Search in sources :

Example 36 with XMLVector

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class SetStepSourceDefinition method getServiceResult.

protected void getServiceResult(HttpServletRequest request, Document document) throws Exception {
    HttpSession session = request.getSession();
    CheStudio cheStudio = CallAction.getStudio(session);
    Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
    if (cheStudio != null) {
        SourcePickerViewWrap spv = cheStudio.getSourcePickerView();
        if (spv != null) {
            // Retrieve the StepSource definition
            String qname = request.getParameter("qname");
            DatabaseObject dbo = Engine.theApp.databaseObjectsManager.getDatabaseObjectByQName(qname);
            StepSourceWrap ssw = (StepSourceWrap) spv.getDragData();
            // Update step source definition
            if (, ssw)) {
                XMLVector<String> sourceDefinition = new XMLVector<>(2);
                IStepSourceContainer stepSourceContainer = (IStepSourceContainer) dbo;
                root.appendChild(new SetPropertyResponse("sourceDefinition").toXml(document, qname));
Also used : CheStudio( XMLVector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector) SetPropertyResponse( HttpSession(javax.servlet.http.HttpSession) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) SourcePickerViewWrap( DatabaseObject(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject) IStepSourceContainer(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IStepSourceContainer) StepSourceWrap(

Example 37 with XMLVector

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class SourcePickerView method sourceSelected.

public void sourceSelected(StepSourceEvent stepSourceEvent) {
    DatabaseObject dbo = (DatabaseObject) stepSourceEvent.getSource();
    String xpath = stepSourceEvent.getXPath();
    String priority = "" + dbo.priority;
    XMLVector<String> stepSourceDefinition = new XMLVector<String>();
    selectedDbo = dbo;
Also used : XMLVector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector) DatabaseObject(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject)

Example 38 with XMLVector

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class SourcePickerView method showStep.

private void showStep(DatabaseObject dbo, boolean showSource) {
    if (selectedDbo == null)
    String priority, xpath;
    DatabaseObject dboToShow = null;
    if (showSource) {
        XMLVector<String> sourceDefinition = ((IStepSourceContainer) dbo).getSourceDefinition();
        if (!sourceDefinition.isEmpty()) {
            Long key = Long.valueOf(sourceDefinition.firstElement());
            priority = "" + key;
            xpath = sourceDefinition.lastElement();
            Step step = dbo instanceof Step ? (Step) dbo : (Step) dbo.getParent();
            dboToShow = step.getSequence().loadedSteps.get(key);
            if (dboToShow == null) {
                ConvertigoPlugin.infoMessageBox("Source is not valid!");
        } else {
            ConvertigoPlugin.infoMessageBox("Source is empty!");
    } else {
        dboToShow = dbo;
        priority = "" + dboToShow.priority;
        xpath = ".";
    XMLVector<String> stepSourceDefinition = new XMLVector<String>();
    try {
        TreeObject treeObject = ConvertigoPlugin.getDefault().getProjectExplorerView().findTreeObjectByUserObject(dboToShow);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
Also used : XMLVector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector) DatabaseObject(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject) TreeObject(com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.model.TreeObject) DatabaseObjectTreeObject(com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.model.DatabaseObjectTreeObject) Step(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Step) IStepSourceContainer(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.IStepSourceContainer)

Example 39 with XMLVector

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class TransactionWithVariables method configure.

@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void configure(Element element) throws Exception {
    String version = element.getAttribute("version");
    if (version == null) {
        String s = XMLUtils.prettyPrintDOM(element);
        EngineException ee = new EngineException("Unable to find version number for the database object \"" + getName() + "\".\nXML data: " + s);
        throw ee;
    if (, "3.1.8") < 0) {
        int len = orderedVariables.size();
        XMLVector line;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i);
            if (line.size() > 0) {
                // Include in WSDL by default
        hasChanged = true;
        Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 3.1.8");
    if (, "3.2.4") < 0) {
        int len = orderedVariables.size();
        XMLVector line;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i);
            if (line.size() > 0) {
                // Defaults to non multivalued variable
                line.add(3, Boolean.FALSE);
        hasChanged = true;
        Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 3.2.4");
    if (, "4.2.0") < 0) {
        int len = orderedVariables.size();
        XMLVector line;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i);
            if (line.size() > 0) {
                // Do not set as Personalizable by default
                line.add(4, Boolean.FALSE);
                // Sets description to variable name by default
                line.add(1, line.get(0));
        hasChanged = true;
        Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 4.2.0");
    if (, "4.3.0") < 0) {
        int len = orderedVariables.size();
        XMLVector line;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            line = (XMLVector) orderedVariables.get(i);
            if (line.size() > 0) {
                // Set cached key
                line.add(6, Boolean.TRUE);
        hasChanged = true;
        Engine.logBeans.warn("[TransactionWithVariables] The object \"" + getName() + "\" has been updated to version 4.3.0");
Also used : XMLVector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector) EngineException(com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)

