use of com.topcom.tjs.vo.KVPair in project topcom-cloud by 545314690.
the class TjsEnforcementManagerImpl method sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndDocument.
public Map<String, Object> sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndDocument(String startDate, String endDate, String industryType, String province, String city, String companyId) {
List<KVPair> kvList = new ArrayList<>();
kvList.add(new KVPair("现场检查记录", "XCJCJL"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("现场处理措施决定书", "SJSJFK"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("责令限期整改指令书", "ZLXQZGZLS"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("强制措施决定书", "QZCZJDS"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("整改复查意见书", "ZGFCYJS"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("立案审批表", "LASPB"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("询问笔录", "XWBL"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("行政(当场)处罚决定书(单位)(份)", "XZDCCFJDSDW"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("行政(当场)处罚决定书(个人)(份)", "XZDCCFJDSGR"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("行政处罚决定书(单位)(份)", "XZCFJDSDW"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("行政处罚决定书(个人)(份)", "XZCFJDSGR"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("其他文书", "QTWS"));
return this.sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndProperty(startDate, endDate, industryType, province, city, companyId, kvList);
use of com.topcom.tjs.vo.KVPair in project topcom-cloud by 545314690.
the class TjsEnforcementManagerImpl method countByEnforcet.
public List<Kv> countByEnforcet(String startDate, String endDate, String industryType, String province, String city) {
String[] keyArray = new String[] { "死亡人数", "事故起数", "执法次数", "违法行为" };
// 执法行为 违法行为
// 死亡人数 事故起数
String sqlAcc = "select DATE_FORMAT(happenedTime, '%Y') as 年,DATE_FORMAT(happenedTime, '%m') as 月,sum(deathNumber) as 死亡人数,count(1) as 事故起数 " + "from tjs_accident as t1 INNER JOIN tjs_special_company as t2 " + "ON " + "t1.companyId = t2.ID ";
boolean flag = false;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(startDate) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(endDate)) {
sqlAcc += " WHERE happenedTime BETWEEN '" + startDate + "' AND '" + endDate + "' ";
flag = true;
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(industryType)) {
if (flag) {
sqlAcc += " AND ";
} else {
sqlAcc += " WHERE ";
flag = true;
sqlAcc += " t2.industryType= '" + industryType + "'";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(province)) {
if (flag) {
sqlAcc += " AND ";
} else {
sqlAcc += " WHERE ";
flag = true;
sqlAcc += " t2.province='" + province + "'";
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(city)) {
if (flag) {
sqlAcc += " AND ";
} else {
sqlAcc += " WHERE ";
sqlAcc += "'" + city + "'";
sqlAcc = sqlAcc + "group by 年,月";
// sqlAcc = connectSqlString(startDate, endDate, industryType, province, city, "", sqlAcc);
List<JSONObject> acc = jdbcTemplate.query(sqlAcc, RowMappers.tjsAccidentDeathnumberByTime());
String sqlEnforcet = "select DATE_FORMAT(ZFJCJZSJ, '%Y') as 年," + "DATE_FORMAT(ZFJCJZSJ, '%m') as 月," + "sum(CCAQSCWFWGXWX) as 违法行为," + "sum(CCYBSGYHX) as 一般隐患," + "sum(CCZDSGYHX) as 重大隐患," + "sum(ZFWF) as 执法次数 " + "from t_enforcement as t1 INNER JOIN tjs_special_company as t2 " + "ON " + "t1.companyId = t2.ID ";
sqlEnforcet = connectSqlString(startDate, endDate, industryType, province, city, "", sqlEnforcet);
sqlEnforcet = sqlEnforcet + "group by 年,月 ";
List<JSONObject> enforcet = jdbcTemplate.query(sqlEnforcet, RowMappers.tjsZfyhByTime());
List<KVPair> deathNumberKV = new ArrayList<>();
List<KVPair> accNumber = new ArrayList<>();
List<KVPair> zhifa = new ArrayList<>();
List<KVPair> weifa = new ArrayList<>();
List<KVPair> ybyh = new ArrayList<>();
