the text doesn't fit, a scaling is done
// see AnnotationSample.Standard.pdf, diagonal line
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
// Adobe Reader displays placeholders instead
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", "line text '" + annotation.getContents() + "' can't be shown", ex);
float xOffset = (lineLength - contentLength) / 2;
float yOffset;
String captionPositioning = annotation.getCaptionPositioning();
// that's the easiest way to calculate the positions for the line before and after inline caption
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.moveTo(lineEndingSize, y);
} else {
cs.moveTo(0, y);
if ("Top".equals(captionPositioning)) {
// this arbitrary number is from Adobe
yOffset = 1.908f;
} else {
// Inline
// this arbitrary number is from Adobe
yOffset = -2.6f;
cs.lineTo(xOffset - lineEndingSize, y);
cs.moveTo(lineLength - xOffset + lineEndingSize, y);
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.lineTo(lineLength - lineEndingSize, y);
} else {
cs.lineTo(lineLength, y);
cs.drawShape(lineEndingSize, hasStroke, false);
// /CO entry (caption offset)
float captionHorizontalOffset = annotation.getCaptionHorizontalOffset();
float captionVerticalOffset = annotation.getCaptionVerticalOffset();
// check contentLength so we don't show if there was trouble before
if (contentLength > 0) {
cs.setFont(font, FONT_SIZE);
cs.newLineAtOffset(xOffset + captionHorizontalOffset, y + yOffset + captionVerticalOffset);
if (, 0) != 0) {
// Adobe paints vertical bar to the caption
cs.moveTo(0 + lineLength / 2, y);
cs.lineTo(0 + lineLength / 2, y + captionVerticalOffset);
cs.drawShape(lineEndingSize, hasStroke, false);
} else {
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.moveTo(lineEndingSize, y);
} else {
cs.moveTo(0, y);
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.lineTo(lineLength - lineEndingSize, y);
} else {
cs.lineTo(lineLength, y);
cs.drawShape(lineEndingSize, hasStroke, false);
// paint the styles here and not before showing the text, or the text would appear
// with the interior color
boolean hasBackground = cs.setNonStrokingColorOnDemand(annotation.getInteriorColor());
// is not drawn.
if (ab.width < 1e-5) {
hasStroke = false;
// check for LE_NONE only needed to avoid q cm Q for that case
if (!LE_NONE.equals(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
if (ANGLED_STYLES.contains(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x1, y1));
drawStyle(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle(), cs, 0, y, lineEndingSize, hasStroke, hasBackground, false);
} else {
// Support of non-angled styles is more difficult than in the other handlers
// because the lines do not always go from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) due to the leader lines
// when the "y" value above is not 0.
// We use the angle we already know and the distance y to translate to the new coordinate.
float xx1 = x1 - (float) (y * Math.sin(angle));
float yy1 = y1 + (float) (y * Math.cos(angle));
drawStyle(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle(), cs, xx1, yy1, lineEndingSize, hasStroke, hasBackground, false);
// check for LE_NONE only needed to avoid q cm Q for that case
if (!LE_NONE.equals(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
// save / restore not needed because it's the last one
if (ANGLED_STYLES.contains(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x2, y2));
drawStyle(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle(), cs, 0, y, lineEndingSize, hasStroke, hasBackground, true);
} else {
// Support of non-angled styles is more difficult than in the other handlers
// because the lines do not always go from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) due to the leader lines
// when the "y" value above is not 0.
// We use the angle we already know and the distance y to translate to the new coordinate.
float xx2 = x2 - (float) (y * Math.sin(angle));
float yy2 = y2 + (float) (y * Math.cos(angle));
drawStyle(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle(), cs, xx2, yy2, lineEndingSize, hasStroke, hasBackground, true);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {
use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.
the class PDLinkAppearanceHandler method generateNormalAppearance.
public void generateNormalAppearance() {
PDAnnotationLink annotation = (PDAnnotationLink) getAnnotation();
if (annotation.getRectangle() == null) {
// 660402-p1-AnnotationEmptyRect.pdf has /Rect entry with 0 elements
// Adobe doesn't generate an appearance for a link annotation
float lineWidth = getLineWidth();
PDAppearanceContentStream contentStream = null;
try {
contentStream = getNormalAppearanceAsContentStream();
PDColor color = annotation.getColor();
if (color == null) {
// spec is unclear, but black is what Adobe does
color = new PDColor(new float[] { 0 }, PDDeviceGray.INSTANCE);
boolean hasStroke = contentStream.setStrokingColorOnDemand(color);
contentStream.setBorderLine(lineWidth, annotation.getBorderStyle(), annotation.getBorder());
// Acrobat applies a padding to each side of the bbox so the line is completely within
// the bbox.
PDRectangle borderEdge = getPaddedRectangle(getRectangle(), lineWidth / 2);
float[] pathsArray = annotation.getQuadPoints();
if (pathsArray != null) {
// QuadPoints shall be ignored if any coordinate in the array lies outside
// the region specified by Rect.