Example 40 with XMLVector

use of com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector in project convertigo by convertigo.

the class Subfile method execute.

 * Applies the extraction rule to the current iJavelin object.
 * @param javelin the Javelin object.
 * @param block the current block to analyze.
 * @param blockFactory the block context of the current block.
 * @return an ExtractionRuleResult object containing the result of
 * the query.
public JavelinExtractionRuleResult execute(iJavelin javelin, Block block, BlockFactory blockFactory, org.w3c.dom.Document dom) {
    // save the screenZone so that we can restore it after the extraction of tableCUA
    XMLRectangle oldScreenZone = getSelectionScreenZone();
    XMLVector<XMLVector<Object>> oldColumns = getColumns();
    JavelinExtractionRuleResult xrs = new JavelinExtractionRuleResult();
    Block downRightBlock, topLeftBlock, blockTmp, newBlock, topActionBlock;
    int columnDataLastCharEast, columnDataLastCharWest, dataLastLine;
    int subfileMarkerLine;
    // attributes of the field of action in the table
    int actionLength = 0;
    int actionColumn = 0;
    // int actionColumnAttributes = 0;
    boolean actionColumnExists = false;
    Block lastField = null;
    boolean screenZoneSet = false;
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(endString, ",", false);
    ArrayList<String> token = new ArrayList<String>(st.countTokens());
    // if screen zone has been set, use it...
    if (oldScreenZone.x != -1 || oldScreenZone.y != -1 || oldScreenZone.height != -1 || oldScreenZone.width != -1) {
        screenZoneSet = true;
    // for each string
    while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
        token.add((String) st.nextToken());
    try {
        // search of the endString among the blocks of the blockFactory
        if (token.contains(block.getText().trim()) && JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(block.attribute, endStringAttribute) && block.line >= subFileDetectionStartLine) {
            WindowedBlockManager windowedBlockManager = new WindowedBlockManager(blockFactory);
            Engine.logBeans.trace("Searching the end block in a panel.");
            if (!windowedBlockManager.searchPanel(block)) {
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
            // this line of code was not commented. I believe this was to prevent SubFile rule to be run twice. I prefer to set the xrs.newCurrentBlock
            // to the correct value. This also corrects the bug that prevented the delete blocks rule to act on the subfile marker as it was marked
            // as bFinal to true.
            // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            // !! block.bFinal = true;   !!
            // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            subfileMarkerLine = block.line;
            // if endString = "+" -> special case (Non-CUA but we can try to define the subfile)
            if (block.getText().equals("+")) {
                 * CASE "+" in the last row, in the last column
                downRightBlock = block;
                dataLastLine = downRightBlock.line;
                // as '+' is on same line as the alst row of data , add one line to subFileMarkerLine
                // do not include marker block in data
                downRightBlock = windowedBlockManager.getPreviousBlockInPanel(block);
                Engine.logBeans.trace("Down Right Block = " + downRightBlock.getText());
                block.line = block.line + 1;
            } else // if endString != "+" (most common case)
                // we look for a block directly above the endString
                downRightBlock = windowedBlockManager.getPreviousBlockInPanel(block);
                Engine.logBeans.trace("Down Right Block = " + downRightBlock.toString());
                while (downRightBlock != null && downRightBlock.line == block.line) {
                    downRightBlock = windowedBlockManager.getPreviousBlockInPanel(downRightBlock);
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("New Down Right Block = " + downRightBlock.toString());
                dataLastLine = downRightBlock.line;
            // if previous block do not contain any text, we give up creation of the table
            if (downRightBlock.length == 0) {
      "Give up subfile creation => Down Right Block length is 0 : " + downRightBlock.toString());
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
            if ((block.column + block.getText().length()) <= (downRightBlock.column + downRightBlock.getText().length()))
                columnDataLastCharEast = downRightBlock.column + downRightBlock.getText().length();
                columnDataLastCharEast = block.column + block.getText().length();
            // we move to west and search for the last block on the line (last row)
            blockTmp = downRightBlock;
            while (windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(blockTmp) != null && windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(blockTmp).line == dataLastLine) {
                blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(blockTmp);
            Engine.logBeans.trace("last block on the line (west) = " + blockTmp.toString());
            columnDataLastCharWest = blockTmp.column;
            // we check if action column exists
            if (blockTmp.type.equalsIgnoreCase("field")) {
                actionColumnExists = true;
                actionLength = blockTmp.length;
                actionColumn = blockTmp.column;
            // actionColumnAttributes = blockTmp.attribute;