List<KVPair> zdyh = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < acc.size(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = acc.get(i);
String key = jsonObject.get("年") + "-" + jsonObject.get("月");
deathNumberKV.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("死亡人数").toString()));
accNumber.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("事故起数").toString()));
for (int i = 0; i < enforcet.size(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonObject = enforcet.get(i);
String key = jsonObject.get("年") + "-" + jsonObject.get("月");
zhifa.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("违法行为").toString()));
weifa.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("执法次数").toString()));
ybyh.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("一般隐患").toString()));
zdyh.add(new KVPair(key, jsonObject.get("重大隐患").toString()));
List<Kv> kvList = new ArrayList<>();
kvList.add(new Kv("死亡人数", deathNumberKV));
kvList.add(new Kv("事故起数", accNumber));
kvList.add(new Kv("违法行为", zhifa));
kvList.add(new Kv("执法次数", weifa));
kvList.add(new Kv("一般隐患", ybyh));
kvList.add(new Kv("重大隐患", zdyh));
return kvList;
use of com.topcom.tjs.vo.KVPair in project topcom-cloud by 545314690.
the class TjsEnforcementManagerImpl method sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndFine.
public Map<String, Object> sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndFine(String startDate, String endDate, String industryType, String province, String city, String companyId) {
List<KVPair> kvList = new ArrayList<>();
kvList.add(new KVPair("罚款额(万元)", "FKE"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("实际收缴罚款(万元)", "SJSJFK"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("查处一般事故隐患(项)", "CCYBSGYHX"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("查处重大事故隐患(项)", "CCZDSGYHX"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("查处安全生产违法违规行为(项)", "CCAQSCWFWGXWX"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("已整改安全生产违法违规行为(项)", "YZGAQSCWFWGXW"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("已整改一般事故隐患(项)", "YZGYBSGYH"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("已整改重大事故隐患(项)", "YZGZDSGYH"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("已整改重大事故隐患(项)", "YZGZDSGYH"));
kvList.add(new KVPair("其中:挂牌督办项(项)", "GPDBX"));
return this.sumByDateAndAreaAndIndustryTypeAndProperty(startDate, endDate, industryType, province, city, companyId, kvList);
use of com.topcom.tjs.vo.KVPair in project topcom-cloud by 545314690.
the class RowMappers method kvPairHatRowMapper.
public static RowMapper<KVPair> kvPairHatRowMapper() {
return new RowMapper<KVPair>() {
public KVPair mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int i) throws SQLException {
KVPair kvPair = new KVPair();
return kvPair;
use of com.topcom.tjs.vo.KVPair in project topcom-cloud by 545314690.
the class TjsEnforcementController method countByCompany.
@RequestMapping(value = { "countByCompany" }, method = { RequestMethod.GET }, produces = { "application/json" })
public List<KVPair> countByCompany(@RequestParam Long companyId, @RequestParam String startDate, @RequestParam String endDate) {
// TODO:可改为一次查询,避免多次
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap();
map.put("查处一般事故隐患(项)", "CCYBSGYHX");
map.put("查处重大事故隐患(项)", "CCZDSGYHX");
map.put("查处安全生产违法违规行为(项)", "CCAQSCWFWGXWX");
map.put("已整改安全生产违法违规行为(项)", "YZGAQSCWFWGXW");
map.put("已整改一般事故隐患(项)", "YZGYBSGYH");
map.put("已整改重大事故隐患(项)", "YZGZDSGYH");
List<KVPair> kvPairList = new ArrayList<>();
Set<String> keySet = map.keySet();
Iterator<String> iterator = keySet.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String key =;
String value = map.get(key);
KVPair kvPair = tjsEnforcementManager.countByCompanyIdAndDateAndProperty(companyId, startDate, endDate, key, value);
return kvPairList;