PDRectangle rect = annotation.getRectangle();
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
if (!rect.contains(pathsArray[i * 2], pathsArray[i * 2 + 1])) {
Log.w("PdfBox-Android", "At least one /QuadPoints entry (" + pathsArray[i * 2] + ";" + pathsArray[i * 2 + 1] + ") is outside of rectangle, " + rect + ", /QuadPoints are ignored and /Rect is used instead");
pathsArray = null;
if (pathsArray == null) {
// Convert rectangle coordinates as if it was a /QuadPoints entry
pathsArray = new float[8];
pathsArray[0] = borderEdge.getLowerLeftX();
pathsArray[1] = borderEdge.getLowerLeftY();
pathsArray[2] = borderEdge.getUpperRightX();
pathsArray[3] = borderEdge.getLowerLeftY();
pathsArray[4] = borderEdge.getUpperRightX();
pathsArray[5] = borderEdge.getUpperRightY();
pathsArray[6] = borderEdge.getLowerLeftX();
pathsArray[7] = borderEdge.getUpperRightY();
int of = 0;
while (of + 7 < pathsArray.length) {
if (annotation.getBorderStyle() != null && annotation.getBorderStyle().getStyle().equals(PDBorderStyleDictionary.STYLE_UNDERLINE)) {
contentStream.moveTo(pathsArray[of], pathsArray[of + 1]);
contentStream.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 2], pathsArray[of + 3]);
} else {
contentStream.moveTo(pathsArray[of], pathsArray[of + 1]);
contentStream.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 2], pathsArray[of + 3]);
contentStream.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 4], pathsArray[of + 5]);
contentStream.lineTo(pathsArray[of + 6], pathsArray[of + 7]);
of += 8;
contentStream.drawShape(lineWidth, hasStroke, false);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", e.getMessage(), e);
} finally {
use of in project PdfBox-Android by TomRoush.
the class PDPolylineAppearanceHandler method generateNormalAppearance.
public void generateNormalAppearance() {
PDAnnotationMarkup annotation = (PDAnnotationMarkup) getAnnotation();
PDRectangle rect = annotation.getRectangle();
float[] pathsArray = annotation.getVertices();
if (pathsArray == null || pathsArray.length < 4) {
AnnotationBorder ab = AnnotationBorder.getAnnotationBorder(annotation, annotation.getBorderStyle());
PDColor color = annotation.getColor();
if (color == null || color.getComponents().length == 0 ||, 0) == 0) {
// Adjust rectangle even if not empty
// CTAN-example-Annotations.pdf and pdf_commenting_new.pdf p11
// TODO in a class structure this should be overridable
float minX = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float minY = Float.MAX_VALUE;
float maxX = Float.MIN_VALUE;
float maxY = Float.MIN_VALUE;
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y);
// arrow length is 9 * width at about 30° => 10 * width seems to be enough
rect.setLowerLeftX(Math.min(minX - ab.width * 10, rect.getLowerLeftX()));
rect.setLowerLeftY(Math.min(minY - ab.width * 10, rect.getLowerLeftY()));
rect.setUpperRightX(Math.max(maxX + ab.width * 10, rect.getUpperRightX()));
rect.setUpperRightY(Math.max(maxY + ab.width * 10, rect.getUpperRightY()));
PDAppearanceContentStream cs = null;
try {
cs = getNormalAppearanceAsContentStream();
boolean hasBackground = cs.setNonStrokingColorOnDemand(annotation.getInteriorColor());
setOpacity(cs, annotation.getConstantOpacity());
boolean hasStroke = cs.setStrokingColorOnDemand(color);
if (ab.dashArray != null) {
cs.setLineDashPattern(ab.dashArray, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < pathsArray.length / 2; ++i) {
float x = pathsArray[i * 2];
float y = pathsArray[i * 2 + 1];
if (i == 0) {
if (SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
// modify coordinate to shorten the segment
float x1 = pathsArray[2];
float y1 = pathsArray[3];
float len = (float) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x - x1, 2) + Math.pow(y - y1, 2)));
if (, 0) != 0) {
x += (x1 - x) / len * ab.width;
y += (y1 - y) / len * ab.width;
cs.moveTo(x, y);
} else {
if (i == pathsArray.length / 2 - 1 && SHORT_STYLES.contains(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
// modify coordinate to shorten the segment
float x0 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 4];
float y0 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 3];
float len = (float) (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x0 - x, 2) + Math.pow(y0 - y, 2)));
if (, 0) != 0) {
x -= (x - x0) / len * ab.width;
y -= (y - y0) / len * ab.width;
cs.lineTo(x, y);
// paint the styles here and after polyline draw, to avoid line crossing a filled shape
if (!LE_NONE.equals(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
// check only needed to avoid q cm Q if LE_NONE
float x2 = pathsArray[2];
float y2 = pathsArray[3];
float x1 = pathsArray[0];
float y1 = pathsArray[1];
if (ANGLED_STYLES.contains(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle())) {
double angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x1, y1));
} else {
cs.transform(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(x1, y1));
drawStyle(annotation.getStartPointEndingStyle(), cs, 0, 0, ab.width, hasStroke, hasBackground, false);
if (!LE_NONE.equals(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
// check only needed to avoid q cm Q if LE_NONE
float x1 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 4];
float y1 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 3];
float x2 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 2];
float y2 = pathsArray[pathsArray.length - 1];
// save / restore not needed because it's the last one
if (ANGLED_STYLES.contains(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle())) {
double angle = Math.atan2(y2 - y1, x2 - x1);
cs.transform(Matrix.getRotateInstance(angle, x2, y2));
} else {
cs.transform(Matrix.getTranslateInstance(x2, y2));
drawStyle(annotation.getEndPointEndingStyle(), cs, 0, 0, ab.width, hasStroke, hasBackground, true);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Log.e("PdfBox-Android", ex.getMessage(), ex);
} finally {