            } else // maybe action column exists but not on this line
                List<Block> blockField = windowedBlockManager.getBlocksByType("field");
                for (Block blockF : blockField) {
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("block field found = " + blockF.toString());
                    if (lastField == null) {
                        if (blockF.column <= blockTmp.column && blockF.line < blockTmp.line) {
                            lastField = blockF;
                    } else {
                        if (blockF.line > lastField.line || blockF.column > lastField.column) {
                            lastField = blockF;
            // an action column, it can happen that it doesn't have a title
            if (actionColumnExists) {
                // if we are in the action column
                Engine.logBeans.trace("+++ action column exists +++");
                if (columnDataLastCharWest > blockTmp.column) {
                    columnDataLastCharWest = blockTmp.column;
                topLeftBlock = null;
            } else {
                // we are in a data column
                Engine.logBeans.trace("Searching title row in data column : " + blockTmp.getText());
                while ((windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp) != null) && (!JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, titleRowAttribute))) {
                    blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Moving to north block : " + blockTmp.getText());
                // check if the last field is in the data
                if (lastField == null || lastField.line < blockTmp.line) {
                    blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                    while (windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(blockTmp) != null) {
                        blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(blockTmp);
                        Engine.logBeans.trace("Moving to west block : " + blockTmp.getText());
                        if (columnDataLastCharWest > blockTmp.column) {
                            columnDataLastCharWest = blockTmp.column;
                    topLeftBlock = blockTmp;
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Top Left Block = " + (topLeftBlock == null ? "null" : topLeftBlock.getText()));
                } else {
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("+++ action column exists +++");
                    actionColumnExists = true;
                    if (columnDataLastCharWest > lastField.column) {
                        columnDataLastCharWest = lastField.column;
                    blockTmp = lastField;
                    topLeftBlock = null;
            if (actionColumnExists) {
                // we search the bottom of the title rows (but maybe action column doesn't have a title)
                while (// while north block of blocktmp not null
                (windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp) != null) && // and north block of blocktmp is not same attribute as titlerow
                (!JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, titleRowAttribute)) && (!JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, actionLineAttribute))) {
                    // and north block of blocktmp is not same attribute as actionsline
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Wrong title line found (" + blockTmp.line + ") ... keep searching...");
                    blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                // is north block of blocktmp the first title block of first column ?
                if (// if north block of blocktmp not null
                (windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp) != null) && // and north block of blocktmp has titlerow attribute
                (JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, titleRowAttribute)) && (goodTitleLine(windowedBlockManager, windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp)))) {
                    // and north bolck of blocktmp is on a good title line
                    // blocktmp is the last top data block of the first column
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Top of the action column= " + blockTmp.toString());
                    topActionBlock = blockTmp;
                } else {
                    // action column is not filled until top, blocktmp is not the last top line of data
                    // or action column doesn't have a title
                    Block actiontop = blockTmp;
                    // Searching a title block
                    blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getEastBlock(blockTmp);
                    blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                    // look for a title block of the second column
                    while (// while north block of blocktmp not null
                    windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp) != null && // and north block of blocktmp is the same attribute as titlerow
                    JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, titleRowAttribute)) {
                        Engine.logBeans.trace("Wrong title line found (" + blockTmp.line + ") ... keep searching...");
                        blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                    if (blockTmp == null) {
              "Give up subfile creation => Looking for title block : blockTmp is null, no more block to test.");
                        xrs.hasMatched = false;
                        xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                        return xrs;
                    } else {
                        if (// if blocktmp has same attribute as titlerow
                        JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(blockTmp.attribute, titleRowAttribute) && (goodTitleLine(windowedBlockManager, blockTmp))) {
                            // and blocktmp is on a good title line
                            Engine.logBeans.trace("Top of the action column= " + actiontop.toString());
                            topActionBlock = actiontop;
                        } else {
                  "Give up subfile creation => blockTmp is not of title attribute or is not on a good title line : " + blockTmp.toString());
                            xrs.hasMatched = false;
                            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                            return xrs;
                // go one column to the east of top action line block, and one block to the north
                blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getEastBlock(topActionBlock);
                blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                // block tmp is the first down title block of second column
                // or another column if there is no data on the east of top action line block
                Block firstTitleBlock = blockTmp;
                // go to the first row of the title rows (if many)
                while (windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp) != null && JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).attribute, titleRowAttribute) && blockTmp.line - windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp).line == 1) blockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(blockTmp);
                // we check if action column has a title
                while (// while no more block is on the top
                topActionBlock != null && // and the title row is not found
                !JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(topActionBlock.attribute, titleRowAttribute) && // and an action line is not found (we suppose that the title row must be under the actions line)
                !JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(topActionBlock.attribute, actionLineAttribute)) topActionBlock = windowedBlockManager.getNorthBlock(topActionBlock);
                if (topActionBlock != null && JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(topActionBlock.attribute, titleRowAttribute)) {
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Action column has a title");
                    topLeftBlock = topActionBlock;
                } else {
                    // we arrived on the top of the screen or on the actions line
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Action column does not have a title");
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Value of the first block of the title row : " + blockTmp.toString());
                    newBlock = new Block();
                    newBlock.column = actionColumn;
                    newBlock.length = actionLength;
                    newBlock.line = firstTitleBlock.line;
                    newBlock.attribute = titleRowAttribute;
                    newBlock.bRender = false;
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Creation of the title block of the action column : " + newBlock.toString());
                    // maybe firstTitleBlock is not the second column title, look to the west to see if there are other titles
                    while (windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(firstTitleBlock) != null) firstTitleBlock = windowedBlockManager.getWestBlock(firstTitleBlock);
                    // now firstTitleBlock is the second column title, can insert the created block after its preceding block
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Insert new title block after : " + windowedBlockManager.getPreviousBlock(firstTitleBlock).toString());
                    windowedBlockManager.insertBlock(newBlock, windowedBlockManager.getPreviousBlock(firstTitleBlock));
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("Next of the new Block : " + windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(newBlock).toString());
                    // if getNextBlock(newBlock) and newBlock are not on the same line, we've inserted the new block in the wrong place
                    if (windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(newBlock).line != newBlock.line) {
                        Engine.logBeans.trace("The new block and its next block are not on the same line. Trying to insert it on the right place.");
                        Block newBlockTmp = newBlock;
                        while (windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(newBlockTmp).line != newBlock.line) {
                            newBlockTmp = windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(newBlockTmp);
                        Engine.logBeans.trace("The previous block of the right place is : " + newBlockTmp.toString());
                        windowedBlockManager.insertBlock(newBlock, newBlockTmp);
                    topLeftBlock = newBlock;
            // Engine.logBeans.trace("---topLeftBlock.attribute="+ topLeftBlock.attribute);
            if (topLeftBlock != null && downRightBlock != null && goodTitleLine(windowedBlockManager, topLeftBlock) && topLeftBlock.line != 0 && JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(topLeftBlock.attribute, titleRowAttribute)) {
                // We search the first row of data, to give to super.execute method
                Block topLeftDataRow = topLeftBlock;
                while (windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(topLeftDataRow) != null && windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(topLeftDataRow).line == topLeftBlock.line) {
                    topLeftDataRow = windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(topLeftDataRow);
                topLeftDataRow = windowedBlockManager.getNextBlock(topLeftDataRow);
                // Set line of actions and finding columns of the table
                if (actionColumnExists) {
                    int checkAction = extractActionsLine(windowedBlockManager, topLeftBlock);
                    if (checkAction == 0)
                } else
                columnTitleWest = javelin.getScreenWidth();
                columnTitleEast = 0;
                setColumns(createTitleColumns(windowedBlockManager, topLeftBlock, downRightBlock.line, columnDataLastCharEast));
                Engine.logBeans.trace("##### Columns: " + getColumns());
                XMLRectangle mySelectionScreenZone = new XMLRectangle(Math.min(columnDataLastCharWest, columnTitleWest), topLeftBlock.line + 1, (Math.max(columnDataLastCharEast, columnTitleEast) - topLeftBlock.column) + 1, subfileMarkerLine - topLeftBlock.line - 1);
                if (screenZoneSet)
                // set the offset to 1 this will result in the table to be shifted up one line
                if (actionColumnExists)
                // removing the subfile blocks from their panel.
                Block panel = windowedBlockManager.getPanel();
                if (panel != null) {
                    Engine.logBeans.trace("SelectionScreenZone: " + getSelectionScreenZone().toString());
                    for (Block panelChildBlock : new ArrayList<Block>(panel.getOptionalBlockChildren())) {
                        Engine.logBeans.trace("Trying to remove from Panel: " + panelChildBlock.toString());
                        if (// data line
                        getSelectionScreenZone().contains(panelChildBlock.column, panelChildBlock.line, panelChildBlock.length, 1) || (JavelinUtils.isSameAttribute(panelChildBlock.attribute, actionLineAttribute) && panelChildBlock.line < getSelectionScreenZone().y && panelChildBlock.line >= getSelectionScreenZone().y + getLineActions())) {
                            // action line
                Engine.logBeans.trace("columnDataLastCharWest=" + columnDataLastCharWest + "; topLeftBlock-line=" + topLeftBlock.line + "; downright-col= " + columnDataLastCharEast + "; downright-line= " + downRightBlock.line);
                xrs = super.execute(javelin, topLeftDataRow, blockFactory, dom);
                table.setOptionalAttribute("subfile", "true");
                table.setOptionalAttribute("titleheight", Integer.toString(titleHeight + 1));
                // block still contains the end of sub file marker .. set the newCurrentBlock to this block
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
            } else {
      "Give up subfile creation => Down Right Block is null              				: " + downRightBlock.toString());
      "                         OR Top Left Block is null or not of title attribute 	: " + (topLeftBlock == null ? "null" : topLeftBlock.toString()));
                xrs.hasMatched = false;
                xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
                return xrs;
        } else {
            xrs.hasMatched = false;
            xrs.newCurrentBlock = block;
            return xrs;
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        Engine.logBeans.error("NullPointerException while executing the Subfile extraction rule", e);
        xrs.hasMatched = false;
        xrs.newCurrentBlock = blockFactory.getLastBlock();
        return xrs;
Also used : XMLVector(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StringTokenizer(java.util.StringTokenizer) JavelinExtractionRuleResult(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.extractionrules.JavelinExtractionRuleResult) XMLRectangle(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLRectangle) Block(com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)


XMLVector (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.common.XMLVector)51 DatabaseObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.DatabaseObject)19 EngineException (com.twinsoft.convertigo.engine.EngineException)15 Element (org.w3c.dom.Element)15 IOException ( NodeList (org.w3c.dom.NodeList)8 RequestableHttpVariable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableHttpVariable)7 RequestableVariable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.variables.RequestableVariable)7 TreeObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.model.TreeObject)7 DatabaseObjectTreeObject (com.twinsoft.convertigo.eclipse.views.projectexplorer.model.DatabaseObjectTreeObject)6 Shell (org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell)6 Step (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Step)5 InvocationTargetException (java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException)5 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 Document (org.w3c.dom.Document)5 Block (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Block)4 Sequence (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Sequence)4 StepWithExpressions (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.StepWithExpressions)4 TestCase (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.TestCase)4 Variable (com.twinsoft.convertigo.beans.core.Variable)4